Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1463: change

After reading "Basics of Magic", Lu Chuan thought about it for a while, and still looked at some first-level magic.

From first-level magic to third-level magic, it took Lu Chuan almost a day, and very much finished. These are just printed on his head. Lu Chuan hasn't used it yet, so naturally he will not be familiar with it.

"Take it down first, it takes ten and a half months to be familiar."

Lu Chuan has been here for a day, naturally attracting the attention of many people. It's just that there are no rules that cannot be so, so they are naturally hard to say. Nobles are proud, but some qualities are not comparable to the children of ordinary families. The education they receive is far beyond the reach of ordinary families.

Of course, everything is not absolute, or is Lu Chuan not encountering this kind of stubborn boy?

When it was dark, Lu Chuan closed the last Level 3 magic book.

It is not an easy task to read hundreds of books in a day. Even if you read it, you will find it numb. For the library collection, this is only a very small part.

After leaving the library, Lu Chuan did not rush home, but turned to a gold store not far away.

There are a lot of storage space in the golden Luchuan, there is no need to transform this kind of magical power with mind for a little gold coin. The previous gold coin was saved by his predecessor without knowing how much he saved. Introverts do have a hand in saving money.

Gold shops naturally exist around gold, such as some hand ornaments and accessories.

Lu Chuan walked in with a natural expression.

There is a form here, no nonsense at all, Lu Chuan took out a gold brick and put it on the counter.

In front of the counter was a forty-year-old boss. His expression changed, but he took it in his hand quickly, first to confirm the purity, and then to exaggerate. This is a standard ten kilogram gold brick. Lu Chuan has a lot of storage space, and it is no different from scrap iron.

But not here, gold is gold.

After saying that, the rest is to pay the gold coins proportionally.

The purity of ten kilograms of gold bricks naturally exceeds that of gold coins. Several special metals have been infiltrated into the casting of gold coins, each weighing 5 grams, which is not heavy. Ten kilograms of gold bricks are 10,000 grams, and the listed price here is that 1 gram of gold can be exchanged for 1 gold coin.

According to the calculation of the earth, a gold coin is equivalent to one hundred renminbi, which is now equivalent to 1 gram of gold. The price of gold in this world is actually low.

The world is different, and there are price differences caused.

Lu Chuan didn't get entangled. He looked at the other party plainly and took out the gold coins from the cupboard. They were 10,000 thinners and put them in a bag. Ten thousand gold coins, the weight of gold coins in this world is 5 grams, that is, 50,000 grams, 50 kilograms, which is not light.

One very interesting thing, from Lu Chuan to here, and then to the other party to install gold coins, there was no word in the whole process.

This is 10,000 gold coins. The magic apprentice only has 5 gold coins a month. In other words, the other party only has 60 gold coins a year, and 10,000 gold coins require 166 years of work, which is definitely a desperate figure.

That is to say, this huge amount of gold coins can only be obtained in gold shops, and it is really difficult in other places.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly, not to mention 10,000 gold coins, it is 100 million trillion gold coins, which is nothing in Lu Chuan's eyes. Even the Golden Star himself has seen it, and these ten thousand gold coins are really insignificant.

Lu Chuan made a magical gesture in the bag of gold coins, only to see the waves of magic emerge, forming a small magic symbol in the void, which turned into a light spot, surrounding the gold coin bag, instantly putting the gold coin bag The change disappeared.

"Space magic?"

The boss' face changed, he was surprised at first, and then his face was full of respect.

Just kidding, a magician who can use space magic is also a seventh-level magician, and at any level, it is a scary existence. And Lu Chuan can obviously cast space magic instantly, which makes him unbelievable. This is the ninth-level magician.

Upanishad, when did Sunderland have a ninth-level magician?

More importantly, the other party is too young, 17 or 18 years old?

The boss was a bit careful before, such as reporting to the sheriff, the origin of the other party's gold bricks and so on. But now, giving him a hundred dare not dare, the ninth-level magician is the person the king has seen and will respectfully receive.

There are countless scores of ten-level magicians in the entire continent. Nine-level magicians in every country are national treasures, and they are the treasures of a country.

"Fortunately, I didn't offend the other party just now." The owner of the Jindian rejoiced, as if he had escaped.

Lu Chuan ignored the other party's exclaim, gave the other party a faint smile, then turned and left.

The instantaneous space magic, in this world, is indeed a ninth-level magician. Space magic is also the most miraculous magic, extremely difficult to master. Among the ten nine-level magicians, only one or two may be able to use space magic.

Space magic is also the strongest kind of magic. It is very mysterious and powerful. Even mastering space magic can create domain space.

After leaving the gold shop, it was already very dark.

Sunderland is located in the middle of the kingdom, and it can be said to be stable. No matter what happens, it will not be affected here. That's why the security here is very good, even if it is dark, there are still people on the streets.

There are some kerosene lamps on the streets. When night falls, some people will light up the kerosene lamps one by one to make the streets brighter.

Kerosene lamps are also hung on the carriages, bringing more vitality to the city.

When Lu Chuan returned home, it was a little late, and his former father was straight-faced, staring at Lu Chuan with bad eyes. The former mother had concerns on her face, for fear that her husband would be angry and beat her child again.

"Do you still know to come back?" Leis said with angrily.

Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Today I went out and went around to see if I could find a job."

I don't know why, Lu Chuan's plain answer made Leis' brows jerked, giving him the feeling that it was not like facing the lord of the city, but when facing the king, there was an indescribable pressure.

Ress resisted this illusion and pointed to the dining table and said, "Your mother left you some bread."

Lu Chuan nodded and picked up the bread in the past. Instead of eating it at the table, he went back to the room.

Surprisingly, Leis didn't say much, and tolerated this series of behaviors by this son. This made Leis feel incredible. He always felt that something was wrong with his son, but he couldn't tell.

The former mother and younger siblings were dumbfounded. They couldn't figure out why their father didn't get angry and didn't even give a lesson.

Only Lu Chuan knew why this was.

Their own experience, the power they hold, are not what they can imagine, the aura released, the former father is just a small patrolman, how can it be able to bear it? This is still Lu Chuan converging his aura to a very low level, otherwise his former father might lose his stance under this aura.

No words for a night.

When Lu Chuan got up the next day, his former father was naturally not at home, and the younger brothers and sisters also went to Upanishad School.

In the whole family, only the former mother was left busy, tidying up the tableware and so on.

When she saw Lu Chuan, she brought a piece of bread and jam. This was breakfast today. In Sunderland, this kind of living standard is not bad anymore. According to Lu Chuan's understanding, his cheap father must have some extra money, otherwise it would be difficult to maintain the operation of this family with his salary.

Lu Chuan took it, and didn't dislike it, and ate it in his mouth.

When I first arrived in this world, the taste of bread here is a brand-new experiment. There is nothing difficult to say.

"Marvin, look for a job well and don't let your father down." The former mother explained.

Lu Chuan nodded and left with bread and jam.

Next, Lu Chuan needs to change.

But today, I still get familiar with this world first. No way, the memory of his predecessor is there, but the worldview of a scumbag is really not that good, and Lu Chuan needs to continue to learn.

Today's learning content is not magic, but the background of this world.

Still called a carriage, took Lu Chuan to the library leisurely, this time Lu Chuan appeared, the two guards did not dare to have any contemptuous air, especially after Lu Chuan popped a gold coin, they looked at Lu Chuan's eyes In, it seems that Lu Chuan has become the son of a rich family.

People’s clothes are not moneyless, but character and style...

Entering the library, Lu Chuan found a large number of books about the world, and then read it carefully.

Only by understanding this world can Lu Chuan know what to do next and how to advance this civilization. In addition, regarding the task, how much should the background structure of this world give yourself some enlightenment?

In every reincarnation, understanding a world is always the first thing.

The rest, such as what famous people are there, do not need to be specifically understood. In Lu Chuan's beliefs, you can just push it directly, regardless of who you are. In the cultivation civilization, it actually depends on whose fists are hard enough.

It doesn't matter who is Anyway, in front of me, it is all scum.

As a reincarnation, there is only one mission, which is to promote civilization, make this civilization reach level 6, and then leave. So to understand only the world view, not to understand who is the strong.

No matter how strong they are, they are really insignificant compared to the samsara.

The composition of this world, in a special environment, produced five elements of magic, wind, fire, water, earth and space. Under these five elements, there are many small variants of magic.

It's hard to talk about who is strong and who is weak. The key is to see who is using it.

Those who can use the cosmic energy more efficiently are naturally stronger.

Of course, space magic must have some advantages, after all, it is more secretive and brings more convenience. But this kind of space magic requires talent, which is to understand the meaning of space.

The source of the profound meaning is actually from generation to generation, through countless experiences, they have gained an experience in communicating with the cosmic energy.

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