Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1343: palace

Is Lu Chuan a demon?

This answer can be said to be yes or no.

Humans on Earth are not qualified to say that Lu Chuan is a demon, because Lu Chuan's starting point is to interfere with or even destroy the alien race that threatens the future of mankind.

Now Lu Chuan doesn't need to destroy these alien races because he is still there.

When will Lu Chuan have a foreboding that time is running out, or that something has happened to him, Lu Chuan will definitely sweep all races within millions of light-years of the Milky Way, slaughter them all, and ensure that mankind is in the next hundreds of millions of years. There will be no threats.

From this aspect, Lu Chuan is an angel.

Alien races, they are qualified to say that Lu Chuan is a demon. The appearance of Lu Chuan brings destruction. As easily as now, Lu Chuan has provoked tens of millions of battles. It can be imagined that there are tens of millions on the resource star. Orcs will lose their lives.

In the interstellar age, the number of deaths is tens of millions and billions, which is very common.

The explosive population, the population of hundreds of thousands of planets, can reach the billion trillion level. Under war, even the planet may be destroyed, and the number of deaths may reach hundreds of billions.

In the eyes of the alien race, Lu Chuan, who is holding the non-my race, is definitely a demon among the demons.

There are two sides to everything, the key is what angle you choose to look at.

Lu Chuan patted his **** and left, he really didn't care what happened next. In the universe, how many billions of trillions of alien races are unknown, and what race they choose is completely random by Lu Chuan.

Maybe the next time it comes, I don't know when.

Back in the city of competition, Lu Chuan's mentality relaxed. But what needs to be faced next, it's useless to escape, you can only face it bravely.

The end of the protection mechanism means that this universe will no longer be peaceful.

The current self not only bears the earth, but also bears the safety of various races at the billion trillion level. If it can, of course humans on earth are the core. After ensuring that humans will not have problems, Lu Chuan will care about other races.

"Sir, the new group of inspectors has been contacted, and they will be here tomorrow." Hughes' voice appeared for the first time.

Lu Chuan nodded, and the number of inspectors needed to be greatly increased.

But the inspector does not mean that he can be promoted if he wants to be promoted. He must be tempered in the nine-level space, and only after success can he be qualified to become an inspector.

This is a kind of restriction.

At this point, it is no longer a competition between users and users of biochemical factories, and it is not a competition between the universe and the universe, but a competition between beads and beads.

Sometimes Lu Chuan will feel a sense of despair. What is infinity?

Even if your thinking is exhausted, you can't imagine it as big, meaning it is beyond your imagination. What would it look like to imagine that even thinking would be poor?

And precisely, God is above the poverty of thinking.

The billion trillion cosmos is just one pearl, and how many pearls are there in God's hand? How big is the world in which God exists? Is it a few dimensions in human cognition, or a super dimension? Is there a bigger existence besides God?

Every time he thinks about it, Lu Chuan smiles bitterly, how small are people compared to it?

early morning.

The new group of inspectors, with about 270,000 people, flew to the floating island with excitement. In their eyes, the floating island is the sacred land, and they are not qualified to enter until this moment is allowed.

Here, it was Hughes who guided them.

There is no need for additional people as a guide. With Hughes's presence, all this can be managed in an orderly manner.

For the first batch of inspectors, Lu Chuan did it personally, in order to engrave his own brand in their hearts, so that they would know who they were following and who they were loyal to.

This has been the case for generals since ancient times, such as personally distributing the payment to each soldier, personally wearing it for the soldier who received the medal, etc.

Emperor Botu and they are all there, and there are a group of selected old inspectors.

When Lu Chuan walked out and stood with his hand on the steps, he instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

In the city of competition, Lu Chuan has been influential for 20 years, and his face is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Fortunately for your growth, you are worthy of the ability of the inspector." Lu Chuan's words were very brief, and the authorization was simpler. Together, this group of people became the inspector.

Immediately, they were assigned old inspectors, and these old inspectors would teach them how to use the capabilities of inspectors. In the workplace, old birds bring new birds.

Lu Chuan doesn't need to pay attention to the rest.

An inspector wanted to adapt to the changes in his abilities, and it didn't take ten and a half days to use it.

No matter how mature people are, they will be extremely excited when faced with completely different abilities and need to be calm. At this time, they are not suitable for the task.

To patrol the billion-trillion-weight universe is their task and their duty.

Guanghao's universe, with Lu Chuan's current number of patrol agents of more than three million people, can only be described as a drop in the bucket. An inspector, who needs to be responsible for tens of thousands of universes, is simply too busy.

It is absolutely boring and unimaginable to move around alone in this universe.

In this process, you will naturally do some extreme things because of boring, or it is called looking for some fun. This will affect the races in the universe, it may benefit, it may be a disaster.

"Be kind to your strength."

This was Lu Chuan's advice to every inspector. He didn't want a real demon in his inspectors.


Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the hour was already on the countdown, Lu Chuan sorted out his appearance, and then waited.

At this moment, Lu Chuan was nervous.

A sense of confusion in the face of the unknown is more like waiting for an extremely exciting thing to come.

"Perhaps the transfer this time is closer to the gods and behind the gods?" Lu Chuan smiled lightly, didn't he just embark on this path because he wanted to know?

The governor-level transfer, the level is high, and there will be more things to learn then.

Human beings have understood small things for a lifetime, but Lu Chuan has been deeply uncovering it. Perhaps the veil behind this will far exceed human speculation and imagination.

In other words, it subverts the human perception of the universe.

Victoria and the others were not there. After becoming the inspectors, they shouldered the task of eliminating the sixth level of civilization. If there is no monitoring agent that needs reincarnation, it will take tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years, for a civilization of level 6 to reach a civilization of 7, and there will be enough time to clear them before they reach level 7.

However, the probability of the birth of level six in the billion-trillion cosmos and countless civilizations is small, but with such a huge base, the number is definitely not small.

Victoria and them are destined to be very busy.

"Ding, the transmission message has been generated."

When the countdown expired, a reminder sounded in Lu Chuan's mind, and then there was something more mysterious and mysterious, and it seemed to be calling you to go.

Lu Chuan's thoughts moved together and started.

At the next moment, Lu Chuan only felt that his thinking was distorted, like a second, and it seemed that after an extremely long time, he returned to normal.

This time moving, it gave Lu Chuan the feeling that it was a teleportation when crossing a bead.

"It should not be in the original beads."

Lu Chuan's thoughts turned, but he felt like he appeared in front of a huge palace.

This palace is magnificent, and Lu Chuan stands here, extremely small. It should be said that this palace is like a city, it is extremely tall, like a product of a giant country.

The place where Lu Chuan appeared was in front of the palace, a square that was barely visible.

The gate of the temple is wide open, reaching a height of ten thousand meters.


As Lu Chuan stared, Lu Chuan only felt that the entire square was shaking, and a cyclops appeared. Its eyes were shining scarlet, and the expression of contempt for everything in the world, this bang was brought about by its footsteps.

With its appearance, there is an aura of dominating the world.

The huge Cyclops, Lu Chuan in front of it, couldn't compare to its Cyclops.

Standing dozens of meters in height, it wears a shimmering armor, and at first glance it knows that this armor is not a mortal thing. When he saw Lu Chuan, the Cyclops showed a curious look in his one eye, staring at Lu Chuan.

The cyclops did not move, just stared.

Lu Chuan felt threatened by it.

After becoming governor, Lu Chuan no longer knew what the threat was. However, this cyclops could make Lu Chuan feel threatened. From this point, he knew the strength of this cyclops.

"An existence as powerful as oneself."

Lu Chuan's eyes shrank slightly, and the opponent could appear here just like himself, which in itself meant that it possessed no less strength and status than his own.

The curiosity in the eyes of the Cyclops flashed, and then became indifferent again, looking at Lu Chuan's eyes, it became fierce.


Without warning, a giant axe appeared in the hand of this cyclops, and he smashed it to Lu Chuan fiercely.

This action, as fast as lightning, was already in front of Lu Chuan within a microsecond.

What is the concept of microseconds? This is one millionth of a second, this time, for humans, is actually unconceptual and equivalent to nothing.

It is impossible to dodge the inspection agent or the supervisory agent.

But Lu Chuan is different time in microseconds is enough for Lu Chuan to react. Thinking at this moment is like stopping time. In this microsecond, the timeline stretches, and there is enough time for Lu Chuan to react.

This level of movement is invisible to the naked eye.

If you use human eyes, in fact, the Cyclops did not move, and Lu Chuan did not move. At this time, it also did not move. Everything seemed to have not changed.

Milliseconds later...


The violent rumbling sound burst in the phantom left by Lu Chuan, forming a huge pit. The terrifying power spread outwards and set off the earth, but in an instant, it seemed to be suppressed by some kind of force, everything was distorted, and it was restored to its original state in an instant.

The place where Lu Chuan appeared was already more than a hundred meters away, and his eyes narrowed back.

The Cyclops raised the giant axe he had split, and then the giant axe disappeared out of thin air. He stood up straight again, glanced at Lu Chuan disdainfully, turned around, and stared at the palace.

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