Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1390: Copy the hand of God

Northwestern Union Capital.

Lu Chuan arrived here alone in his water drop aircraft. This is Lu Chuan's second visit, and his purpose is naturally different. The previous time was recruitment, this time it was to save people.

A life star as huge as the sun, the area of ​​the Northwest Alliance is equivalent to twenty earths.

Wars are often caused by the emperor being far away from the mountain, and the whip is too long.

If it weren't for the fact that all people use aircraft, such a huge area would be a desperate distance. It would take half a month from the center of the country to the border.

The civilization of this world is comparable to that of the Earth in the 1980s, and it also determines that many countries are too far away, even with flying vehicles, it takes several months to arrive.

As the capital, this place is naturally the most prosperous. It is located on the coast, about the size of five planets, New York City, and it can be called a giant city.

Before the nuclear war, this place was not actually the capital, it was just an ordinary city.

As the former capital was destroyed, some important cities were wiped out, and the newly established regime set the capital here. After decades of development, it has reached its current scale.

In the sky of the capital, there are countless flying vehicles, and the people here are unprecedented, but Lu Chuan is still a little shocked. More than 300 million people live here, and the prosperity and crowding are unimaginable.

Lu Chuan's aircraft is so inconspicuous here, and coupled with its antique identity, there are really not many people who recognize its model.

Lu Chuan transformed and transformed the water drop aircraft with his ideas. Its performance is naturally abnormal. The most important thing is that it has become intelligent. Autopilot is really nothing. The level 5 autopilot on the earth does not apply to it at all.

Xiaowei's access can make autopilot even more powerful than a super driver.

The aircraft is small, but there is still space inside it. Lu Chuan is sitting in the cockpit, Xiao Wei has already cast a holographic image, and what appears on it is the information collected by Lu Chuan Haha Xiaowei.

Compared with the information that ordinary people know, the information in Lu Chuan's hands is the real information, and all is confidential.

There is so much information listed above, Lu Chuan looked at them one by one.

Soon, Lu Chuan fixed his eyes on one of the messages and showed a smile.

"The President of Parliament was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the countdown to the transfer of power has entered, but no successor has been confirmed.

A piece of information is actually not a secret. Most of the high-level officials know it, and the struggle for power has long since entered into a fierce battle. This is the President of Parliament, one of the most powerful positions in the Alliance.

Cancer, and it is still advanced, has basically been determined irretrievably.

The current President of Parliament can't even handle simple matters, and he is basically not involved in matters in the Parliament. Although he is still the President, his departure is inevitable in his current state.

"Xiao Wei, I want Li Litian's information."

An instruction from Lu Chuan already showed Li Litian's information before him.

Li Litian, 57 years old, is the President of the League of Representatives and is in his second year in office. Fifty-seven years old, he looks like an elderly person, but for the top power circle, it is the prime of life. Li Litian is already the second person in history to be the president of parliament at such a young age.

The President of Parliament has a term of five years, and there is no restriction on re-election. As long as you can be re-elected, as long as your body allows, you can work until the day you can't do it.

This position is definitely not something that can be done with hard work. It requires countless exchanges of resources and the promotion of families and political parties to get into this position. Anyone who serves as the head of parliament will give families and parties unimaginable returns.

Lu Chuan looked at it carefully, and only once, he wrote down all the information.

This information includes Li Litian's personality and behavior style, and Xiao Wei's ability to trace his violation and corruption, etc., is not difficult at all. Super artificial intelligence can analyze the desired result through the huge and unimaginable tens of billions of information. Li Litian is definitely Chiguoguo.

For example, how many lovers Li Litian has taken care of, how many benefits he has received, and some of the things he has operated, etc., are all recorded in these materials.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this piece of information alone is enough to ruin Li Litian.


This is not what Lu Chuan wants. This kind of threat is actually the least guaranteed. What Lu Chuan needs is a two-pronged approach. The first is this information, and the second... Don't forget the hand of God on earth.

Yes, Lu Chuan intends to copy the hand of God here.

A person's life span is limited, ranging from 80 to 90 years old, and from 50 to 60 years old. This is not enough. Lu Chuan needs people with rich experience, which requires them to live long enough and live well enough.

Increasing a person’s life expectancy, for example, can live for two hundred years, allowing them to maintain the energy of the earth’s 30 years old before the age of one hundred and sixty or seventy. The result is that civilization is promoted fast enough and no knowledge appears On the fault.

To use an analogy, a person is a genius in the scientific world, but he has only a life span of 70 years, and his memory, brain, etc. will degenerate when he grows old. His death will be a loss to the scientific community.

Find someone to take over, how can this person compare to him?

The younger generation is indeed advancing based on the knowledge of the predecessors, but they cannot compare to the predecessors who have been advancing.

So if he raises his lifespan to two hundred years old, he has more than one hundred years of time, and what kind of sparks will erupt when he keeps learning? There is no gap in knowledge, but if it continues, the impact on civilization will be hard to estimate.

What Lu Chuan wants is this effect. For example, the scientific researchers under his staff will live until the end of civilization. They will explode with great help in promoting civilization.

Copying the hand of God, starting with it is naturally to use incredible medical skills to conquer the upper level, and then to increase life span.

On the earth, Lu Chuan is conservative, but on this planet, Lu Chuan will not be conservative. He wants to spread the hand of God to the entire planet as quickly as possible.

A two-pronged approach is enough to ensure that this civilization will be pushed into the high-speed passage.

The hand of God will control all the dignitaries. Any movement of the miracle company will no longer be hindered, and it will go forward smoothly. Without obstacles, development is naturally different.

Li Litian, the head of the council, was Lu Chuan's goal this time.

Lu Chuan didn't like to go around corners, so being rough was the best choice.

Compared to others, it is very difficult to meet the head of parliament, but Lu Chuan is extremely easy.


A block in the capital.

All the people living here are the dignitaries of the capital, and one of the manors resembling a castle is the residence of the president of the council. Every president of the council is arranged here.

The appearance of the large-scale conference long castle is white, and it has greenery like a park.

As the most powerful person, the residence is naturally extravagant.

In the morning, under the impetus of the servant, Li Litian sat in a wheelchair and came under a row of plane trees outside the castle. The sunlight fell through the leaves and sprinkled on the path below. It was very beautiful.

Li Litian's eyes were naturally reluctant, but he knew that he didn't have much time, and soon all of this had nothing to do with him. All these scenery belong to the next president of Parliament.

At the age of fifty-seven, he was naturally unwilling.

But this is cancer, so what if you are unwilling? Countless resources have been put on him, and the world's top doctors have been invited. The result is that he is about to collapse, and he has endured countless pains, but he can't get the desired result.

Now that the results have been announced, he doesn't want to stay in the hospital anymore, he just wants to finish the journey quietly here.

The struggle for power in the parliament has little to do with him. He can't even stand up, his hair is completely lost, his teeth are loose, and he can hardly eat hard things. In this situation, he I really don't want to pay attention to the faces of politicians.

The servant pushed him and walked quietly. Not far away were several medical staff and bodyguards.

However, after only a while, Li Litian found that the wheelchair had stopped, only for a few seconds before being pushed again.

Li Litian hadn't noticed it at first, but after ten seconds, he reacted and raised his head suddenly, and then he realized that it was not a familiar servant who was pushing him, but a young man, a young man who was completely stranger.

The medical staff and bodyguards who were not far away before all fell on the grass.

"Who are you?" Li Litian asked laboriously, but there was no panic in his eyes, and he was very calm. He is a dying person, what else is afraid of?

I don't know why, Li Litian wanted to laugh, laughing at his opponent is too impatient. In my own situation, at least one or two months will leave this world in half a month, so why bother sending someone to kill yourself now?

Killing oneself, the influence brought must be an account for the alliance, the person doing this is absolutely stupid.

Lu Chuan still pushed Li Litian forward slowly. Instead of answering Li Litian’s question directly, he looked at the scenery here and whispered, “Look at the sycamore trees here, they look really good, and the fallen leaves are falling. The breeze makes them sway, full of poetry. This parliamentary castle is like a beautiful park. People live here and it is impossible to live for a few years."

After saying this, Lu Chuan chuckled and said, "I'm here to save you."

Li Litian was shocked, the one who saved him?

The protection power of the President’s Castle is absolutely but the opponent can appear silently, and without a trace of change, put his medical staff and bodyguards down. He can't figure out what the opponent is. How did you do it.

The question is, the other party is here, really saving yourself?

In the advanced stage of cancer, the world's top doctors have already announced that they have given up. This is no different from the sentence of death. In this case, how can the other party save himself?

Lu Chuan said: "I know you don't believe it, but you have reached this point, why can't you believe it? No matter how bad the result is, is it worse than it is now?"

Li Litian is not a child. He was silent for a while, and he was naturally able to figure out the joints. He frowned slightly and said, "What do I need to pay?"

In this world, there will be no love for no reason.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "It is fun to deal with smart people. You don't have to go around so many bends. I don't need you to pay anything. I only need you to become a member of a medical organization."

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