Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1257: transfer

A civilization that can reach the sixth level has perfect emergency measures and quick response.

However, it is too huge. Dozens of galaxies are distributed within 10 million light-years. It takes 10 million years for light to span. This time is almost the same for communication.

If it is to use the base station, perhaps the message has not reached the central galaxy, this civilization has already perished.

Close to the galaxy of the destroyed galaxy, after receiving the information for the first time, I saw the contents inside, and all were shocked. The first time was to mobilize the fleet and put all the military forces into a combat form.

The second response was to send five communication spacecraft to use the wormhole to transmit information.

The communication spacecraft is a bit like a base station, but it can be moved, can use wormholes, and is so powerful that it is far from the base station.

The five communication spacecrafts are actually constantly going back and forth between the two ends of the wormhole.

Its principle is very simple. After entering the wormhole, it first receives a huge amount of data and then stores it on the spacecraft. There are two criteria. The first is to reach a certain amount of data, and the second is to reach the set time. , No matter the two standards are met, it will automatically start and enter the wormhole next to it.

The use of wormholes is actually a space wall. The folding of the space can span hundreds of thousands or even millions of light years in a very short time.

These five communication spacecraft, after the emergency level is activated, do not need to wait for other data to accumulate to a certain amount or wait time. Instead, they enter the wormhole directly. Their mission this time is to transfer here What happened was transmitted to the central galaxy.

In the age of the universe, this is the most advanced means of communication.

It is helpless to say that it will take at least a week for the outer news to reach the central galaxy. In other words, you have to send a message to your relatives in the central galaxy. You send it today, and it will receive it a week later, and then it will reply to you, and it will take another week for you to receive it.

One time, half a month...

You may think that they are backward, but when you understand that their communication distance is more than millions of light years, you will know that this kind of communication is almost unimaginable.

How big is the earth? Communication is of course fast. After all, the speed of light is 300,000 kilometers per second, and the diameter of the earth is only more than 12,000 kilometers. Naturally, communication is fast.

Expanding your thinking, the entire Milky Way galaxy is only 90,000 light years in diameter, while the other side's span is millions of light years.

Five communication spacecraft flew in the wormhole for nearly a day before jumping out of another exit of the wormhole.

The first time it appeared, the huge and unimaginable data on the spacecraft was sent out, and it began to be received by the base stations set up on different planets here, and then spread.

The huge amount of data is far beyond imagination. Think about the huge amount of data generated by thousands of planets in a galaxy with billions of people?

Wormholes do not mean that you go wherever you think of it. It is a kind of space crack in the formation of the universe, and where it leads to is completely random.

Since you can't force it, you can only establish a connection point between the wormhole and the wormhole, and then transfer.

This is the reason why it takes a week to send information to the central galaxy. It spans millions of light years, is constantly transiting, and can also guarantee the integrity of information. This technological power is terrifying to think about.

A week later.

When the central galaxy received this piece of information, it immediately fell into horror. They could not imagine, what kind of individual was actually so powerful?

The royal family in the central galaxy immediately summoned the ministers.

An extremely fast response plan is completed and then executed. They have a history of hundreds of millions of years. From the primitive to the current level six civilization, they have experienced too much. No matter what happens, they will have a set of solutions.

Like now, nothing more than confirming the size of the fleet.

The order was issued immediately.

The central fleet of the central galaxy did not move. This command is aimed at the eight galaxies near the galaxy that has changed. They will form a super fleet of 1.3 million warships.

What is the concept of 1.3 million warships?

When it is rolled out, the ten solar systems are not so big, and the shocking effect brought by civilization is completely subverting human imagination.

Fortunately, the size of the universe, coupled with the use of overlap, can reduce the size of this fleet.

Commands from the central galaxy, in fact, it takes a week at the earliest to reach the major galaxies.

In the eyes of mankind, there was a war on the front line, but the rear did not know about it until a week later, and then issued an order, and it would take another week to get to the front line. How can this battle be fought?

In fact, in the age of the universe, it is absolutely impossible for a fleet to collapse so quickly. A fleet of tens of thousands, even in the face of a fleet of millions, can last a long time.

If the strength of the two sides is equal, it may be impossible to tell the outcome in a month, and there is no time in time.

Another mechanism is that once a war occurs in a certain galaxy, the nearby galaxy needs to enter the state of war for the first time, and then accept the command of the established command. They have the power to mobilize the military power of the nearby galaxy.

The order of the central galaxy is only a supplement. In fact, the command in front has very large power.

This is the meaning of the so-called will be out, and the king's fate is not.

The galaxy that was destroyed immediately attracted the attention of the front-line galaxy command. The fleets of several galaxies were transferred to form a larger fleet.

Once the order of the central galaxy comes, this fleet will grow larger.

Countless reconnaissance spaceships are scattered, they will patrol every corner, and at the same time they will deploy one after another. They will float in space, enter a state of invisibility, and mix with the darkness of the universe, and they will not be found at all.

If something passes by them, they will catch it and send the information.

This kind of reconnaissance device is so large that there is almost no dead space between galaxies and galaxies.

Next, as long as this race is found, this fleet will face it as soon as possible.

Taking advantage of this time, the headquarters naturally invested a huge amount of character power and began to analyze the previous battle videos and so on.

The supernatural civilization and the individual are more powerful than a top warship. The more they look at it, the more alarming they are, and the more they look at it, the more they feel a kind of powerlessness.

The opponent's movement is even more mysterious, and within milliseconds, it can go from one battleship to another.

What's more important is their offensive power. Many warships only need a punch to burst. This type of energy is beyond imagination, far from what they can understand.

The entire headquarters is depressive, and they can't eat well for a few days.

If we meet again, no matter how large the fleet is, there will be no way to deal with them. In addition, how many super fighters does this race have, and what is their race population?

It can be said that they know nothing about this race.

A civilization that even they could not find, but appeared in front of them, still coming with a wave of malice, is definitely not good news, and it makes people horrified.

There is no contact, there is only destruction, a huge fleet is destroyed, and then a galaxy.

Think about this kind of treatment, the other party is completely holding the momentum to destroy the entire civilization, not like conquering at all, but wanting destruction.

"What is their purpose? They will try their best to find out."

In wartime, the headquarters is completely above the galaxy government, so the order issued by the headquarters is the highest order, and nearby galaxies need to cooperate.

The background of a sixth-level civilization is beyond imagination, aside from its powerful military power, like the exploration of the universe, it is also very good.

Countless exploration spacecraft left the galaxy and flew out of the vast galaxy. In these areas, some of them have been detected and some have not.

The order they received this time was to find this civilization, so their mission needs to fly farther, to an area they haven't been to before, and explore this unknown universe.

With advanced technology, they have actually discovered many civilizations at super long distances, but there is no way to cross them, and they can't find a wormhole to jump. They can only observe in secret.

The recorded civilizations seem to have no traces of activity, which represents their civilization level, and may not have been able to enter space. This kind of civilization only needs to be recorded, without too much attention.

Occasionally, some civilizations can conduct space activities, but their range of activities is also limited.

You can make inferences based on different ranges and know their civilization level.

At some time, they can also receive messages sent by civilizations when they explore the universe, which contains addresses and some information about civilizations.

In the eyes of the octopus race, these races are really stupid and cute. Don't they know that this is exposing themselves and attracting the conquest of other civilizations? The smartest way is to converge all information about civilization and develop with peace of mind when it is not discovered.

At a special moment, several galaxies have entered a state of combat readiness, and countless warships have been mobilized to garrison one planet after another.


Without warning, a group of people appeared in the dark and vast starry sky.

This is naturally Lu Chuan and others, who appeared directly here after three days of rest. Compared with the seriousness and nervousness of the first time, they have become extremely relaxed now.

Just need to pay attention to it, it's completely abusive, the other party is still too weak.

Lu Chuan already has a galaxy map of the entire civilization, so he is very clear about the composition of this civilization, which is why Lu Chuan needs to learn their characters.

For the enemy, you need to understand him, even better than himself.

This is knowing the enemy and confidant.

Lu Chuan didn't want to make mistakes in this process, or the destruction was not thorough enough.

Now that you understand this, how could Lu Chuan appear next to the previous galaxy now? Lu Chuan is not afraid of the huge fleet they pull up, but Lu Chuan doesn't like this kind of thing that follows the opponent's rhythm.

Rhythm is still in your own hands to be comfortable.

Therefore, Lu Chuan took them here. The galaxy in the other direction is also the outer galaxy, but the fleet here is even larger, reaching 150,000 ships.

The information has already arrived here, and it has entered a state of combat readiness early. Some warships have lifted into the air. Even the warships that are parked are all in the standby state with their propellers, ready to be used.

To accommodate such a huge fleet to moor, you can imagine what kind of planet is needed, and what kind of transformation is needed on this planet.

Lu Chuan is the kind of person who doesn't talk much and does things simply.


Lu Chuan gently spit out these two words, and the Emperor Botu and the others roared like chicken blood, disappearing one by one.

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