Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1181: 9 in 8 out

Sometimes Lu Chuan wonders, are there only eight kinds of zombies in the nine-level space, instead of nine?

It's no wonder that Lu Chuan has this kind of thought, mainly because the ninth kind of zombies have never been seen before, no matter who they are, they have never encountered it.

The information accumulated over hundreds of years in the top circles has no explanation about it at all.

Whether there are blue-winged angels or abyssal demons, there are records, even if there are not many.

But the ninth type of zombies is completely blank.

Lu Chuan knew that this was not something that the top circles had concealed, but that it really didn't. If so, Emperor Porto has already succeeded, and will he stay there today?

As the first group of people to come to the city of competition, Emperor Botu has no information. Who else would have it?

Lu Chuan discovered that he had entered the ninth level of space this time, and stood on this super abyss of unknown length and breadth.

In front of Lu Chuan, dozens of abyssal demons were floating in the air, staring at themselves.

That's right, what Lu Chuan had to face this time was the Abyss Demon, a type of ultrasonic ninth-level zombie.

In the ninth-level space, once you step in, there is no retreat. No matter what kind of space you encounter, you need to fight with it. It is about life and death.

"Abyss Demon!"

Lu Chuan thought, and more than 30 abyssal demons moved.

Since it was the Abyss Demon, the Abyss Demon came to fight one. Between each other, just yell at each other to see whose voice is louder.

More than 30 abyssal demons turned into afterimages before Lu Chuan's thoughts ceased, they were already above the abyss hell.

The sharp and unimaginable ultrasonic bursts created tremendous power, and the rocks broke and turned into dust everywhere they went. This kind of ultrasound that can even be injured by ninth-level zombies is naturally terrifying.

Level 9 zombies, who are not even afraid of missiles, are injured by ultrasound. Compared with this, they have a general understanding of ultrasound.

In the ultrasound, the two sides rushed up and tore each other.

Of course, Lu Chuan would not let himself lose. The more than 30 abyssal demons were only the first wave. The second wave was the blue-winged angel. The three of them teleported to the abyss demon.

Everyone is about the same size, so the bone knife in the blue wing angel's hand can directly chop off their heads.

The entire battle lasted only more than ten seconds.

What Lu Chuan wanted was this effect. After a long time, Lu Chuan knew he couldn't afford it.

Quite simply, this abyssal **** is the nest of abyssal demons. No one knows how many abyssal demons exist in it. When they appear, there are tens of thousands of them.

Lu Chuan also needs to hug his head and scurry about the countless nine-level abyssal demon.

After getting rid of these more than a dozen abyssal demons, what Lu Chuan wants to do most is to leave this area and explore everywhere. Otherwise, coming in again and again like this would prevent Lu Chuan from knowing what kind of existence he was in at the ninth level.

But just thinking about it, this is impossible.

I don’t know how vast this abyss **** is. It’s almost vast to describe it. Maybe I didn’t even span this abyss hell, so I was finished.

This means that Lu Chuan's curiosity is hard to satisfy.

Shaking his head, Lu Chuan turned to leave.

As soon as these more than a dozen abyssal demons died, the abyssal **** boiled. Lu Chuan could have a foreboding that he didn't know how many abyssal demons had emerged from below. If he did not leave, he might not be able to leave.

Lu Chuan disappeared at the light gate. All the zombies he brought over turned into light spots and disappeared.



Lu Chuan appeared outside the light gate, sighed, and looked up. The City of Competitiveness is now at night, and you can see a starry sky in the sky. The billions of stars are hard to see on Earth.

With modern industrial pollution, the earth has no pure sky.

In addition, everyone thinks that the earth seen in space is blue. This is not wrong, but a clear earth is impossible. Because outside the earth, hundreds of millions of space junk revolves around the earth, and humans launch densely packed satellites. In fact, when you look at the earth from space, the outside is a layer of white junk.

How to describe it?

You tear a piece of white paper into countless small pieces, and then throw it on a picture of the earth. This is the earth you see in space.

The earth you see in a movie or in a magazine is just processed, and it is the most beautiful scene on earth. They will not present this kind of real earth to the world.

In modern times, Lu Chuan has already planned to start a garbage cleanup plan. He dispatched spacecraft to clean up all the space junk outside the earth and make the earth pure.

Like the satellites in the earth or space, Lu Chuan will also scan them as **** into the trash can, and then launch several brand-new satellites. They are more advanced, more capable, and can cover the whole world.

What will happen to other countries, Lu Chuan does not plan to bother them.

If protests are useful, what do they need the army to do?

"the first time."

Lu Chuan smiled lightly. After possessing absolute strength, the ninth level space was actually not as terrible as he imagined. It is not that there is no chance for you, it depends on how you control it.

For example, the ninth-level space will rarely directly expose you to tens of thousands of ninth-level zombies, most of which are a small number, sometimes just one.

But if you stay, it's different. The number of ninth-level zombies will increase geometrically.

Lu Chuan has mastered certain rules, so he will keep appearing and re-entering, and every time he can use his absolute power to eat the first wave of ninth-level zombies.

With this method, even if the ninth type of zombies cannot be unlocked, Lu Chuan's strength will not be lost and will continue to improve, but Lu Chuan's heart is too great to satisfy this kind of time waiting.

Lu Chuan glanced outside Guangmen, he entered and exited too fast, naturally there was no change here, there were still very few people.

Without thinking about it, Lu Chuan turned around again and stepped into the ninth level space again.

In many cases, you will find the results you want again and again. Get it once, it's not hard work, it's luck.

Lu Chuan thinks that luck is good, but sometimes luck arises because of hard work.

Today's second step into the ninth level space, Lu Chuan is more looking forward to.

In fact, after repeating this kind of battle, Lu Chuan was a little numb. There was nothing new. Some were just mechanically doing it to find the ninth kind of zombies.

Of course, there is no freshness, but every time, Lu Chuan needs to go all out and dare not be sloppy. Now facing the ninth-level zombie, maybe your sloppy will ruin yourself.

Lu Chuan will not make this kind of mistake, he will take every battle seriously.

So when the second battle faced the Xuanjing Corpse Snake, the battle ended in just a few minutes, and then Lu Chuan retreated calmly.

"the second time."

Lu Chuan exhaled, although he still got nothing, but being able to return safely was originally a gain.

The light door behind him was flashing ripples at this moment, and then he walked out alone.

Lu Chuan turned around, the eyes of the two met, and then a killing intent came to each other, and the aura of the two changed dramatically. This man was tall and had black skin, which made Lu Chuan recognize at a glance that he was Emperor Botu.

And the Emperor Botu, through Lu Chuan's eyes, confirmed Lu Chuan's identity.

The two met here. In each other's eyes, there was a beating murderous intent. In the eyes of Emperor Botu, Lu Chuan also saw mania and hatred, and even some unwillingness.

"Lu Chuan!"


The roar at the same time made both their eyes ablaze.

Lu Chuan didn't fear the powerful aura of Emperor Botu at all, but he was the one who beat him to the ground, so how could he be afraid of him? To be afraid, he is also afraid of himself.

Emperor Botu panted heavily, staring at Lu Chuan with scarlet eyes, clenching his fists tightly.

When the enemy meets, it is natural to be extraordinarily eye-catching.

Lu Chuan sneered. The so-called "no fight or acquaintance" only exists in legends. If the enmity is formed, then it is formed. How can there be any sympathy? Yes, it's just you and me.

He took his first place, and Emperor Botu couldn't wait to kill him. How could he have a smile with him?

Lu Chuan is on the strong side now, he is not afraid of Emperor Botu at all.

"If there was no such order, you would have been a pile of bones." Emperor Botu said coarsely, and he said viciously.

Lu Chuan shrugged and said, "Similarly, you should be thankful that you live in this orderly place, otherwise you will be a corpse now."

Almost intact, Lu Chuan returned this sentence to Emperor Botu.

Emperor Botu smiled sullenly and said: "Lu Chuan, from now on, I will hate the Chinese people, the earth under my rule, the Chinese people’s life is beginning to be difficult, I will make the Chinese people the lowest race , Even erased on this earth."

Such extreme words, it is hard to imagine that they would come out of the mouth of Emperor Botu.

Lu Chuan raised his brows, his eyes gleamed, and he sneered: "Do you think this is revenge on me? Don't forget, there are a lot of black people in my time and space."

Having said that, Lu Chuan did not go on, but stared at Emperor Botu and said, "I believe that before you do anything, you will do it after careful consideration. Am I right?"

The muscles on the face of Emperor Botu twitched a few times and his face became expressionless. He said, "I don't have a complex of ethnicity and skin color. You just kill all the black people on the earth. What do you do with me? Hahahaha, you and me. If you are not on one plane, what you do will not affect me at all. There are many things that I just want to do, but you can’t control them.”

Lu Chuan had anger in his eyes, but what Botu the Great said was the truth. He ruled the earth as he wanted, and no one else could control it.

Only now did Lu Chuan understand that this Emperor Botu was an extremist and a lunatic.

"Then, you can try it." Lu Chuan dropped this sentence, ignoring Emperor Botu at all, and sank into the Nine Dimension.

With a chill in the pupils of Emperor Botu, he also turned his head and entered the ninth level space.

Unexpectedly, the two talents had become enemies in the sports center, and they would meet again here so quickly. The same is competition, but it is placed on the ninth level.

Both of them are one kind of difference, and now it is who has better luck.

Emperor Botu clenched his fist, he really didn't believe it. He maintained such an advantage, and the meeting was gone. This time, he must win.

In fact, Emperor Botu also thought about tactics, such as letting the top ten challenge Lu Chuan and forcing Lu Chuan to be unable to enter the ninth level of space. However, there is no way to implement this plan. The reason is simple. Who will become a **** in his hand and pay a huge price to delay Lu Chuan?

Once challenged, the loss should be at least 30% of assets.

And this kind of challenge is not to fight Lu Chuan, but to surrender after entering the battle. What's the point?

The current Emperor Botu can't take care of himself. What ability does he have to compensate others for their losses?

There is no way to stop Lu Chuan. What we are fighting now is who has better luck and meets the ninth kind of zombies earlier. In this kind of fight, there is no water, and everything speaks by strength.


"the third time."

"Come again!"

Lu Chuan went in and came out soon, but he didn't see Emperor Botu. He should have entered the ninth level space. It seemed that he was really desperate.

Without wasting time, Lu Chuan entered for the fourth time.

Isn't it just a fight? Lu Chuan is really not afraid.

Owning more ninth-level zombies and being able to end the battle faster is an advantage. Maybe it is easier to find the ninth-level zombies.

In Guangmen, without anyone paying attention, the two most powerful people in the City of Competitiveness competed secretly. This was their second battlefield.

No one knows what it will be like after unlocking the ninth type of zombies. Maybe this is the last fight, maybe it's just the beginning.

With determination in his eyes, Lu Chuan entered for the fourth time without hesitation.

"the fifth time!"

"the sixth time!"

"Seventh time……"

Lu Chuan didn't stop at all, and became crazy like a machine.

He has entered the ninth level space for the seventh time, and the loss is natural, but it is still within the control range and does not affect Lu Chuan's strength.

Lu Chuan didn't know what happened to Emperor Botu, and he couldn't care about it. As long as he could fight again, he wouldn't stop. He was also very ruthless. Today, no matter what, he and Emperor Botu carried on.

"The eighth time!"

Lu Chuan gritted his teeth and strode to the front of Guangmen, disappearing in the ripples.

Almost the moment when Lu Chuan disappeared, the pale-faced Emperor Botu appeared. His eyes were gloomy. He turned his head and looked at the light gate behind him. No one knew what he was thinking.

In fact, it was the eighth time that he had entered the ninth level of space, tying Lu Chuan's record, but the price he paid was that he was unable to fight the battle.

He has more than a hundred ninth-level zombies, and now only three can fight in his hands.

The other ninth-level zombies are dead and maimed, and from this point, you can know the danger in the ninth-level space. With such a great strength, he has a feeling of falling short.

After paying such a big price, he has gained even greater gains. He has about two hundred nine-level manufacturing rights. As long as he repairs the disabled, his strength will double.

With this kind of power, in the City of Competitiveness, the real powerhouse worthy of the name is several times stronger than before.


Emperor Botu clenched his fist, he knew he needed to endure. After being deducted by Lu Chuan of 30% of his assets, his assets are now in deficit. To fill it, it takes time to operate, and it is impossible to create level 9 zombies in a short time.

Thinking of this, Emperor Botu would be ashamed as he was.

Now the blue-winged angel in his hand has no energy, only the blue-winged angel and a wind-eater wolf, a black crystal corpse snake, have no power to fight.

In this contest with Lu Chuan, he still lost.

Emperor Botu is a decisive person. He knows his current manufacturing rights. As long as he fills up the, he can make a comeback and he is stronger than before. All he needs is forbearance.

"Lu Chuan, let you be proud of it for a while." With unwillingness, Emperor Botu did not enter the ninth level space for the ninth time, but left quietly.

About half a minute later, Lu Chuan appeared.

As a result, Lu Chuan was a little disappointed. For the eighth time, he did not encounter the ninth zombies. And I also had some losses, although not big, but there are more than a dozen.

Now Lu Chuan doubts whether there is really a ninth kind of zombie in the ninth level space.

If it is true, it is impossible that he hasn't encountered it yet.

"Come again, I really don't believe in evil."

Lu Chuan is the kind of person who will not give up easily, and he has not lost much, he has already reached this point, and he can only go all the way to the black and continue to brush.

Once again, the light goalkeeper Lu Chuan swallowed, and after Lu Chuan disappeared, he became empty again.

For the ninth time, Lu Chuan stepped into the ninth level.

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