Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1470: Flattened mountains

The Portland Mountains are sinking slowly, which is definitely a disaster.

There are at least a dozen cities surrounded by the entire Portland Mountains, and all of them are affected by the sinking of the Portland Mountains. The violent shaking caused some tall walls of the city to be torn and collapsed.

Especially the beasts in the Portland Mountains were absolutely unlucky. They didn't know what was going on, so they sank into the ground along with the roaring Portland Mountains.

The control of the planetary consciousness has nothing to say. The sinking of this level [doudou novel] did not trigger a volcano, otherwise the dozens of cities around the Portland Mountains will be overwhelmed by life and will be erupted The lava was submerged.

This is also what Lu Chuan requested. After all, these cities will belong to him in the future.

Looking at this spectacular scene in the sky, Lu Chuan still felt a sense of passion in his heart. Although all this is insignificant in Lu Chuan's heart, it is too small compared to destroying a galaxy and creating a black hole.

However, Lu Chuan didn't have much feeling about destroying a galaxy. After all, he had a personal experience with the current one, which were two concepts.

How to describe it.

One hundred million in cash, and one hundred million in deposit figures, the visual impact of the two is naturally different.

Now standing above the Portland Mountains, watching it sink into the ground, hundreds of kilometers of the area has become a funeral place, countless creatures were brought into the ground by it, and then covered by mud and disappeared in this world .

The World of Warcraft in the Portland Mountains, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years no one has disturbed, but I didn't expect it to be caught in a pan.

The sinking Portland Mountains stunned many people.

The tumbling dust allowed the world to only see the Portland Mountains sinking, but did not see its most shocking and spectacular scene. But it doesn't matter, they will be shocked when the Portland Mountains disappear.

Lu Chuan watched quietly until the Portland Mountains finally disappeared.

Planetary consciousness wiped this place into a flat ground, simulating the result of the Portland Mountains being leveled by magic.

When the Portland Mountains disappeared, the rumbling finally stopped. Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, there were no more earthquakes, no more noise, and it became deadly silent.

The people in every city were panting, looking at the dust that covered the sky in horror. They didn't know what happened, why the Portland Mountains were wiped out by a force beyond imagination. .

That kind of power that ruined the world, they felt almost buried with the Portland Mountains in the city.

This seems to be a miracle, a scene that God can create.

Other cities will only be shocked by this kind of magic power, but they will not know that it is Lu Chuan. But the people in Portland are different. They know why the Portland Mountains disappeared. It was caused by this terrifying young man in front of them.

In an instant, everyone felt unmatched in their hearts.

In silence, countless people knelt down, and sent their most pious kneel towards Lu Chuan.

In their minds, Lu Chuan had already equated with God. Only a **** can complete this destructive blow, this is no longer a magic that can be done by man.

The soldiers who had just surrendered to Lu Chuan were all caught in joy, and their eyes on Lu Chuan became enthusiastic.

Before they were threatened by Lu Chuan and oppressed by higher-level officers, they had to surrender.

But now, in their hearts, they agree with Lu Chuan. With this super-powerful leader like a god, how can their future be comparable to now?

With such a bullish super power, no matter how many troops the United Kingdom sends, it is only a matter of magic forbidden spell. The entire Portland Mountains have disappeared. This kind of forbidden curse covering an unknown number of hundreds of kilometers, no matter how many troops come, it will only be killed.

Following such a strong person, as mentioned before, their future will also be a strong person, because as long as they miss a little bit, it is enough to raise them several levels.

Even if Lu Chuan didn't imply anything, the minds of these soldiers had already made up the fact that in the future, they would sweep the United Kingdom and surrounding countries to form a powerful country.

They will be the elders, the founders of the country, and they will get rid of their humble status.

"Long live the Fashen..."

First, some sporadic roars, but gradually converged into a neat and incomparable voice. The shouts of millions of people were absolutely spectacular, and the voices went straight to the sky.

Lu Chuan floated in the sky, showing a light smile.

The winner is king, and when one has enough strength, it is natural to gain their loyalty. As long as oneself is strong enough, the other party has no reason to betray, abandoning a stronger person and taking refuge in a weak one, the brain of such a person is absolutely abnormal.

As long as the rewards and punishments are clear in the following, the merits must be rewarded, and the transgressions must be punished... When an order that they support is established, with their own strength, they will gain loyalty beyond imagination.

Lu Chuan controlled Portland for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and millions of people.

Here, it will be a starting point for myself.

Lu Chuan will take some time to create a group of super magicians. Not only magicians, but also great knights, great swordsmen... can be cultivated. Power is used in different ways, but power can actually be increased.

Swordsmen can also burst out terrifying power, and can also move mountains and seas.

However, the energy structure destined the magician to have a higher space. With the existence of swordsmen and knights, this part of people is not suitable for energy structure, so they took another shortcut, and the profession of swordsman and knight appeared.

The use of energy by swordsmen and knights is mainly reflected in physical fitness. No matter how strong they are, they do not have the energy explosion characteristics of magicians. As a result, the world has always been dominated by magicians.

Lu Chuanfei was in the sky and was worshipped by these millions of people. At this moment, he was the **** of these millions.

Fanaticism, Lu Chuan gained their loyalty in the shortest possible time.

Just as Lu Chuan thought, when they realized what they were following, when they anticipated their future, they would not care what Lu Chuan used to obtain all this, and who they were loyal to.


The Portland Fortress restored order in the shortest time.

First, the soldiers here were already strict, but secondly, the deterrence brought by Lu Chuan was too great.

Don't say that they have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, they are millions of soldiers. Facing this kind of super magic blow, this kind of shrouded hundreds of kilometers of range, it is more or less death.

Another reason is the surrender of the entire ranks of officers.

The loyal commander died, and many of the people below were loyal to the king, but in the face of this kind of terrifying force in Lu Chuan, they had to surrender to Lu Chuan. But now, their loyalty has obviously been shaken, the reason is very simple, their new owner is completely invincible, and the strength they possess is too strong to sweep the entire country without a problem.

Under such circumstances, how are they loyal?

And all this is exactly what Lu Chuan expected.

As long as the person is shaken, the rest will be easy to handle. Lu Chuan only needs to complete the last step to make these things loyal to him forever, but this step needs to wait until the entire Portland City stabilizes.

Under the leadership of Stone Rudolph, Lu Chuan patrolled the fortress in Portland where order was restored.

A guard of hundreds of people followed Lu Chuan and the others, with enthusiasm in their eyes, looking at the background of Lu Chuan. They worship the strong, and Lu Chuan's strength is worthy of their following.

Rudolf is the deputy commander of the fortress. He was able to do the job before, which shows his ability. Lu Chuan is not picky. In Lu Chuan's eyes, ability is not a factor that determines your position. What really determines how far you can go is loyalty.

Lu Chuan will not verify whether this Rudolph is loyal or not. The loyalty of this group of people does not even care about Lu Chuan. They really betrayed, and they can just destroy it. When that time comes, they will find another city and conquer again... …

Lu Chuan's inspections allowed every soldier to show his best spirit.

The entire fortress is extremely strict, and the discipline of the soldiers is very strong. The troops that can be stationed here are all elite divisions. In each unit, there will be a magician unit, giving Lu Chuan the feeling that the magician unit is just like the artillery in an army, they are responsible for the output of powerful firepower.

Every soldier is well-equipped. From this point, we can know the importance of the United Kingdom to this place.

However, all of this became Lu Chuan's.

Groups of troops are stationed in different positions, each responsible for the defense of an area, and they will rotate every time. In the usual training, almost all of them are sent into the Portland Mountains according to different troops, either to kill the monsters or to kill the soldiers of the Principality of Lerwick.

Under this system, the soldiers of the Portland Fortress have always maintained a strong combat effectiveness.

"Master Fashen, there are a total of 510,600 all of them are real." Rudolf reported the data, he said: "Among them, 10,600 soldiers are the reserve army. In the daily training, there will be different losses. Once there is a loss, the lost troops will be added from them to ensure that they are 100% full."

Lu Chuan nodded, whether it was fighting against the monsters or torn with the troops of the Principality of Lerwick, casualties were inevitable.

As a supplement, more than 10,000 people, in fact, for such a huge army, the number is already small. Sometimes a small-scale conflict is the death of hundreds of people. More than 10,000 people are not too many.

However, Lu Chuan only patrols a circle more. The soldiers of the fortress are still in shock. They will not have two hearts. The Portland Mountains have been razed by themselves. This shock is enough to make them live forever. Live in this shock.

The fortress is the most important, but Portland is also one of Lu Chuan's goals.

Lu Chuan's plan is to rely on the city of Portland to cultivate millions of troops. An army armed with super soldiers is also the basis for his own sweep of the continent.

After turning around the fortress, Lu Chuan appeared in Portland with dozens of officers under the protection of hundreds of guards.

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