Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1422: go away

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3200 AD.

After twelve years of construction, the ecological spacecraft required for the escape plan is basically completed, and it is estimated that it will take about five years before it can be put into use.

And the global scientific research center has also made a breakthrough. They successfully developed a super wormhole machine through the technology provided by Lu Chuan.

Wormhole machine, it looks like a huge queen bee with a huge belly. Those who know, know that this belly is actually a super energy device, and it stores energy that changes its colors.

Its working principle is to burst energy in an instant. Through certain technical means, it has the ability to tear the universe and create a space-time channel, which is a wormhole.

The greater the energy, the more stable the wormhole created will lead to farther places.

Subspace is a folding space. When you are lucky, you can achieve a high folding effect. One day is enough to send you millions of light years away.

The emergence of the super wormhole machine represents another big step forward for civilization.

Only one step away, this civilization will reach the level of level seven civilization.


To create a wormhole, you must confirm its stability before you can use it. If you rush in, it will only be torn apart by the energy of the subspace. This requires a process, and there is no rush.

Lu Chuan didn't urge, because he didn't want civilization to improve at this moment, because the escape plan was not fully prepared yet.

"I hope that the work of creating wormholes can be carried out more steadily. We need to be foolproof before starting the process of creating wormholes, which will give people on the planet more time."

Lu Chuan's suggestion was naturally adopted. The deified Lu Chuan, what he said, naturally needs to listen.

Taking advantage of this point in time, under Lu Chuan's special instructions, the scientific research center began to madly invest in the construction of the wormhole machine only after the theory confirmed the reliability of the wormhole machine.

The most important thing about a wormhole machine is energy. Although its structure is complicated, the construction period is not high.

Since the ecological spacecraft has basically completed the required quantity, they have accepted a new order for the vacant manufacturing plant, which is to manufacture an unlimited wormhole machine.

Others can't understand why there are so many wormhole machines, but Lu Chuan knows that this is one of his own methods. At that time, use the wormhole machine to open up a large number of wormholes, distract the other party's attention, and increase the chance of success in escape.

Even if only one fleet escapes, this civilization will be passed on.

Everyone, once again like a machine, devoted himself to construction.

"To all those who have contributed their lives, we have experienced more than a hundred years, worked hard for more than a hundred years, and worked hard for more than a hundred years... Now it is the last step, I hope you can hold on The importance of wormhole machines lies in the transfer speed of the entire civilization. The more wormhole machines are manufactured, the greater the preservation rate of civilization."

Lu Chuan gave a global speech again, but this time the speech was very short, only showing up, disappearing from the camera.

Despite the few words, Lu Chuan's influence made everyone bite the bullet and devote themselves to work. Even they felt this kind of nervousness, and the time from the forecast was getting tighter, and they couldn't allow them to rest.

The investment of the whole people has brought amazing results. A wormhole machine was manufactured and then deployed to the star field where the wormhole machine needs to be turned on.


"Attention all, board the ship according to your ID number."

"Keep the formation, we will not abandon anyone."

"There are still five years, and there is still plenty of time. Don't rush everyone and board the ship in order."

In 3205 AD, the construction of an ecological spacecraft was completed. For the first time, the entire planet seemed to have ceased operation. Countless people were liberated from labor, and then following the instructions, they began to pack their belongings and board the ship.

Boarding here refers to boarding an ecological spacecraft.

Time cannot be said to be sufficient, but it is okay to give them enough time to pack up their belongings. In fact, the Salvation Command had issued a notice one month in advance, enough for them to clean up.

They need to leave their homes and these cities. After boarding the ship, they will be assigned to the cities in the ecological spacecraft according to different cities. Apart from changing the environment, there will be no major changes.

The ecological spacecraft still guarantees their food, lodging and transportation, and will be allocated a group of country houses. If you like the tall buildings in the city, you can live in it directly.

On the ecological spacecraft, there are large enough robots to serve humans, like a crop base, which is completely intelligent and automated. Human beings can live a life of clothes, hands and food, almost as long as they stay on the spacecraft.

Having been busy for a hundred years, now it's their turn to enjoy it.

To allow everyone to board the ship in advance, Lu Chuan is making the final preparations, anyway, they are also free to live on board. It’s better to board the ship now than when it’s really discovered, it’s rushed and I don’t know how many people can’t board and leave.

One hundred large fleets, one thousand small fleets...They will carry a population of more than one trillion, abandon this place, enter the wormhole, and head towards an unknown.

More than one trillion people board the ship, even if it is divided into hundreds of regions, but the chaos brought about can be imagined. Perhaps it is because of the arrival of the world extinction, everyone is very anxious, scrambling to board the ship.

If you look down from the sky above the planet, you can see that people like ants are lining up in a long line and entering a giant. It is so big that people are only dusty in front of it.

With the intervention of intelligence, people's boarding becomes orderly.

The entire boarding time took one and a half years to complete.

Scientists are transferred to scientific research spacecraft, or into ecological spacecraft. On the ecological spacecraft, there are also extremely advanced scientific research centers that can allow them to continue to upgrade their technology.

The once prosperous Dodd Star became lonely at this moment. The cities have lost their souls, and there are no longer all kinds of flying vehicles that shuttled through them in the past, and a skyscraper is empty.

All the factories that can be taken away have been demolished, and those that cannot be taken away are left on the ground.

The animals and plants in the planet have been transferred to the ecological spacecraft a step earlier than humans, and they will exist in the ecological spacecraft as the purest animals and plants. For ecological balance, there are a huge number of cloned animals and plants, which will achieve the purpose of balancing the ecological spacecraft.

What I saw seemed to have become a desolation.

From the appearance of the miracle company to this moment, in more than a hundred years, this place has gone from primitive to the peak of civilization, and then from this peak it has become a desolate world like a ruined world.

Countless resources, resources plundered from planets, are used in all aspects.

"This is the automatic patrol team, repeat, this is the automatic patrol team, please come out and cooperate with us in the final boarding preparations."

A patrol team, which is an intelligent automated patrol team, is patrolling every area of ​​the planet, in order to persuade some people who are unwilling to leave the planet.

There are always some who are willing to destroy with this planet.

For this type of people, mandatory measures are generally adopted, but they will hide, which increases the difficulty of taking them away. Of course, there are not many people in this category, there are only a few thousand in the world.

The headquarters tried to find these people, but it could only be said that it was doing its best. Some of them were hidden in underground caves or deep in the city. If they did not take the initiative to stand up, they would not be found.

"If this is their will, we respect them."

This was Lu Chuan's instruction, so this search finally ended.

In Lu Chuan's heart, they are just their homeland, but are they not happy? Because they will die on their own planet, and the people on the ecological spacecraft are also dead in all likelihood.

After such a long time of preparation, by this moment, everything is ready.


"Want to see Dodd Star with me?"

The city of miracles, here also all scientists have been transferred to the miracle number. The miraculous spacecraft is an ecological spacecraft contracted by the miraculous company. Its size is not the largest, only 20,000 kilometers, but it is the highest in technology integration.

The current miracle number docked at the edge of the miraculous city, and it was scheduled to have a week's time. It will drive to the previously scheduled coordinates, wait for the opening of the wormhole, and then leave this galaxy.

According to the time given by Lu Chuan, the time for the arrival of gamma rays is not far away, and it is time for the entire civilization to migrate.

At this point in time, Lu Chuan naturally wanted to give Annie the last memory.

Annie nodded. She knew she was going to leave. This was the last time she saw this planet, and her homeland would never come back again. After the gamma rays, there will be destruction here.

A small aircraft, leaving the city of miracles, appeared on Dodd Star ten minutes later.

Lu Chuan took Annie, first returned to the Aegis Alliance capital where she had been growing up, and then went around the places she had been with. Only this time, he was driving the aircraft, but he stayed in these places for a while and left. Go and play.

On a high mountain, the aircraft stopped and Lu Chuan went down and stood on the top of the mountain.

Lu Chuan bent down and pressed his hand into the mud. The next moment, a light spot appeared from the ground, and then fell on the palm of Lu Chuan's exuding a mysterious light source.


This light spot is naturally the planetary consciousness. Now that its mission has been completed, Lu Chuan has come to pick it up.

More than a hundred years is a long time for Lu Chuan, but for planet consciousness, there is no concept at all. It used to be trapped for hundreds of millions of years, but now more than a hundred years is just a blink of an eye.

What's more, it has been very interesting for more than a hundred years, because the boss always makes it do some pranks to make it happy.

Lu Chuan nodded and shook his hand, the planet consciousness disappeared and Lu Chuan collected it.

Looking at this place, Lu Chuan took a deep breath, then resolutely turned around and returned to the aircraft, taking Annie into the sky, breaking through the atmosphere in the blink of an eye and flying towards the miracle.

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