Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1231: Level 9 strategy

There were no secrets, and Lu Chuan felt extremely relaxed.

In the future, they will no longer need to conceal and deceive them, and even if they leave, they will also know where they have been, and no longer have to claim to be in the laboratory.

In fact, Lu Chuan didn't say a lot of things, but Ye Lingwei and the others didn't know it was better.

Lu Chuan told these secrets, it was not as difficult as imagined, at least Ye Lingwei and the others did not react too much, but accepted them indifferently.

Even said that it did not have much impact on their lives.

The next day, Ye Lingwei and the others were busy designing their own city. For them, it was easier for them to be interested.

For this result, Lu Chuan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After living here with Victoria for a few days, Lu Chuan left with Victoria again. With no secrets, Lu Chuan is much more free to come and go, and he no longer has to worry about the feelings of his family.

The place to go is naturally the city of competition.

"Hello, sir."

Hughes' voice arrived as expected, but Victoria didn't know it.

Only Lu Chuan would know about the existence of Hughes. Victoria was the inspector appointed by Lu Chuan, but she had no right to know the existence of Hughes, nor could she notice it.

Lu Chuan nodded and communicated with Hughes with consciousness: "Hello Hughes, what special things have happened during this time?"

"Sir, everything is normal." Hughes replied.

Hughes controls the city of competition, and no disturbance can escape Hughes's eyes. As long as Lu Chuan thinks about it, he can even know what kind of underwear the woman opposite is wearing, what color it is, what man she and she rolled over the sheets last night, what moves she used and so on.

Can conceive with Hughes, and know everything about the city of competition.

"Very well, thanks for your hard work, Hughes." Lu Chuan said.

Hughes laughed cheerfully and said, "Sir, I would like to help you."

"Is Botu the Great?" Lu Chuan and Botu the Great did not add a communicator, so it is difficult to know the movements of the Botu the Great.

Hughes said for the first time: "Sir, Emperor Botu is at the Light Gate. He has set up a teaching point at the Light Gate, and millions of people are listening to his experience every day."

With a satisfied look on Lu Chuan's face, he said to Victoria: "Let's go to Guangmen."

The consciousness moved, and he reached the light gate in an instant.

Here, it is really crowded.

At the very center, Emperor Botu stood in the sky and used holographic projection to project the pictures of the ninth-level zombies, and then explained them one by one. These explanations are not empty, but a summary based on his all-time combat experience.

What kind of ninth-level zombies, what kind of tactics are needed, what needs to be paid attention to and so on.

Emperor Botu spoke in detail, and occasionally played video materials in the top circles, so that everyone could truly appreciate the terrifying zombies of level nine.

The playback of the holographic projection makes people feel like they are in a battle, with extremely realistic tears and cold sweats, some are scared, and more people are full of passion.

The battles with these ninth-level zombies are worthy of real battles, and they all make people yearn for.

Whenever the video is played, Emperor Botu will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the battle in the video. This kind of detailed explanation will benefit a lot as long as you are not a fool.

In this way, the nine-level space is almost completely solved.

With this combat experience and knowledge, there is no need for huge zombies to break through the ninth level of space as before.

"What is the most important thing to enter the ninth level space?

It is a life saver.

If your life is gone, all lofty ideals are nothing. An icy corpse is useless.

How to save life? This is very particular. I hope everyone here will remember my current knowledge, because with it, you can save your life when necessary.

There is a saying in Huaxia, saying that we should keep the green hills, and we are not afraid that there will be no firewood.

It is not terrible to fail once, we can still make a comeback, as long as we spend some time and accumulate enough strength, we can challenge the ninth level space again. "

Emperor Botu flying in the sky, his current strength is the best proof of the return of the ninth level space.

Humans have always imagined flying, but can humans really fly?

Before Botu the Great appeared, would human beings think that they could not fly. But now, it makes them crazy, they are flying. As long as their speed and strength are added, they are superhuman.

Is this temptation big? Of course big.

With this real example, what Botu the Great said is convincing. Countless people are listening carefully, because this is what they need.

The current tutorials and experience are truly unreserved.

All battles are explained. I don’t know how many videos left by the predecessors. I take them out to explain, analyze the gains and losses, and design different fighting methods for different ninth-level zombies, and adjust the command with different zombies.

Not only that, but also for what kind of zombies should be chosen, what proportion is the most suitable for entering the 9th level space battle.

It was like a copy of the Raiders, it was so careful that it became a fool.

For the first time, countless users of biochemical factories realized the ninth level of space and knew how to use zombies.

It was also the first time that Emperor Botu used this method to make the ninth-level space no longer mysterious, but public and familiar to the world.

"it is good!"

Lu Chuan had to admire that the contribution of Emperor Botu was enormous.

Nine-level space is like a copy in the game. As the first batch of people to enter the city of competition, Emperor Botu is the predecessors, the earliest players, and the first to open up the nine-level space.

In the existence of the top-level circle, the resources in it are accumulated by countless predecessors over the past 800 years.

In this process, I don’t know how many people drank hatred in the nine-level space, and used them [] to build the information in the top circle.

Without these pioneers who pioneered wasteland, it would be difficult to say that there are so many experiences to learn from.

Lu Chuan could not do what Botu the Great could do.

The identity of the inspector is not allowed.

In addition, if Emperor Botu became an inspector, he couldn't say so bluntly, only hinting. If it is stated clearly, it is breaking the rules.

Lu Chuan asked Emperor Botu to take charge of this matter because he wanted to complete this kind of knowledge dissemination before Emperor Botu became an inspector, and completely make the nine-level space transparent.

"With this knowledge and video, and with one hand, it will probably not take long before the ninth level space is no longer a place to restrict everyone." Victoria smiled lightly, and of course she could see the benefits.

Up to now, Victoria didn't know why Lu Chuan would promote this matter. She had gained some power, but she still didn't know too many secrets.

Victoria knows the duty of the inspector, patrolling the universe, discovering civilization, and establishing hierarchy.

It's simple, but there are not too many things involved.

More, only Lu Chuan would know, not her.

Lu Chuan and Victoria did not disturb Emperor Botu the Great, but stayed on the side like observers, listening to the current lectures of Emperor Botu the Great.

Thanks to high technology, Emperor Botu faces millions of people, so that everyone knows what he said.

Not only that, but Botu the Great also printed countless light projectors, which contained all the information about the nine-level space. Everyone can study, and study over and over again until they know the level nine space well.

Many people still lacked confidence before, but after they mastered everything in the ninth level space, they became confident, because they already had the strength to penetrate.

In these materials, there are many strategies to teach you how to do it step by step.

For example, after hunting the ninth level space for the first time, what do you need to do, use the arena to gain competitive points, and then speed up the production of zombies...As many as you accumulate, you can challenge what ninth level zombies.

One of the most important cores in life-saving is when you encounter zombies and how many zombies are encountered, it is the time to decisively abandon the dead to save your life.

Even Lu Chuan had read and analyzed these strategies, but he had to approve them.

It can be seen that Emperor Botu has done a lot of work.

Emperor Botu has been teaching here for several months, and the beneficiaries are at least tens of millions. It can be said that in the current city of competition, the prestige of Emperor Botu once again surpassed that of Lu Chuan and has become a figure that everyone admires.

How many people are grateful to Botu the Great in their hearts, and those who are more grateful think that Botu the Great is like recreating parents.

It is not an exaggeration. When you can save your life, it is the credit of Emperor Porto.


Floating island.

Emperor Botu's face was full of ecstasy, even his dark skin couldn't cover it.

The supreme ability is the reason for his ecstasy.

Just now, he was appointed by Lu Chuan as the second inspector, and he was directly under Lu Chuan's command. Although he became a subordinate of Lu Chuan, Emperor Botu didn't care about this.

The strong are always chasing stronger.

Emperor Botu is no exception, he just wants to be stronger. It is nothing to be a subordinate of Lu Chuan, after all, Lu Chuan is indeed stronger than him.

The ability of the inspector shocked Emperor Botu. He had never thought that human ability could break through this limit.

"Perhaps, you can take some time to adapt to your ability." Lu Chuan smiled.

When I first gained the ability of a supervisor, it took several days to adapt to this ability. At that time, I was as happy as a child.

Victoria could understand the mood of Emperor Botu. If it weren't for Lu Chuan's presence, Emperor Botu would have long been unable to bear it.

Emperor Botu cracked his mouth and revealed his white teeth: "Master Supervisor, then I would take the liberty."

Lu Chuan waved his hand.

An idea of ​​Emperor Botu disappeared in front of Lu Chuan in an instant.

Victoria did not know the whereabouts of Emperor Botu, but Lu Chuan did. With Lu Chuan's ability, it is possible to break time and space now and forcibly pull Emperor Botu back.

From this point, we can know how much the ability of the inspector Lu Chuan is compared to that of the inspector, and how much it can reach the sky.

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Chuan to do such a thing.

The appearance of the second inspector was just the beginning. Lu Chuan stood up and said with a smile: "Let's go, he won't come back if he doesn't play for a few days."

Victoria covered her mouth and smiled.

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