Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1448: Bad taste

Lu Chuan did not appear on the edge of the universe the first time, but constantly moved his mind, moving among galaxies. After dozens of times, it was determined that they could not keep up, and then stopped.

In a liquid star, Lu Chuan propped up a space bubble.


When he got here, Lu Chuan could finally put down everything and laughed wildly. The violent liquid in the liquid star caused Lu Chuan's laughter to be far from howling sound, but Lu Chuan was also very happy.

This time, it was really cool.

The size of a football, plus the gold on his dagger, can create a long sword.

In other words, he finally had a complete weapon.

A complete weapon does not mean that it is complete, it is powerful. What Shuo Jin really depends on is quantity. The greater the quantity, the greater its power. The amount of a long sword is already very impressive, and its increase can completely offset the decrease in reincarnation.

"Wait for more money in the future, build a big shield, build an armor..." Lu Chuan fell into the fantasy. Although it is difficult, if there is no miss, what is the difference from the salted fish?

As the predecessors said, what if it is realized?

The whole body's gold, this kind of increase, who must be afraid of who sees it?

The long sword is not good enough, and getting a giant axe or something at that time will definitely pull the wind even more.

The governor's ability can completely carry the entire technological civilization, and can also carry the entire cultivation civilization. How to put it to say, the existence of the transformation of mind is the most abnormal place. No matter what it is, as long as you understand the reason, you can change it through this method.

As for the cultivation of civilization, Lu Chuan now exists like a god. In the cultivation civilization, it is a civilization that regards gods as totems. Their ultimate goal is to become gods.

Lu Chuan could refine the Shuo Jin in his hand without any other tools.

Lu Chuan took out the round Shuo Jin, and then took out the Shuo Jin dagger again, and the two floated in front of Lu Chuan. The next moment, as if there is an infinite power, it is very violent to rub the gold.

The football and the dagger became a whole under this force.


The flame appeared out of thin air, and its high temperature was completely out of human cognition of flames. It refined the gold in a moment, and it turned into a golden liquid.

In the next moment, the liquid gradually formed the shape of a long sword.

The amount of it is not small, so Lu Chuan designed this long sword. Two-handed swords are good, but the amount of gold is not up to the level, and what they can do is similar to long swords like the Qiu Shui sword.

The style of the Qiushui sword is very ordinary, but its shape is the most attractive, more like a sword.

There are many things that are easy to use. They don’t have to be complicated and cool. The fancy and fancy ones may just be pretty.

The Qiushui Sword is such a straightforward sword. It is very simple and makes people know that it exists exclusively for fighting and killing.

An Qiushui sword appeared in Lu Chuan's mind. The next moment his mind was transformed, this liquid was used as the raw material, and it instantly transformed into the Qiushui sword, appearing in front of Lu Chuan.

The transformation of mind is a cow. It seems that everything in the world can be transformed, but Lu Chuan knows that its limitations are still very many. For example, a substance like Shuo gold cannot be transformed. This kind of precious is extremely precious. Matter, it seems that God has protected it.

This is not surprising. If the transformation of mind can transform into gold, isn't it as much as it needs?

The Qiushui sword is naturally not the silvery white of stainless steel, but gold, full of the taste of local tyrants.

The Qiu Shui sword that appeared in front of Lu Chuan was Huang Chengcheng's, very happy. Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and held it on the hilt. The high temperature on it had no effect on Lu Chuan. When he moved his wrist, a sword flower was shaken out.

"About 1,500 tons."

After sensing the weight of the Qiu Shui sword in his hand, Lu Chuan came up with an approximate value.

Needless to say, the weight of the dagger was one hundred tons before, and the two were combined, and the weight reached 1,500 tons. It can be seen how great the gains have been in the Rosa Galaxy this time, no wonder Lu Chuan laughed wildly as soon as he was safe.

One thousand and five hundred tons, a weight that is extremely heavy in the eyes of humans, but Lu Chuan did not pay attention to it.

The neutron star Lu Chuan can be supported by the forces of the universe. This is a neutron star of hundreds of millions of tons. What's more, there is only a golden sword of about 1,500 tons now?

The harvest of this trip made Lu Chuan also aware of the special and rarity of planet consciousness in the universe. It was extremely fortunate for Lu Chuan to be able to encounter planet consciousness.

No one owns so many governors, otherwise they would have implemented this plan just like themselves.

It is without possession that they do not know the existence of planetary consciousness.

Lu Chuan grinned, knowing that when he first started, he would take away the planetary consciousness, just for fun. You must know that Lu Chuan wanted to turn around and leave at that time. If the planet consciousness did not speak, Lu Chuan would really regard the treasure as a waste product and almost missed this unimaginable opportunity.

Planetary consciousness can control the planet, and it is really a bug-like existence in the universe, and there are many things that can be done.


The reincarnation is reincarnation in a random civilization, and a civilization must be promoted to level six before he can leave. If this process cannot be completed and returns, it will deprive one hundred years of ability.

But rule-breakers do not have any rules.

If Lu Chuan is in a good mood, he can play with some civilizations and arrive with aliens, and then leave behind countless black technologies.

It is not just one civilization, but many civilizations.

How to describe it, samsara is one to one. And rule-breakers are entirely a way of casting a net, regardless of whether this civilization can stand out in the end, using a forcible method to throw away technology or practice exercises depends on the chance of this civilization.

If time is in a hurry and get a spacecraft to throw on the planet where civilization is located, how to research and develop is their business.

Cultivating civilization is also simple. The supreme cultivation technique can completely turn into a stone from the sky, creating a scene that is shocking enough, just like a god’s presence. Are they afraid that they will not be crazy about it?

If he has time, Lu Chuan will choose some people and give them countless opportunities.

The protagonists seen in countless novels and movies are actually the lucky ones chosen by him in Lu Chuan's eyes. Countless systems are nothing but a mysterious power given to them by Lu Chuan.

For example, in some modern civilizations of science and technology, Lu Chuan selects a certain person and loads him with a system. In fact, it is the rules of time and space under the transformation of Lu Chuan's magical powers, and then it will rise and promote the rise of civilization.

As long as you are not a pig, you can build a super invincible technological empire with this kind of technology module.

The background of these technology modular systems is naturally beyond imagination, and it should be a branch of the transformation of ideas.

"In other words, the biochemical factory... is it a system God gave itself, a branch of God's will?"

Lu Chuan laughed bitterly, he seemed to be the master, but why not he was also a lucky person chosen by God? In the eyes of others, I am a god, but I am just like them, just a lucky person at the mercy of God.

What is this called, one after another.

"It's too complicated, just live by yourself." Lu Chuan shook his head. He just wanted to figure out one thing, but it didn't seem easy.

After finally coming to the territory of the Cyclops, Lu Chuan could not leave without doing anything.

Isn't this guy saying he's a good guy? So I gave it a bit of throwing a net, and maybe after my next reincarnation, these seeds will sprout and make it a headache.


Lu Chuan is moving in Guanghao's universe.

In a certain galaxy, Lu Chuan caught traces of spacecraft movement. Naturally, Lu Chuan stayed there, and as expected, found the existence of spacecraft in this galaxy, but the number was not very large.

"A civilization of two levels."

Lu Chuan can make judgments through these spacecrafts. Now Lu Chuan has a pair of fiery eyes on science and technology civilization, and he can basically make judgments by just looking at it.

The second level civilization can already colonize some life stars, but it is far from reaching the planet transformation.

The reason for the small number of civilized spaceships in this galaxy is somewhat similar to that of the Earth. There is only one life star in the entire solar system. Naturally, interstellar colonization has become a joke. How can you wait for them to reach the third level of civilization to improve the spacecraft’s Only after speed, can we rush out of this galaxy and find the life stars farther away.

Taking the earth as an example, the nearest suspected habitable star is 50 light-years away...This distance, there are several protective belts, after less than the third level of civilization, there is no need to think about reaching this planet.

Lu Chuan smiled slightly: "Meeting is a fate, so I will give you a great opportunity."

After that, Lu Chuan even laughed himself. With this tone and expression, he was completely like a god-stick.

Just do it if he thinks it, Lu Chuan has already appeared on the home planet of this civilization.

For a suitable star, estimate its distance from the sun's stars. Based on Lu Chuan's experience, this planet will not have to worry about the impact of the expansion of the sun's stars for at least 300 million years.

"A unique civilization."

Lu Chuan gave an evaluation. There are still 300 to 400 million years away, but the opponent is already a second-class civilization. By the time they are destroyed, they must be able to escape from this galaxy. The level of civilization they possess can already change the nature of the planet. Up.

Coupled with helping them now, it means that they are almost safe before the seventh level of civilization, and they still have tens of millions of years, even hundreds of millions of years.

On this planet, Lu Chuan is like a god. Through observation, he chose a country that is more suitable for the rise of the world. He also found a lucky son who fits his own evil taste among hundreds of millions of young people.

The world's favorite thing to watch is the counterattack of Diosi.

The simple reason is that the real subject of any world, race, or civilization is the group of Diosi. They all have a dream of counterattack. When they can't achieve it, they long for someone to come forward and achieve it, at least to make them feel satisfied.

As a person who was once a member of the dicks, how could Lu Chuan not satisfy the wishes of countless **** in this civilization?

"You are the one."

Lu Chuan smiled Looking at this young frog clan who looks like a standing frog with feet and arms, what Lu Chuan wants to say to him is, boy, you are lucky this time, you will be The most powerful person in the world, your name will be praised as a saint by this world.

In an instant, Lu Chuan snapped his fingers, and a meteor appeared in the sky.


Everything was like a routine. After the meteor broke through the atmosphere, it was finally left with a bead-sized spot. It accidentally hit the young frog tribe, causing it to be bloodied and fell directly to the ground. Passed in a coma.

"Tsk tsk, when it wakes up, it will find that it has an additional technology system, and has since reached the pinnacle of life..."

Lu Chuan just copied the most **** and classic beginnings in countless novels and movies. To do all this is nothing more than a single idea. In this universe, rule-breakers are just names, and their strength will not be affected in the slightest.

Lu Chuan smiled, and after satisfying his own bad taste, he left without hesitation.

A small civilization is not enough for Lu Chuan to stop and stay.

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