Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1245: Heroes

Purchasing company.

The main reason why this company is still there is that Lu Chuan doesn't know how to arrange Yiran. Lu Chuan has always played an important and indispensable role on its way to rise.

Countless things that Lu Chuan could not do clearly were left to it.

It can be said that Yi Ran is responsible for all the dirty work in Lu Chuan's hands. And its talent did not disappoint Lu Chuan, and there was almost no mistake.

Based on this, Lu Chuan finally gave the hand of God to Yi Ran to be responsible.

The hand of God nowadays is no longer the hand of God at the time. It has stood on the bright side and established a famous maritime hospital.

Under Yiran's operation, he directly purchased a supertanker of more than 800,000 tons from a consortium and transformed it into the Hand of God Hospital, a super hospital moving at sea.

When Lu Chuan arrived at the purchasing company, he was still so familiar with it, but Lu Chuan found that he hadn't stepped in here once in several years, and each time it was just a phone call.

Standing at this door, Lu Chuan gave a wry smile.

It's all here, Lu Chuan can't shrink back.

In fact, Lu Chuan knew why he was reluctant to come here, mainly because of Yi Ran. A representative of a super childlike giant, Lu Chuan didn't know how many times he had fantasized about it, but in the end he was discouraged because it was a zombie.

Otherwise, Lu Chuan is not Liu Xiahui, can he sit still?

But this time, I had to come, because Zhong Hua and An Tong had already become real people by themselves. As Yi Ran, who is more important than them, how could it be system?

Lu Chuan only appeared, and Yi Ran knew it for the first time. It appeared for the first time. When he saw Lu Chuan, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes: "Boss."

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "It says inside."

The procurement company no longer serves Luchuan, but it still needs to operate, only for becoming a Baichuan Guihai Group Company. With more employees, the purchasing company is no longer as simple as before.

Yi Ran nodded, and went first. This is Yiran's villa, and generally there is no permission, and no one will appear here. Lu Chuan also walked in with a wry smile, and saw many people walking in.

Yi Ran's face and figure are still exactly the same as before, without a slight change.

I don't know why, Lu Chuan still has the same heartbeat as before. It seems that all men can't help this level of temptation, and they don't necessarily want to do anything, at least they will appreciate this kind of pleasing beauty.

When they got there, Yi Ran wanted to make coffee for Lu Chuan. It knew that Lu Chuan liked this one.

Lu Chuan waved his hand and said: "Okay, to make a long story short, this time, I just want to ask you, do you want to get rid of the identity of a zombie and become a human? In fact, it is to restore your previous life."

Yi Ran's eyes shrank, his throat moved a little, and he stared at Lu Chuan: "Boss, are you sure you are not kidding [August One Chinese Website]?"

"You only need to answer whether I am willing or not." Lu Chuan said sternly.

Yi Ran nodded without hesitation, God knows how many days and nights, since it has activated its intelligence, it has been thinking about its own identity. This body is actually just an illusory body, it is like a soul container, and its soul is locked in this body.

If the intelligence is not activated, I am afraid it is just a walking dead.

Lu Chuan was actually just asking about it, and it could be regarded as a kind of respect for these old men who followed him. Otherwise, with Lu Chuan's strength, there is no need to ask at all, and any decision he makes must be unconditionally obeyed.

"Even if I lose everything, I want to be a human being. I want to return to who I was before." Yi Ran became excited.

For this one, it can give everything.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "God said that there was light, so there was light. Now I, I said that you have restored to the previous you, and you have restored to the previous you."

With the transformation of ideas, Lu Chuan turned the idea of ​​positioning into reality.

The next moment, Yi Ran suddenly felt a kind of reality. She seemed to have recovered to her before the end of the world in an instant, a graduate of university, the best thing that billions of men wanted most.

This feeling was so clear that she realized that she really came alive, no longer a zombie, no longer a walking dead.

"Is all this true?" Yi Ran patted her cheek and kept asking.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Of course it is true. You are now a flesh and blood person. In fact, you can be treated as if you were resurrected and returned to the moment you were infected by the virus."

Yi Ran seemed to go crazy and jumped up.

Suddenly, what appeared in front of Lu Chuan was a turbulent wave. The amplitude of the shaking was enough to make a man bleed from his nose, his eyes would be blurred, and everyone would be stunned.

As if unknown, Yi Ran slammed onto Lu Chuan's body, then clamped Lu Chuan's waist with his legs, hugged Lu Chuan tightly, and completely covered Lu Chuan with Jufeng: "Hahaha, I am resurrected. I’m resurrected, I’m human now, hahahaha, I’m so happy."

Lu Chuan only felt that kind of softness, surrounded himself, and the thought that appeared in his mind was that this girl didn't even use a bra, it was a vacuum.

But at this time, Yi Ran reacted, but she just blushed, she hung on Lu Chuan's body like this, and then pressed Lu Chuan's shoulder with her hand, staring at Lu Chuan with a little overlooking: "Boss , Now that I am a human being, will you still care about my identity and avoid me?"

At the next moment, Lu Chuan only felt that he was being pressed back to the soft mountain with his head.

Yes, she is now a human, no longer a zombie, and has recovered to the point before she became a zombie, would she still care about and avoid her?

It seemed that it was a man's instinct, and Lu Chuanhua took the initiative.

Yi Ran, who was directly genetically strengthened to level 8 by Lu Chuan, had absolutely terrifying endurance, so after saving tens of thousands of words, he finally let Lu Chuan roar, exploding out of the refreshing refreshment.


Lu Chuan appeared silently in the repair shop, which is no longer what it used to be. After all, it belongs to the Baichuan Guihai Group Company and has developed into a large-scale maintenance group chained across the country.

This large maintenance group is affiliated to the New Energy Automobile Group under the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

Although the maintenance group has also become a behemoth, this repair shop has only become better and bigger, but has not been removed. Not many people know the reason. Zhao Hu, who has become the president of the maintenance group, and Zhang Lin, the vice president, are the ones who know the most.

If it were not for this group of people, it would be unknown whether this maintenance group would exist.

Of course Zhang Lin is actually the person in charge, but he knows that he is only temporary. In the future, this repair shop will definitely be Zhao Hu.

In the future, it is indeed the same.

After Zhao Hu became familiar with a set of operations, he became the person in charge, and he became the vice president.

However, Zhang Lin did not complain, because with the injection of Lu Chuan's funds, the repair shop became a repair company, then to the repair group, and finally became the grandson company of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

Now he is a good vice president, but outsiders, who disrespects him a bit? All because he is one of the senior administrators of Baichuan Guihai Group.

Appearing here, Lu Chuan felt a little bit and smiled.

At the beginning, I kept this place for myself, in fact, to house the uncle zombies. The real veteran is actually the uncle zombie, the irreplaceable first corpse.

It's just that it's no more than an ordinary zombie, and ultimately can't adapt to the speed of Lu Chuan's rise. It can only stay in this repair shop and use it as a hiding place for the elderly.

The uncle zombies also understand that the boss is already very kind, otherwise they will definitely not stay, but will be erased. Like their strength, it is useless to the boss.

It opened up their intelligence, gave them thinking, and made them understand how lucky they are to meet such a boss. With intelligence, although they are still zombies, they can enjoy this world, no different from living.

In the maintenance room, they are actually the management and they don't need to work.

The moment Lu Chuan stepped in, they all stood up excitedly, with an expression of excitement on their faces. They don't even know how long it has been since they have seen the boss.

The boss seems to have forgotten them. They even think that they will never see the boss again.

But now, Lu Chuan appeared in front of them, why not let them get excited.


It was almost uniform voice.

There are many maintenance workers here. When they saw Lu Chuan, a person's eyes were huge, and he could hardly believe what he saw. This is Lu Chuan. They head and then head, and then the boss of the boss. There is no one of the most powerful people in the world. His status is even higher than that of the president of a country.

But here, they saw Lu Chuan, how could they not be surprised.

In particular, what surprised them was that Lu Chuan had nothing to do with them. He only knew that a few managements who were eating and waiting to die were owned by them. Looking at their looks, it was like a long-lost reunion of friends.

"No wonder the president and vice president, no matter how busy they are, they will visit here every three days. The original reason is here."

Many people suddenly realized that there are people with such great energy hidden in this repair shop. Fortunately, although they look down on them, the president and vice president have passed on for generations ~ They can't commit, and they still maintain enough respect.

Fortunately, this is also the case, otherwise they would be miserable.

No matter what other people think of Lu Chuan, Lu Chuan is indeed excited and hugs the uncle zombies. His start has a great relationship with them, especially Uncle Zombie, who is Lu Chuan's first subordinate after owning a biochemical factory.

Thinking of the scene when he had acquired the biochemical factory, Lu Chuan laughed unconsciously. The misunderstanding between him and the uncle zombie is really arousing laughter now.

At the same time, Lu Chuan sighed.

In a flash, so many years have passed, and the scenes seem to have happened yesterday.

Yang Ping'an, Zhong Tong, Yang Biao... They all came to Lu Chuan's heart one by one. They are indeed too weak now, but Lu Chuan will not veto everything they have done for themselves.

It can be said that without them, it would be impossible for Lu Chuan to rise so quickly.

These are all the zombies who followed him at first, and they are absolute heroes.

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