Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1451: Parasitic inspector

For Lu Chuan, this was a trivial matter, but for this civilization, perhaps they did not realize that it saved their entire civilization, and with good luck, they could multiply for thousands of years.

No one knows who killed this terrifying existence, and no one in the holy city noticed Lu Chuan's actions. Even the people around Lu Chuan only thought that the big elves were acting weird.

Lu Chuan stopped, naturally satisfied with the result.

This Cyclops inspector might not even think that he would die. It would be ambushed, and he would not understand what was going on. In other words, this wild civilization makes it arrogant and contemptuous, which is the cause of its death.

As long as it is more vigilant and not so arrogant, it may not be such a result.

There was a Cyclops inspector, Lu Chuan killed him before he took it to heart. It didn't affect him at all.

After visiting the holy city, Lu Chuan, amidst the discussions of countless clansmen, inquired about several planets with beautiful scenery, and used the teleportation array to stroll around one by one.

This teleportation array is indeed magical to Lu Chuan's senses. It is the same as the teleportation matrix in science and technology, and both shrink the space.

How to describe it, that is, the teleportation matrix is ​​set up in two different locations. After the point is turned on, the terrifying energy generated will distort the space, causing the distance between the points to be shortened in the distortion.

The higher the technical ability, the stronger the energy, and the greater the distance shortened.

To use an analogy, at a distance of 50 light years, an ordinary spacecraft with a conventional speed may not be able to complete this voyage in 10,000 years. But when the distance of the teleportation matrix was shortened, the distance in the distorted space was shortened to hundreds of thousands of kilometers...This kind of kilometers, at the speed of the spacecraft, would take more than ten minutes.

After ten minutes, it was transmitted fifty light-years away. This speed was absolutely amazing.

In the cultivation civilization, the teleportation array is made by the strong people, using the energy stones that contain a huge amount of energy in their hands, and with their power against the sky, reaching the point of distorting the space, forming this channel.

Generally speaking, the powerhouses who built the teleportation array will gain a lot of wealth through the fees of this teleportation array, which can be passed on for countless years. In theory, as long as your family is immortal, the benefits of the teleportation array will always be Of your family.

The particularity of the Teleportation Array is respected by everyone throughout the cultivation civilization, and its benefits are absolute. Even if you are arrogant, you are not allowed to move the benefits of the Teleportation Array.

This is also the case, the strong will pay a huge price, continue to develop the planet, and then build a teleportation array, so that their descendants can enjoy the bonus of the teleportation array.

With these measures, it has promoted the rapid development of a civilization.

Technological civilization and cultivation civilization, two different civilizations, use cosmic energy in different ways, but the results are the same.

A wild civilization is very different from the civilization promoted by the reincarnations. The civilization promoted by the reincarnations is extremely rude and will be overlooked in many details of people’s livelihood. It just blindly pushes up the strength of the practitioners, which will cause social imbalances. Wait for the question.

On the contrary, the wild civilization does not. It is sound, perfecting the details of each civilization little by little, and accompany each other, and achieve everything that this civilization should have.

Lu Chuan was here for only a few days before he left.

As Lu Chuan said before, he cannot protect it forever. This wave, I just can stop, if they can't get through the next wave, it will be the beginning of the destruction of civilization.


Moving in the universe is very boring.

Mind movement is abnormal, and it can be a few light years, tens of thousands of light years in the blink of an eye. But in the universe, nine out of ten galaxies are dead, without life, and some are icy planets.

Once or twice, you will feel nothing, but when your mind moves hundreds of times, all facing this type of planet, you will feel bored.

It's like sailing in the sea, in the endless sea, sometimes you can't meet a boat in ten and a half months. Is this kind of life boring?

This is something that every inspector must experience. Lu Chuan found that he was indeed an old fritters, and he was still a little uncomfortable.

"It's better to be a reincarnation, at least the world facing the reincarnation is colorful."

When moving to a fiery red planet, Lu Chuan's idea was this one. This is a planet that is heading for destruction. I don't know how many billions of years it has gone through. It has reached the end of its life, is expanding, and devouring the surrounding planets.

It is so huge that Lu Chuan can hardly describe it in words. It is estimated that the earth in front of it is no different from a particle of dust.

How terrible a planet at the end of life is, I am afraid that humans cannot imagine it, even if they have used supercomputers to simulate countless times, but they are far from the power of real in case, this kind of spread over hundreds of thousands of light years Energy, it is difficult to describe how terrifying it is in words.

At this time, its violent energy could actually affect the energy of the bodyguard that Lu Chuan was supporting.

"Tsk tusk, this power is really amazing."

Lu Chuan just sighed, he didn't have the idea to stop all of this, even if Lu Chuan had this ability. The reincarnation in the universe is a rule, just let it develop.

In the next moment, Lu Chuan had disappeared on this expanding star.

Silently, Lu Chuan appeared in a life star.

"It's a pity." At the first thought, Lu Chuan made this kind of sigh. The reason is simple. This life star is too close to the last star that Lu Chuan moved over, and 100% of it will be affected.

I don't know how many years later, this life star will disappear with the explosion of this super star.

Most of life stars will evolve into civilization.

Countless planets, limited by the conditions when they were formed, will have a different plateau. Taking the earth, what many people don't know is that in the solar system, Venus formed the star of life earlier than the earth, with life in it, and it has lived for hundreds of millions of years. However, the shrinking of the sun's habitable circle and the rising temperature of Venus eventually evolved into the Venus we see today.

Life on Venus is naturally extinct.

The earth of mankind will be the next planet involved in Venus. In a limited time, it really depends on whether human beings can have enough technology to escape the solar system, or transform Mars to escape this extinction fate.

Otherwise, the earth will be a replica of Venus.

Lu Chuan examined this life star and found that it was formed late due to environmental reasons, so life was still at the level of ignorance, which meant that it had not yet formed the conditions for civilization.

This kind of planet is the most in the universe. Almost a few galaxies will have one or two such life stars. Lu Chuan describes this kind of planet as a primitive star.

Lu Chuan, who is accustomed to this kind of primitive stars, naturally feels inner peace when setting foot on this planet.


Lu Chuan looked around, and when he was about to leave, he felt the distortion of the space. It seemed that something had torn the space.

In this universe, except for the lucky ones above the inspector level, Lu Chuan really didn't know what could tear the space. Even a battleship of level 7 technological civilization does not yet possess this capability.

In the next moment, in the same life star, a spider tribe appeared mysteriously.

Spider tribe, it has the body of a spider, but in the head, it has the upper body of a human, so that it has arms like a human and can use weapons. But its face reminds Lu Chuan of the coconut crab's face, which is roughly the same.

In addition, the spider people are very tall, about eight meters high, and people standing in front of them are really small, like giants and villains.

Needless to say, the gravitational force of the planet where the spider tribes are located is different from that of the earth, causing all living things to be amplified.

They are still in a relatively primitive civilization, so most of their weapons are huge wooden sticks.

"Maybe this **** is blind, he would choose such a race as the lucky race." Lu Chuan shook his head as he saw it.

If you encounter it in this way in this universe, this probability is much more difficult than if you have won the first prize of the two-color ball for ten consecutive periods, and it is almost impossible.

But now, it happened.

It was this kind of impossibility that prevented Lu Chuan from leaving for the first time, instead squinting his eyes and staring at the spider tribe not far away. From the energy fluctuations on it, Lu Chuan could determine that it belonged to the level of the inspector.

It’s not hard to guess that the number of inspectors can be hundreds of millions, or even one billion, but there is only one Governor at Lu Chuan really doesn’t think he will encounter the impossible again. To a governor.

Since Lu Chuan didn't hide himself, the spider tribe's inspector found Lu Chuan the first time.


The spider clan roared, and he waved the huge wooden stick in his hand and made an attacking gesture.

Lu Chuan took a closer look, and didn't know what kind of wood it was made of. It was not weaker than metal at all. In addition, in the wooden stick, it does not know what metal to add to the surface, making it very mysterious.

Lu Chuan stood with his hand, he hadn't put this uncivilized race in his eyes.

There is no communication with each other, because there is no common language below the level of the governor. Following the monitor, if you can't learn the other party's language, you can't even chat, and there is only one word: dry.


Just when Lu Chuan hesitated whether to twist this ugly head off, a mysterious scene appeared. From the head of this spider tribe, a cloud of liquid emerged, forming an earthworm-shaped head, facing Lu Chuan made a sound like a rattlesnake.

"Inspector of the Parasitic Race?"

Lu Chuan was surprised. He suddenly realized that what he was encountering was really interesting.

First, it was almost impossible to encounter an inspector from another race who was also a rule-breaker, and then this inspector was parasitized by an inspector from another parasitic race... it seemed a bit confusing.

No wonder this spider tribe is so aggressive. It turns out that he is a powerful version, with 1+1 greater than 2.

With this strength, it can indeed be arrogant. Lu Chuan estimated that the opponent should have already fought many inspectors and ended up winning, otherwise it would not be possible to snarled provocatively at Lu Chuan.

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