Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1175: Let go


When Matsuda saw the three blue-winged angels standing in front of his group of zombies, he was taken aback. He always thought that his opponent would be the same this time, except that he had a huge number of eighth-level zombies.

But he didn't expect that what he saw now was a ninth-level zombie.

Moreover, there are still three.

In Matsuda's imagination, in such a huge fighting space, it is impossible to have contact with each other within a few hours. In this battle, he was ready to fight for several days.


In just a few minutes, three blue-winged angels appeared in front of him. How could Matsuda accept this?

This kind of speed is really terrible.

Looking at the three blue-winged angels hovering in front of him, even Matsuda, who was ignorant, knew they were terrible. As long as it touches the ninth-level zombies, it is a terrifying existence.

As a member of the veteran level in the top circle, Matsuda naturally knows a standard set by the top circle, which is one to one hundred million.

I don't know how many people's blood and tears have passed before a standard.

It was through understanding that Matsuda realized what kind of existence his opponent would be this time.

"It's over!"

Uncontrollably, this thought came to Matsuda's head, and he suddenly felt that everything was lost.

The feeling of facing ninth-level zombies, even if they didn't start fighting, it still made Matsuda's hands and feet cold, and he felt pale. The countless materials in the top circle all tell the terrible ninth-level space.

Now, he encountered an opponent with a level 9 zombies.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he now seems to be in a ninth level space. The only difference may be that he still has a way back, unlike the ninth level space, which is endless.

Without being in the position of Matsuda, you will never know how this feeling of despair spreads all over the body, it is soft that makes people feel weak even when standing still.

Matsuda's mind was naturally strong, his face began to recover blood after a few short seconds, his eyes were no longer out of focus, and the whole person seemed to have returned to his soul.

Immediately, he was deeply unwilling and occupied Matsuda's heart.

His hard work for hundreds of years will be destroyed once?

No, he is not reconciled.

In addition, he realized one thing, the other party did not seem to want to fight, but wanted to use this kind of deterrence to make himself surrender, and thus chose to surrender, so that he could win the victory without blood.

"It's really a good calculation." Matsuda felt extremely aggrieved in his heart. The other party completely regarded him as a soft persimmon, and he could pinch him whatever he wanted?

But this kind of aggrieved, he can only accept, because he can't resist?

For a while, Matsuda's heart was struggling.

He has ruled the earth for hundreds of years, and the assets he owns cannot even be calculated. If this fails, he will give him 30%. In terms of his character, it is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Once 30% is deducted, how long will it take for him to make up for this loss?

Needless to say, this will take a long, long time, and it may not work for 20 years.

Twenty years, even Matsuda is not sure if he can live so long. The eighth level gene has given him more than 500 years of life. He already has a hunch that his limit will not be too long.

Either break through the 9th level space and inject 9th level genetic enhancement medicine, or just wait for death.

The silver lining, of course, is to break through the ninth level.

But now Lu Chuan appeared, extinguishing his hope. In this battle, if he retreats, maybe he will never have a chance to stand up again.

In other words, Lu Chuan accidentally forced him to a desperate situation.

"Bah, baah, bastard, bastard..."

Matsuda felt that he was starting to become violent. This kind of despair that was forced into desperation and had to fight, made Matsuda crazy, his eyes became red, and he stared at the three hanging blues in the sky. Wing angel.

Soon, Matsuda discovered that these blue-winged angels seemed to be too close to him.

Matsuda's combat experience is very rich. When he entered the combat space, he had already put the porpoise dragon into a combat state. In other words, these blue-winged angels are within the attack range of the porpoise dragon group, and the porpoise dragon is already in a state of being ready to attack.


Inwardly, Matsuda realized this was an opportunity.

As long as he kills the opponent's blue-winged angel in one fell swoop, he might turn over.

The other party pushed himself to the corner, this was a straw that crushed Song Tian's inner struggle, not a straw for surrender, but a straw for desperate efforts. In the limited life span, no one can stop Matsuda, no matter who it is.

"No matter who it is, as long as it stops me, he will die, he must die..."

Matsuda's eyes were red, and the next moment, he did not hesitate to issue an attack command to the porpoise dragons: "Kill them, kill them."

Matsuda roared ventingly, seeming to exhaust all his strength.

The porpoise dragons who received the instruction almost simultaneously, countless time and space light erupted out, dyeing the entire sky into daylight, except for white or white.

The crocodile dragon corpses in the sky rolled, flapping their tails, and pounced toward the direction of the blue-winged angel. Their huge bodies moved at an astonishing speed.

When Matsuda did not launch an attack, everyone thought he was hesitating, but he didn't expect that he would dare to do it.

In fact, they are not surprised, because the spectators used the perspective of God and they knew Lu Chuan's strength. But Matsuda doesn't have this ability, he just thinks it is just now. Unwilling to make him lose his judgment.

Indeed, sometimes it loses its sanity and makes people ignorant of thinking.


Did Lu Chuan think of it?

I can't say I didn't think of it, and I can't say I thought of it.

The blue-winged angel is always on alert. The reason why Lu Chuan feels relieved is that the blue-winged angel has the teleport ability. No matter what the situation is, as long as the other party moves, the blue-winged angel can escape.

In fact, Lu Chuan's vision has always been on these zombies in Songtian.

He was also observing the opponent. When he saw that the opponent did not surrender immediately, Lu Chuan had already increased his vigilance, but Lu Chuan did not believe that the opponent would be so irrational and dared to fight himself.

Hesitating, it seemed that the other zombies stopped all their actions, and the battlefield became silently silent.

"Kill them, kill them..."

It wasn't until he heard this kind of roar that Lu Chuan realized that the other party's hesitation finally came to fruition, it turned out to be a battle with himself.

I have to say that Lu Chuan admires each other.


"stupid guy!"

Lu Chuan spit out. If the opponent doesn't yell, he will open fire directly. With such a large group of dolphins and dragons, he will definitely put a lot of pressure on him.

It happened that the other party possessed the characteristics of an island nation, and would always roar first, like cheering oneself up and giving oneself the courage to win.

As a result, Lu Chuan's originally vigilant heart suddenly lifted it up, and in the spurt of time and space light, the three blue-winged angels were already teleported with his mind.

Did not escape here, but used teleportation to enter the other party's group of zombies.

The phoenix dragon's time and space light is still wanton, but their target is no longer in front of them.

"Blue-winged angel, kill!"

Lu Chuan also gave instructions. He dared to resist, and Lu Chuan taught him how to behave.

After wasting energy, he would rest at most for another month, but he would bear his greater anger. Didn't he want to resist? He let him feel the anger of ninth-level zombies.

Not only the blue-winged angels, but also the giant thorns in the sky, the abyssal demon, etc., they also moved.

Before they were still, Lu Chuan thought that they could not be used, but now the situation is a little bit, they need to be dispatched. Otherwise, the number of zombies here, the blue-winged angels, no matter how they can kill, will consume all their energy.

With the energy of blue-winged angels, it should be possible to maintain them until they arrive.

The movement of the giant thorns in the starry sky brought this space to tremble. The one-kilometer-long starry sky thorn, it moves, and its position is one kilometer, and its speed is also outrageous.

It was completely rolling movement, ignoring everything ahead.

In front of them, countless trees couldn't even raise the slightest obstacle, leaving a deep gully where they passed, which was actually plowed out by them.

The blue-winged angel who rushed into the Songtian zombie group did not release the death ray for the first time. Instead, under Lu Chuan's instructions, they teleported again. After a safe distance between them, the death ray was finally released. .

The endless black rays are not spared wherever they go.

Within a range of tens of kilometers, all creatures were killed. Countless flying zombies, they fell, like it was raining heavily.

The destructive power brought by the three blue-winged angels was so powerful that a huge vacuum circle was gnawed out of this endless black and crushed group of zombies. Strong as the corpse of a crocodile dragon, was also bombarded and killed under the rays of death.

A big move beyond a level is really not something that the crocodile dragon corpse can bear.

Whether it is a crocodile dragon corpse or a zombie on the ground, under the rays of death, there is only one result, which is death.

After releasing it once, the blue-winged angel did not stop, and disappeared in an instant. When it reappeared, the death ray followed, which was released again, turning a radius of tens of kilometers into a vacuum.

Three blue-winged angels set off a frenzy of death among the zombies.

Lu Chuan knows best what is the biggest impact on the ninth level of the eighth-level zombies, naturally it is the dolphins. Therefore, Lu Chuan was very welcome. In his mind, the blue-winged angel fell into weakness among the dolphins, teleported into the dolphins, releasing death rays again and again.

Almost 100 million dolphins were extremely fragile in front of the blue-winged angel, and they were constantly shot and killed.

And all of this happened within one or two minutes, but the loss caused definitely made people feel toothache.

The loss of the porpoise dragon alone has reached a huge amount of 20 million, not to mention the number of zombies involved. With a radius of tens of kilometers, it is a three-dimensional strike surface, even the zombies on the ground are also affected, and the number of deaths is even more difficult to estimate.

For a moment was blown like a squally rainstorm, and Matsuda was completely stunned.

The crazy prompt sound pulled his soul back, only to make him realize how serious the consequences of the instructions he had just issued under the brainstorm would be.

He opened his mouth and stared at the sky dullly. With their tonnage, among the zombies on the ground that fell down like rain, he didn't know how many were hit and turned into mud.

It's more like a cannonball, it fell down, with great momentum, and it blasted a huge crater. There was no explosion, but its kinetic energy was too great, and none of the zombies on the ground could be carried.

The densely falling dolphins and dragons, incarnate into billions of meteorites, smashed to the ground frantically.

Manpower, in front of this kind of scene, is so small.

Especially the death of the crocodile dragon, which is much heavier than the aircraft carrier, hits hundreds of thousands of tons, and the ground shakes, and any zombies within the falling range are crushed into meat sauce.

In Matsuda's eyes, everything turned into a scene that would only appear in hell.

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