Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1523: Pass

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To know if it's true, just take her there.

For Lu Chuan, the movement of his mind is only a millisecond, and he can travel through two different universes. From the last-day earth to the modern earth, it is just a matter of breathing. When it stops, it is already in a villa.

In the villa, there are only robots and no servants.

The usual sanitation is cleaned by robots, keeping this place clean.

Here is one of Lu Chuan's footholds on the modern earth, mainly for the movement of ideas.

Aurora only felt she was in a trance, without feeling anything, so she changed to a new environment and appeared inside a villa.

Aphrora, who had moved her mind several times, didn't feel any difference. In her thoughts, this is the end-time earth she is familiar with, but it has only changed a place.

Lu Chuan did not speak, but led her to the top of the villa.

Here, there was a small flying machine, Lu Chuan took the lead in entering, and then beckoned, Aphrora sat in.

The small aircraft soared into the sky, and the most famous city in North America was New York. Even if Lu Chuan doesn't want to admit that, in the modern earth, New York is indeed one of the best, even after the federal system, its status has not declined at all.

Hundreds of years of development have made it more than doubled, and the prosperous present is not comparable to the last-day earth.

More importantly, it has not been damaged at all.

What the eyes can see are all high-rise buildings. Many buildings Aphrora even has some impressions. After all, there are too many buildings in New York that are world-famous. If they are not damaged, they will naturally exist.

"How could New York be like this?" Aphrora exclaimed.

No need for Lu Chuan's explanation, Aphrora immediately reflected it.

Here, it is not the last-day earth, but the modern earth. How can the modern earth be destroyed and rebuilt without experiencing war?

Lu Chuan took Aphrola around for a while, then went to Washington, and then to San Francisco... Not only that, Lu Chuan also took Aphrola to transfer with his mind and arrived in Russia.

The complete Russia, although it is now called the Russian Region, it retains everything intact, and Aphrora has already believed it.

"This is Shiji, you can take a look."

Lu Chuan took a Russian book and handed it to Aphrola.

Aphrora looked through it. Although she only took a few hurried glances, the history above has not experienced any twists and turns, and it naturally came to today.

After arriving in Europe, Aphrora was completely convinced.

A world completely different from the last-day earth. The earth is still the earth, but people are no longer those people, and the world is not that world. I don't know when the branch began to appear. On this earth, Aphrola herself does not exist, nor does it exist to trace the ancestry.

To be precise, it is the same earth but different humanities.

"Is the world you are talking about really weighing billions of trillions?" Aphrora was still in disbelief.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "All of this is true. Let's go. I will take you to look outside the universe, to see alien races, there are more advanced civilizations, far more than humans do not know how many levels. Civilization."

The civilization of the last-day earth is only level 1.5. In the universe, it is too small to be mentioned.

Lu Chuan disappeared with Aphrodite and did not travel through the universe. It was still the universe where this modern earth was located. It was just that this leap, which was already 16 million light years away.

A green planet is extremely busy here, and the spaceships passing by are huge and peculiar in appearance, so Aphrola has realized for the first time that this should be an alien civilization.

Just seeing these spaceships, she knew that the level of this civilization was not low.

"This is the civilization of the Green Stars, with only three levels, but they have completed the colonization of more than one hundred and sixty planets, and they rule this huge galaxy." Lu Chuan explained.

Next, he took Aphrora and appeared inside the Green Star.

This was just the beginning. Lu Chuan also took Aurora to appear in the star field where the machine race was. There was no wonder turbulence everywhere. The planet was made of special metals, which gave birth to this strange civilization.

In addition, there are ocean races. The entire planet is full of sea water, but civilizations have emerged. They are equally powerful, but they have very few colonizations. They only established ocean cities on some major planets, and they cannot be as big as other races. The scale of colonization.

Lu Chuan took Aphrola to watch the all-encompassing alien race.

Until I didn't know how long I had played, Aphrora, who regarded this as a trip, was a little tired, and ended this seemingly endless movement.

Aphrora can be said to be an eye-opener. She also realizes that human beings are small, but the ridiculous human infighting is so serious.

"Take me to meet them."

At this moment, Aphrora said this sentence very calmly. After so long, she had actually let go. A great and powerful man cannot be trapped by himself. This ability to travel through countless universes also destined Lu Chuan to not belong to him alone.

Lu Chuan nodded. Lu Chuan didn't dare to talk nonsense at this time.

"They are not on the modern earth, because they have a long enough life span, and the problems you encounter have long been encountered. Therefore, I brought them to the earth in another universe, starting from scratch, every In a hundred years or so, one earth will be replaced." Lu Chuan explained.

Aurora has a deep understanding of these things, and Lu Chuan's method is definitely the best method.

For her own children, Aphrora can only try to adapt to this kind of experience of leaving and leaving for nothing.

Lu Chuan took Aphrola by the hand, and together with his head, he already took Aphrola to the earth where Li Qi was. There is little change here, the world subject will not change, but there are huge differences in the development of humanities.

Especially the unification of the world leads to their differences.

Some are alliance systems, some are monarch systems...and there are federal systems, which can be said to be diverse.

The mainstream is naturally the federal system and the monarchy. After all, every user of a biochemical factory has an ambition.

Lu Chuan didn't go around the bend, just appeared in the manor where Ye Lingwei and the others were located, and then pulled Aphra into the hall. Ye Lingwei and the others were watching TV and eating fruits, and they all froze when they saw Lu Chuan showing up with a strange woman.


Ye Lingwei and the others seemed to have gotten used to it. The identities they had known for a long time naturally knew that all of this really couldn't be stopped.

Lu Chuan's parents were also there. They were the first to react and stood up with a smile on their faces.

Lu Chuan introduced: "This is my dad Lu Minjun, this is my mother Lu Haixiu, and this is Aphrola, a Russian."

When I heard that it was Lu Chuan’s parents, Aphrodite suddenly felt at a loss. On the end of the world, she always thought that Lu Chuan had no parents. After all, there were too many dead people in the end of the world. Like her... the parents became in the end of the world. A member of the zombie.

Now suddenly seeing Lu Chuan's parents, this feeling is absolutely wonderful.

"Dad, mom." Aphrora greeted, but the famous queen in the last days of the earth turned out to be restrained.

Lu Minjun and Lu Haixiu smiled, and they held Aphrola's hand again and again.

Of course, next is the highlight.

Lu Chuan brought Aphrodite to Ye Lingwei and the three of them, and introduced them one by one: "Ye Lingwei, the eldest wife, Shi Ruoyu, the second wife, and the third wife of Man Yirou... You are the fourth wife. Introduce it to you."

Aurora was a little nervous, after all, she was only ranked fourth...According to Huaxia's old saying, the first three were all her own sisters.

"Sister..." Aphrola said respectfully.

Ye Lingwei gave Lu Chuan a white look and said, "Aphrora, you don't need to be restrained, just treat it as a family here. I know this carefree guy is uneasy. If I knew this earlier, who would marry him?"

Lu Chuan was on the sidelines and could only laugh, but at this time he really couldn't talk nonsense.

Shi Ruoyu and Man Yirou laughed beside them, not even considering Lu Chuan's embarrassment.

As the eldest wife, Ye Lingwei's position naturally needless to say.

After pulling Aphrora and sitting down, the next step is to understand each other naturally. Through Aphrola, you can actually understand Lu Chuan better.

"What, you are the queen, he is the emperor?"

Ye Lingwei and the others were still surprised when they heard that the world Aphrora was in was so cruel, especially when they knew that Aphrora, a girl from Russia, turned out to be the queen.

Who could have imagined that this woman who was similar to a Russian girl would possess such a noble status?

What Ye Lingwei and the others didn't expect was all the power that Lu Chuan had established in this apocalyptic earth. This guy in front of me has become the emperor?

Shi Ruoyu became excited and laughed: "I'll just say, how can I be ordinary, I'm the emperor's wife. How to say it, yes, concubine. I am a second wife, why am I a noble concubine? "

Lu Minjun and Lu Haixiu were surprised by Lu Chuan's identity and his achievements in another world.

Who would have thought that his son has grown to this point?

Once there is a topic, it is naturally simple, and each other is quickly approaching the topic. In fact, in their hearts, they have long known that many things cannot be changed, and they must learn to adapt.

Now it is Aphrodite. In the future, more and more women will definitely appear in this home.

If you really want to be angry, you can definitely kill yourself.

A woman who can't enjoy her husband alone is indeed not a perfect thing. But in this life, nine out of ten are unsatisfactory. It is enough for them to be sure that Lu Chuan really loves them.

"Find a space, and gather all the sisters here, lest you run so hard." Ye Lingwei said, as the eldest sister, her words are the final word.

In other words, Lu Chuan has passed this pass.

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