Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1156: Within 0 years

   The cohesion of human beings can never be formed consciously, but external forces.

   In the last days, why can human beings unite?

   It is because under the external force of zombies, human beings can only rely on the unity of people to defeat them and obtain space for survival.


   Human beings are making progress, but it will undoubtedly take too long for this kind of progress to reach the cosmic age.

   Lu Chuan knew that he had a lifespan that far surpassed them, but what about it, he wanted to see this day earlier, only to accelerate the progress of mankind.

   But to break the modern process, unless there is war, why should Lu Chuan speed up this process?

   War is possible, and it is not what Lu Chuan wants. Naturally, he can only use this stimulating method.

   Keep throwing out the things that unite human beings, so that they can be united naturally, and worry that they will not cooperate or cooperate?

   Lu Chuan can't take care of the future, but can take care of it for a thousand years.

   And in the past thousand years, countries in the world must have worked hard for the planets in the solar system. How could it be possible to use the technique of avatars, split wars, etc.?

   Mars, Luchuan, this is the best place, and the best thing left is Venus.

   A Venus, based on the current world population, plus construction and other cycles, there are no hundreds of years, no need to think about other things. A few hundred years later, it was only stable. If you want to do something, it will take a thousand years.

   Don't say that the population will explode. In Lu Chuan's view, he still thinks too much.

   China is open to second children, and experts worry about whether the population will explode and it will be difficult to control. As a result, the second child was opened up and the population was still in a state of negative growth. I really don't know how many experts who predicted before have lost their eyes.

   No way, their thinking is still in the past.

   What can I do before, every day is dark, there is no entertainment, except for the mess between husband and wife. Yes, without contraceptive measures, it is natural to keep giving birth. In addition, people's requirements for children are to eat enough. Without educational requirements, they naturally let go.

   But the times are different, there is more entertainment, and people's energy is no longer such a thing.

  Moreover, expenditures on education and medical care, as well as the pursuit of quality of life, have led to an increasing burden on the family. Who would dare to live more? One is about to go bankrupt, can you pay for two?

   In the future, even if the welfare keeps up, but when it comes to giving birth, I am afraid that most of the people who are used to enjoying it will be only one, a few two or three, but it will not affect.

   In this way, Venus was once the star of life, and there are other planets that can source interstellar energy and minerals. There is no pressure of living space at all. Who would think that you don't want a good life, and you have to live and die?

   What's more, my own Mars also possesses oppressive power, so I'm really not afraid that they will make waves.

   The current planetary converter, Lu Chuan is a hope and future for them.

  Lu Chuan doesn't own the technology, so there is definitely no way to give them. However, they can obtain planetary converters by using money and conditions.

   too expensive?

   It doesn’t matter, you can gather so many countries together, take the party who contributes the most and make the most of the money, slowly add up and talk slowly. Yes, let's talk about Venus. How to divide Venus, how much square do you, how much square mine, you have so many countries combined, Lu Chuan will not interfere.

   In order to serve them, Lu Chuan also intimately provided them with the most comprehensive geological report of Venus, as well as climate reports, and maps accurate to the centimeter.

  Look, it's completely service to the heart, what else is unsatisfactory?

   In fact, it was the same as Lu Chuan thought.

When Zhong Huai’s representative of Baichuanguihai Group Co., Ltd. provided this kind of solution, all countries in the world have red eyes. First they called all the elite soldiers of their own countries and summed them together, and then there was endless quarrels. , For the distribution on Venus.

   Venus needs at least eight planetary converters. Countries need to work together to collect the money and conditions required for these eight planetary converters, and then determine the location and area of ​​Venus according to the amount of effort.

   So, the heads of each country are all violently thinking about how to use the most funds to profit from it without affecting the foundation of the country?

   The transformation of Venus is not possible in ten or eight years, it may take decades.

   For decades, some of them can't wait and can't see it. But this is the future of the country. As leaders, they naturally have to lay a good foundation and prepare for the future of future generations and the country.

   If lagging behind others in the age of the universe, in the future, the country may all perish.

   As long as there is a future, everything is possible in the future.

   Under this kind of thinking, every country has tried its best to eat milk.

   For a time, Baichuan Guihai Group Company guided the wind direction of the world.


   "Unexpectedly, the sum of the world's money would be so terrifying..." No matter how indifferent Zhong Hua was, at this moment, there was a feeling that he was not calm enough.

   No way, the money needed for the eight planetary converters is beyond imagination.

   In addition, the conditions that were previously unwilling to open to the Baichuan Guihai Group Company are now open. Let Baichuanguihai Group Company feel like a fish in water, and there will be no more restraint.

   Actually speaking, the so-called temperance is just a trace of Lu Chuan's reason. Otherwise, with the strength of Baichuan Guihai Group, no one can control Lu Chuan.

   compulsory, and this kind of justifiably obedient, is psychologically different.

   The price of eight planetary converters almost wiped out global wealth. Even Lu Chuan doesn't know how much money is now. Anyway, it has reached the point where it can never be spent.

   Making money is not the purpose. Lu Chuan’s purpose is actually to find something for them to do.

Lu Chuan laughed and said: "In human history, it has been making money almost at full power. Over time, the accumulated wealth is naturally hard to estimate. Don’t look at the amount of money, but when it comes to the total level of history, it’s just a small waste. That's it."

   Not to mention, this matter, in a few years, it is estimated that there will be no result.

   The matter you fight for me can’t be solved by the military, you can only use your mouth, so that small countries have the courage to say a few words, and there will be results in a few years, which is considered good.

   In this way, Hyundai doesn't need to worry about Lu Chuan at all.

   took time out, took his wives and children to play around, accompany his parents at home, and occasionally returned to China’s hometown. It's really boring, so I will find the leaders of all countries to have tea and talk about life.

   Before this day, I didn't dare to think about killing Lu Chuan.

   Today's Lu Chuan has a high status and can be called the first person. Wherever he went, every country was greeted with the highest style, and countless citizens enthusiastically cheered the arrival.

It’s a pity that Lu Chuan’s style of behavior rarely follows a formal way. He always comes when he wants to come, and does not require any formal welcoming ceremony. Maybe in the morning and North America drinking the White House morning tea, maybe at noon in the polar bear. Enjoying vodka, and eating steak with the prince at Buckingham Palace in the evening.

   After a long time, the world will understand Lu Chuan.

   is usually approachable, without any ostentation and pomp, and doesn’t like too much etiquette.

   Naturally, slowly the world will accept Lu Chuan's approach, and he will not be surprised at his sudden appearance, let alone greet him with any big move.

   In a word, let Lu Chuan treat the world as his home, and come as he pleases.


   The recovery of the blue wing angel took one and a half months.

   When Lu Chuan returned to Mercury in the last days, the giant thorns in the starry sky had been manufactured, and the wind-eater and the blue-winged angel had recovered. And the manufacture of the first Kaitian giant can be completed in a few days.

   Luchuan spent several days patrolling the underground city on Mercury.

  Wait until the first Kaitian giant was created, Lu Chuan arrived in the city of competition for the first time.

   Eight planetary converters and Lu Chuan need to build accelerators. They all need competitive points to redeem. Naturally, you have to work harder. It is time to harvest a wave of leaderboards.

  The city of competition.

   Lu Chuan appeared, and he saw the message, which was full of Mozak's furious abuse. It was Zhao Qingtan who also left a message, blaming Lu Chuan for breaking the rules.

   "Hehe..." Lu Chuan sneered.

   Break the rules?

   Only officials can set fires, and people are not allowed to light the lights?

   When they were plotting against themselves, if the blue-winged angels hadn't given them some strength, they would have capsized. On breaking the rules, are they?

   "Say that I broke the rules, hehe, in this case, I will destroy it completely." Lu Chuan is also a ruthless person, and the existence of the top circle is because they think they control the information about the nine-level space.

   If this layer is removed, the top-level circle will have a scale of more than a hundred people, which is nothing compared to today's competitive city.

   Quite simply, Lu Chuan left the villa and did not go to the sports center, but appeared in front of Guangmen.

   Most of the people at the light gate here are people with ideas, and their strength naturally goes without saying. It’s not enough to enter the top circle, but it’s not necessarily too much.

The appearance of    Lu Chuan caused a sensation and boiling.

   Today, Lu Chuan's reputation in the city of competition is far greater than that of Mozak. There is no other reason. Lu Chuan unselfishly disclosed the information of the 9th level space, which benefited not many Another one is that the appearance of Lu Chuan this time means that Lu Chuan's strength has increased again. Now Lu Chuan, who succeeded twice, plus the blue-winged angel in his hand, is already the top boss with three ninth-level spaces in his hand.

   Lu Chuan did not talk nonsense, and directly announced that he would form an organization with no threshold. Anything can be added to enjoy the first-hand information about the nine-level space.

   As soon as this decision was announced, it caused an unimaginable sensation, and everyone was calling for friends.

   Such a rare opportunity is cherished by everyone.

   Lu Chuan is already a person who has proved his success with his own experience, and Lu Chuan has a bright future. The information on the ninth level of space is too tempting for a motivated person.

  For those who don't want to be motivated, it doesn't hurt to join in. After all, the obligations in Lu Chuan's announcement are basically non-binding and have no binding force.

   For a time, countless people surrounded Luchuan, holding their hands high to sign up.

   Lu Chuan’s communicator immediately listed rows of names. They were all applicants, and they joined Lu Chuan into the communicator.

   Lu Chuan then pulled them into a functional circle similar to a group in the communicator. It was already obvious that more than two thousand people had joined, which was enough to see everyone's madness.

   Fortunately, all these operations can be done with thoughts, and it didn't make Lu Chuan busy. .

   "Aren't they centering on the information of level 9 space? I will let them know now that the outer garment of their top circle is like paper, which is torn after a poke."

   Lu Chuan sneered.

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