Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1289: It's too big

   How long does it take to destroy a galaxy?

   Lu Chuan can't give an answer, because this galaxy is too huge, the size of the Milky Way galaxy is about the same, at the speed of light, it takes tens of thousands of years to cross.

   It is almost impossible for a black hole to swallow the entire galaxy. It can only swallow the planet within a certain range.

   "In other words, just relying on a black hole, maybe not?"

   Can't one?

   Lu Chuan touched his chin, watching the black hole arbitrarily, and the surrounding planets were constantly being swallowed. It should have been a terrifying thing, but it was still far from Lu Chuan expected.

   Make an arrangement, the most terrifying thing in the universe is the black hole, then to the quark star, and then to the neutron star. 78 Chinese debut

   Quark star is a kind of stellar body between a neutron star and a black hole. It is actually an enhanced version of a neutron star, but it is not enough for a black hole. If it develops further, it will transform into a black hole.

   Black holes are a little lacking, and if they are quark stars, they are even worse.

   Ultra-dimensional strikes, this is the most abnormal, but Lu Chuan's current ability can only target a small area, facing this galaxy tens of thousands of light years, it is too slow. 78 Chinese debut https://https://

   "One can't work, just ten, one hundred..."

   Lu Chuan was also fierce, his mind moved and appeared near the periphery of this galaxy.

   A neutron star can affect the range, depending on the size of the neutron star, ranging from hundreds of millions of kilometers to tens of light years. Even if the neutron star is large enough, the distance it can affect will be hundreds of light years, thousands of light years.

   Destroying a civilization, if it takes so long, Lu Chuan only has a hundred years, which is too short.

   In other words, Lu Chuan needs to create neutron stars that are large enough, and then make them close enough to each other.

   "It looks like I'm half tired."

   Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. With this galaxy alone, Lu Chuan did not know how many neutron stars had to be created to achieve the goal of destroying the entire galaxy.

   Now Lu Chuan regrets it a bit. He had known that it would be faster to let the inspectors come together to destroy each planet and destroy the civilization of a galaxy.

   Without hesitation, Lu Chuan stared at a super planet.

   This is a planet about the size of a solar system, and the sun is like dust in front of it.

   The largest planet discovered by mankind is VY Canis Major. It can hold 8 billion suns, which is beyond human imagination.

   The one in front of me is slightly smaller, but it is already unimaginably large.

   Lu Chuan appeared in front of it, and in his line of sight, it was all in his sight.

   The super-flaming star, the planetary power it produces, the violent energy it brings, any planet that is close to it will be sucked in, and it will completely disappear with only a few ripples.

   No one knows how it was formed, how can it have such a huge volume.

   Lu Chuan also doesn't need to know. One of his thoughts has already fallen on its surface. The extremely high temperature is even higher than the sun. There is almost no matter here, and everything is gasified.

   Together with the power of mind, thinking wraps up this planet and enters a state of transformation.

   only half an hour, a super neutron star is completed.

   It has a super diameter of 100 million kilometers. Compared with the largest neutron star in human observation, it is like dust. The terrifying gravity, even the space was almost collapsed.

   "Just let it be here, the destructive power it brings is too small."

   At this point, there was no mercy anymore. What Lu Chuan wanted was to destroy the entire galaxy, and it was already time to stop.

  The reason why the Supervisor is a demigod lies in the power it possesses, beyond imagination.

   For example, Lu Chuan began to construct the path of this super neutron star in his mind. It will orbit the galaxy along an orbit designed by Lu Chuan.

   It is conceivable that as long as it runs for a week, it is enough to break the entire galaxy.

  Lu Chuan did just that. After constructing it with his mind, the super neutron star that Lu Chuan single-handedly created was moving at the speed of light according to this orbit.

   Wherever the super neutron star goes, countless planets under the terrifying gravity of the neutron star, even light years away, are immediately affected and embarked on the path of destruction.

   The inhabitants of the planets here don’t know what's going on. The neutron stars pass through these living planets. The first step of the huge gravitational force is to pull away from the planet’s atmosphere, and then to oxygen.

   Just this step, almost all lives have entered death.

   In the next moment, countless buildings, mountains, oceans, etc. are all pulled up under the action of gravity, dismembered in the sky and turned into countless pieces, and then to dust, into space.

   The destruction of the entire planet is the first step.

   In the second step, the planet began to fall apart, and the entire planet plate was overturned and flew into the sky.

   At this point, the planet was torn apart, and then it was like a line, shattered into pieces, and flew towards the position of the neutron star. In this process, the entire planet will become cosmic dust, and there will be nothing complete.

   And all this was completed in just a few tens of seconds, because the neutron star passed at the speed of light, and when the planet turned into dust, the neutron star was no longer visible.

   In this way, it created a cosmic wonder.

   At the position where the neutron star passed, all the planets became a cloud of dust with a length of hundreds of millions of kilometers, flying all the way in the direction where the neutron star left.

   is one strand first, then tens of thousands of shares...

   Every planet will be transformed into one strand, seeming to be chasing neutron stars.

   In fact, they are subjected to the gravitational force of the neutron star, and they have been moving forward with the neutron star.

   "Even if a neutron star is flying at the speed of light, this galaxy has to go around once, no less than 100,000 light years."

   This is a desperate number. From this point, we can predict how huge the Milky Way alone is. For a neutron star, Lu Chuan could not have waited such a long time.

   Lu Chuan did not stop, watching the neutron star go away, and his mind moved again. When it appeared, it was already about ten light-years away from the previous point.

   Half an hour later, another neutron star was created by Lu Chuan and put into operation.

   One, two, three...

   Lu Chuan is like an industrious little bee, constantly making neutron stars.

   One half an hour, which is fast, but Lu Chuan found that compared to the amount he needed, it was too small.

   From the beginning to the numbness, Lu Chuan only knew that he kept making neutron stars, and then rushed to the next stop.


  A galaxy with tens of thousands of neutron stars orbiting, what kind of grand occasion is this?

   From the beginning, one by one, Lu Chuan can already manufacture them in batches.

   Where thoughts are covered, the planets become neutron stars, and then fly away according to the orbit set by Luchuan, as if they are moving in the direction of scattering.

   When Lu Chuan stopped, even Lu Chuan didn't know how long it had been.

The entire galaxy, under Lu Chuan’s almost crazy action, entered the countdown to disintegrate, destroying the entire galaxy wantonly, completely destroying its system here, and under the chain reaction, there is no need for Lu Chuan’s interference. It is doomed.

   Of course, it will take at least a few years before the real destruction.

   Of course Lu Chuan can wait at this time.

   Their communication is actually not fast enough, even if there is a wormhole transmission, but under this kind of neutron star storm in all directions, they can't do anything, and the struggle has no meaning.

   The destruction of a planet takes only tens of seconds, and it becomes a dust of thousands of kilometers in length, and the life inside is dead without even a reaction.


   Lu Chuan felt tired, this kind of crazy manufacturing was really exhausting.

   In the entire galaxy, black holes, pulsars, neutron stars... are everywhere, wantonly, destroying. What Lu Chuan thought of was what would happen when a civilization discovers here in the future?

  Lu Chuan couldn't be sure, after this galaxy was destroyed, what kind of wonders of the universe would be revealed.

   Or, will the universe collapse here?

   Lu Chuan felt tired. In the entire sixth-level civilization, they ruled more than dozens of galaxies, and some were larger than this one. God knows how long it takes to toss with his own power?


   Lu Chuan felt his own insignificance, and it seemed that the ability of the inspector was not endless.

   The movement of mind is abnormal, but the sixth-level civilization can use wormholes. Their communications spanning dozens of light years can also be notified in just one or two weeks.

   In other words, now that the destruction of this galaxy, other galaxies may have been obtained?

   Although they are composed of thousands of huge countries, they will definitely realize something about the disintegration of this galaxy.

   "It seems that the inspection needs to be mobilized to get them here."

   Lu Chuan smiled bitterly. Before, he overestimated himself too much. He thought that just creating some neutron stars and some black holes could solve these problems.

   It seems that I am still too naive now. In front of a galaxy that spans tens of thousands of light years, a black hole has a limited effect.

   Lu Chuan is suddenly full of desire for extra-dimensional because it will be an existence beyond the speed of light.

Humans have always believed that light is an unsurpassable speed in the universe. Just imagine if a pulsar with a diameter of 100 kilometers is calculated at 2000 revolutions per second, it has already exceeded the speed of light. If the diameter of a pulsar is 10,000 kilometers What?

   In addition, the speed of extra-dimensionality is far from comparable to the speed of light.

   To use an analogy, the diameter of the solar system is about two light-years, but the extra-dimensionality can make the solar system disappear within a few seconds. How many times the speed of light is the speed of this disappearance?

   Not to mention the distance, take the closer, how many times the speed of light is Lu Chuan's mind moving?

   Lu Chuan can be sure that human discoveries are only one-sided, because there are too many unimaginable existences in the universe, such as the existence of subspaces.

   At this level, Lu Chuan found that his abilities were still too weak, and there was still too much room for improvement, not that he could do whatever he wanted in the universe.

   Is it really amazing to be able to create planets and life? Putting it at the level of the universe, it's just so small that it's not worth mentioning.

   Lu Chuan did not miss this place anymore. He wanted to destroy this civilization in the fastest time, so he needed to let the inspectors work together.

   The mind moved, and Lu Chuan appeared directly in the city of competition.

   "Hughes, help me summon all the inspectors." The first sentence Lu Chuan appeared was to give instructions to Hughes.

   "Yes, sir." Hughes's voice was as calm and natural as ever.

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