Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1306: Tooth for tooth

In layman's terms, the tenth-level space is actually a space that compensates for merits, no wonder it is called the reincarnation space. It is prepared for the inspectors and is a means of self-salvation.

The appearance of ten-level space represents forgiveness.

The ancestors of mankind, God did not give a single chance for forgiveness.

Lu Chuan suddenly felt extremely grateful, forgiving God's forgiveness, otherwise he would be a sinner of mankind. The consequences of this kind of mistake will affect every layer of the universe, and it is no longer as simple as the human being on Earth where Lu Chuan himself is.

To make up for it means that Lu Chuan cannot fail.

If you fail, it's not gong, but the past. Will God give himself another chance?

Lu Chuan is now carefully looking at the task prompts and studying every word.

No wonder, there is a sentence in the task that no one can do anything but a sage, which is probably because of the ancestors.

The only qualification to enter, that is, the tenth-level reincarnation space can only be entered by the inspectors, and the inspectors do not have this qualification. This kind of restriction is also normal. After all, inspectors do not have the various abilities of inspectors, and they are more of just a group of thugs.

There are also restrictions on the ninth level of space, and there are restrictions on entering the city of competition, which is nothing.

Tooth for tooth...

With this sentence, Lu Chuan could feel God's anger.

"The incubation of the seventh-level civilization is too dear to me." Lu Chuan looked at the requirements of the mission, his eyes shrunk, and then turned into a bitter face. He already knew the difficulty of the mission, but he never thought it would be so difficult. .

To complete the incubation of level 7 civilization, luck and strength coexist, and neither is indispensable.

In addition, Lu Chuan was totally confused about what method to use for incubation, and had no specific concept at all.

Take the earth as an example. How difficult is it to bring it to the seventh level of civilization?

Countries will not listen to your nonsense, and they cannot be with you. If you want to implement your plan, the first thing to do is to rule the earth and make the earth your own word. Only after the supreme power, the series of changes you implement can be implemented by technology*.

In addition, the birth of the seventh-level civilization is really not easy. It can be said that luck is greater than strength.

Looking at this task prompt, Lu Chuan felt that his teeth were aching.

of course……

Looking at the reward at the end of the mission, Lu Chuan's heart was raised, because it had two results, one made people move forward and the other made people fall into the abyss.

"Success rewards promotion to governor, failure erases civilization."

The result of failure was bloody.

With the consequence of this failure, Lu Chuan was not in the mood to think about going to the post of Governor. Just look at the title of the post to know its nature, just refer to the ancient official post.

The power of the supervisory envoy is very large. Generally speaking, it has the power of patrol supervision, exercise of impeachment power, etc., but the power that Lu Chuan possesses, according to the ancient official position, is already the power of the governor level.

Inspectors, they are the real itinerant supervision, exercising impeachment power, and they do not have the power of disposal like Lu Chuan.

The governor actually means "overall".

Once Lu Chuan was promoted to this position, needless to say, Lu Chuan would jump to his own bead and possess the jurisdiction of two or more beads at the same time. It was definitely a feeling of jumping into the dragon.

"These positions are nothing more than the same division of responsibilities and different names. For the history of mankind, as well as my identity as a Chinese, under the care of God, they use easy-to-understand duties."

Lu Chuan still sees these evil tastes of God thoroughly.

The supervising envoy is at the level of provincial discipline officials, but the governor may be at the central ministerial level.

Of course, this temptation can’t be said to be big, it’s just the **** erasure of civilization. This is what shocked Lu Chuan. The consequences of this one can be serious. It can be said that there are billions of human beings on the earth. Body.

Not to mention them, they are the inspectors, the users of the biochemical factory in the city of competition, and their lives are in control of their actions.

The invisible pressure made Lu Chuan almost breathless.

The unknown is the most terrifying. Lu Chuan doesn't know what he will do in the tenth level space. As the person who opened this space, Lu Chuan would take on his own responsibility to uncover the secrets inside.

Under such pressure, Lu Chuan felt irritable even if he was optimistic.

This kind of irritability was naturally felt by Victoria for the first time, and then Emperor Botu and the others, even affecting the city of competition.

A new light gate appeared outside, and the entire city of competition was talking about it, but no one knew the reason.

"You can understand it as a tenth level space. Its entry requirements are to become a supervisor. If you have it, you will know it when you can be promoted to the supervisor." Lu Chuan naturally made a simple one in the face of the confused people. Introduction.

For this condition alone, for the time being, Emperor Botu and the others are inaccessible, and it is useless to say more.

Of course, Emperor Botu did not dare to ask any more questions. They obviously felt that the boss's current mood seemed a little bad, and his tone was also impatient.

Naturally, they immediately did what they were supposed to do and did not dare to shake in front of Lu Chuan.

"I'll leave for a while." Lu Chuan confessed to Victoria before leaving. The destination was naturally Mars on the earth.

No matter what the outside world is, this is Lu Chuan's real home.


The changes on Mars in the past few years have definitely been earth-shaking.

With the appearance of Lu Chuan, Xiaowei appeared for the first time. It summarized the changes in the recent period, and then reported: "Boss, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the presidents and heads of dozens of countries have sent invitations to invite you. Participate in the foundation laying ceremony of Venus."

"The foundation laying meeting?" Lu Chuan was taken aback for a moment.

The next moment, Lu Chuan smiled dumbly.

If it weren't for Xiaowei, Lu Chuan would have forgotten this. Calculating now, the transformation of Venus has come to an end, and countries that have been waiting for five or six years are naturally the first to start the construction of Venus.

For such a meaningful thing, they naturally thought of Lu Chuan.

Of course, they also understand that Lu Chuan may not come, because the current status and status of Lu Chuan can already ignore them. But whether Lu Chuan came or not, whether to invite them or not, is another matter.

Over the years, Lu Chuan has hardly appeared, but that does not mean that Lu Chuan's influence is not there.

Several years of scientific research has allowed them to understand how far they are from Lu Chuan. To put it bluntly, if Lu Chuan is willing, people can rule the earth in minutes, and they don't even have the power to fight back.

It is good to have Xiaowei, the artificial intelligence that controls the earth, and Lu Chuan can know everything for the first time.

"Reply to them, I will be there on time."

Lu Chuan thought for a while, and now he really needs to relax. It just so happens that at this historical moment, I can still be there.

The interstellarization of the earth has been promoted for so long, and now it is finally a solid step forward. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a historical moment.

Xiao Wei said, "Good boss."

Lu Chuan stayed with his family on Mars for a few days, and the countries on the earth were already excited and intolerable after getting the response. A new round of propaganda began. The core of it was easily that Lu Chuan would come in person.

The foundation laying of Venus was not held on Venus, but on the earth.

In Lu Chuan's opinion, it is a little tricky, but considering the level of science and technology in the hands of various countries, in the initial stage, only remote robots can be operated on Venus to build the initial base.

The whole earth is boiling, and everyone is looking forward to it. Lu Chuan has almost disappeared in recent years. There is almost no news about Lu Chuan. Even Baichuan Guihai Group Company has not made any actions. If Mars is not changing, people would doubt what happened to Lu Chuan.

As everyone knows, Lu Chuan couldn't use his mind to move, so he slipped directly to the earth.

Simply, they returned to the earth with the three wives of Ye Lingwei, their parents and children. After calculating a point in time, a spacecraft landed on the Sichuan family, set off from Mars, and returned to Earth.

The technology level of this spacecraft is level three, and it takes three days from the earth to Mars.

If it is a six-level technology spacecraft, it only takes more than an hour.

However, Lu Chuan did not use a spacecraft with Level 6 technology. After all, it was too much beyond the earth, and it was unnecessary. The time of three days is already extremely short. This kind of technological power is enough to shock the earth.

Three days later, the spacecraft reached the earth’s atmosphere.

After calculating the time for laying the foundation, the spacecraft passed through the atmosphere and then landed in Washington, North America, where the foundation was laid.

The changes in the past few years, especially the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, brought floating vehicles to this world, creating a situation of flying from the ground to the sky in various cities.

When they saw this spacecraft, hundreds of thousands of people on the scene boiled and cheered.

The live broadcasts of the Internet celebrities all focused on the spacecraft where Lu Chuan was, and broadcast live to the world. A moment like this is definitely not missing for them.

Each TV station also sent the strongest lineup to transmit this picture to the first corner of the earth.

When the spacecraft landed, its size was not too big, it was only five kilometers in size, and it was only a small spacecraft when placed in the third level of civilization. Generally speaking, the size below three kilometers cannot be called a spacecraft, but is defined by an aircraft.

The size of five kilometers is already remarkable in the eyes of human beings on earth.

With the cooperation of various countries in the world and the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, currently only spacecraft with a size of more than 800 meters can be built. It takes half a month for their speed to reach Venus, and the materials they can carry are limited.

The transport spacecraft of this size will be the main force in the construction of Venus.

In the future, there will be more advanced and huge spacecraft investment, but it can't keep up with the construction of Venus. The technology produced by Baichuan Guihai Group is difficult for countries to understand. The lack of materials in manufacturing has caused the progress to be too slow.

No one dares to ask Baichuan Guihai Group to directly provide the most advanced technology. It is impossible to think about it, just as they could not bring out the most advanced technology before.

It is already unexpected that Baichuan Guihai Group Company can take them to play and take them into the interstellar age. If you want to ask for too much, you are a little bit tighter.

In case Lu Chuan is angered, someone kicks himself out, and there is no place to cry.

In this big change, if you can't be in the game, the country will not be the country, it's no joke.

After the spacecraft landed, the leaders of various countries arrived at the exit of the spacecraft one by one in a suspended car.

Lu Chuan stood up, tidyed up his clothes, and said, "Ladies, let's go out and meet them."

Ye Lingwei and the others are now able to face these people plainly. They used to be nothing at all in the eyes of the heads of countries, but now they are already the target of the heads of countries.

The changes in the world are so wonderful.

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