Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1328: Soaring into a fairy

According to Lu Chuan's understanding, Immortal Dao actually mastered a higher level of cosmic energy.

Everything in the universe is made from the universe.

Controlling the cosmic energy makes it normal to become the creator.

As for Immortal Dao, it controls more cosmic energy and more powerful capabilities. It is natural to become immortals and gain Tao according to their abilities. Although it may not be possible to create planets and life like Lu Chuan, but the ability to turn stones into gold is still there.

The ability to violate the rules of the universe in this way is the source of destruction for the universe.

Seventh-level cultivation civilization, these cultivators who have achieved immortality, their existence is like a human virus. Although it may not be fatal to humans, it can also make people feel uncomfortable.

The collapse of the universe will not have much impact on the universe, but it will make the universe turbulent.

Naturally, Lu Chuan could not know the reason.

It might be the reason of dimensionality. After all, the creation of planets and life was originally the ability of extra-dimensionality. Being allowed by God is naturally not a problem, but it is inconceivable that a creature possesses this ability.

A creature like this is the object of Lu Chuan's suppression and erasure.

After Lu Chuan discussed with Sect Master Xuanzong, everything was ready in just three days.

Every cultivator selected by Lu Chuan is excited and difficult to calm down. This is a breakthrough in the realm of Mahayana. Since ancient times, there has been no record of anyone who can break through the Mahayana realm, but today, they are going to break this record and stay forever.

To achieve immortality, this is immortal.

Letting them exist as old monsters, it is still difficult to calm down.

The number of selected practitioners at the peak of the Mahayana realm is as many as 14,000, and they are absolutely overwhelming. Xuanzong delineated a restricted area in the mountains, and it became Lu Chuan's preaching place.

14,000 people, they all sat down.

When Lu Chuan appeared, there was a sound of a holy master, if it were not for the forbidden formation here, he was afraid that the loud voice could reach Zhongzhou City, a hundred miles away.

14,000 people all looked at Luchuan in awe.

Among these 4,000 people, the Sect Master Xuanzong is naturally listed. As the Sect Master, the strength naturally cannot be weak, otherwise the position of the Sect Master will be unstable.

Sect Master Xuanzong is also a top powerhouse in the peak period of the Mahayana realm, and his understanding of cultivation is even better than others.

Being able to stand out among millions of disciples and eventually become the suzerain is definitely not something ordinary people can do, and there must be something extraordinary.

No one dares to despise Lu Chuan's preaching.

Lu Chuan is called a saint teacher because all the people in this world are Lu Chuan's disciples. His twelve-color mind method has been hailed as a bible by the world, and he has a status that no one can beat.

Standing in front of these 4,000 people, Lu Chuan's face was calm, without a trace of ups and downs in his heart.

"The journey of cultivation is extremely difficult. You can reach the pinnacle of the Mahayana realm. It can be said that you are a worldless talent. Looking at the world, no one can steal the secrets of heaven, and you may not be able to break through the Mahayana realm and become a fairy in the whole life. Tao."

Lu Chuan slowly started, and everyone below held their breath and listened carefully.

"Now, I will teach you this method of stealing heaven's secrets. I hope you can practice hard and hard. With your talents, within a month, with the help of the Great Spirit Gathering Array, you can break through. Dao Chengxian, playing around with the universe, but just waiting for free."

Lu Chuan's voice reached everyone's ears, the language was so exciting, so many people just felt passionate.

With their cultivation base and knowledge, there are probably not many things in this world that can make them excited. Today, they are just like teenagers, with enthusiasm and desire to break through and become immortals.

To become immortal is the golden avenue in this world.

Lu Chuan shook his hand, only to see a pile of jade books appearing in front of Lu Chuan. As Lu Chuan slowly pushed out the jade books, the jade books turned into bright lights and pounced on different cultivators.

Every cultivator has a color mark on his body, and he knows what kind of mental method they are suitable for cultivating.

Lu Chuan's push is to distribute them according to their different colors.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the jade book that went away by lightning may not be visible to the naked eye. But in the eyes of everyone at the peak of the Mahayana realm, it was nothing, one by one stretched out their hands and grabbed the jade book in their hands.

Everyone is excited, because in this jade book is their cultivation method for becoming immortal.

No one said anything, everyone was holding the jade book, and then a ray of spiritual power was released, and the whole person was immersed in it. The exquisite mental method and the insight into the aura of heaven and earth is like opening a brand new door, making them realize for the first time that what they call aura is the profound meaning of this heaven and earth.

The people who can be here are all talents, so they naturally know the horror of this new mental method.

To put it in a bit more layman's terms, here is a set of mental methods that will allow them to exert greater cosmic energy. If they only used the fur of the cosmic energy before, they are now the flesh and blood of the cosmic energy.

No matter how horrible the Mahayana realm is, it is only a little witch after all, and compared with what they are now exposed to, it is not a conceptual thing at all.

Every cultivator is like petrified.

Lu Chuan stood with his hands in his hands, showing a slight smile.

"It only takes a month, I hope it goes well."

All the way to today, success and fame will be seen within this month. The previous decade or so was nothing more than Lu Chuan's foreshadowing of this civilization. It was this month that really saw success or failure.


As the top group of people in this civilization, their high talents are absolutely rare. It can be said that they are the top people who cannot be produced in a century.

One by one was immersed in the cultivation, as if petrified into concentration.

Lu Chuan knew that when they wake up from this wonderful state, it is time for them to become immortals. How to describe it, this is enlightenment.

The so-called enlightenment is nothing more than the same as a mathematician solving a mathematical problem.

If you are successful in enlightenment, you will be sublimated, which is the same as having a little more understanding of mathematics after solving this type of math problem. But the people here, the way they understand, is to control more cosmic energy.

For the most important thing, Lu Chuan naturally did not allow any mistakes, so Lu Chuan personally sat here, and placed a forbidden formation, concealing this area.

Without Lu Chuan's permission, no one can approach and find here.

Time flew by, on the twentieth day.

Sect Master Xuanzong suddenly opened his eyes, and the moment he opened his eyes, a golden light burst out of his body, which can be said to be brilliant. As a result, colorful clouds appeared in the sky.

In twenty days, he finally realized and understood the mental method Lu Chuan provided.

At this moment, his heart is clear, and countless cosmic energies surround him, forming a special aura, which seems to have a thorough view of this world.

Sect Master Xuanzong showed a smile on his face, but he restrained his expression very well. Instead, he stretched out his hand. He can feel that he has an incomparably close connection with this world. It seems that he is in harmony with this world. One.

This kind of feeling has never existed before.

At this moment, in the eyes of Sect Master Xuanzong, the top powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Mahayana realm was nothing more than grass and mustard, pinching this kind of powerhouse to death was nothing more than pinching an ant.

Sect Master Xuanzong's eyes suddenly burst into tears. Since he became the Mahayana realm, how many years has this bottleneck troubled him? He has been working hard, but this seems to be the end of the strength of this world, allowing him to work so hard, not even the slightest change.

With Xuanzong's position, he didn't know how many treasures he had collected, how many cultivated mental methods he had found, but it was a pity that he ended up without results.

And now, he finally broke through and became a fairy.

The power in the body, the thought that can turn things around, as if everything in this world has become an ant.

For some reason, he felt that there was a mysterious power calling him from the sky, but he was cut off by this forbidden formation, making him unable to respond to the call of this power.

Lu Chuan naturally saw the changes in the master of Xuanzong and nodded slightly. He was worthy of being the master of the first sect in the world. His comprehension ability was too strong, and he was the first to wake up from this realm.

In his heart, Lu Chuan was already ecstatic, because success was already beckoning to Lu Chuan.

With the first one, there was a second one, but it was a quarter of an hour apart. The second and the third... one by one were like blowout wells. They opened their eyes one by one, and their faces were full of complacency.

In this forbidden array, the golden light is absolutely blinding.

The outside world has already boiled, because since the first Ruiyun appeared, Ruiyun has never been extinct, and sometimes even hundreds of pieces hang in the sky, which is very spectacular.

Every ray of cloud, all means that a cultivator has attained the Dao to become a god.

In the area of ​​Zhongzhou City, everyone felt that their luck was added, and their cultivation level turned out to be unknowingly diligent. There are some cultivators who are close to the door, and they have directly broken through the realm.

One person wins the way, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

Now everyone finally understands the reason for this sentence. How many people have gained the Tao now? Living here, at this moment, they are as if being washed in the purest aura in the world, and they are rising upwards in a "swish" manner.

The cultivators in their breakthroughs turned out to be benefited by people within hundreds of miles.

"Not enough, not enough."

At this moment, Lu Chuan clenched his fists and stared at the people off the court. There were constant breakthroughs and soaring into immortals, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it was far from enough. He needed ten thousand people.

Ascension to immortals is actually just an illusion. It does not mean that there really is an immortal world, but a resonance phenomenon of cosmic energy that allows them to cross the universe with their bodies.

The so-called ascension to immortals, when they arrive in the immortal world, it is just the cosmic energy that guides them to another life star, not the immortal world.

It's just that they don't know all of this, because they are the top group of people in this civilization, and the first group of people to ascend to immortals. They are pioneers, and naturally no one knows these secrets.

The forbidden formation placed by Lu Chuan forced them to be suppressed.

The shining golden light and the energy churning here were actually suppressed by Lu Chuan, otherwise it would be more than just the appearance of Ruiyun.

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