Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1235: Another bead

An Yuran's universe.

After a goodbye, Lu Chuan had time to come here for nearly half a year. During the period, An Yuran had also been to the city of competition, but she was now busy recovering her strength and did not stay too much.


Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, she must have known about herself and Victoria.

If I haven't been in contact for so long, I must be sulking myself.

Women, sometimes it is troublesome. But it is impossible for a man to leave a woman. How to describe it, in the heart of a man, he naturally coaxes her when she uses it, and wants to throw her into a corner when she is not in use.

Lu Chuan didn't think so, but the scumbag who couldn't hold up too much thought so.

After a long absence, Lu Chuan certainly needs to come here to comfort him. As far as he is concerned, An Yuran also has feelings, not that pure athlete status.

When she appeared in front of An Yuran, she was in the last earth.

At the level of An Yuran, it is natural to twist the last-day earth level into one unit, and establish a new country that rules the earth.

An Yuran is the king and queen of everyone.

Human beings are already unified, all that is needed is to adjust the relationship between the various regions, and there won't be too many headaches.

A complete system and a large number of black technologies serve mankind, making the life that mankind currently lives is many times better than before the end of the world.

A small number of people control global resources, and they will not be restrained because of lack of a certain resource.

When Lu Chuan appeared, An Yuran was staying in her own queen's palace in a daze. Lu Chuan gently hugged her behind and buried her head in her hair: "Are you angry with me? "

An Yuran's body stiffened first, and then completely relaxed, and gave a cold snort.

Needless to say, this movement and manner are also.

Lu Chuan still knows how to coax women, so An Yuran couldn't get angry with just a few words.

Next, naturally is the drama of mixed doubles.

After the cloud and rain, no matter how much anger was extinguished, An Yuran actually understood that in the existence of the multiverse, it is impossible for a man to have only his own woman, there will definitely be many.

She just cares about Lu Chuan too much, so she does.

"You regain your strength first, and when the time is right, when you break through the ninth level, I will treat her the same." Lu Chuan smiled and gave a promise.

"Yeah." An Yuran didn't make unreasonable troubles anymore, and she also knew that enough was enough.

Like a strong man like Lu Chuan, she knew that if she really made trouble, it might not be him coaxing herself, but abandoning. Don't say that Lu Chuan is ruthless, his position determines that it is impossible for him to do this.

Lu Chuan stayed in An Yuran's world for a few days before leaving.

In the past few days, An Yuran didn't let him rest for a while. In her words, she wanted a baby to accompany her more.

Naturally, Lu Chuan couldn't refuse such a request, so he could only cultivate diligently, hoping to sow the seeds in these few days.

Lu Chuan would come to An Yuran because he needed to take a risk.

Don't think that there is no need to take risks. Too many things are risky, and some even have life-threatening claims.


Lu Chuan has been conscious of moving, not knowing how many tens of billions of light-years he has moved. He only knows that as long as there is starlight, he will move, and then he will move further.

How long does it take to span the entire universe?

A universe of 250 billion light years, a universe that is still expanding at the speed of light, is theoretically impossible to cross.

But now, it took Lu Chuan a few days to cross it.

"Is this the edge of the universe?"

Lu Chuan is now in total darkness, true darkness. Behind Lu Chuan was the endless violent light, which formed a boundless light, sweeping across the pitch violently, forcibly tearing the darkness.

This kind of violent light is actually the energy produced by the Big Bang, a kind of energy that spreads and moves with light. It is so violent that it is beyond Lu Chuan's understanding.

If it hadn't really crossed it, Lu Chuan was sure that he would also be torn apart by it.

No human vocabulary is enough to describe its violent current.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, it seems peaceful and beautiful, but in fact any matter in the universe, even a black hole, is not enough in front of it.

The nothingness was torn apart, and then a sky full of cosmic dust was formed. And this dust will form an endless dust zone that does not know how many billions of light years, and then, under the agitation of the cosmic energy, it will roll over hundreds of millions of years, even billions of years, tens of billions of years. The cosmic dust merged together, from small to large, and gradually formed a new planet.

And this piece of cosmic dust contains matter under countless laws, such as various metal elements, etc., which will form various planets of different natures. These planets are of different sizes and are scattered in this area to form a galaxy. .

Ten billion years later, a new star cluster appeared here, containing billions of trillions of stars.

This is the edge of the universe, a kind of energy that is expanding at the speed of light and constantly making the universe bigger. This kind of energy, even the gods may tremble for it.

When Lu Chuan was here, he felt a sense of twilight.

Yes, twilight.

The energy produced by the Big Bang is finite after all. It can't escape the laws of cosmic energy. As it advances, it will continue to weaken and eventually fade.

The infinite darkness in front of me, to use a metaphor, it is black vinyl, and now it is just compressed. When the power of the universe ceases to exist, it will rebound and counterattack.

Its counterattack lies in the larger the universe, the greater the counterattack power.

Wherever it goes, everything will turn into nothingness, which means that when it returns to the singularity at the center of the universe after hundreds of billions of light-years of counterattack, the entire universe will return to its original state. All creatures and matter in this universe will return to peace.

In this kind of expansion and rebound, any life is small and not worth mentioning.

Human beings are indeed the spirit of all things, with a civilization level of 0.75, and they know these mysteries of the universe. Through the light emitted by the planet, they can infer this kind of positive and negative changes in the universe, and the potential is absolutely to top the universe.

Of course, the races in the technological civilization, they will also know.

Living in it is impossible to change. In addition, it is tens of billions of years, or even hundreds of billions of years. Who cares?

Lu Chuan sighed, then turned his head, facing the darkness.

In fact, when Lu Chuan saw that the universe was expanding and expanding, this force that destroyed the world was already too close to Lu Chuan. It moved at the same speed as light, and Lu Chuan could see it, which meant it was close at hand.

The light meets the light, and the point where they meet and move forward is the distance between Lu Chuan and the cosmic energy. It is very close, and it does not take long to swallow the location of Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan didn't hesitate, but together, he began to communicate with God.

In an instant, Lu Chuan disappeared into the pitch black in a twist.


Lu Chuan just felt that he blinked, and he arrived at this strange place, where violent energy was everywhere, and they were tearing everything apart.

Accompanied by this energy is endless dust and various types of radiation emitted by various elements.

If humans stay in this kind of environment, rays alone can kill humans in one second. The radiation and all kinds of rays here are completely beyond the reach of human beings.

Even the super high temperature brought by the violent energy here can instantly vaporize steel.

Lu Chuan reacted immediately that this area was the cosmic dust area formed after the Big Bang. The violent energy here is actually the remnant of cosmic energy.

Here, some of the tumbling dust has been fused together to form the core of a planet.

These first cores will absorb more cosmic dust and will eventually form a planet after billions of years, tens of billions of years.

Some lucky planets will evolve here. After this star field is stable, life belonging to this planet will be formed after billions of years, and races with wisdom will appear in the evolution of billions of years. ...

This is the evolutionary history of the universe, the incredible evolution of life, no one knows how life was born.

Lu Chuan's heart was shocked. He knew that the world he was in now was in the multiverse within another bead.

At this moment, Lu Chuan was transformed into a rule-breaker by the supervisor.

Yes, this is a bead belonging to another god.

Lu Chuan's heart suddenly lifted, becoming nervous and afraid. In the world within this bead, people may not necessarily be users of biochemical factories, they may be other races, and their own gods can no longer protect themselves.

Here, oneself may be killed, not an omnipotent god.

Like a fish leaving the water, Lu Chuan felt a sense of discomfort, depressing himself, making him feel breathless.

"Is this another bead?"

Lu Chuan muttered to himself, but this kind of voice can only be heard by himself.

The violent energy here makes Lu Chuan like a Ye Zhou on the sea.

After arriving here, Lu Chuan calmed down after only half an hour. He stared into the distance, and then saw the starlight, which was dim, but he still saw it.

Lu Chuan doesn't need to know how far it is. The starlight he sees now is the light that it emitted billions of years ago. With an idea, Lu Chuan disappeared in this violent cosmic dust area.

Within milliseconds, Lu Chuan appeared on a lifeless planet. It was extremely violent. The interior of the planet was very unstable. It was tumbling and cracking almost every moment, forming countless erupting inner core lava.

Even this planet, its appearance is not round, but an irregular shape with horns.

Lu Chuan immediately realized that it was actually the early stage of the planet, which was still in its forming state. It was extremely unstable and changed its shape. If the interior was not stable, it would continue forever.

But don't look at this young planet, it may have been formed hundreds of millions of years, or even longer. And this unstable state may need to last for billions of years.

These billions of it may eventually explode and destroy the planet due to the violent instability inside. The fragments it forms will form various asteroids in the universe, or super large Meteorite.

It is impossible for humans to have a chance to witness such a young planet, but Lu Chuan has now done it.

It is not as spectacular as imagined, on the contrary, it is as terrible as hell. If it weren't for Lu Chuan's current ability, no life would survive a minute here.

Moving to this planet, Lu Chuan can be said to have left the cosmic dust area just now at least 100 million light years away.

Like this planet, Lu Chuan's eyes are worthless.

Anyone who knows the universe knows that within billions of light-years of this young planet, the probability of life being born is very slim, and it is not the area where Lu Chuan needs to stay.

Lu Chuan raised his head again and stared at the stars in the distance.

Countless stars were shining, Lu Chuan found the one that looked the most distant and dim. His mind rose again, and the movement of consciousness instantly made Lu Chuan disappear.

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