Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1497: Like a broken bamboo

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Lu Chuan has always believed that when there is no distance, the world will be different.

The success of the Academy of Magic, and the batches of masters of the Magic Array trained by them, under their efforts, completely carry forward this discipline. And Lu Chuan finally received the sound that he was looking forward to most.

"Ding, congratulations to the reincarnation, civilization is promoted to the second level."

That’s right, civilization directly surpassed Level 1, from less than Level 1, to Level 2.

This is the effect of cheating, and civilization can jump.

Looking at this news, Lu Chuan felt full of emotion in his heart. It was only five years after he arrived in this world, he had achieved this civilizational leap. It seemed easy, but what Lu Chuan paid was indeed a lot of.

The area that Lu Chuan can control is still too few, and the influence of the entire civilization level is still slightly worse. Otherwise, the current civilization may be far more than the second level.

"We can't stand still forever, we need to speed up."

Lu Chuan smiled lightly, and the next form of war might overturn the understanding of the world.

In the next time, they will be dominated by fear and will be shrouded in fear brought about by a powerful army. No, it should be said that they will be desperate, and there is no other choice but to surrender.

Strong and iron-blooded, will forge an invincible army.


The divine calendar is 3400 years.

For ordinary people, this year is no different. The only difference may be that it rounds up an integer, which seems to have a special meaning?

On the frontier.

Prince Sally Derrick wore his armor and patrolled the area. There was a smile on his face. For him, this time was definitely his most proud time. He broke through to the peak period of the sixth-level magician.

What is this concept?

When he surrendered his Majesty, he was only a ninth-level magician. But now, in a flash of six years, if he discounted the level under the old system, he should now be a level 12 magician.

On average every two years, he will be promoted to the first level. This speed is simply shocking, and it is unimaginable before.

But under the leadership of His Majesty the King, everything becomes possible.

Who could have imagined that they can still break through, and now they can chase higher levels of power.

Of course, compared with that, Prince Sally Derrick cared most about what he was about to do. After two years of sharpening a sword, the entire army has increased its strength by another level in these two years. In the army, the lowest is also the top three occupations of the two-level peak, that is to say the previous four-level.

The mainstay, the level is at the third level.

The level under the new system is different from the level under the old system. The level of the new system multiplied by two is the level of the old system.

Other countries have not adopted the grade of the new system, so they still use the grade of the old system for calculation.

After a few years, the ten-nation alliance has become the seventeen-nation alliance. They concentrated their superior forces and also integrated an extremely powerful army.

Prince Sally Derrick has fought all his life without putting them in his eyes. Their so-called powerful army is different from the army in their hands. As long as he wants to, he can defeat them with the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

"How are you preparing?"

Prince Sally Derrick looked out at the mountains, here is an extremely complex mountain range, and it was also the place where he stopped before. Here, the Allied Forces of the Seventeen Nations have built a complete fortification. If they attack hard, the price paid will definitely not be small.

However, the entire army has stagnated in the past two years. It is not that he did not attack, but that the King meant it.

Until recently, Prince Sally Derrick finally knew why His Majesty the King had asked them to stop.

The adjutant who followed Prince Sally Derrick said without hesitation: "Commander, everything is ready."

Prince Sally Derrick nodded, he knew what it meant to be ready. At the moment, without hesitation, he returned to his camp and gathered all the generals under his command. They pointed their fingers on the huge sand table, but they pointed them heavily.

"The soldiers are divided into ten divisions. This king will take these places in one day." Prince Sally Derrick's eyes were frantic.

With the secret weapon given by His Majesty the King, if he fails to do this, he simply resigns the position of commander-in-chief.

The generals who had long gained insider information also became fanatical.

After several trainings, they have adapted to this subversive tactic. The next step is to let the world redefine war. They will use the magic teleportation array provided by His Majesty the King, in an unbelievable way, approaching the inside of their fortress, bringing them real fear.

An hour later.

In the barracks, there are groups of soldiers fully armed, their expressions are not nervous, some are just fanatical.

They have a clear understanding of their own strength. With their strength, it is impossible to deal with some soldiers who are only first-class or ordinary people. Even if the opponent is several times greater than himself, in front of this kind of strength, he can also sweep the opponent.

War, for them, is more of a practice, a battle of merit.

A team of soldiers divided different areas. In front of them, there was a huge six-pointed magic circle, which had not been activated yet, but they had already practiced it and knew how terrible it was to change the war.

The reason for their enthusiasm and excitement is the magic teleportation array in front of them.

"Long live your majesty!"

Prince Sally Derrick appeared in the sky, raised the magic wand in his hand and shouted first.

"Long live your majesty, long live your majesty..."

With roars resounding through the sky, countless soldiers became enthusiastic. They worshiped the king deeply. They were the king’s most ardent followers.

"Now, step down the Seventeenth Allied Forces, and let your majesty's glory shine on these seventeen nations. Now, for your honor, use the sword in your hands to tell the world that you are invincible, the most invincible in the world. A mighty army." Prince Sally Derrick roared.


A famous magician, they activated the magic teleportation array in front of them.

The large flying beasts who had been preparing for a long time in the distance, under their claws, one magic circle was grabbed by them, and then under the control of the beast master, they rose into the air and filled the sky.

The overwhelming flying monsters flew towards the distance with the fastest speed. They crossed the mountains and found the fortress below in the high air.

When the huge flying monster appeared, the siren sounded in the fortress below, and countless soldiers were in place, and they aimed their bows and crossbows at the sky, shooting out powerful crossbows without hesitation.


Under the control of flying monsters head-to-head, they instantly released the magic teleportation array they were holding in the air, and then quickly raised their flying height to dodge the crossbows that were shot from below.

Not every flying monster was able to succeed. Some of them were hit by the bow and crossbow before putting down the magic teleportation array. They screamed and lost control, but most of them finished the magic teleportation array.

The overwhelming flying warcraft troops, they are playing a surprise attack, naturally they make the opponent unable to respond in time.

The falling black dots made the dozens of fortresses on this mountain curious. Many soldiers looked up at the black dots and couldn’t guess what it was. Could it be that the other party dropped these things? Used to hit people?

Soon, they knew.


In the huge and dull sound, one magic teleportation array was smashed to the ground.

The scary thing about the Magic Academy is that they have perfected the magic teleportation array, making breakthroughs in the selection of materials and then the ultra-high-altitude delivery required for war. The special material, it is strong enough to fall at this height without damage. The magic teleportation array uses some special techniques to make it fall to the ground like a cake, always on the cream side first.

In this way, when these magical teleportation formations fell, they were directly attached to the ground, without bouncing, turning back, and not torn apart.


In this kind of whistling sound, one magic teleportation array fell into different areas, and then shone with dazzling light.

In the other barracks.

Prince Sally Derrick waved his magic wand, like a signal, a group of soldiers quickly rushed into the magic teleportation array. Between a black and a bright, it was already rushed from the magic teleportation array at the other end. The soldiers who have gone out have already adapted to all this. The first time they rushed out, they formed a defensive formation to protect more soldiers from behind.

One by one magic teleportation array, like a blowout well, countless soldiers rushed out, quickly covering the area.

A fortress has more than a dozen magical teleportation formations. This time, Prince Sally Derrick targeted a dozen fortresses at once, and directly launched a thunder blow. He wanted to take down the fortress built by the Allied Forces of the Seventeen Nations in one fell swoop. Thus shocked the world.

The Allied Forces of the Seventeen Nations, they are stationed on the fortress, with strong soldiers and strong horses, relying on the fortress's profit, it is almost impossible to attack.

But now, they were stunned at the unknown thing that was shining with light. Soldiers were constantly pouring out. It was like a path leading to the secret. The soldiers who emerged were not humans, but demons.

The unimaginable scene overturned their understanding, which made them unresponsive.

When they realized what was going on, they were greeted by swords and swords, fire and blood. In the face of an extremely powerful enemy, they can't even fight back, and the battle is a one-sided situation.

"It's over!"

The commander of the fortress, when he saw the soldiers spewing out from the magic teleportation array, he knew it was all over. The fortress was invaded from the inside, which made the fortress’s tall walls and countless defensive weapons directly out of use, which meant nothing for a fortress.

More importantly, it was this subversive method of warfare that left them at a loss. In panic, the stunned soldiers could not organize effective resistance at all, and the battle was almost a one-sided situation.

And the opponent is really too strong, an ordinary soldier, who has the strength of their junior officer level, how to fight?

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