Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1361: 1st person in history

In just half a month, the global conference initiated by Baichuan Guihai Group Company was held at the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

This time, as long as the recognized sovereign state, none of the countries that attended this event were left behind.

For the first time in the history of mankind, the heads of society have appeared.

Even when the United Nations was founded, it was far from its current scale.

In fact, when this meeting was held, the role of the United Nations had already come to an end. Once the Federation Earth is formally established, the United Nations will also be dissolved and become history.

Almost all the eyes of the world have been concentrated here, and countless reporters have gathered outside the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Group for first-hand information.

Through the method of live broadcast, all human beings in the world have set their sights here.

This moment is about the destiny of mankind.

"Now, let me interview the citizens of New York City. What do they think?" A reporter was in front of the camera, doing a live broadcast.

On the streets of New York, many people have no intention of going to work, but gather on the streets.

This reporter interviewed one of the young people, with an excited look on his face, and said: "Federal Earth? Of course it is support. This thing is really cool. In the future, there will be no borders, no wars. This must be God’s will."

The reporter laughed and continued: "Thank you for your answer. Let's move on to the next one."

This time, the interview was with an old woman. She didn't look nervous and said: "Everything depends on the government. My personal opinion is not important. Well, I really want to say something about it. Of course I support it. Baichuanguihai If there are no national borders, I think it will be cheaper. I have long been interested in the latest domestic robot, but it is too expensive..."

Not only North America, in fact, reporters from various countries like to interview residents of various countries.

Developed countries, developing countries, and backward countries.

For backward countries, the Federation Earth is definitely a perfect idea. They raise their hands and feet at the same time, and they are absolutely welcome and agree.

Just kidding, they know the state of their country best. If they can be added to the Federation Earth, they will be one of them. They can't ignore them anyway, right? At that time, the national welfare, even if it is impossible to be the same, at least is better than they are now.

As far as small countries and backward and poor countries are concerned, in fact, in the eyes of many people, the state and the non-state are really not something that must be adhered to.

In these countries, there have been too many dynasty changes in history. It is possible that leaders will be changed several times in two or three years. It is like the division of some territories, which is nothing short of trifling. They don't care if they occupy more or less.

What they want is not in the name of the country. What they want is benefits, that is, benefits.

Who doesn’t know the financial resources of the Baichuan Guihai Group. Once it was established as a federal government, other countries such as Europe and the United States joined in and followed the arrangements. On average, they dare not say that they are wealthy, at least living a life that is more than adequate. Not a problem.

In contrast, countries like Europe and the United States are the most difficult to talk about.

In the eyes of some people, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. This sentence is definitely the most logical saying. Of course, this type of people, under the use of Lu Chuan, were quickly used by the dignitaries of the country where they lived, and they were directly bombed and replaced with a temporary obedient.

Politics is so cruel sometimes.

In many war-torn countries, the people here actually support Lu Chuan most.

If it weren't for Lu Chuan's order, if it wasn't for the intervention of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, God knows how many years of war they will have to go through?

Without growing up in a war-torn country, you would never think of what kind of life you are living.

Today you are still alive, but tomorrow you may not be.

One meal in two or three days has become the norm.

It’s nothing to be alone, but it’s painful to have an old family and a small family. Faced with a few mouths but nothing to eat, the feeling of losing a loved one in hunger is beyond the imagination.

Every day, people die, and sometimes every few days, a loved one is lost.

If a family is not a family, what kind of country is this called?

It was the emergence of Lu Chuan, the overbearing order to stop the war, and the intervention of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company that allowed their war-torn country to stop the war. With the assistance of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, they rebuilt their homes and lived their lives today.

Why not support this kind of unforgettable help?

The national conditions of each country are different, but in the final analysis, it is still a big country. The consistency of dozens of top-ranked big countries cannot be prevented by the small countries below.

The meeting can be held, naturally all the joints have been opened up in all aspects.

There are so many issues involved, but it can be so fast, the outside world is absolutely unexpected. But in fact, Lu Chuan doesn't think it is a miracle. The tens of thousands of liquid robots of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company and the fleet that are eyeing in space are the reasons for the miracle.

The general trend that has been formed, with the blessing of Lu Chuan's military force, everything becomes natural.

The meeting at the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Group Company lasted only one week, and all the negotiations were completed. These are basically announced to the public, and the progress of each day will be let the outside world know.

The earth is unified and the formation of the federal government no longer needs to be concealed. The tone has been established. The remaining details are not important at all, and it is good to let the public know.

This week’s time has given the outside world enough buffer time, and it has also allowed many people to calm down and face up to the issue of the establishment of the federal government.

Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation directly led this meeting and will continue to dominate the next path of the federal government. Looking at the world, only Baichuan Guihai Group Company has this qualification.

With Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation as the framework and relying on the governments of various countries, it is the embryonic form of the federal government.

For the first time, Lu Chuan almost became the subject of global heated discussion.

As the boss of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, Lu Chuan can say that at this coming moment, he will be the first person in human history. No one in any country can match Lu Chuan since ancient times.

As the protagonist, Lu Chuan has not appeared in the eyes of the public at all this time.

All the affairs are almost handed over to the Baichuan Guihai Group Company to handle.

Baichuan Guihai Group Company is still a company in nature, but with the end of the meeting, its functions began to transform and handle the affairs of various countries on its behalf.

Lu Chuan still held his hand in front of the shopkeeper. These things were absolutely important in the eyes of human beings. In Lu Chuan's eyes, they were nothing at all.

If this earth is not his hometown, Lu Chuan would not bother to bother about it.

There are tens of billions of people, in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is really insignificant. Destroying a sixth-level civilization is not a billion trillion-level life. In contrast, humans are just the population of each other's planet.

It is inevitable that the Baichuan Guihai Group Company has taken the lead. Lu Chuan is also not very concerned about the division of interests. Others can be given, but only the military power, Lu Chuan will not give them the opportunity to intervene.

Military strength is the political bargaining chip, how could Lu Chuan let it out?

It was not that Lu Chuan was afraid of them. In fact, Lu Chuan could destroy this military power in the blink of an eye. It was nothing. But this is a matter of principle, and it is also the root of the curse. Only when you are in your own hands can the federal earth be stable.

Anyone who dared to speak in this respect, Lu Chuan did not show mercy and dealt with it directly.

Sometimes, the iron-blooded wrist will let the other party know what to open and what not to open.

At this point, Lu Chuan doesn't care what they think. His endurance is limited. Don't think that you can speak well because you can get an inch. This is simply looking for death.


In 2045.

This time, for the earth, is definitely a year recorded in the annals of history.

On this day, the Federal Earth Government officially announced its establishment.

Lu Chuan became the first president, and the vice president was the former chairman of Huaxia. The new Federal Earth Government, with the country as the division unit, changes the country to a state, and the former head automatically assumes the highest person in charge of this area and no longer has military power.

The Federal Earth unified currency, and at the same time canceled national borders and passports.

The new national welfare is not divided according to the previous country, but a unified system, no longer distinguished between high and low, as long as it is human, all people enjoy this series of welfare.

There are many similar measures, including free education on a global scale.

This kind of free is not verbal free, but really free.

Tuition and so on, including board and lodging, etc., are all provided free of charge, and there is also a standard for food that cannot be lower than this standard. This one is free until the end of school. If you are admitted to a postgraduate or doctoral student, not only is it free, there will be rewards.

For this kind of system on a global scale, it is conceivable how many resources will be invested in it alone.

Especially in Africa and South America, Southeast Asia and other regions is a stunning set of fiscal expenditures. However, the newly formed federation passed this resolution in Lu Chuan's proposal.

The newly born Federal Earth Government just held a not-so-small but not-so-large inauguration ceremony in Somalia and declared that the Earth has entered the era of federal rule.

Since it is based on the previous countries, many things need to be run-in, so the initial stage will be very chaotic, which will also make the entire government organization busy, and can not be idle for a moment.

Lu Chuan, the first president, was different from previous years. He only appeared at the founding ceremony and disappeared from the public. Almost everything was decided by the vice presidents and ministers below.

Even if it is a document that needs to be signed by the president, in the authorization, the vice president has the same signing authority, and it is absolutely delegated. It can even be said that there is no difference between the vice president and the president.

To make a difference, Lu Chuan has military power, but the vice president does not.

In this weird system, the new federal earth government began to stumbling forward, groping its way forward. For them, things that have never been seen in human history, without reference to them, everything is like breaking the ground.

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