Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1226: Hughes

God is God, many things are not imaginable by Lu Chuan.

Like when he sent himself out of the reward space, he silently improved Lu Chuan's ability. The extra knowledge in my mind is actually a kind of control over ability.

With this suggestion, Lu Chuan also took a risk.

If it succeeds, it will be of great significance to Lu Chuan, because he will also be a beneficiary, and both strength and influence will be greatly increased.

But if it fails, Lu Chuan doesn't know what God will do with him.

In the eyes of God, finding a substitute is really nothing, because it is a single idea that allows an ordinary person to have all of what he has now.

The use of biochemical plants is actually a test and growth, not a prerequisite for accepting all this.

Lu Chuan stood on the street of the City of Competitiveness, his whole body trembling slightly with excitement.


After a while, Lu Chuan laughed unscrupulously. He knew that the rewards of his adventure this time were too rich and beyond imagination.

"Sir, congratulations."

Hughes's voice rang in Lu Chuan's mind, and he could see that he was really happy for Lu Chuan.

In Hughes' eyes, Lu Chuan is the only person it can communicate with.

For tens of billions of years, it was granted life by God from the time it was formed, and then it has been living here alone, historically the vicissitudes of the universe. Hughes has experienced so many things that humans cannot imagine.

As a life form, Hughes is definitely one of the earliest life forms in this universe, a life form granted by God.

Putting it in the mythical world of mankind, Hughes is like a god.

God knows how Hughes spent these tens of billions of years? Even if there is a city of competition later, it is still lonely, because no one knows its existence.

Some users of the biochemical factory realized what they were, but they also attributed Hughes to the super artificial intelligence and did not think about other places.

It wasn't until he met Lu Chuan that Hughes could finally speak, and he could communicate with him. Tens of billions of loneliness gave Hughes too much to say.

However, the limitations of gods and Lu Chuan's noble status made it impossible for Hughes to be like a chatter.

What I can do occasionally is that Hughes will come out like now, and use this simple and unfeeling voice to communicate with Lu Chuan.

In Hughes's heart, this is the kind of happiness it thinks.

Hearing Hughes' voice, Lu Chuan smiled slightly and said, "Thank you, Hughes."

"Sir, you are welcome, this is what you should get. Also, do you need something? For example, at this moment, you need to celebrate?" Hughes's voice was still as calm as ever.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Of course."

In front of Lu Chuan, a void cracked open. It was not big, but it was obviously controlled. This is naturally a masterpiece of Hughes.

Lu Chuan reached out and took out a fruit the size of a watermelon from the crack.

"Sir, I brewed these wines based on the knowledge of the city of competition, and then based on my own understanding. Its materials are the best fruits on the planet, and the effects are naturally the best. Now calculating, I have been thinking about it for hundreds of years, and it has been stored by me in the center of the planet." Hughes said, it seems that it is also very happy.

This was also the first time Lu Chuan heard Hughes say so much. It was rare.

The wine that Hughes can make is definitely not simple, it should not be the kind of fake that affects the taste buds.

Thinking about the existence of its central area for hundreds of years, Lu Chuan was moved by the taste.

This wine exists in this fruit.

"Thank you." Lu Chuan thanked again.

In front of Lu Chuan, a cup resembling a crystal appeared, and the wine in the fruit appeared in this cup mysteriously.

"Sir, please take your time." Hughes' voice rang again.

Lu Chuan was already used to such a secret scene. Hughes's ability, in Lu Chuan's view, was really very strong. He was the strongest of the 5th-level protoss he had seen before. In front of Hughes, he was insignificant.

What kind of existence is the existence granted by God himself?

Lu Chuan took a faint sip, and was immediately surprised by the unprecedented taste. The wine that I don’t know how to describe is different from the wine on earth.

The only thing that can be thought of is the Qiongrongyu syrup used to describe the fairy wine.

Lu Chuan was sure that if ordinary people drank this wine, they might not be able to become immortals, but the physical enhancement was 100%, and at least an ordinary person could achieve level 2 genetic enhancement. It is life expectancy, it is possible to live two or three hundred years old without a problem.

It's not an exaggeration, but this is no longer pure wine, but a potion similar to the purity of human genes.

Lu Chuan's current strength no longer has any effect, he simply treats it as wine.

Of course, drinking too much has the same benefits for Lu Chuan.

With just a sip, Lu Chuan realized the difference in this wine.

Think about what kind of existence Hughes is? How could the wine made by it be ordinary? It said before, it was brewed with the essence of this planet.

If you use an alternative genetic potion to describe it, it is more appropriate.

It is impossible to give you the same abilities as an immortal, but it can do it to increase your physical fitness, increase your strength, and let people have greater strength and speed.

Lu Chuan's face showed a look of enjoyment. Hughes was so sophisticated. In front of Lu Chuan, hundreds of bottles of this kind of fruit suddenly appeared.

"Sir, this is just a work in my spare time. I keep it useless, so I might as well give it to you." Hughes' voice rang, making Lu Chuan a little embarrassed.

From a human point of view, these wines are of great value, and it can even be said to be priceless.

Lu Chuan was still hesitating.

Hughes's voice rang again: "Sir, do you look down on me? Say a high-level word, sir, you are my only friend and the only person who can communicate. These wines are not for you, I will return Who can I give it to?"

This seems to make sense.

Lu Chuan wasn't a dragger either, he just hesitated a little, and then nodded: "Okay, then I will accept it brazenly."

With a move of his hand, all these wines entered Lu Chuan's storage space.

Hughes was very happy to see Lu Chuan accept the wine he brewed. In his heart, Lu Chuan accepted his friend.

Of course, Hughes still positioned himself as a friend of service.

As if he had found a person to talk to, Hughes began to talk about his history to Lu Chuan.


As a huge planet formed from the beginning of the explosion of the universe, its status in the universe is detached, and even Hughes doesn't know how he formed it.

Since Hughes was conscious, it has received many things.

For example, it was created by God, who gave it life. And its responsibility is to manage this planet.

It is the planet, and the planet is it.

Then, God no longer cares about it.

I don't know how many billion years it took Hughes to understand what life is.

Staying here, Fangyuan doesn't know how many billion light-years there will be no more planets, it just moves so lonely, jumping out of the rules of this universe.

As long as Hughes thinks, it can move and jump.

Hughes is the planet, and if it moves, the planet will move with it. But Hughes can use its powerful ability to protect the surface of the planet from any impact, not to fall apart, not to form a tsunami...

Similarly, without knowing how many billion years have passed, Hughes knew of loneliness.

Immediately it was shrouded in unprecedented loneliness. For Hughes, this period of time was the most difficult to suffer, and every minute and every second was an unbearable suffering for it.

There is nothing to communicate with it, as if out of everything it knows, only itself is left.

In the end, after hundreds of millions of years, Hughes couldn't bear it anymore. It chose to sleep and completely sealed itself.

Since then, this huge planet beyond imagination has really been operating according to the rules of the universe.

Hughes doesn't know how many billions of years it has been awakened.

It was God who awakened it, and the familiar breath made Hughes dare not have any other thoughts. Then it was instilled with a lot of knowledge, and God told it that it would serve the city of competition and a group of people called humans.

The meaning of God is the existence of the imperial edict, and Hughes certainly obeys it.

So the city of competition appeared in Hughes. It was a work of god. Hughes only has the power to serve this city, but he does not have any other powers.

Hughes finally knew that he had served here since the beginning of his birth.

Hughes did not feel dissatisfied with this result. On the contrary, he felt something called joy in his heart, because he knew that some people called humans would come, and they were also life, and finally he was no longer alone. .

It was from that moment that on the planet Hughes was on, in this moment, countless kinds of animals and plants appeared from scratch.

As the **** of this planet, Hughes can know the thoughts of these beings. It is really uncomplicated. Simply eat and live well, and then live.

What Hughes likes most is listening to what billion trillion lives say and think.

This feeling of being surrounded by countless lives made Hughes unprecedented happiness.

Finally, about eight hundred years ago, the first human appeared in the city of competition, and the prosperous prelude to the city of competition has been opened since With the first one, there is a second... …

I finally know what kind of Hughes human beings are, and my understanding of life has suddenly improved many times. It knows for the first time that this kind of life, called human beings, their behavior and thinking are so complicated and incredible.

Out of the protection of the flora and fauna of this planet, Hughes isolated the city of competition. No matter where he left from, he would always see an endless barrenness, which prevented human beings from exploring.

This is why in the city of competition, humans never take risks, because with Hughes, they will never find the answers they want.

That's it, Hughes watched human beings walk here for eight hundred years.

During the whole process, Hughes never communicated with one person, because Hughes could not. This was a limitation of God.

It wasn't until Lu Chuan appeared that he felt like him, and he felt like him, and Hughes finally found a person to communicate with.

There is no limit to communication with Lu Chuan.

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