Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1525: Earth is discovered

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Waiting is actually a kind of suffering.

Lu Chuan was sitting on the stairs. He didn't know why at the moment, but he wanted to get a cigarette.

The mind is transformed, and there is already a cigarette that has been lit in his hand.

No wonder it is difficult for men to quit smoking, because smoking is stress and loneliness. When you encounter an upset, a cigarette can indeed relieve your irritability. For men, it is definitely a blood pressure reduction artifact.

Lu Chuan hardly exhales, so he inhaled with a feeling of choking.

Fortunately, it was just beginning to not adapt.

A cigarette was not smoked, but the cigarette in Lu Chuan's hand could not be finished. One was gone and another one appeared automatically.

After waiting for a long time, Ye Lingwei appeared, and then sat next to Lu Chuan, with a helpless look on her face: "You..." She really didn't know what to say, Lu Chuan's reincarnation, this is inevitable. It can be said that Lu Chuan should not have love in the space of reincarnation.

People's emotions and desires cannot be avoided at all. How could a normal man in Lu Chuan endure it for a hundred years?

Lu Chuan looked at Ye Lingwei, dropped the cigarette in his hand, and said, "How is it?"

"Annie only said that she wanted to be quiet." Ye Lingwei shook her head and said, "Maybe she needs some time to accept it. For things like this, I have positioned you to be passive, so she will definitely forgive you after a while. "

Lu Chuan nodded, this should be the best result.

"I will bring everyone here now." Lu Chuan thought for a while and stood up.

Ye Lingwei's expression was a little complicated. Looking at Lu Chuan, this man, before he made his fortune, he had already promised him heartily. Is what he is doing now is betrayal? This can't be called, but how can she feel comfortable again?

It's just that there are many things that are unavoidable and exclusive.

If Lu Chuan was just an ordinary person, she would be very angry, even divorced and so on. But Lu Chuan is not. His identity and position are destined to not be her, but them.

What is it like to gather all the women together?

In this scene, Lu Chuan was painful and happy.

Now that they have finally reached this point, it can be regarded as an explanation for them. In this way, I won't be tired from running around anymore, and every time I go home, I can enjoy the blessing of the people at home.

Annie kept her face cold, but she did not hide or leave for the first time, which in itself represented the struggle in her heart.

People like Victoria and others were the first to know, they had let go.

They only need to grasp Lu Chuan's love, chasing too much, they will only lose everything. Lu Chuan is the ruler of the whole world, even if they leave Lu Chuan, how could they find a second man?

All the women knew each other, so after letting go, naturally there was nothing left, and they were treated as a family.

The common experience is to know this and the other, and when we get along, it is true harmony.

Especially Lu Minjun and Lu Haixiu, they have long been happy, so many wives. What a person enjoys the most is naturally the full house of children and grandchildren. They are now not only transcending, but also reaching an unprecedented level.


With a long life span, too many children cannot be saved, and every time I think of it, it makes people feel sad.

Of course, Lu Minjun and Lu Haixiu, who have reached this stage, have long since looked away. In fact, it is the children and grandchildren who have real feelings with them. And this generation is all by your side, what's wrong with it?

The identity of each other is the same, there is no separation, this is the feeling of finding home.


End of the earth.

In a certain corner of the vast and vast universe, it was pitch black here, and then, in the slight distortion, a cloud of pitch black liquid appeared.

Even if there are people nearby, it is impossible to find this liquid that blends with the background of the universe.

In the liquid that appeared, two eyes appeared mysteriously. It glanced at this area, and then its eyes locked on an extremely distant planet, but it disappeared mysteriously. When it appeared, it had already appeared on this planet.

The mind moves and arrives in no time.

Constantly moving, constantly repeating, using the earth's twenty-four hours, I don't know how many light years I have crossed and how many civilizations I have seen.

When it appeared in a galaxy, it traversed here several times. Within the range of perception, there was no trace of life at all. It seemed that there was no civilization in this vast galaxy.

What is more mysterious is that there are many habitable stars in this galaxy.

Generally speaking, after there is a habitable star, life will be born, and then life will continue to evolve and finally possess wisdom. Once there is wisdom, civilization will be formed, and some races will rise into this galaxy, and even become extremely powerful beings in the universe.

Obviously, this galaxy is not in this rule.

This mass of liquid traverses the universe horizontally and horizontally. It is naturally extraordinary to see. After discovering the anomaly here, it naturally did not leave, but stayed. Changsha

A galaxy, no matter how big it is, can be searched for in a short period of time for it with mind movement. Spending a small amount of time on an anomalous galaxy is definitely worth it, because the rate of return given by this anomalous galaxy is huge.

Moving again and again, constantly moving in this galaxy, I don't know how many planets I have visited, and how many small galaxies I have visited.

Hundreds of times later, it appeared in one of the small galaxies.

Here, it doesn't move.

Suspended in such a secret space, it stares at this galaxy, and its vision can overlook the entire galaxy, so it can naturally see the entire galaxy clearly.

"Interesting, so interesting."

At this time, this group of liquid uttered a burst of the Governor's Common Language.

If Lu Chuan were here, he would have realized that this liquid was the governor of the parasitic race.

It is hard to imagine that it has found the birthplace of mankind, the solar system. Needless to say, you also know that the galaxy it just arrived in is the Milky Way. The entire galaxy has only one kind of human life, one race, and one civilization.

The position of the Milky Way and the position of the solar system are difficult to find, but sometimes it is such a coincidence that the other party actually meets it.

In a burst of wild laughter, the Governor of the Parasitic Race changed from a liquid to a human form.

A group of human-shaped liquid appeared in this space.

In the next moment, the Parasite Governor disappeared into this space, and when he appeared, he was already in the earth.

The Earth has developed Mars in the last days, but who is the Governor of the Parasitic Race? It can be traced back to the earth, a breath of human origin, and a colony star like Mars, which lacks that breath. As long as it reaches the position of governor, it can be sensed.

A colonial star is obviously not worthy of inspection by the Parasite Chief Inspector.

The most valuable is basically the home planet.

The Viceroy of the Parasitic Race was suspended in the sky, looking at this planet, a strange smile appeared on its liquid humanoid face. Without hesitation, it has already appeared inside the earth, in a random city.


The very mysterious sound just fell to the ground.

This is a park, and there is not a lot of people. At this time, it was still during the day. The appearance of the governor of the parasitic tribe was accidentally spotted by a couple nearby. They stared at the liquid mass standing in front of them dumbfounded. The human form fell into consternation.

The Parasitic Governor looked at them, but he stretched out his hand and directly wrapped the couple with liquid.

The two are naturally struggling, but their strength is really not worth mentioning in front of the Parasite Governor. As the power contracted, the two could not move, and under the package, they felt suffocated.

The next moment, the two were directly covered by liquid.

In this location, no one will find anything unusual here. Even if someone walks by, they will not take the initiative to come to these hidden places, because everyone who has visited the park knows that these locations have long been there. Occupied by lovers, I must be exploring the structure of the human body here.

The two people wrapped in liquid only felt something in their heads, and fell into a coma the next moment.

After a while, the Governor of the Parasitic Race spat out the man among them.

As for the woman, she was still wrapped in liquid, and the parasitic governor had a secretive smile on her face. Just now, it swallowed the memories of the two of them, and they are absolutely familiar with this earth. It can be said that the memories of these two people were acquired by it.

As for these two people, after their memories were swallowed, they had long since become idiots and knew nothing.

The memory of the two can let the Parasitic Governor know about this planet, at least a general idea. More importantly it has mastered the language and knowledge of this civilization. With this, it is too easy to understand this civilization again.

Quite secretly, the liquid of the parasitic governor was moving, but it was retracted into this woman's body and disappeared.

The next moment, this woman seemed to have come alive, her eyes flashed with a gleam of energy, and she ignored this idiot-like man and twisted her **** away.

Among the human race, women are indeed the most popular, so the parasitic governor directly parasitizes in this woman's body, and then controls her. It is the governor of the parasitic tribe, manipulating all of this, but only between thoughts.

From the outside, the woman could not see any difference. When she reached a service terminal on the street, she pointed her finger on an interface of the terminal. The liquid separated a small fiber, which was connected to the terminal the next moment.

Who would have thought that in this short period of time, it had already cracked the network.

Countless information flooded into the head of the parasitic governor, and the huge amount of information beyond imagination had no effect on it. The history of the earth, countless bits and pieces, it all knows clearly.

Soon, it stopped.

The parasitic governor only knows what he wants to know, and more information, in its view, is completely useless.

Knowing the history of mankind, as well as all dynasties and countries, is enough.

"Haha...Lu Chuan, the human governor, finally found you." The parasitic governor laughed wildly. From outsiders' eyes, this woman is really crazy. She is holding a service terminal and howling in ghosts, what a human governor, what is this? thing?

The parasitic governor didn't care about the eyes of these people at all. At this moment, it felt ecstatic. This is the end of the human governor's land. Knowing this is like holding the opponent's life gate.

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