Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1187: My man

  An Yuran doesn't believe that there are people like this in the world. His every move, as well as the expression in his eyes, are so alike.

  I haven't seen each other for several years, but An Yuran will not forget Lu Chuan's appearance and his taste.

   From the beginning, she was just curious and playful, until she found that she was incorrigible and deeply in love with him, everything was so natural. This kind of change has changed with Lu Chuan's continuous rise and surprise to her.

   It should be said that it started from curiosity.

   Lu Chuan's changes are beyond her imagination, so curiosity naturally arises.

   When a woman is curious about you, in the love dictionary, it means that this is a prelude to her falling in love with you, and it is not far from taking this woman.

   It is this kind of deep love, An Yuran misses Luchuan almost every night.

   It is this kind of deep love that makes An Yuran dare not go to the city of competition to find Lu Chuan, because she has defined herself as a loser in her heart.

   In the city of competition, there is no human feelings to talk about, and between people, there is more to get what you need.

An Yuran was afraid of her love, and what she waited for was Lu Chuan’s ruthless abandonment. She didn’t want to let this illusion be disillusioned. She wanted to make her love perfect, at least until Lu Chuan did not abandon her, staying perfect and living in In my own dream.

   In the modern earth, An Yuran also wants love, but she finds that if she is a man, it is not a problem, but she is a woman, and her status and status do not allow her to have love.

   walked all the way, until she had a relationship with Lu Chuan, she found that she could hardly look at other men at all. Not only physical status, but also shared secrets and words.

   Is it true that facing her lover, she wants to keep the secret of the biochemical factory forever?

   Isn’t it a pain to live like this?

   I love each other deeply and cannot bear to hurt myself or the other person. The best way is to escape, stay in my own world, and always maintain the beauty.

   was a bit silly, but An Yuran did it. After all, she was just a woman, and she wanted a man to rely on, even if she was as strong as a queen.

   A few years have passed, and she thought she could face it plainly.

   But he did not expect that a person like Lu Chuan would stand in front of her now.

  All the disguise and appearance are all broken now, the reason is that a person exactly like Lu Chuan really appeared in front of her.

  God, how can there be such a similar person in this world?

  An Yuran would not think that this is the real Lu Chuan, because the barriers in the universe cannot be broken by humans, or the superman and **** in the eyes of mankind.

   did not mean that the person in front of him who was completely indistinguishable from Lu Chuan was not the Lu Chuan he met.

   "This must be a conspiracy."

   The first reaction, An Yuran is this one.

   It must have been some criticism, or omission, or slumbering during his sleep, which made people discover Lu Chuan's secret, and then he was used to target it.


   "It's no use just knowing Lu Chuan's name? It's impossible for them to know Lu Chuan's face."

   An Yuran is very sure that he has never painted Lu Chuan's face, and there is no photo of Lu Chuan. It is impossible for anyone on earth to know Lu Chuan's appearance.

   This also means that the person in front of him cannot be a conspiracy of the nations of the world.

   To be honest, An Yuran is messy now.

   Just as An Yuran was stunned, Lu Chuan had already walked up to her, blinked, and smiled: "Are you surprised or surprised?"

   With this tone and demeanor, killing An Yuran didn't believe that this one Lu Chuan would be faked.

   It's just that Lu Chuan will appear here. It's too ridiculous, An Yuran can't believe it.

   "You..." An Yuran still couldn't believe it.

   Lu Chuan smiled lightly, and said, "The city of competition, the biochemical factory, the level nine space."

   does not need to be many, just these few terms are enough.

   Don't say anything when you are drunk and tell the truth to let the outside world know, and don't talk sleepy words to let people know these words. It's impossible, because Lu Chuan is the user, the person who came over.

   Where to sleep, there will definitely be zombies brought to the modern earth. They will guard the safety of users, and it is impossible for other people to get close.

   And users, all of them are arrogant, how can they easily fancy who and whom?

  Owning a biochemical factory is the biggest secret. Even if some men or women let themselves go, they will be happy. After love, drive people out and sleep alone.

   In this way, it is impossible to leak anything because of sleep talk.

   As long as people who can speak these words, Lu Chuan believes that they are 100% users of biochemical plants.

  An Yuran also thought of this, so she instantly widened her eyes and stared at Lu Chuan blankly. She couldn't believe it was Lu Chuan.

   "Lu Chuan, is it really you?"

   "I...I am not dreaming?"

   An Yuran's eyes are a bit blurred. Women are all emotional animals, especially at this moment of surprise.

   Lu Chuan smiled and said: "Fool, how could it be a dream? You didn't go to the city of competition. I think you are hiding from me, so I came."

   After a few years, Lu Chuan really wants An Yuran.

   The taste that An Yuran gave to Lu Chuan is the wildest. When the two are together, the combination of heaven and earth makes Lu Chuan always refreshed.

   Ye Lingwei and others, it is very difficult to give Lu Chuan this feeling.

   Level 8 genetic enhancement, compared to ordinary people, it is really much stronger.

   Involuntarily, Lu Chuan hugged An Yuran in his arms.

   And An Yuran did not hesitate, she also hugged Lu Chuan tightly in her arms, and tried to smell Lu Chuan's body.

   Naturally, the two kissed passionately regardless of where it was.

   For several years, this kind of taste is so unforgettable for her.

   Until this moment, the people in the conference hall did not react.

   "God, what did I see?"

   I don’t know how many presidents of major foreign companies exclaimed. They saw a young man who appeared abruptly, hugged and kissed.

   If you say hugs, they can also be said to be admirers.

   But the kiss, and it's still that kind of selfless kiss, this is no longer an admirer.

   There is only one possibility, and this is what lovers do.

  They were shocked that An Yuran was actually in love, and it was so grandiose. There was no taboo at all. On such an important forum, it was recklessly open.

  Looking at them, it's like reunion after a long absence is better than newly married.

   What makes them most curious is who this man is, and why can he get An Yuran's favor and An Yuran's love?

   The first reaction was that they felt that this man had completely stepped onto the pinnacle of his life, a pinnacle that no one could surpass.

   Putting on An Yuran's thigh, do I still need to say?

   The big guys who wanted to shout at the security before, immediately closed their mouths.

   They still don't understand the current situation. People who can be recognized by An Yuran, no matter what his origin, will naturally have an identity that is not worse than them, or even higher.

   If you call the security guard again, it is likely to offend people.

   Everyone, with their mouths open, looked at the two people who were embracing and kissing in astonishment. It is certain that this news will be very shocking and will shock the world.

   has always thought of a single queen, but has love.

   It seems that the man in front of me is too young, white and pure, he is only average if he is handsome, tall and average, no matter how you look at it, he is average.

  Is such an ordinary man, but he won An Yuran?

   It seemed to have seen something unbelievable, so that the men present who thought they were very good were as if they had received a 10,000-point crit.

   Especially a few people, in their eyes, they are the most likely to be recognized by An Yuran, but at this moment, they were beaten in the face.

   And the media reporters, one by one, are as excited as they are taking a great medicine.

   "Big news, this time I made blood."

  What kind of **** economic forum? When such news is put in the world, except for some people with influence in the economic field, ordinary people will not pay attention to these meetings at all. The news audience is really too small.

   But it's about An Yuran and a man, and the kiss is so irrespective of the occasion. This news is absolutely explosive and can definitely attract the attention of people all over the world.

   This is the Queen’s news, this An Yuran who has almost a dominant position in the economic field.

The Anhe consortium has been commercializing 5G for more than ten years, and now 6G is almost on the market. With this kind of network development, the reporters in the field are already using the fastest speed to make this one. The news was sent out.

  With pictures?

   Take a look at the two people who are still kissing, what kind of pictures do you want?

   This time it is not a hype, nor a catch-up, but a real big news.

  Excited and excited reporters, in a rush, edited the most popular titles for these videos and pictures that they had taken, and directly posted them.

  In just a few minutes this news spread all over the world.

   I didn't know for a few minutes, Lu Chuan released An Yuran and looked at her with a smile on his face.

   An Yuran is flushed on her face, her status and status, on the modern earth, she hardly makes too many mistakes. But today, she didn't care about it and kissed Lu Chuan on this occasion.

   Thinking of these few minutes, the outside world must have known it, but she was generous, clasped one of Lu Chuan's hands, and then raised it up.

   In front of countless reporters, An Yuran shook her hand around Lu Chuan.

"Everyone has been questioning my emotions for a long time. Now I am happy to announce that this is my man, a very ordinary person in your eyes, a man who is like a hero in my eyes, I love The man standing."

   Like the strongest announcement, An Yuran did not feel ashamed at all.

  On the contrary, An Yuran at this moment undoubtedly feels happiness to the extreme. It was not only because of Lu Chuan's arrival that solved a problem that had always plagued her, but also because of the encounter with Lu Chuan.

   Lu Chuan kept smiling, calmly facing countless flashing lights. He knew that in these short minutes, he had become completely famous in An Yuran's world.

  Countless countries and politicians will crazily want to dig out everything about themselves and want to understand themselves. .

   Unfortunately, they are doomed to be in vain, because they do not belong to this world, this universe.

   (I will retreat from the codeword tomorrow, and strive to finish the book as soon as possible. In this special period, calm down and thank you all for accompanying me all the way to today.)

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