Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1233: appointment

Albert's success has successfully stimulated everyone's nerves.

To know the top 100 in the rankings, the difference between each person's strength is not as big as imagined, but very similar.

If Albert can succeed, they will succeed.

The emergence of the Nine-level Raiders opened a door for them, which is more like a shortcut, and this shortcut can also be regarded as reducing the difficulty of the Nine-level space.

It seems to be a beginning, and good news comes one after another.

Every few days, there will be one person successfully breaking the ninth level space, and constantly accumulating these collision values.

The gratifying change made Lu Chuan finally settled in his heart.

I just submitted a suggestion, and now I get results immediately. This also proves that I am not fooling around, and I am working hard for God's sake. Isn't this, you have achieved results?

In this way, he has a little weight in God's mind.

A dog-legged person who can do practical things for the master is a good dog-legged person.

Lu Chuan didn't mind being a god's dog leg, because this thigh was too thick, so he had to hold it tightly whenever he said, so that he wouldn't let this thigh rise and run.

People who have been inspired by enthusiasm have reached the point of ignoring life and death, forming a virtuous circle.

When human beings no longer fear the ninth-level space, it no longer makes people afraid.

This is how human beings are, whether they are bad or prudent. If there is no trend, there is no way to drive them forward.

It was Lu Chuan who drove them forward with his fists before, but it is no longer needed. People who continue to succeed, they are the best role models, and now it's time for everyone to dig out how to penetrate the ninth level.

Hundreds of thousands of people attacked the ninth level space every day, and Lu Chuan had a very comfortable life.


Floating island.

Twenty people stood in a row, each with serious faces, all of them staring fiercely at Luchuan, as if they were welcoming something.

Each of them is truly strong, standing out among a billion people.

Being able to stand here means that they have completed a breakthrough in the ninth-level space, possessing the strength of the ninth-level genetic enhancement, and placed in their respective universes, they are superhumans.

It's just that they don't look half proud now, standing respectfully one by one.

Lu Chuan stood in front of them and looked at them with scrutiny eyes.

These people are the ones who have recently broken through the ninth level. Lu Chuan recognizes everyone because he has beaten them once or twice. Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry that they will hate him, because Lu Chuan doesn't care.

Victoria and Botu the Great stood behind Lu Chuan.

"Today is a lucky day for you, because you will come into contact with a new field." Lu Chuan opened his mouth and said slowly: "This field is beyond your imagination."

When Lu Chuan said this, the twenty people headed by Albert and the others became serious.

Twenty people did not make a sound, but their eyes looked at Luchuan with enthusiasm. New fields are what they are looking forward to, and they have come along with this curiosity, or motivation.

"If you are willing to follow me and obey me, then take a step forward. If you can't, it's still too late to withdraw. I have zero tolerance for betrayal." Lu Chuan said harshly.

Albert and they just glanced at each other, and both took a deep breath, all taking a step forward.

It's impossible for them to quit now, since the moment they stood here, they had already made a decision. Pursuing higher power and pursuing a farther future is their goal.

If they quit now, they can certainly live forever, but does the meaning of life stop at enjoyment?

Everyone in their presence, who has not enjoyed the luxurious life of hundreds of years? They rule over tens of billions of people, covering the sky with one hand, and wherever their will goes is the surrender of billions of people.

They have all experienced this kind of life, and now they have experienced something they haven't experienced.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said: "Very well, I believe you will not regret this step. This is a world beyond your imagination. You will love this new self. Compared to conquering the earth, this It is not conquered at all, because what you want to conquer is the billion trillion civilizations of the entire universe."

In a word, everyone is full of enthusiasm.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and said, "Now come forward one by one."

There is no sense of ritual, but Lu Chuan feels like a **** stick, flicking them. Of course, I am not a fool. In their eyes, I am no different from a true God.

Everyone came, Lu Chuan would tap the other's forehead.

The power of the inspector was directly authorized by Lu Chuan to become an inspector. This appointment was just an idea of ​​Lu Chuan, and then they had the ability of an inspector.

All of this is actually a law defined by God, and Lu Chuan just confirms who can use this law power.

Everyone whose forehead was slid by Lu Chuan felt an unprecedented amount of knowledge pouring in, and then they gained a lot of abilities out of thin air. These abilities, as if they were born with them, appeared naturally, and then they knew how to use them.

"God, this is amazing."

People with a bit reckless personality are already exclaiming. They look at their hands, feel the abilities that appear in their bodies, and digest the knowledge that appears in their minds.

Especially the movement of consciousness is definitely challenging their imagination.

Authorizing twenty people, Lu Chuan did not speak for the first time, but looked at them with a smile, allowing them to perceive the power they have now.

These twenty people are their own assistants and subordinates, and they are also the people who carry on the great responsibilities with them.

If anyone betrays, it is very easy for Lu Chuan to want someone to be unlucky. He only needs to withdraw the appointment of the inspector. Imagine that when he was on a desolate planet millions of light years away, Lu Chuan cut off his movement of consciousness, and he could only stay on this desolate planet forever.

With ninth-level genetic enhancement and the food in his storage space, he can live very well, but this endless loneliness is not something people can bear.

Moreover, no matter how much food is in the storage space, there are times when it is finished. Then what?

No matter how much food, eat for a hundred years, eat for a thousand years, there will always be time to eat. Eternal life just gives you a life span beyond imagination. If you want to die, you will die.

This kind of punishment makes people feel desperate.

Lu Chuan is not worried that they will betray, because the price of betrayal is something they cannot afford.

It took a few minutes before they calmed down from this shock.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly: "I can understand everyone's mood. At the beginning, I was the same as you. It was difficult for me. But I want to test your abilities. There will be time. Now I will divide you into two teams, one team led by Victoria Team, the other team is led by Emperor Porto."

Team, just simply divide them apart.

Traveling in the universe is too lonely. If there is a small team, it will be different. At least you can chat with each other for a while, and discuss and solve any problems.

"Usually you are an independent entity, and you will form a small team only when needed."

Lu Chuan didn't need the team to follow, because he was the strongest existence among the rules. But Victoria is not, they need to hold a group.

Usually, the inspectors will be sent to all directions in the universe to inspect this world.

If only Lu Chuan was alone, he really couldn't take care of it, because the universe was so huge. Not only that, it's still a multiverse, it's even more complicated.

The twenty people in front of him are still far from enough. If he can, Lu Chuan hopes to have more people to become inspectors and inspect the multiverse for himself.

After grouping them, Lu Chuan didn't let these guys stay longer. Lu Chuan knew how eagerly they were now.

"Okay, go if you want to try your abilities. Remember, when you encounter civilization, it's best not to disturb each other. There are also some planets whose harshness may cause you trouble." Lu Chuan exhorted. There was a cry.

"Yes, the inspector."

Albert and the others no longer resisted calling Lu Chuan Supervisor, because now they were all shocked by this ability. They are just inspectors, so how strong will Lu Chuan be?

One by one, as if they had obtained a beloved toy, they left enthusiastically.

The movement of consciousness made them disappear one by one directly in front of Lu Chuan.

Of the twenty people, none were left, all left.

After they became the inspectors, Lu Chuan actually wanted to know their whereabouts and so on. He only needed a thought to know, and it was just a thought within milliseconds to get to them.

With this kind of connection, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about what will happen to them, anything, within a second, he can appear.

Of course, Emperor Porto and Victoria did not follow these people crazy, but stayed behind.

They know the mentality of these people best, especially Emperor Botu, who has been crazy for several days, and now he has just calmed down that excitement.

Lu Chuan didn't feel anything. Now he has 22 collision values ​​and completed one-fifth of the task. It has been almost five months, half a year.

A hundred years of time, and now even 1% is not used, Lu Chuan is confident enough to complete this Congratulations to the supervisor. "Portu the Great flattered.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly. The thought of Emperor Botu was by no means a rigid one. He knew who he was now under. Of course he must have enough respect for Lu Chuan.

Regardless of the outside world, the prestige of Emperor Botu surpassed that of Lu Chuan, but in front of Lu Chuan, Emperor Botu would keep his body in mind. He was just an inspector under Lu Chuan.

"Okay, I will keep your credit in my heart." Lu Chuan smiled, being able to have 20 collision points in five months, and Emperor Botu's credit is definitely the greatest.

Emperor Botu shook his head quickly: "All this is the supervision of the emissary."

Lu Chuan nodded slightly, but the expression on his face became serious, and said, "Now you follow me."

Seeing Lu Chuan's serious face, both Victoria and Botu the Great put away their smiles. They knew that things that could make Lu Chuan's face serious were definitely not trivial.

Lu Chuan tore the space apart, then wrapped the two Victorians with a gas machine and disappeared together.

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