Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1204: Another way

"Is he ruthless, or the other person indifferent?"

Leaving the Victorian universe, Lu Chuan still couldn't understand this matter. The relationship between the two is more like that of pure mutual need. Feelings and love are almost absent.

Anyway, getting along with each other is very pleasant.

"With this, it is enough." Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. He hasn't been able to become a **** yet, and he can't completely let go.

Thinking of being a big man, there is nothing to let go of as a woman.

Back in the city of competition, Lu Chuan was thinking about a question.

"If everyone is like Victoria, everyone has to ask for it. What is so exhausting for me, and it will not be the task at all?

Besides, if the other party is a man, I have to rub him on the ground. "

Lu Chuan found out how much energy and effort he would spend to do it one by one? Everyone facing him is an absolute old fox.

Take Victoria as an example, it is simply that the old cow ate his own tender grass.

It's a shame to pity myself for a dignified supervisor, but it has fallen to this point.

However, the taste of Victoria is not much, it is more wild than An Yuran, and Lu Chuan has realized the ferocity of the Ocean Horse.

"No, women can consider this method. For the sake of the task, there is nothing to betray the body, but men can't."

Lu Chuan made up his mind. If it is a woman who is too beautiful, Lu Chuan will still sacrifice it, but if it is a man, get out, I have to squeeze him.

Suddenly, Lu Chuan patted his head.

"Sister, I was almost circumvented in. Who am I? I am an inspector and have the ability to sling them. I can go to their universe at will and find them at any time. To treat them, I need to be polite. Fart, let’s just hit it, until they have a surging self-motivated spirit."

Lu Chuan's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of it?

It seems that a different approach is inevitable.

Lu Chuan was happy, for such a simple thing, but he was thinking in the ditch, always thinking of their tempting interests.

Shit, in front of the fists, there is no need for benefits at all, their fists are their motivation.

Lu Chuan grinned, and he started to feel sad for the people on the rankings. They would definitely not think that they were being targeted by himself now.

Lu Chuan was not a messenger, he made up his mind and implemented it immediately.

For the first time, Lu Chuan found the third-ranked person, a gentleman who also came from the British Empire, a stupid guy, pretentious.

"That's you." Lu Chuan smiled, the next moment the person disappeared.


Albert, that stinky guy, his world was not beyond Lu Chuan's expectation, and he really implemented the British Empire's unification and unification.

But when he arrived here, Lu Chuan felt radiation in many places here.

It can be seen that this guy has played too much, I don't know how many shots he got.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan felt that after only five nuclear explosions, he was completely controlled by this guy, with no further consequences.

As the first batch of users, the timeline here has passed and it is also more than three hundred years. The place of the nuclear explosion has been rebuilt after such a long time, and the damage caused by the nuclear explosion has long been healed.

This is a thriving world, and Albert this guy is finally a little capable.

What surprised Lu Chuan was that this guy didn't care what the world thinks of him. He has been in power for more than three hundred years and has been awe-inspiring the whole world. He is called the immortal emperor.


"It's really a **** guy." Lu Chuan vomited. Over the past three hundred years, his children have not known how many reincarnations have occurred, but he has been living well, absolutely full of descendants.

Some analysts say that the number of women Albert has favored exceeds 200,000.

This is a crazy number. God knows how the media analyzes it, but Lu Chuan actually believed it, because he knew how powerful the eighth-level gene was enhanced.

In terms of romance, a hundred Lu Chuan white horses can't surpass others.

"Huh, what I'm fighting for is quality." Lu Chuan was proud that his women are all first-class existences. For example, Victoria, she is now the third and once the second.

A Victoria is not comparable to him.

Lu Chuan exerted the spirit of Ah Q, and then became unhappy with Albert.

"Beat him into a pig?" Lu Chuan thought for a while, it was very feasible.

Thoughts passed, and Lu Chuan found him in Albert's modern earth, and he was living a shameless life on a super royal cruise ship in the Mediterranean.

Lu Chuan sneered. Since he wanted to change the way, Lu Chuan was no longer polite.

In an instant, Lu Chuan appeared above this cruise ship in outer space, descending from the sky like a superman.

With a jealous attitude, Lu Chuan used a little energy when he fell.


The entire super giant ship shook for a moment. With Lu Chuan falling as the center, a shock wave spread and set off countless fragments. It was born in the swimming pool area on the top floor and blasted a huge pit.

Even this swimming pool was also affected and shattered.

Countless water flowed away from this broken crack, emptied dozens of tons of fresh water in a moment.

This is already the result of Lu Chuan's control, otherwise Lu Chuan could completely turn this huge wheel into scum like a nuclear bomb.

This incident scared Albert.

It was the ghost guards on this super giant wheel that moved for the first time. They have arranged more than a thousand here. In the rumbling sound, they activated for the first time, and then turned into invisible figures. They have already arrived and appeared. The place.

Lu Chuan twisted his hands and feet, then raised his fist and blasted out unceremoniously.

The Ghost Guard is invisible, and the Ghost Guard is as fast as lightning, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is insignificant. Lu Chuan could see them, more than ten times faster than them. In front of Lu Chuan, they were as slow as a snail.

Lu Chuan's fists are not vegetarian. Each punch directly blows a ghost guard.

While breathing, dozens of ghost guards turned into a pool of mud.

Lu Chuan suddenly jumped, ignoring the obstructions on the huge wheel, throwing away the ghost guards, and then appeared in front of Albert for the first time.

This Albert is also bold and artful, and he didn't even run away for the first time, but stared at Lu Chuan who appeared.

Around him, dozens of top beauties were Chi Guoguo, three-point-one, and seductively pretending, all of them screamed and fled around.

Lu Chuan did not care about them either, even Albert did not care about them, but stared at Lu Chuan.

"Sorry, I accidentally made such a big noise." Lu Chuan smiled and said in English. Compared to French, Lu Chuan's English is no problem.

Albert brows, he has felt the difference in Lu Chuan, he said sharply: "Who are you, do you know what you are doing?"

Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "Stop this one. You can't scare me. Albert, let me introduce myself first. My name is Lu Chuan. You should know my name. How I came here, no guessing. Is it? Of course there is. This is to have a good chat with you."

"Lu Chuan?" Albert was taken aback.

No wonder he feels why Lu Chuan is so strong, like a superman. It was originally Lu Chuan, but he was the same kind of person. As I said, how could such a superman exist in this world.

Lu Chuan shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's a fake."

Albert was in a mess, and he couldn't understand why Lu Chuan appeared here. In addition, Lu Chuan's appearance really didn't see a trace of friendliness, as soon as he appeared, his super giant wheel was completely messed up.

"Let's talk, you can be a little more civilized." Albert vomited blood.

Lu Chuan didn't have a trace of sorry expression on his face, and said, "Sorry, I'm already very civilized."

Albert thought of Lu Chuan's strength, this sentence actually left him speechless. Indeed, if Lu Chuan is uncivilized, his own huge wheel will definitely be playing.

As if thinking of something, Albert's face changed, and Lu Chuan had just blasted dozens of ghost guards?

how can that be?

Lu Chuan is definitely a level 8 genetic enhancement, and Ghost Guard is a level 8 zombie. With one pick and one, Lu Chuan dare not say that he will win. But under the siege of such a huge ghost guard just now, Lu Chuan was able to explode dozens of ghost guards before appearing in front of him?

This kind of strength made Albert tremble, just as he thought that Lu Chuan could break through the barriers of the universe.

"Well, I don't know what you are going to talk about?" Albert endured the painful state of mind, his heart was full of anger, but he didn't show it. He is the undead emperor, when on this earth, when he was so ignorant of this kind of anger?

Lu Chuan said, "Happy. It's nothing, I just want you to be a little motivated."

"What the **** is self-motivated?" Albert had a toothache.

Lu Chuan, whether you can understand it or not, you are not a big beauty. Lu Chuan has no patience. He said, "Motivated is motivated. Think about it for yourself, how many zombies have not been added to level 9?"

Fundamentally speaking, Lu Chuan has already figured it out.

Albert is not stupid. Of course, he understands. He sneered and said: "Nine-level space? Funny, how to do it is my business. You are too broad-minded?"

"Very well, I like it." Lu Chuan was not angry, but happy.

Albert felt something was wrong and said, "Lu Chuan, before I get angry, leave immediately and return to your world. Nothing happened to me."

Lu Chuan took a violent step forward, and he was already in front of Albert. He stretched out his hand and drew it over: "Angry your sister, I'm not angry yet, are you angry?"

Albert is not a vegetarian either, he blocked with his hands and gave a sharp punch.

The two of them fought, absolutely lightning fast, almost unable to see their shots clearly. This kind of fight was naturally one-sided. Lu Chuan hit Albert's stomach with a fist and knocked him into the air.

The power of horror caused Albert to knock out a hole tens of meters long, not knowing how many rooms it penetrated.

But before he was struggling to stand Lu Chuan was already in front of him, and slammed his fist in the face again, smashing him through several decks.


"Fak, you slapped your face."

Albert howled ghostly, he felt that half of his face was not his own, his teeth were about to loosen, and his eyes were congested seriously.

Unfortunately, Lu Chuan had already appeared in front of him, grabbed one of his hands, shook it up suddenly, and then smashed it out severely.

The eighth-level genetically enhanced Albert is almost like a half Superman. This kind of impact hurts him, but it is not fatal. But he was uncomfortable. In the current situation, it seems that he was hanged by Lu Chuan.

In just a few minutes, this huge ship was almost demolished by Lu Chuan, and the entire building was completely scrapped.

Albert used his mind to mobilize the ghost guard over, but Lu Chuan ignored the ghost guard at all, but pulled his face intently. This made Albert angry, angry, and aggrieved. His very handsome face was now He was completely beaten into a pig's head, and he almost couldn't recognize himself.

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