Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1189: Combined fleet

  The headquarters of the Anhe consortium was not established in China, but on an isolated island in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

   An Yuran was established here in order not to cause controversy.

   Now the headquarters of the Anhe Foundation, this isolated island named Anhe Island has become the most popular tourist destination. The airport on Anhe Island is a completely artificial island, capable of taking off and landing more than one hundred aircraft of various types.

   As the headquarters of the Anhe Consortium, major airlines have set up flights here.

   Don’t underestimate that this is just an island, but its number of passengers is not less than that of an international city. Every flight is hard to find. Some airlines even consider increasing flights.

   Adopting new materials and new construction technology, the Anhe Headquarters, with a height of 501 floors, is a real landmark building on the earth.

  On the top floor is the highest meeting room of the Anhe Foundation.

  The people who can participate in the board of directors this time are really powerful figures in their country, not necessarily the president, but in terms of prestige and power, some even surpass the president.

   They represent the country and represent the country’s interests.

   There are also some, it is the President who arrived here directly.

   A few superpowers only sent representatives, and the rest are almost the presidents. It is not an exaggeration to say that the highest meeting of the Anhe Foundation is no worse than the United Nations summit.

  Through the direct elevator, the presidents of various countries were sent to the top floor.

   All of them have smiles on their faces, and their eyes are even more secretive. They have completed some consensus very tacitly. For them, this is the beginning of a feast.

  A woman, no matter how powerful it is, she is only a woman.

   After so many years, they have already figured out everything about this woman, and they have a perfect plan, and only then held this board meeting.

   Everyone sat down, and the meeting room was full.

  The bodyguards and assistants are all outside, and they are not qualified to enter here.

   A few minutes later, after the bodyguard opened the door, An Yuran led Lu Chuan in, with a smile on his face, but said nothing, but walked to the top.

   Seeing Lu Chuan following in, everyone frowned. An Yuran brought this Lu Chuan in. What does it mean? This Lu Chuan, they used all their energy, but they couldn't find a trace of information about Lu Chuan.

   This is mysterious.

   A person, as long as he exists, with their energy, he can definitely discover something.

   But Lu Chuan really has nothing. No matter how hard you try, you will not find anything. As if this Lu Chuan appeared out of thin air, this world didn't exist originally.

   An Yuran walked to where she belonged, but instead of sitting down, she stood.

   On the contrary, Lu Chuan sat down unceremoniously, put his hands on the table, looked at the people below indifferently, and then smiled.

   "Ann, please explain."

   An Englishman stood up. He was nearly fifty years old, but he acted as that kind of hawkish aura. He served as the Minister of Defense in the British Empire and was also a director of the Security and Consortium.

  As a leader of the hawks, his style is rigid, and it is inevitable to be the first to ask questions.

   An Yuran glanced at the other person and smiled lightly: "This is what I want to announce. From now on, the Anhe Foundation will entrust Lu Chuan with full authority to represent me."

   An Yuran's words caused everyone below to be taken aback. The eyes looking at Lu Chuan became mysterious, and more of them were jealous. This little white face has obtained what countless men dream of so quickly?

   is terrible, how does this little boy do this?

   You must know that An Yuran is still very scary. She is not a stupid woman. If she is, the Anhe consortium will not go to this day.

   Lu Chuan tapped his fingers on the table. Lu Chuan’s status is actually no weaker than An Yuran, not to mention his momentum, but Lu Chuan doesn’t have to play any tricks that shock him.

"Okay, I don't need to think about the purpose of the board meeting today. I know it. It's nothing more than power and more management power. Very good, in fact, I also want to use this meeting to formally reclaim the previously dispersed shares. , I need 100% control of the Anhe Consortium in my hands."

   Lu Chuan threw today's bomb, his tone cannot be questioned: "This is not a notice, but an order."

  The representatives of the countries below were all dumbfounded, and it was hard to believe what they heard. The little white face in front of him, did he know what he was talking about?

  God, they hadn't taken a fight yet, the other party had already given them a storm.

  Is this little boy stupid? Was he dazed by the victory?

   Immediately, they set their sights on An Yuran. If Lu Chuan was fainted, An Yuran should always know what Lu Chuan meant?

   An Yuran beside him, calmly said: "Lu Chuan's decision is my decision."

   Everyone was sluggish again, and An Yuran's words made them confused.

The vice president of North America stood up and said sharply: "Ann, you are crazy, do you know what you are doing? Your decision will ruin the Anhe consortium, and we in North America and NATO as a whole will not agree. ."

   Countries in the European Union also stood up and looked excited.

   Don’t underestimate 1% of the shares. It represents a trillion-dollar level. The annual dividends reach tens of billions of dollars, and it’s a huge sum of money everywhere. In some countries, even one year's fiscal revenue is less than these tens of billions of dollars.

   Lu Chuan's words are undoubtedly killing his parents.

   "Yes, it is impossible for the EU as a whole to agree to this request. Ann, now you immediately kick this little boy out and don't be fooled by him anymore."

  The plenipotentiary representative of Germany pointed directly at Lu Chuan unceremoniously.

   The people below are absolutely enthusiastic, there is no way, this Lu Chuan must be crazy, he has no idea what he is doing. To put it bluntly, he is an enemy of the whole world.

   Lu Chuan has always been smiling. He doesn't have these people in his eyes. Regardless of their clamor, he stood up and said coldly: "Three days, if there is no result after three days, you will bear the consequences."

   "Asshole, it doesn't take three days. I need to let you know what you idiot did." The vice president of North America said viciously, "Just wait for the anger of the North American fleet."

   Lu Chuan didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and left with An Yuran.

   There is no point in quarreling or something.

   The bones of these people are actually not hard. As long as you fight with them first, after you fight them, they will be honest and their bones will become soft.

   The previous An Yuran just didn't want to do this, to have today's result. But Lu Chuan is different. In his eyes, even this heavy universe is just ants, let alone the fleet on earth?

   An Yuran had some intolerance on her face, but she was quickly replaced by calm.

   Actually, An Yuran's strength does not have to worry about the countries of the world at all. When she really fights, she will surprise the world. She couldn't bear too many casualties before, after all, she was born and raised here.

   "It's time to surprise the world." An Yuran sneered.

  In the Pacific Ocean, she really is a bully?

   In the bottomless bottom of the sea, she has 100,000 water ghosts. With them, the Pacific Fleet is a joke.

   In the sky, she secretly launched hundreds of space matrices before, enough to cover every country in the world, like a super nuclear bomb, it can plough the world over and over again.

  The huge undersea military base, there are tens of thousands of fighter planes alone.

   Aside from this, she also has 300,000 security forces that are all composed of zombies to call. Among them, a large number of them are zombies above level five, almost like the undead legions.

   And all this is hidden in her hands, the outside world does not know.

Don’t think that it’s just this strength. As long as An Yuran is willing, she can transfer millions of level 8 zombies from the last days. These level 8 zombies who are not afraid of missiles, in front of them, the world only needs to be swept In the past, there will be no obstacles.

   Lu Chuan shook his head and said, "No, you don't need to do it, just leave it to me to solve it."

  An Yuran was about to say something, but he thought of Lu Chuan's identity and ability. Lu Chuan does have the ability to solve all this.

   In other words, this matter is really insignificant in Lu Chuan's eyes.


   The outside world has no idea what happened.

   The tacit understanding between the world's powers is the first action. They didn't need to announce anything. Instead, they mobilized huge warships at the fastest speed, concentrated in the Pacific, and then joined the Pacific Fleet in North America.

  The new Pacific United Fleet is so powerful that there are more than 300 ships of various types covering the entire sea.

In order to make An Yuran feel the pressure, all countries have sent warships like the trump card in their hands. It can be said that this combined fleet is absolutely Not only that, but also formed a huge air force. Troops, as many as 10,000 fighters of various types appeared on several military bases along the Pacific coast.

   Like this kind of big event, the outside world still knows a little bit, but doesn't know the specifics. Such a huge military mobilization gave some people who knew it a surprised look. The first thought was that if it were an exercise, it would be impossible to use such a huge military force.

   But if not for exercises, why is there such a huge military mobilization?

   The military exercise codenamed deterrence was completed in the first time.

   is the first to leave, naturally the huge Pacific United Fleet. They will use the method of siege to surround the entire Anhe Group, and then let the fighter planes move over the Anhe Group.

  The most effective way to show muscles is actually exercises.

  Through learning, show their muscles, let the enemy take a look, so that they can feel a little forced. The implication is that you have small arms and legs, so don't come out and toss, just do what you should do.

   They know that An Yuran has military power in his hands, but the details are not very clear. It is roughly estimated that it should be similar to India's military power. The most cautious estimate is that it is only slightly stronger than Ah San's military power.

   In the face of military forces of this level, the muscles they showed up were enough. .

  The huge and mighty Pacific United Fleet has formed a huge momentum, far beyond imagination, and it is completely covered with the visible sea.

   And this scene instantly became the headline of the world.

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