Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1211: new world

The inspector, on the other hand, can also be regarded as cleaning up the mess.

No one can let them fall. They need to be corrected and given a chance. Otherwise, everyone will finish playing, and then new people will come out in large numbers. I am afraid that this collision value will only accumulate to the point of God's satisfaction without knowing the age and month.

Of course, depending on the time axis, God may be tranced time, but for the world within the pearl, billions of years have passed.

One billion users of biochemical plants, thinking of this number, Lu Chuan feels a kind of pain.

Correct one by one, you don't have to live anymore, you will die when you are tired.

But now, facing the first hundred-year mission, Lu Chuan had to do his best.

Rising into the sky, hovering in the sky.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it violently in the void, and a light spot appeared. It seemed unremarkable, but Lu Chuan knew, don't underestimate it, it is a singularity.

The universe evolved from a singularity, and it can be said to be the center of origin of the universe.

The singularity created by Lu Chuan is not strictly speaking a true singularity, but a weakened version. Lu Chuan used it to completely absorb the endless nuclear dust from the earth.

Within milliseconds, this spot of light burst, endless electric light flashed past, and then spread around Lu Chuan, wherever it went, patches of sky dust disappeared.

A beam of sunlight shone from above Lu Chuan's head, and it hit the earth's ground for the first time in twenty years.

Suarez stared at this beam of sunlight, his whole person trembling with excitement, he knew what the appearance of sunlight meant.

The sky above Lu Chuan's head turned into an endless blue in the blink of an eye. You can see the cloudless sky and the scorching sun. The sun is shining all over this land, although the surface is already thousands of miles away, but the hope is full of the earth.

"Seeing the sun again, finally seeing the sun again."

Suarez muttered to himself, he knelt down on the snow subconsciously, feeling the warmth of the sun shining on his body.

In the last days, he does not lack sunshine, but in this modern age, he cherishes sunshine.

God knows how many years have been waiting for human beings to finally usher in this moment of seeing the sun again?

The electric light enveloped the entire earth almost at this instant.

If someone looks at the earth in outer space, they will find that the entire interior of the earth is full of electric arcs. The ubiquitous electric arcs make the earth an electric ball.

It took Lu Chuan less than a minute to clean up the nuclear dust on the earth.

On the side facing the sun, half of the earth is shrouded in sunlight. This kind of sun-drenched magnificent scene brings the earth back to blue.

The next step is to clean up all kinds of radiation and harmful substances on the earth.

Compared with the creation of a planet, these things are too simple. It is almost where Lu Chuan's ideas arrive, and they become extremely pure, like when a virus did not even occur in prehistoric times.

This time, Lu Chuan directly erased viruses that are harmful to humans, etc., and restored a truly pure world to humans.

For a long period of time, this world will not be affected by the virus, and mankind can develop better.

At this point, it is not far from enough.

Lu Chuan took out the light projector and read the knowledge base of earth plants from it. It is huge, if it is an ordinary person, it may not be possible to remember the younger half in a lifetime of poverty.

However, Lu Chuan memorized all this knowledge base and printed it in his brain.

In just a few minutes, Lu Chuan became familiar with most of the flora and fauna on the earth.

"If there is a **** in this world, I am a god, a **** of creation." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, pressing his hand, the light spot became dazzling again.

The snow melted, exposing the ground.

In the purified soil, countless flowers, plants and trees broke out of the soil, and in just a few seconds, towering trees grew to form a forest that could not reach the end.

Animals appeared in the forest.

As if frightened, the moment Lu Chuan stopped, Suarez started a huge number of flying birds in the endless forest. They formed a black patch in the sky and went away.

Not only that. In the forest, Suarez saw monkeys, tigers, leopards...

It was in the lake not far away that the fish jumped out of the water, bringing waves in circles.

The whole earth seems to have come alive completely.

In fact, this was the first time Lu Chuan had used this kind of god-like ability, the creator-like ability. Lu Chuan just followed his intuition, imagined the things in his head, and then they appeared.

This method is beyond imagination.

After completing all this, Lu Chuan was also shocked by all the things he had made. He was suspended in the sky for a long time, quietly feeling the beauty of this world. It took a long time to fall.

The sun's rays cast down the shadow of Long Luchuan and shrouded Suarez. Lu Chuan said, "This world has been purified. I will leave it to you next. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Suarez was still in shock at this time, and he nodded subconsciously.

If there is a **** in this world, he believes that Lu Chuan must be that god. This world can be said to be made by Lu Chuan, he is like the creator.

Unimaginable ability, now Suarez is glad that he didn't anger Lu Chuan, otherwise it would not be as simple as this beating.

Lu Chuan didn't say much, he glanced at this colorful world and disappeared.

Lu Chuan believes that Suarez knows how to do it. There are still a large number of zombie troops loaded by the pretender system in his dungeon. With the support of the apocalypse, Suarez can quickly take this world.

The great unification will come soon, and the rest, without thinking about it, is the migration of humans, unified management, and then the crazy population.

The world is so big that more people are needed to fill in the tens of billions of people lost.

Lu Chuan estimated that no matter how fast it is, it will take hundreds of years for human beings to reach the population size before the nuclear war.


The underground city of a city in China.

There is a complete surface monitoring agency here, and a large number of people are responsible for it. Living underground for a long time, they need to know more about the surface.

The underground city lacks food, and there are all kinds of materials, which will not be affected here temporarily.

For those who can work here, they are undoubtedly happy, they don't have to struggle with hunger like other people.

"Oh my God, come and see."

The originally peaceful day broke with a shout.

A scientific researcher yelled. He pointed to the monitor's screen and said loudly: "It shows that the radiation on the ground has been reduced to zero."

The first thought of the people around was that the monitor was broken.

Because they have only seen the monitor just before, the radiation intensity on the surface is still very strong, far beyond the range that humans can bear. In terms of time, it will take at least a hundred years for this kind of radiation to drop to a point where humans can withstand radiation suits.

This time, people are desperate.

Such high radiation, even if there is fluctuation, it is impossible to drop to zero all at once.

What is the concept of zero? Even when there is no nuclear war, it is difficult for the earth to have zero radiation.

Because of this, their first thought was that the monitor was broken, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why the radiation suddenly dropped to zero.

But they checked the monitor, but it was not broken at all and everything was normal.

"Apply to the director to activate the camera outside."

Someone suggested that this anomaly was naturally approved by everyone. Turning on the outside cameras is nothing like before, because they have arranged a lot, but as each one is used, one is scrapped, and fewer and fewer cameras are not enabled when you want to enable it.

In many cases, underground cities can only rely on these cameras to understand the outside world.

Up to now, it has developed to every five years before the outside camera can be activated.

After the application report was sent, the director personally came over. After seeing the abnormality of the monitor, after thinking about it for a long time, he gritted his teeth: "Yes."

The radiation level outside makes it difficult for humans to go out and install new cameras. As long as stepping out, it means death, and no matter how dedicated people are, they may not be willing to perform this kind of task.

There is a lot of pressure to use one less, his approval.

After getting permission, the scientific researcher immediately operated it. After the power was turned on, a camera that had been well protected in the outside world rose from the protection device and appeared in the outside world through the channel.

The working time of a camera can only be half an hour at most, and it will be scrapped.

Everyone from the monitoring agency gathered around and stared at the screen.

The moment the camera appeared to the outside world, it was immediately turned on, and the light reflected on the screen almost blinded their eyes at this moment.

"God, sunshine, sunshine."

The person who reacted first exclaimed, looking so excited that he couldn't help himself. This exclaiming was already in the form of a roar.

In the camera, I really saw a large tract of sunlight falling, shining in this ruined city. According to previous experience, they should have seen a thick layer of ice, which has sealed the entire city.

"The ice is gone."

"Look, there is a plant on the balcony of the opposite house."

"What I saw, there was a mouse, and it crawled under the corner."

As if they had discovered the New World, they kept screaming, as if they had discovered something extraordinary.

Then they realized what was the same.

With the fastest speed, they reported this incident. The entire upper level of the dungeon was shocked, and they all rushed here. Through the screen, they saw all this that they could not believe.

What made them estimate that it took a hundred years to reappear and the day came early? Why do extinct animals and plants reappear [悠悠读]?

No one can answer this question of them. They all embraced and jumped excitedly, like a child, and everyone was in tears.

"Quickly, immediately organize people to go to the outside world and use the fastest speed to confirm if this is true."

Under the order, at an unprecedented speed, a team of scientific researchers took the lead through the blocked passage of the dungeon and appeared on the When they stood in the sun, they were left looking foolishly With all this.

It's true, all this is true.

The nuclear winter ended in a way they didn't know.

What unfolded before them is indeed a ruined city, but in this city, you can see the fragrance of birds and flowers everywhere, with unprecedented vigor and vitality.

They even saw some wild animals running across the street and soon went away.

"We are saved, we are saved."

For the first time, the underground city issued a broadcast, and countless people passed through the passage and appeared in this city destroyed by nuclear bombs, looking at this completely new world.

How many people have seen sunshine and this world for the first time.

Like this scene, it happened in every corner of this world. The survivors of dungeons came out, stood in the sun, staring at this new world.

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