Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1151: Power against the sky

Looking back carefully, Lu Chuan came to a conclusion.

The universe is huge and all-encompassing. There are many planets and star fields with life stars, but they are too far apart. They are all measured in light-years, even one life within a radius of 100,000 light-years. star.

   In this case, it is basically impossible to become an alien on another planet.

   Another point, the existence of a star of life does not mean that there will be intelligent life, but it may also be a star of low-level life.

   I don't know how many trillions of life stars, there are various life forms, and they exist in various forms. Maybe there are high-level life stars like the earth, with human beings who dominate the earth, but they will be ordinary and have no ability to overturn the sea.

  Some planets belong to supernatural planets, and the life forms in them will have the same power as the destruction.

   Take the previous wind-eater corpse wolves, their planets are supernatural planets, so that every kind of life form, in human measurement standards, is completely beyond imagination.

Supernatural planets also have billions of trillions, which is difficult to estimate. It is just the insignificance of human beings. It is impossible to explore these supernatural planets. After all, the entire galaxy has only one life star on the earth. The future of mankind is calculated in tens of thousands of years. It is difficult to leave the galaxy.

   And among these billion trillion supernatural planets, it is inevitable that there will be some planets similar to the earth, which are invaded by viruses and become zombie stars.

  The choice of the ninth-level space is to select the infected and qualified ones from the supernatural planets of these billion trillions, and include it into the ninth-level space planets.

   This is why in the nine-level space, the first core element is virus infection, and the second is powerful, which meets the requirements of the nine-level space.

   The universe is too big. Even if it is tens of billions of light-years, it is difficult to break through the boundaries of the universe. Without knowing how many billions of trillions of planets, the various kinds of life forms produced are unimaginable.

   Don't doubt all this, as long as you enlarge your imagination, everything is possible.

   Lu Chuan sighed slightly, he didn't care about everything in the ninth level space, but sighed at the supernatural power that controls all of this, incredible, beyond imagination, and breaking through the boundaries that his head can imagine...

   So the question is, what makes it do this, and what does it want?

   gave Lu Chuan the feeling that his billion-dollar biochemical factory owner is actually just a **** of others.

   No, everyone is a pawn, and it is still too much for most people.

   From the emergence of the City of Competitiveness, Lu Chuan realized that in fact, most of the people would be playing in the big waves, just as a foil for the chess pieces, in order to be able to get out of those who have the qualifications of chess pieces.

   Obviously, the 9th level space is just an exam question. Once it is completed, you will have the qualifications of a chess piece, but you can’t go... I’m sorry, it’s your luck to go back alive, and you die if you die. Perhaps in its eyes, the dead have also enjoyed the peak power of the world for tens of hundreds of years, and it should be worth it.

   Lu Chuan made a self-deprecating laugh. Who would have thought that a person like himself would not even be qualified for chess pieces now?

   Even if you have the qualifications for chess pieces, what's next?

   Chess pieces are mostly sacrificed.

   Being on this windy and snowy planet, Lu Chuan felt that he seemed to be sober so rarely. Looking up, there is whiteness, and it is still infinitely murderous.

   just killed this group of Snow Demon Lords. In the current idle period, Lu Chuan is already able to advance and retreat.

   The only bad news may be that the Blue Wings has been consumed too much, I am afraid that there is no power to fight.

   Lu Chuan did not gather the dolphins, but allowed them to spread, but Lu Chuan himself retreated to the light gate that he had been far away from before.

   Dolphins led Luchuan to the front of Guangmen, and then stood still.

   Once what happens, Lu Chuan can leave as soon as possible, and then the dolphins will automatically disappear, and they will be taken back to their original positions by Lu Chuan.

   It's rare to come in, and it is impossible for Lu Chuan to leave like this.

   Lu Chuan also understood some of the rules of the ninth-level space. For example, the location where anyone enters and teleports to will definitely be the location with the ninth-level zombies, and you need to accept the same blows as the ninth-level zombies.

   If I can carry it, I still have free time for you before the next wave.

  If you can't carry it, the first two of the three laws of nine-level space that you have previously discussed are waiting for you to choose.

   Even if it was carried, it must have suffered a heavy loss, and there is no power to fight, and it is still necessary to withdraw from the ninth level. When the next entry is made, this rule will be repeated again.

  Only when you have enough ninth-level zombies in your hands, can you stand in the ninth-level space and become Zheng

   After a wave of neighbors, Lu Chuan grasped the initiative and could advance or retreat.

   Now, Lu Chuan wants to see what he will encounter next.

   There is only one rule to break through the ninth-level space. This is to have nine different ninth-level zombies, and there is no limit in the number. Even if you are the same kind, you can break through the ninth level.

   If you are lucky, you can have one of these unlimited. The key is that you have to kill the same amount.

   Taking advantage of this short waiting time, began to count his own harvest.

   "Thirty-seven Snow Demon Lords."

   For this result, Lu Chuan's mouth can hardly be closed. This is a level 9 zombies, and each one can carry over 100 million level 8 zombies.

   With the Blue Wing Envoy and the Devouring Wind, he had thirty-nine level nine zombies in his hands, enough to make Lu Chuan proud.

   As long as they are all manufactured, Lu Chuan's strength is probably a qualitative leap.

   From this point of view, it also proved the strength of the Blue Wings.

   "As long as it is not so unlucky, I should be able to break through the ninth level of the Blue Wing Envoy." Lu Chuan thought optimistically.

   But in Lu Chuan's heart, he wanted to see what kind of planet the Blue Wings were on, what kind of planet it was that could produce this kind of race indistinguishable from humans.

The key point is that after seeing the beauty of Blue Wings more, Lu Chuan found that his aesthetics had improved too much. Previously, Ye Lingwei and the others were considered to be the best in the world, but now it seems that they can be classified as such. Zheng

   but lower than Ye Lingwei and their looks, there is a totally unsightly blessing

   Lu Chuan knew this feeling, it was really bad, Ye Lingwei and the others were his own wives, and the Blue Wing Envoy became bigger and it was a monster.

  If the planet where the Blue Wing Envoy is located is all supernatural-level beauties like the Blue Wing Envoy, know what happiness will be like as a man, at least in terms of visual enjoyment?

   Sometimes, as a male Rao Lu Chuan, I want to find out if the Blue Wingshi's body is exactly the same as a human being?

   Of course, if you give Lu Chuan a hundred guts, Lu Chuan doesn't dare to play like that. The Blue Wings is awesome, Lu Chuan knows it, if it becomes a corpse, he will definitely not benefit.

   Throwing away his evil thoughts, Lu Chuan's consciousness released, and the dolphins were connected by Lu Chuan, forming a net that had spanned more than a hundred kilometers.

   Within this network, Lu Chuan’s consciousness can be reached, and he can know the pull within this range.

   Soon, you can see far away, several super giants appeared, their bodies were covered with thick scale armor, some of them were holding a huge boulder, step by step towards the location of Luchuan.

How to describe   ? These are super giants with a height of three or four hundred meters, just like King Kong in the movie, but King Kong is in front of them like ants.

   Their features are beastly, and their muscles are like rocks, giving a huge visual impact.

   Three or four hundred meters high super giant, what is this concept?

   It's like several skyscrapers are moving, they almost touch the world. In their eyes, Lu Chuan was as insignificant as a sesame. Even the porpoise dragon, in front of them, is more like a fly.

   Lu Chuan was shocked, the size of the wind-eater corpse wolf was nothing in front of them, it is estimated that the stone in their hands fell down, and the corpse wolf did not know whether it could bear it.

   Lu Chuan counted and reached seven.

   They moved, rumbling loudly, some mountains were trampled by them, leaving a huge footprint, and the mountains collapsed.

   From a distance, one of the tallest giants suddenly picked up the huge boulder in his hand. After letting go, the huge boulder popped out like a cannon, and hurled it towards the dolphins in the air.

  Compared with their size, this huge boulder is 100 meters in size. It roars and rotates in the air, sweeping the porpoise dragon wherever it goes. As long as the porpoise in contact with the boulder is like a fly on a fly swatter, everything is torn apart and turned into a mess.

   Under the blessing of the opponent's strength, the boulder has been cast away unabated, and the porpoise dragons cannot stop it at all.

  Unimaginable power, after the boulder flew more than ten kilometers, it finally rested, showing a parabolic fall. It's just that it swept this way. Although the dolphins killed were not many, more than a hundred, but its attack form was shocking enough.

   The boulder is full of blood from a scarlet, I don't know how much meat is on it.

The stones fell. These some had scales and seemed to be giants composed of rock muscles. They hit some mountains, and the big rocks were cracked by them. Then they picked them up, lifted their arms, and pulled these stones The pieces flew out like a cannonball.

   These boulders are too fast, only to see their movements, the boulders are already sweeping among the dolphins.

   Seven of them attacked at the same time.

They have no range attack, but their power is too reversible. It is possible that hundreds or hundreds of tons of boulders can be treated as nothing by them, and they can throw dozens of kilometers. Even if Superman is in front of them, in terms of power, I am afraid It's far behind.

   Lu Chuan's understanding of zombies is still very clear. Power and defense often coexist. With such terrifying power, their defense power is also inverse.

   There is no area attack, but it is almost impossible to kill them.

  Strength and defense make them invincible, and they can calmly slaughter people and zombies who enter. They may kill slowly, but they can kill slowly. As time delays, more and more other corpse species will arrive.

   In other words, they are more like physical shields, waiting for other ninth-level zombies with terrifying range to come.

   Lu Chuan frowned, he was optional to advance or retreat, but Lu Chuan's original intention was to kill one or two, but this kind of super defensive giant cannot be killed in a short time.

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