Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1262: Civilization, race change

How many wormholes do they have?

Lu Chuan should also be one of the clearest group of people. Lu Chuan, who robbed the storage star, had a terrible understanding of the entire civilization. Lu Chuan would know too much information that is not known by ordinary people.

They have mastered a total of seventy-one wormholes. Some of these wormholes are useful, but some are not.

It's not that wormholes must be useful. For example, wormholes leading to a certain galaxy are naturally useful. But the wormhole that leads to the same endless universe has no effect.

And there are some wormholes, and their directions and positions are not very different, which are repetitive.

There are only forty-seven wormholes that are really useful, which is very much, because they can use the entrance and exit of the wormhole as the center and radiate to a range of ten light-years nearby.

With their spacecraft technology, it takes about fifteen years to fly in ten light years.

People of the octopus race have a long life span, and fifteen years is not a big deal to them. And they can use sleep technology to put them into a dormant state, reducing their body functions to an unimaginable point, so as to ensure that their lifespan is also dormant.

A flight that takes 30 to 40 years is normal.

Lu Chuan's current task is to block all these wormholes so that they cannot use the wormholes.

Lu Chuan could do things that the inspectors could not do.

The wormholes are constantly being filled, which is not difficult for Lu Chuan. Lu Chuan, who already has a footprint on the wormhole, can reach it with just one thought, and then he can put his hands together and erase the wormhole.

As long as one end of the wormhole is damaged, it will not be able to maintain its form in the subspace. It will collapse directly, be replaced by the dark matter of the universe, and be restored to an intact state.

Using a wormhole is actually very dangerous at first. I don’t know how many probes disappear after entering the wormhole. Because the wall of the wormhole is extremely unstable and it is composed of dark matter, it is almost impossible to escape when something goes wrong.

The black hole is the big brother of the wormhole. As the younger brother, it leads to a single wormhole.

Unlike a wormhole, a black hole consumes everything and smashes it.

If you want to use a black hole, you must reach the eighth level of civilization.

Lu Chuan checked the wormhole. When the message was passed to the central galaxy, the ruling royal family in the civilization looked dead and gray. They couldn't imagine what the other party could do. Even the wormhole can be closed.

But how could they give up the Civilization Seed Project? Now the wormholes are closed. After losing the wormholes, there is only one way to go, which is to let them enter the vast universe and fight for luck.

Whether they can cross the blank star field of millions of light years depends on their luck.

This is their greatest effort, and the future is really not something they can confirm and think about. Maybe they will become ghost ships in the universe, and maybe they will find suitable planets and restart civilization after millions of light years.

Without hesitation, the ten super warships in the seed of civilization project began to enter the countdown to escape.


Lu Chuan's abilities are far beyond what this sixth-level civilization can imagine. They will never understand what this kind of god-like power can do.

When the super warships in the Ten Seeds of Civilization Project were launched, Lu Chuan appeared in the dark starry sky.

Ten super warships, they flew in ten different directions.

I have to say that their think tanks are still very fierce. In order to cooperate with the escape of these ten super warships, they directly detonated dark matter in the outer galaxy and directly sacrificed billions of trillions of people.

The cost of paying such a big price is to attract Lu Chuan and the others' attention, and to create a chance for the ten super warships to escape.

Unfortunately, they met Lu Chuan, a powerful existence that they would never understand.

In the dark and vast space, a shocking super giant battleship is advancing at the speed of sublight. At an unimaginable speed, how much power is needed to advance to sublight speed?

Sublight advancement requires not only speed, but also absolute stability of the warship's structure.

Such a huge battleship has to withstand this kind of speed, which shows how powerful its technological content is. It is worthy of the technological level of the pinnacle of level six civilization.

Lu Chuan stared in this space, watching this huge ship transform into an elongated light in space, moving forward and fleeing.

Without wormholes, it can only use this method.

"It's a pity that there are life forms in the battleship, which cannot be put in the storage space, otherwise this battleship will be laughed at by itself." Lu Chuan smiled lightly, but it was a pity, but Lu Chuan would not force it.

My current ability, this kind of warship, is the existence of scum. If you want to have it, it is nothing more than human nature at work, or as a human being, a hobby of warships.

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes and snapped his fingers.

Thanos killed half of the universe's creatures, Lu Chuan couldn't do it, but it was still possible to let this battleship disintegrate.

In Lu Chuan's snapping fingers, this warship that was advancing at sub-light speed suddenly became countless parts. And the tens of billions of octopus race members appeared directly in space and lost their lives in the struggle.

They would never think that their way of death would be like this.

Life is so fragile sometimes.

What about the sixth-level civilization? In space, it is a forbidden zone for life, unless you have the ability to counter the universe. Like them, they can only usher in death without preparation.

In the blink of an eye, it was the death of the tens of billions of people. Lu Chuan only moved his brows and then let go.

I knew that there would be this result before, but now Lu Chuan has no mercy, and some just look at it indifferently.

The dismemberment of this warship is not over yet, and Lu Chuan will not leave the tail of his hand.

In the void, Lu Chuan combined his hands and photographed all the parts into pieces before Lu Chuan left.

This is only the first ship, and there are nine more ships waiting for Luchuan to deal with.

Lu Chuan was an industrious little bee, constantly flying to various places to destroy these super warships that were fleeing. For Lu Chuan, this is really not a difficult task, it is nothing more than traveling a few more places.

Of the ten warships, none of them could escape, and they were all destroyed by Lu Chuan in the middle.

The octopus race's racial civilization plan completely failed.

When destroying the first ship, they will receive a message, because they will receive a message that the battleship disappeared. When they receive a few more ships, they will know that their plan has failed and they have lost the opportunity to escape to heaven.


Emperor Botu and their abilities are indeed very strong. They swept all the way and exploded a fleet and planets, thus forming the collapse of a galaxy and heading for destruction.

After continuously destroying the entire civilized galaxy, their living space is gradually compressed.

No matter how powerful they used to be, how large the star field they were, they have now become clouds. Under siege, the number of star coefficients they possess has been continuously reduced, from dozens of galaxies to less than ten galaxies.

These remnant galaxies are all around the central galaxy.

The pessimism of genocide has shrouded in this remnant galaxy, and the fierce race battle has almost drained the fresh blood of the entire race. The previously inexhaustible resources are now almost exhausted, and the extremely powerful war potential no longer exists.

This is not a fight at all, but a massacre.

No matter how many warships and soldiers they mobilize, and how many warships and robots they produce, the result is the same. There is no change in the slightest. The enemy they are facing now is completely invincible.

They are like gods, crushing the technology in their hands.

At this point, they have almost no room for resistance. In the remaining galaxies, there is basically no military strength, just some red fruit planets.

This is the surrounding area of ​​the central galaxy. In fact, if the war hits here, it means that they are powerless, so no military force has been established here.

Desperate emotions appeared on every member of the tribe, and there were crying voices everywhere.

Lu Chuan knew that at this point, it was time to be cruel.

The most difficult and most sad scene is now. In despair, no matter what life it is, it is the most pitiful time.

"Now, take all the galaxies, the soft-hearted, die."

Lu Chuan took a deep breath and gave instructions.

Emperor Botu had serious faces on their faces, and they knew why Lu Chuan would say that the soft-hearted died. At this moment, they can't tolerate their softheartedness or hesitation.

It took more than two months for this moment.

In the past two months, how much effort they have put in, even three inspectors died and fell under the opponent's dark matter super weapon.

And the death of these three people has always reminded them that this is a life-and-death war, and they cannot tolerate their tenderness.

"Understand, boss." They yelled one by one, and then disappeared in front of Lu Chuan, already moving through their minds, appearing in the planets one after another.

Ten seconds later, explosions continued to appear in the galaxy. This was the explosion of the planet being destroyed. The effect it brought was to make the entire galaxy turbulent.

With the continuous explosion of the planet, the influence becomes stronger and stronger, spreading to the entire galaxy.

The power of the planet explosion is lasting, and its influence will continue to expand. For the life in this galaxy, it is a catastrophe from the universe, and no one of them can survive.

This is a final harvest battle, they will be wiped out like ants.

Life is really nothing at this moment, not even a symbol.

Lu Chuan just watched in silence. For more than two months, each of them has been nervous. Now this is the last moment. After completion, it will return to the city of competition, or their respective worlds. , They all need to rest.

How to adjust is their business, and Lu Chuan does not interfere.

As for the three who died, this kind of casualties was in Lu Chuan's expectation. It is impossible for a civilization of level 6 to be so powerless, and its resistance will also bring casualties.

One by one galaxies became fragments, and how many planets were destroyed.

Some have traces of civilization, some do not, but in the face of this kind of galaxy-level catastrophe, there is no innocence, because they are just dead things.

The battle, now, is the end, there is no such thing as stopping.

Even if Lu Chuan wanted to stop, it would be impossible to get their forgiveness, and he would not be able to complete the task assigned by So, from the beginning, all this was doomed.

The patrol envoys reveled in love, first destroying the outer galaxies and then the central galaxy.

Lu Chuan didn't have the idea of ​​talking with this high-level civilization. There is nothing to talk about for different races. Is there a winner's attitude? Lu Chuan doesn't need it yet.

The entire central galaxy was wiped out in the explosion of a huge number of dark matter weapons. They had the idea of ​​dying together. Unfortunately, Lu Chuan and others, who had been prepared for it, had already returned to the city of competition at the moment of the explosion.

Their courage can't do anything.

And the self-destruction of the central galaxy also represents that this civilization spanning more than 10 million light-years has since drawn a full stop and completely disappeared in the history of the universe.

Maybe after a long time, civilization will arrive here, and after harvesting some remaining fragments, they will know that such a civilization has existed. Maybe this civilization will verify how this civilization disappeared, but it will never think of more.

The transformation of civilizations and races was originally the most normal phenomenon in the universe.

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