Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1493: hegemony

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What is Lu Chuan's will is to conquer.

From the moment of reincarnation in this world, Lu Chuan made a plan. This is to rule this world and then promote the promotion of civilization.

After becoming a reincarnation several times, Lu Chuan has always been hiding behind the scenes, controlling this world.

This time, Lu Chuan wanted to change his role.

Actually changing roles, but if you think about it carefully, you just change the soup instead of the medicine.

The only difference is that the behind-the-scenes control is like a gentle fire, and the speed is much slower. And standing in front of the stage, this way that doesn't need to waste a lot of time to pave the way is fierce and can quickly achieve the goal.

It takes a hundred years for a reincarnation, which is too long for Lu Chuan.

Returning to science and technology civilization, Lu Chuan can only recognize it, but cultivating civilization is the easiest way to promote civilization. Naturally, he can use fierce fire to achieve his goals in a short time.

It's just a gentle fire, you can take it slowly, arrange it slowly, and accumulate it.

But fierce fire does not work. You need to have a certain strength in a short time, otherwise how do you burn?

That's why Lu Chuan will make great efforts to integrate the soldiers of the two countries and lay down a gathering of spirits to help them improve. A huge army composed of pure warriors, looking at the entire world, is currently the only one.

This kind of uniqueness caused the army in Lu Chuan's hands to be the strongest.

The strongest combat power brings about destruction, and everything that stands in front of them will be destroyed by them.

In battle, they will continue to improve themselves and make themselves stronger.

The new cultivation method will have a huge impact on them. They will become stronger as they fight, and eventually become ultra-efficient war machines until they completely conquer this world.

To be sure, the real super strong will appear in the army more.

Use war and battle to temper the real strong, and they are the cornerstone of civilization.

This is why Lu Chuan will start the conquest mode. He wants to try the effect of this method. It is foreseeable that in the future, the number of reincarnations will never be low. After all, we must find a more effective and faster way.

Lu Chuan's voice is the will of the new dynasty.

Therefore, when Lu Chuan pointed his finger on the map, it was the place Bingfeng pointed.


In August 3396, the Shenyue Kingdom, a neighboring country, was captured in only 4 months in August 3396. Their army was unable to resist effectively. They were defeated steadily and eventually became the first under the United Nations. Conquered country.

Conquer, then reorganize and reorganize to deliver new ways of cultivation.

As long as it is conquered, the army must first be transformed and then controlled.

Conquering is like a strong medicine, and naturally there will be sequelae. There was a lot of resistance among the people, and then there was the violation of the powers of the major families, and the remnants of the royal family, they would not be at ease, shouting for the restoration of the country all day.

The rule of a country has always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There will always be some people who are loyal to the country and imagine that once the country can be restored, they will get the benefits, and naturally they have the courage to help these remnants.

"Your Majesty, this is a report from the front line."

After the battle report handed over by the Minister of Military Aircraft, Lu Chuan just glanced, then frowned slightly, and said quietly: "Tell Norman Grand Duke, any resistance will kill the Jiu Clan, even if this country is slaughtered."

Lu Chuan's words are absolutely bloody, many people have imagined the scene of blood flowing into a river.

Maybe the people who died in the war are not as good as this kind of iron-and-blood purge.

"Your Majesty, will this..." Several ministers hesitated, they still hoped that His Majesty would withdraw his will. If the rule of the big country is to cook small dishes, if it is too fierce, it will make the resistance even more fierce.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "The country is slaughtered, what resistance will there be?"

In **** words, this determines the lives and deaths of tens of millions of people and slaughter a country, which is absolutely appalling. From this point of view, Lu Chuan is definitely a super tyrant, unprecedented in the past and present.

In the eyes of reincarnations, this civilized place is just a place to stay for a short time, and it will eventually be destroyed.

Like a game, in Lu Chuan's heart, he really didn't treat the people here as life, more like a set of data in a game. This indifference made Lu Chuan seem extremely cold-blooded and brutal.

"Yes, Your Majesty." None of the ministers below dared to breathe again.

Their majesty is a **** of law, and his strength is terrifying, and one person can destroy a country, and his strength is natural. If they don't want to die, it's best to follow Luchuan's will.

Even a country is about to be slaughtered. If some of them really provoke your majesty's anger, why dare you be killed?

Your Majesty's strength, even if they lose this country, they can make a comeback and quickly establish a new country.

Judging from His Majesty’s actions, I am afraid that people in the country are not qualified to say that it is a tyrant, because His Majesty has allowed this country to undergo earth-shaking changes in just over a year. After a series of measures, the world will only shout If your Majesty Shengming said, how could it be a tyrant?

Maybe his majesty is a tyrant outside.

For the first time, Lu Chuan’s will was conveyed to the front line. Looking at this **** order, Grand Duke Norman only frowned, but he gave a decisive order: "Come on, Your Majesty has an order, but since today, there are people who resist. , Once caught, punish the nine tribes. Your Majesty’s will, even if a country is slaughtered, will not hesitate until there is nothing to slaughter, until there is no rebellion."

As soon as the announcement came out, it was posted in every city of Shenyue Kingdom, causing countless people to take a breath of cold.


These two words appeared in everyone's heart.

The announcement represents Lu Chuan's will, and the Grand Duke Norman will naturally execute it. After being captured by groups of rebels, they found out that they were all punishing the nine tribes right behind them. This kind of involvement was so widespread that they killed people.

At first, the people of Shenyue Kingdom thought it was impossible, but when the order was actually executed, they were finally afraid.

Under Lu Chuan's iron and **** wrists, the Kingdom of Shenyue was shrouded in a **** wind. The Kingdom of Shenyue, which has been firmly controlled by the army, can't make waves at all. When afraid of being killed, everyone has distanced themselves from anyone who is against them, for fear of being affected by them.

Under the rolling heads, the entire Shenyue Kingdom was conquered in the shortest time, and there was no resistance.

No matter how unwilling people are, they can only become turtles under Lu Chuan's high-pressure policies.

In less than half a month, millions of people were killed and blood flowed into rivers. Even the burying of the bodies took a lot of time. One by one buried place, shocking everyone.

Of course, Lu Chuan used iron and blood, but the other civil affairs did follow the civil affairs of the United Nations, starting with businessmen and others, and giving this remnant conquered land brought rapid recovery blood.

"Your Majesty has an order, only for rebels."

On the one hand, the iron-blooded means are surging, on the other hand, it makes countless people feel that they are getting a new zero-tax subsidy, and the ultra-low tax that makes countless business people ecstatic...This way, the country is all intimidated by Lu Chuan and quickly The ground calmed down.

It can be said that Lu Chuan killed people with fear, and there was no more disagreement.

The New Deal has given tangible benefits to hundreds of millions of people, and it can be said that it cut off the source of the resistance. If the people are not angry, there will be no soil for them, and the remnants of their scattered hiding will eventually disappear into the river of history.

At the same time, the three professional guilds that Lu Chuan cares most about have also entered the transformation.

The reason why Lu Chuan conquered was actually to enhance the overall strength.

The first is for the convenience of conscripting by oneself, so that the army can maintain its increasingly stronger combat effectiveness, with more fresh blood, and the army can continue to conquer for itself.

Second, it is for the promotion of civilization.

In the cultivation civilization, what is emphasized is the overall cultivation level.

In the three professional guilds that have been transformed, Lu Chuan redefines the classification of magicians, swordsmen, and knights.

For example, compressing the first and second levels into first level, and third and fourth levels into second level... and so on, the tenth-level magician, who once made people feel the top existence, is only the fifth-level magician.

Tenth level, once again made people feel that they can only look up, because it is too far away.

This kind of classification makes some people feel uncomfortable and dissatisfied.

"Does the new tenth level really exist?"

Countless people are questioning. In their understanding, the old tenth level already exists as a ceiling, but His Majesty's eyes seem to be far more than that, making them puzzled.

According to legend, His Majesty has reached the strength of the Law God, and he does not know the truth or not.


In 3397 of the divine calendar, the Grand Duke of Norman left the division to become the eleven provinces and merged into the old kingdom of the moon and the United Nations. Three million soldiers set off with the impossibility of being worldless, in just one day~www.mtlnovel .com~ defeated the 600,000 troops deployed by the Tenan Kingdom on the border fortress.

The next day, the Grand Duke of Norman divided his troops into three groups and pointed directly to the capital of the Tenan Kingdom.

The three-way army, pointed out by the military front, all cities along the road were defeated instantly. The super combat power makes the enemies feel desperate, and they face more like an invincible army.

In March of the same year, Prince Sally Derrick personally commanded the Five Route Army, with a total of 5 million soldiers, and rushed directly to the Dunquery Empire adjacent to the United Nations. With a sweeping force, he took down city-states. .

For a time, countless countries were full of fear and worries about the new United Nations, and it is very likely that they will be the next targets of extinction.

From all kinds of intelligence, the strength of the UN's army is at least a level three or above. Without the strength of level four or five, you don't want to be a small leader.

No, from the intelligence, the tyrant redefines the rank. It should be said that the lowest is also the second-level warrior. Without the third-level strength, it can't be the small boss. If you want to become a higher officer, how can the strength be above the fourth-level. .

It's hard to imagine, how do millions of soldiers possess this kind of strength?

Imagine that most of them are just ordinary soldiers. If you really face an army of this level and think with your toes, you will know what the consequences will be. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have no power for a turn.

"The wolf is coming."

I don't know how many people exclaimed that a brutal country under the leadership of a tyrant is so eager to expand, it seems that his footsteps will never stop.

Realizing that this enemy is too strong, they are not stupid. The messengers keep coming and going. Almost after the Dunquery Empire was conquered by Prince Sally Derrick, they immediately formed the Ten Nations Alliance to fight the United Nations. .

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