Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1473: teach

Terrence did not hesitate. He took the magic potion handed over by Lu Chuan, without hesitation, just drank it.

  He is only a Level 4 magician, in the eyes of Master Fashen, it is nothing at all. How can Master Fashen harm him in the eyes of everyone? It should be said that this is an opportunity. How could he miss the opportunity to make an impression in the eyes of Master Fashen?

   From the moment he stood up, he was ready to drink even if he died.

   After all, Terrence drank the magic potion.

   The next moment, he immediately felt his whole body agitated, and the magic power in his body boiled, as if he had become extremely powerful at this moment.

Lu Chuan said next to him: "The time that the magic potion can last depends on the ability of the metallurgists, or what time you want to give it. For example, if you only want the magic potion to last for five minutes, you only need It can be achieved by adding or decreasing the added materials. The bottle in my hand can last for thirty minutes."

  All metallurgists were present, so how could you not know what Lu Chuan said about 30 minutes?

   Just understand. When they heard Lu Chuan say this, they screamed and exclaimed. In their eyes, this is really rare, because the magic potions they make can only last for a few seconds, and the best is only about a minute.

   Compared with Lu Chuan, it is not on the same level.

   Lu Chuan said, "Terrence, now you can try to use a level five magic."

   Terrence is a fourth-level magician. It is no secret in the Magic Guild. There are files to check. Many of the people present are stronger than Terrence, so they naturally know Terrence's current strength.

  If Terrence can use these five levels of magic, it means that this magic potion is really effective.

   Terrence nodded without hesitation. As a fourth-level magician, he could not use fifth-level magic, but it didn't mean he didn't know fifth-level magic. They are often at the fourth level and have already studied the fifth level of magic. This is common sense.

Only saw Terrence take out a small magic wand, raised it with one hand, and chanted magic spells in his mouth. Soon countless dots of starlight formed around him. The next moment these starlights were connected It became a piece, shrouded him, forming a white magic shield.

   Magic Shield, one of the five-level magician's unique magic. The elementary magic shield is white. As the level of the magician increases, the color of the magic shield will also change.

   A level 4 magician cannot use level 5 magic, because their magic use and mana reserves are not enough to support them to complete this kind of magic.

   There are some geniuses, through some methods, it is possible to use fifth-level magic, but this kind of fifth-level magic effect will be greatly reduced, the power will be weakened, and sometimes it is impossible to complete the fifth-level magic.

   But now, Terrence is very easy to use the magic shield. There is absolutely no reluctance to say, even though he can't do it with ease, he has also completed the magic shield excellently.

   Terrence's face was full of excitement. He felt the magic shield surrounding him. It was very safe, as if there was nothing in this world that could hurt him.

   "Very good!"

   Lu Chuan laughed, and he said, "Now everyone has seen the magical effects of magic potions. Excuse me, how many gold coins should this bottle of magic potion be life-saving at a critical time?"

   Tracing back to the essence of magic potion, this kind of magic potion that temporarily strengthens you by one level, at critical times, it will really save your life. When you encounter a strong enemy, the strength of each other is similar, but when you have this magic potion, the scale of victory is already biased towards you.

   Everyone present immediately realized this, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

   Things that can save a life are naturally the most expensive in this world.

   A level 4 magician took it and was able to use level 5 magic. Within half an hour, he was a real level 5 magician. If a ninth-level magician takes it, it may not be able to turn into tenth-level magic, but the improved effects can make him cast ninth-level magic more smoothly.

   Smoother, faster casting, these are no different from saving lives.

Lu Chuan said: "On the way of metallurgy, this kind of magic potion is just one of them. Think about it, potions that can increase speed, potions that can increase strength, potions that can increase physical strength, potions that can restore injury... Can have some more magical potions, such as potions that make people hallucinate."

   For a while, to the metallurgists here, Lu Chuan seemed to have opened a different door.

   In their understanding, the pharmacy in metallurgy is nothing more than making some healing, and then making some potions that can replenish mana, and then there are poison potions and so on.

   Can Lu Chuan tell them now that potions can be more magical?

   "Master Fashen, is this true?"

  President Faen couldn't help but ask, if it is true, the world is indeed wonderful. Think about it, with the help of these magical potions, not to mention war, how many magicians, swordsmen, and knights will benefit in ordinary daily life, and how much benefit will they occupy in the killing of monsters?

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "This is natural. This time we are summoning everyone here. In fact, I want to give you a splendid wealth, so that you can become the world's top metallurgist. The weapons and equipment you have created, The medicines prepared are all things that are hard to find, and countless powerful people will respect you."

   Lu Chuan's description made all the metallurgists here shine.

   Based on what Lu Chuan said, they can already see how their metallurgists will be in this world in the future.


   Everyone looked at Lu Chuan. Can this be realized? How? For example, if they can't concoct such a magical potion, it will be just empty talk.

   With their current level of metallurgy, it is impossible to concoct what Lu Chuan described.

Lu Chuan saw the heat in their eyes, and he smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I know what everyone wants. As I said just now, I gave you this rich and honorable show. I will teach you. All kinds of knowledge, and what you need to do is to experiment again and again to improve your abilities, and then to study better and more complex medicines."

   The wealth of this splashing sky is too big to imagine.

   And this knowledge is invaluable in the eyes of everyone. Naturally, their worship of Lu Chuan has become more fanatical. A selfless Dharma God, this heart is what they admire most.

Lu Chuan really didn’t have any preparations for hiding himself. He is a reincarnation. The world is actually a horse. If you want a horse to run, you must feed it and drink. Only in this way can it have the strength to run faster and more. Hard work.

   Besides, this knowledge is really useless in Lu Chuan's eyes.

  Different positions determine the values ​​of many things are different. For example, this knowledge of magic potions is invaluable in their eyes, but in Lu Chuan's eyes, it is worthless.

   Lu Chuan stretched out his hand, and then condensed a basketball-sized crystal ball, and then injected a huge amount of information into it. This information is knowledge about metallurgy, and the way it is used cannot be explained by technology.

   This knowledge includes metallurgy, not just medicine.

   In the future, the metallurgical industry will definitely be differentiated. For example, there will be foundries, pharmacists, and blessing masters. They will evolve into different guilds, representing industries and so on.

   "You line up, everyone come over, put your hands on it, and then close your eyes to absorb this knowledge." Lu Chuan said.

  Faen, they are all unbelievable, this kind of incredible method can be used to transfer this knowledge?

   In their opinion, shouldn't it be given to them by the book, or Lu Chuan should explain it, are they listening?

   Whether they believe it or not, thinking of Lu Chuan’s identity as a **** of law, is this a level they cannot know or understand, or is this magic that can be used only by the **** of law?

   At the moment, everyone is lining up.

As the branch president of the Wizards’ Guild, Fine was naturally ranked first. He stepped forward and placed his hand on the crystal ball. The moment he closed his eyes, something came in his brain, and it was cold. , And then he found out that he actually understood a lot of unprecedented knowledge, and this knowledge appeared so abruptly, but did not have any influence on him.

   A moment later, Fine opened his eyes, the look on his face was incredible.

   From this point, he saw a new door open in this world. For example, with this kind of knowledge transfer, how many magicians will be cultivated? At that time, how strong will the Wizards’ Guild be?

   There are so many magicians appearing, there are bound to be some talented constantly refreshing the level of magicians in this world.

   Pulling his thinking back, Faun was shocked, but the whole knowledge passed on was almost unreserved. He hasn't understood a lot of metallurgical knowledge yet, but he believes that he will understand one day after all, and the medicine that he has prepared by then will surely make a sensation in the world.

   "Thank you, Lord Fashen."

  Faen performed the highest etiquette among magicians to Lu Chuan. At this moment, his gratitude to Lu Chuan was absolutely from the heart.

   Lu Chuan just smiled and nodded. Lu Chuan did not retain this knowledge. He gave them an old brain, and then it depends on their good fortune. People who are talented and willing to study will naturally have high accomplishments. Among the 800 metallurgists, most of them are famous in the world, because they really love the metallurgy industry.

   No matter how small the accomplishment is, it will not be a problem to become a metallurgist who is admired. Being a rich man is for sure.

A well-known metallurgist, all with a pilgrimage mentality, pressed on the crystal ball one by one, and when they released their hands, they all had shock and excitement on their faces, and their eyes on Lu Chuan remained unchanged. Be fanatical and admired.

After more than 800 metallurgists had absorbed this knowledge one by one, Lu Chuan gave the crystal ball to Faen, saying: "It will be left to you for safekeeping. If there are people who love and like this industry, Let them learn this knowledge."

  Faen took a deep breath, and then solemnly took it over. Is this crystal ball more valuable?

   For the metallurgist industry, in the future, this crystal ball will be a holy thing.

   "My Faen will definitely not fail the Lord Fashen."

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