Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1221: Way of Heaven

How powerful is thinking leap?

Lu Chuan may be tens of billions of light-years away from the earth, but Lu Chuan has already returned to Mars City with his thoughts. In milliseconds, he has already crossed the distance of 10 billion years that light needs to travel.

Accustomed to the billions of different races in the universe, Lu Chuan returned to Mars City and immediately felt a sense of intimacy.

Don't think that the races in the universe are all civilized. Some races are really disgusting in human aesthetics, and some are so ugly that Lu Chuan wants to erase this race on the spot.

Unimaginable races of various forms exist in the universe.

Under the law, races may be born in any place, and they have the right to exist.

Human beings are lucky and chosen by God.

No, it should be that Lu Chuan was lucky. He was chosen by God to become a user of a biochemical factory and a supervisory officer so that Lu Chuan could protect humans.

Breaking through the boundaries of civilization, in Lu Chuan's view, a race like the Protoss really needs to be erased.

But races like science and technology do not necessarily have to be erased after level 6 civilization, because the direction of science and technology is the general direction of the law, not anti-rule, not to subvert the law.

God wants to erase the science and technology civilization, it should be based on the power of science and technology can trace the essence of the universe after reaching level 6, that is, begin to try to reveal the existence of God.

Everyone wants privacy and wants to erase their own traces. Gods should do the same, so he wants the existence of level 6 technological civilization.

After all, no one wants to be researched all day long, and it is uncomfortable to think about it.

"Perhaps, when humans reach level 6 civilization, I can make humans avoid this tragedy?"

This thought flashed, and then Lu Chuan was happy.

Human beings don't know how many billions of years later, it will be possible to reach the level of level 6 civilization. This kind of thing after hundreds of millions of years, thinking now is meaningless.

Walking to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, people coming and going below gave Lu Chuan a very comfortable feeling.

Seeing human beings and returning to human society, Lu Chuan found that his aesthetics were finally normal, and he no longer had to be tortured by various exotic races.

"half an hour."

Looking at this time, Lu Chuan smiled.

I ran a circle in the universe, and it took only half an hour. If you let human scientists know, you must treat yourself as a mental illness.

"I'm the Dao of Heaven?" Lu Chuan was delighted to think of this, which seemed to be a very fun thing.

I don't know why, what makes Lu Chuan think of some jokes.

Lu Chuan showed a smile, and the person disappeared.

When Lu Chuan appeared, he had already returned to Earth within milliseconds.

As God, or God, Lu Chuan is almost omnipotent in the eyes of human beings, so observing the world from the perspective of God gives Lu Chuan a lot of freshness.

It's like getting a fresh toy, always wanting to have fun first.


"Huh, you want me to be your girlfriend, unless there is a pie in the sky."

A high-cold woman said, making the face of the opposite man full of frustration. This sentence was obviously to reject herself, and I had to pity herself for a few months.

"God, just open your eyes and look at the world, and you can drop a pie." The man's face was full of grief and anger.

The cold woman is holding her arms. This is the grass in the park. The surrounding area is empty. It is just acting. There is no way for someone to smash a pie to herself, right?

Still begging God now? Is it true that God has nothing to do?

But at this moment, a small black spot appeared in the sky, and it fell quickly, and then with a "bang", it hit the man and woman on the side of the couple. It was an extra-large pie, weighing at least 30 or 40 catties. This kind.

In an instant, the man and woman were all dumbfounded, and they all looked up at the sky.

But there was nothing in the sky, and there were no other people in the surrounding area.

Besides, these thirty to forty catties of pies can't be thrown from tens of meters away.

The only explanation is that this is really pie in the sky.

In the sky, Lu Chuan, who was in an invisible state, showed a faint smile on his face: "This brother, I can only help you get here. Whether the rest can be done is up to you."

While speaking, Lu Chuan left with a smile.

But this man, after he was dazed, didn't know where the courage came from, rushed up, hugged the woman, and his mouth was printed to be a wild kiss.

Even this woman was stunned by the kiss.


"Wang Xiaoan, if you don't repay the money you owe, don't blame me for being impolite. Your note will be posted online and will be seen by people all over the world. Tsk tsk, your figure will definitely become hot."

A man said maliciously, and the younger brothers who followed him all laughed.

This is in the school, and there are students who communicate with each other, but they are so unscrupulous.

The university is good, open, and free. Even social people like them can easily come in. The students and girls who have really passed by here are full of youth and vigor.

For women’s colleges like this, I really don’t know how they got admitted to the university. It’s really hard to use their brains. Is this campus loan okay? And it's the one that was taken fruit photos.

Of course, if they weren't stupid, how could they have room for survival? They would have starved to death long ago.

The female college student in front of her was trembling with fright. She also regretted it now, but she was helpless, because the loan was so profitable that she and her family could not bear it.

What frightened her more was the fruit photos she asked the other party to take in order to borrow money.

If the other party were to be posted online, what face would she have to live in this world? How do parents, relatives, friends, and classmates view themselves?

Suddenly, under the remorse, Wang Xiaoan had a feeling of despair, thinking of death.

Only by death can we escape all this, and we can prevent our parents from carrying the millions of high profits for ourselves. Only when we die, no one will look at ourselves with strange eyes.

"God, why don't you chop down a few thunders and kill all these scumbags?"

Wang Xiaoan closed her eyes, she had already thought of death.

But at this moment, only the sky was clear and there was even the sun, but out of thin air, a few thick and incomparable lightning formed in the sky, and the claws of the dragon danced with endless pressure.

I don't know how many people raised their heads and looked up at this kind of alienation, and they all pointed to the lightning that appeared out of thin air.

More students took out their mobile phones one after another to take pictures of this rare sight.

But Wang Xiaoan's heart suddenly burst, her eyes widened, and she looked at the lightning in the sky: "It's not God who appeared?"

These men also raised their heads, but to greet them, several lightning bolts fell from the sky.

Together, these lightnings, which are hundreds of times stronger than high-voltage electricity, turned these men into coke burning in an instant. They didn't even scream, and they lost all vitality and fell to the ground.

Such a secret thing scared everyone.

Only Wang Xiaoan was stupefied, it seemed that God had really heard her appeal, and let Thunder strike a few of them?

It must be like this, otherwise how to explain the clear sky and why there are a few lightnings.

And God is even more a god, deliberately let everyone see the lightning, and then killed these few people, in order to innocent themselves.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoan believed that there would be a **** like God in this world.

Lu Chuan in the sky did not feel any pressure to kill a few scumbags. God knows how many young and ignorant students were killed by these people?

Although these people are just small, they are not really behind the scenes, and they should not be damned, but who made them bad luck and met Lu Chuan?


Lu Chuan seems to be addicted, this kind of feeling of being a **** is really good.


Lu Chuan is definitely more than just being a god, he even became a **** of wealth.

Money is really nothing to Lu Chuan, a mountain-like soft girl and dollars in his storage space. After becoming an inspector, the currency between this earth has no effect at all for Lu Chuan.

The supervisor is like a god, and everything can be created directly by himself.

Being the God of Wealth is naturally cool.

When Lu Chuan passed through the poverty-stricken land, his mind moved, and the tens of thousands of households were thrown directly into their homes. In order to let them spend peace of mind, Lu Chuan also attached a note that read: God of Wealth.

With this note, they will not panic.

These people are really poor and really need this money. When Lu Chuan's consciousness passed by, he could know clearly that most of the money he gave could be able to help them.

For a time, in these places, the legend about the God of Wealth was widely spread.

When he went abroad, Lu Chuan became a god.

Of course, Lu Chuan does not have such a good mood to be the God of Fortune abroad. The role of the God of Fortune is only aimed at the Chinese people.

For example, in the Pacific Ocean, Lu Chuan helped several ships caught in the wind and waves, and the huge waves that were raised by the squally stormy rains directly became calm and calm, causing these crew members to cry out for God.

In addition, a North American reconnaissance submarine entered in the coastal waters of China to detect eavesdropping. Don't they want to listen? Lu Chuan naturally satisfies them. The silent waves brought them directly to the Huaxia Coast, and then the submarine washed up on the beach and ran aground.

A group of American soldiers on the submarine almost fainted.

How is the result?

North America, which is at a disadvantage, must have had a lot of bleeding to settle this matter of ironclad evidence. After all, China today is not vegetarian.

In North Chuan, the god, is responsive to many requests.

For example, there is a young man who asked God to get rid of the **** factory because this factory has seriously affected the lives of him and the people around him.

OK, Lu Chuan is now a god, and this factory is also related to North American national defense. Naturally, how could Lu Chuan not listen to the demands of his people? With a wave of his hand, the factory did not disappear, but a huge collapsed pit appeared below, and half of the factory sank in, almost as scrapped.

There are so many good things like this kind of good people.

In a short period of time, I don’t know how many so-called supernatural events have occurred. The news media do not care about these, they are all reports of chaos.

For North America, it is too big. There are so many things happening every day. These so-called supernatural events are nothing but a coincidence in the government's eyes. Only those media that fear the world will not be chaotic will borrow the various media. Various titles to attract attention.

Lu Chuan represents the Dao of Heaven, and finally realized this kind of refreshment, as if he had fulfilled his previous dream, and always hoped that God would take care of him.

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