Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1351: I am the faith of mankind

Lu Chuan is not a philanthropist, and his life span of 500 years is nothing in Lu Chuan's eyes. It can be done with a single thought.

Five hundred years, in exchange for their absolute loyalty, this deal is a good deal.

With their dedication, with the power they control, Baichuan Guihai Group will rule the world in a peaceful way.

Even ordinary people would not have any reaction, they have already discovered that the earth has entered the federation era.

This is what Lu Chuan wanted.

For humans, Lu Chuan is full of emotions, so many things would rather be a bit twisty than war or accidents.

In Lu Chuan's position, human nature is certainly sinister, but Lu Chuan still treats everyone equally.

Human beings are a destiny body, and will not be refined into individuals.

Individuals, then there will be federal laws to sanction him, not Lu Chuan needs to worry about. Lu Chuan didn't have the energy, nor did he have this kind of leisure, to be precise enough to distinguish good from evil.


"Boss, you need to do some work to achieve your goals."

In the office of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, Zhong Hua faced Lu Chuan's request and put forward his own plan.

After being resurrected by Lu Chuan, Zhong Hua, who had regained his human identity, was totally devoted to Lu Chuan. They are the people who know Lu Chuan best and regard Lu Chuan as a god.

As real confidants, Zhong Hua and the others are naturally going to do their best to help Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan nodded, not just some work, I am afraid there is more work to be done.

Even if the countries agree, there will definitely be some diehards in the people below, who will stick to their opinions. Baichuan Guihai Group has been recognized by the world, but it is not enough.

Putting order in your hands is only the first step.

Through the Order Council, countries are encouraged to cast a vote in the establishment of the Federation.

After the establishment of the Federation, the division of power, etc., need to be taken care of by different countries. For example, if the administrative region is re-delimited, who is the leader of the administrative region, and how the federal government needs to be formed.

Its complexity is beyond imagination.

The Federation is actually an omelet of power.

To be sure, there will still be factions.

Such a complicated and thankless job is just what people think. But in Lu Chuan's eyes, this is really nothing. They will fight because the stage of the earth is not big enough. Give them a bigger stage, do they still care about the big thing of the earth?

Human nature is like this. When he gets a salary of one thousand, he will think about when he will get three thousand.

"Talk about it." Lu Chuan became interested.

Zhong Hua thought about it for a moment, and then said cautiously: "God's hand, boss, in fact, your most successful thing is not Baichuanguihai Group Company, but God's hand."

The influence of the hand of God in the world is in no way inferior to that of Baichuan Guihai Group. Among the common people, the hand of God is like God.

You can leave the Baichuan Guihai Group Company without the electronic products of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company. But you cannot do without the hand of God, it represents health and life.

The people take food as their heaven, and they can have nothing to wear and do, but they must not skip eating.

They can give up luxury, but they cannot give up health.

People have birth, old age, sickness and death, this is the core of human beings, and this is precisely the power of God's hand. The power of the hand of God is that it can cure diseases, give birth to life, and bring health.

Even a broken limb can be reshaped, and the hand of God is worthy of the name of God.

All over the world, the reputation of the Hand of God has overshadowed the Baichuan Guihai Group Company. In many poverty-stricken areas, they don't know the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, but they know the hand of God, knowing that it brings them health and life.

Being a little bit by Zhong Hua, Lu Chuan understood.

To win the hearts of the people of the world is to give them what they need.

With this core, there are more things that can be done next. Although the hand of God has cured too many diseases, there are still too many diseases that the hand of God cannot handle at present, such as autism, such as some mental illnesses.

In addition, the hand of God also has too many areas and people that cannot be reached, which means that it has insufficient coverage.

As if thinking of something, Zhong Hua's expression was even more cautious. He glanced at Lu Chuan and said, "Boss, in fact, with your strength, you can cross the universe. You don't have to pay attention to the secular vision, and bravely stand up like a god. In this world."

"Who are you? You are God, and you can establish new beliefs in mankind."

"In this universe, you don't need to be afraid of anyone. In your eyes, any race is grass and mustard. How about using your magical powers to make humans stand on the top of the universe? If one person gains the Tao, the chickens and dogs ascend to the sky. They have been humans since ancient times. The law."

Zhong Hua knew that some of his words were susceptible to transcendence, so after speaking, he lowered his head and said sincerely: "Boss, I'm too much talkative, and you should die."

Lu Chuan just listened calmly, and when he heard Zhong Hua's damned words, he just smiled.

I don't know why, after listening to Zhong Hua's words, Lu Chuan fell into deep thought.

Who am I?

Who do you need to fear?

Everything is nothing but grass, so why should I fear anyone?

Immediately, Lu Chuan laughed dumbly.

In fact, Lu Chuan has thought about this all the time. But in terms of thinking, Lu Chuan hasn't completely changed over. In his subconscious mind, Lu Chuan still thinks he is a human being and hopes to live a human life.

How do you describe it? I just want to be closer to life and not want to break away from the human worldview.

But in fact, Lu Chuan knew that he would never be able to return to the life he wanted. Even if they don't show their supernatural powers, people in this world naturally classify themselves as beings above them, and they can only look at existences that cannot be touched from a distance.

Look at your title, which one is too far away from ordinary people?

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, they are already like the gods in the sky.

That being the case, why should I care if I am separated from them?

"Yes, I am God, I am the new belief of mankind." Lu Chuan felt a bitterness when he muttered this sentence to himself for some reason.

In other words, Lu Chuan is the protector of mankind, which is destined to be lonely, because no one can help him, he will always carry the future of mankind on his shoulders and silently protect them.

"Well, loneliness is lonely, people will never be suffocated by urine, the big deal is that you can pretend to be ordinary people, why bother with this so-called sense of distance?" Lu Chuan loosened his brows, and he was relieved.

Zhong Hua didn't dare to take a breath, so he stayed beside him. He knew that his boss was engaged in intense psychological activities, and he also knew his boss's horror, so how dare he careless?

Zhong Hua also let out a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Chuan's brows loosen.

With a touch of clarity in Lu Chuan’s eyes, he said: “Zhong Hua, use the resources of the Baichuan Guihai Group and the Hand of God, and then gather all the people with mental and brain diseases in this world to Somalia. Follow the order of the most important."

"In addition, some patients with diseases that the hand of God can only delay, let's also focus on them."

There was enthusiasm in Zhong Hua's eyes, and he said loudly, "Understand the boss."

Perhaps ordinary people don't know what the boss's words mean, but Zhong Hua knows it. The number of patients with mental illness, from autism to depression and anxiety, is definitely in the hundreds of millions.

The boss said, follow the order of heavy to light, because this quantity is too large to be solved at once.

In batches, Lu Chuan will reshape their lost lives.

The medical technology of the hand of God is not a panacea. Sometimes the hand of God is powerless for some diseases that cannot be solved by genetic recombination.

Such a large number, according to the style of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company and the Hand of God, will be free, which is a terrifying expenditure.

This cost is enough to bring down any country, but it is still affordable for Baichuan Guihai Group.

The boss has not known how many years Baichuan Guihai Group has not transferred funds from Baichuan Guihai Group Company. The funds accumulated by Baichuan Guihai Group Company is a set of jaw-dropping figures.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, money has long lost its meaning.

Baichuan Guihai Group Company still maintains high profits. It is not that Lu Chuan does not want to give up these profits, but Baichuan Guihai Group Company needs to maintain the earth's economic stability and financial system.

Zhong Hua said: "Boss, let me prepare. I need a week to come up with a detailed charter. In addition, I also need to hold a conference that will shock the world."

What does the boss do all this for?

Human heart.

Since we want to win hearts and minds, we need to let people all over the world know that all the bosses have paid and all the bosses have done.

Whether it's acting or premeditated, Zhong Hua has always believed that it doesn't matter what the process is, the key is that everyone in the world can benefit.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Go, it's been a long time since there has been a press conference. It seems to be worth looking forward to."


Just an hour later, on the official website of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, an announcement that occupied the entire page appeared quietly.

What kind of company is Baichuan Guihai Group? Usually a small move will affect the world, and its official website's attention has always been world-class.

As soon as the announcement appeared, it was quickly known to the world in just a few minutes.

"Baichuan Guihai Group will hold a super press conference at its headquarters in seven days, and Lu Chuan will host the press conference."

Not much content, but it caused a sensation.

Press conferences are actually nothing. Baichuan Guihai Group Company often holds them. But the point is that Lu Chuan will host this press conference, which is worthy of imagination.

What status is Lu Chuan?

It is no exaggeration to say Lu Chuan has stood on the top of mankind. From ancient times to the present, no one can surpass Lu Chuan in achievements. The influence he brought is hard to estimate. He has created too many feats of mankind. .

The father of human technology, the father of the universe age...

Of these titles, which one is not the existence of Niu Chahonghong?

To put it in a sentence, Lu Chuan is already extraordinary, like a god-man who does not eat the fireworks.

Now Lu Chuan presides over a press conference. How can he not let the world's media circles boil over a move that hasn't been done in twenty years?

The media with a little bit of strength all dispatched their most gold-medal reporters immediately, using various methods to reach the headquarters of Baichuanguihai Group Corporation in Somalia as soon as possible.

Just because Lu Chuan has not hosted a press conference in 20 years, hosting this time will certainly not be a trivial matter. There is news that has enough to affect the world.

Some people even boldly thought, with the incomparable military power of Baichuan Guihai Group, coupled with the military power on Mars, will Lu Chuan suddenly announce his rule over the earth at a press conference?

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