Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1171: Push the process

July 1.

Modern Earth North America took the lead in paying this extremely high price for the planetary converter, and obtained the right to use the three planetary converters.

And this deal almost emptied the old bottom of North America.

However, from this result, it is not difficult to see how deep the economic heritage of North America is.

These are three planetary converters, each of which cannot be undertaken by ordinary countries.

Immediately, the European Union announced the purchase of four planetary converters.

The Middle East Alliance led by Saudi Arabia announced the purchase of four planetary converters.

Huaxia announced the purchase of three planetary converters, the same as in North America.

The economic strength of the polar bears only allowed them to purchase three planetary converters.

The economic strength of the island country is indeed very good, and I bought two.

Other countries have also formed several different alliances, and they have tried their best to purchase one. When they come back, there are as many as five.

Add up to twenty-four.

Baichuanguihai Group announced the data on the conversion of 24 planetary converters to Venus. The 24 planetary converters were activated at the same time. It only takes one year and seven months to successfully convert Venus and have a stable and reliable atmosphere.

Within three years, Venus can be stabilized and vegetation can be planted.

Within five years, humans can move to Venus with certain assistance.

Within ten years, Venus could become the second earth.

Once this data was released, it immediately caused a worldwide sensation. Countless people are running around and telling each other. In ten years, how many people can see this scene in their lifetime?

At the same time, Baichuanguihai Group also announced the area of ​​Venus owned by all countries in the world.

According to the number of planet converters purchased, the division is very fair and avoids the form of war.

Baichuanguihai Group Corporation will provide the technology of primary spacecraft so that countries around the world have the ability to travel to Venus. This technology authorization will also not be free, and it will also require huge funds to purchase.

From this moment, Baichuan Guihai Group Company also officially announced that mankind has entered the era of primary universe.

In the earth, everyone is so excited that it is hard to self.

Various countries have begun to conduct construction and design based on the Venus map data provided by Baichuan Guihai Group. In a few years, the transformation will be completed, and they have to prepare in advance.

Naturally, the importance of Venus needless to say. Although the resources on the earth have not reached the limit, the time that humans can squander is less than a hundred years.

If there had not been the emergence of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, perhaps the Third World War would have occurred in decades.

It is not an exaggeration. Resources can never be warped after they wither. All countries will have foresight. When resources cannot be provided, it is when the war is launched, in order to compete for resources.

The weak eat the strong, the weak countries cannot hold the resources in their hands, and will only be plundered by the big countries.

For these resources, countries will fight against each other.

As long as the big powers act together, the world will be turbulent and the conditions for the third world war will be formed. Countries will not stand idly by, they will scrutinize and launch targeted wars.

In many cases, the reasons for wars are artificially created. With any small excuse, the steel army will be blasted off by directly declaring war with any excuse.

It can be said that Baichuan Guihai Group successfully resolved these contradictions.

The resources on Venus, as well as those on Mercury, will be owned and mined by countries with spacecraft technology. With the resources of these planets, the earth will not have to worry about resource issues for at least thousands of years.

After this period of time and the accumulation of technology, mankind will have enough technology to mine resources like Jupiter, Saturn, etc., without worrying about resources at all.

Those who understand can think of this, but ordinary people don't think so.

In other words, careerists will not try to pierce this.

The price of the planetary converter sold by Baichuan Guihai Group Company is so high that all countries are biting their teeth and paying. This has caused financial difficulties for all countries. Naturally, people will not be well, and some social conflicts will also escalate. .

Too many people in various countries originally protested against the Baichuan Guihai Group Company. Now more people have joined in. Except for a few countries such as China, North America and the European Union, there have been demonstrations from time to time, demanding the United Nations to return to all rivers. Hai Group Company imposed anti-monopoly sanctions.

Driven by them, or driven by some caring people, it will be staged every day, and there is a trend of getting stronger and stronger.

Countries are naturally suppressed. Ordinary people don't know the horror of Baichuan Guihai Group, but the senior leaders of various countries know it. There are too many things that ordinary people don't understand, and Baichuan Guihai Group has reached a point where it cannot be covered.

Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation has penetrated into all walks of life, and has Mars City as a rear, plus space battleships, etc. It is not an exaggeration to say that if Baichuan Guihai Group Company does not die, it will definitely not die.

Demonstrations and protest marches are absolutely detrimental to the country. Once the Baichuan Guihai Group Company reduces its technical authorization, it will continue with other countries.

Unable to participate in the universe age, will be destined to be abandoned by this world, and eventually the country will not exist.

It is not an exaggeration. The former British Empire seized the opportunity of the great nautical era and created an empire that never sets. However, the Ming Empire and the Qing Dynasty closed the country, and eventually fell from the center of the world to only a few thousand people. They captured the capital and burned a certain garden...

The completely different result is a model abandoned by the times.

And this kind of suppression often escalates the conflict between the two parties, which will stimulate more changes in the situation.

The whole earth, with the advent of the primary universe age, became restless.


Lu Chuan returned to Hyundai from Federal City after a week of inspections in the end times.

"Boss, what the world is saying right now is not very beneficial to you."

For the first time, Xiao Wei appeared in front of Lu Chuan, using a holographic projection. With a stroke of its hand, it formed a virtual screen in front of Lu Chuan with some news listed on it.

Lu Chuan glanced a few times, with a touch of indifferent expression on his face, and sneered.

An Tong delivered coffee to Lu Chuan the first time, and then stood beside Lu Chuan without speaking.

Lu Chuan took a faint sip of coffee and praised: "Yes, An Tong, your level of coffee is getting higher and higher, and you always know my taste."

An Tong just smiled, shaking his chest, and there was a raging wave.

It’s a pity that Lu Chuan has become accustomed to all this. He took a sip of coffee and said quietly, “Don’t worry, countries will handle it for me. First, they and Baichuan Guihai are now on their honeymoon. Second, Venus has not developed. After getting up, none of them will make excessive moves."

In fact, there is a third point. If Lu Chuan had no further ambitions, they would not have guilty with Lu Chuan now.

They have no courage for the strength shown by Baichuan Guihai Group.

As long as Lu Chuan doesn't persecute them, everyone will be pretty fine. Under the strength of the Baichuan Guihai Group, they can even give up some conditions that are not excessive.

Is Lu Chuan ambitious?

Say no, the outside world may not believe it. In fact, Lu Chuan really has no ambitions.

The first purpose of the development of Baichuanguihai Group Company is actually to make money and earn enough money for their own use. The second is to make Baichuan Guihai Group Company stronger, strong enough to protect itself.

God knows how many threats and assassinations he has received this way.

If he were not strong enough, he would have died long ago.

Now that both goals have been achieved, Lu Chuan has nothing to do. In fact, some of the technologies of Baichuan Guihai Group Company will eventually be slowly handed over to this world.

In the future of mankind, Lu Chuan still hopes to get better and better.

If there is ambition, in the last days, Lu Chuan has realized his ambition. In the last days, he is the emperor, ruling the world, and standing on the pinnacle of mankind. What ambition is greater than this one?

In modern times, the feeling given to Lu Chuan is actually a place to relax. Here, you can live like an ordinary person without worrying about anything.

After all, in his heart, Lu Chuan has the deepest feelings for modern times.

Let's put it this way, if all countries on the earth are in peace, Lu Chuan will slowly promote the development of the earth. For example, human life span, disease, and technology, etc.

In terms of contribution, the planetary converter provided by Lu Chuan, as well as the spacecraft technology, opened up Venus to mankind, and all mankind should be grateful to Lu Chuan for this contribution. If this is not the case, human beings will continue to war, and World War III will break out in the near future.

What will happen to the third world war with nuclear weapons?

Perhaps the end of mankind is not necessarily the case. Nuclear weapons are more like a gift from demons to mankind, intended to destroy mankind.

In the entire galaxy, Lu Chuan knew that within 100,000 light-years, humans were the only one. Previously, the planets that humans thought might have life, did indeed have life, but they were only primitive, and they were still in the age of ignorance.

In other words, humans are the only intelligent life in the galaxy.

Outside the Milky Way, Lu Chuan is sure that there will be aliens, and the level of civilization is lower than that of humans, and some are higher than humans. But this one spans hundreds of thousands of light-years and perfectly protects mankind with a distance of 100 million

For hundreds of millions of years, humans will not have to worry about being impacted by aliens. Looking at the universe, how lucky are humans?

Let's put it this way, if human beings do not die, they really won't die.

Based on this, Lu Chuan believed that nuclear weapons were actually a gift from the devil to mankind, and he was not at ease.

An Anxin develops the earth and turns Venus and Mars into habitable planets. Go out of the solar system step by step, transform some planets in the galaxy, and slowly turn the galaxy into a human galaxy.

If you really go like this, it must have been hundreds of millions of years. Hello, me, hello, everyone, there is no need to argue.

In the vast and vast universe, human beings are too small, trapped in the Milky Way galaxy for hundreds of millions of years, and hundreds of millions of stars can allow humans to develop and transform.

What Lu Chuan wants to promote now is the progress of mankind, so that mankind has the ability to go out. When there are countless resources that can be exploited, all countries have an indisputable mentality. This will maximize the use of nuclear weapons. The role of the weakened.

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