Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1545: Combine 2 into 1

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Human beings on the last days will never think that they have been destroyed twice in a short period of time.

One time was the battle of artificial intelligence launched by Xiao Shi, countless nuclear bombs launched into the sky, huge robots rebelled, and the firepower of unmanned fighters and warships almost wiped out human beings.

This time, it was the celestial body created by Lu Chuan that caused the earth to fall apart. Hundreds of millions of human beings were instantly torn apart and sucked into space.

On both occasions, Lu Chuan reversed time, bringing the entire solar system back to the time node before nothing happened.

It is impossible for human beings to know all of this, because their memories have also been erased because of the time point. It can only be said that ignorance is a kind of happiness. They would never think that Lu Chuan would put a celestial body on the edge of the earth in a few seconds after tens of thousands of light years.

Even if human beings break through the brain hole, they can't imagine a kind of ability.

Regarding the Milky Way as a square inch of land, Lu Chuan is like a chess player who makes a move. In the eyes of human beings, it is based on ten thousand light-years.

It seems that time has not changed at all, Lu Chuan is still standing in place, and the parasitic governor still turns into a liquid to wrap Lu Chuan.

The next moment, the Parasitic Governor retreated and retracted into Lu Chuan's body.

"Humans are really lucky. Sometimes ignorance is a kind of happiness. They don't realize that most of them have died again." The voice of the Governor of the Parasitic Race appeared in Lu Chuan's mind.

Lu Chuan is still a little uncomfortable with the existence of the Parasitic Governor, and there are other voices in his mind.

However, Lu Chuan couldn't get rid of the parasitic governor of the parasitic tribe, he could only accept its existence.

Lu Chuan nodded and said, "Let's go, we are no longer needed here, but here we are redundant."

Staying, mankind knows how to think of themselves, it must be a different kind.

Anyway, Lu Chuan didn't plan to stay here anymore. Now he lives in symbiosis with the Governor of the Parasitic Race, and there are too many things to do. The first is to get something valuable from the Governor of the Parasitic Race.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race also did not object, the current control right was in Lu Chuan's body, and it was not a last resort, and it would not seize control right now.

To completely seize Lu Chuan requires sufficient patience.

Completely possessing this body, the Parasite Governor is full of confidence. In this world, no one can stop himself. In fact, in the heart of the governor of the parasitic tribe, from the moment Lu Chuan agreed to parasitize, the result was doomed. The difference was the morning and night in time.

Lu Chuan soared into the sky, and under the tracking of the drone, broke through the atmosphere and entered into space.

At the next moment, Lu Chuan turned into a light and flew towards the outer solar system.

The impact of this scene on mankind is really too great. Lu Chuan's flying into space is already incredible, not to mention Lu Chuan's current speed, which can no longer be explained by common sense.

The highest technology of mankind has not yet reached the speed of light, but Lu Chuan is really like a beam of light now.

Watching the speed of light go away, the technologists are crazy, and the theological people are crazy too. What they want to figure out most now is the whereabouts of Lu Chuan, which planet is it, or is it leaving the solar system?

The two protective layers of the solar system have made it impossible for human beings to break through. I don’t know what the outer universe is like.

Undoubtedly, Lu Chuan is now announcing a result to them, and it should be said that it has pointed out a direction.

As Lu Chuan said, there must be powerful races in the outer universe that humans cannot know. During this period of time, Lu Chuan did not live in seclusion. It was very likely that he had arrived in the galaxy in it, among other races and civilizations.

The reason for coming back this time was just to prevent this demonic parasite from exterminating humanity.

"There is definitely heaven."

Countless believers have issued such a pious roar.


Leaving far enough, where humans can't capture, Lu Chuan stopped.

The previous way of leaving was just to behave and put a little pressure and thought on human beings. Now they can't see it, Lu Chuan doesn't need to fly anymore, but in a moving mind, the person has disappeared.

When it appeared, it was in the city of competition.

Here, it is a celestial body set up by the gods, and Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about the parasitic governor knowing what harm it will do to humans.

Lu Chuan moved here more out of curiosity. For example, can the Governor of the Parasitic Race come in?

When he appeared here, Lu Chuan knew the answer.

"No need to try, I live with you, you are just me, I am you, so there will be no problem getting in and out of here." The voice of the governor of the parasitic race rang. The city of competition also has parasites, but it is totally different from here. The difference is completely designed for different races.

Lu Chuan nodded.

For the first time, Hughes' voice rang: "Sir, you are welcome back."

What kind of existence is Hughes? It's like a **** here, even Lu Chuan realized that when he was really playing, he couldn't play Hughes in this competitive city. It was the truth and the master.

Such a powerful existence, it discovered the existence of the Parasitic Governor in the next moment.

However, the parasitic governor and Lu Chuan were parasitic together, and did not violate the rules of the city of competition. Hughes did not have the power to expel the parasitic governor, so it simply chose silence.

Lu Chuan also realized this and said to Hughes, "You are polite, Hughes."

The next moment, the place where Lu Chuan appeared was the floating island.

To be honest, there is no difference between now and before. The existence of the Parasite Governor did not affect him. Its existence, on the contrary, made Lu Chuan's strength increased to a terrifying level. As long as it is attached to his body, his strength will not stop.

On the floating island, only Lu Chuan was there.

Victoria should have gone for inspections, and her main responsibility is to let the newcomers get through the adjustment period.

As for Lu Hao, Lu Chuan is also helpless. He hasn't seen his shadow yet. God knows which universe he has gone to. He is definitely the Hunshi Demon King, born with the same ability as an inspector.

With this kind of ability, in these universes, Lu Chuan doesn't have to worry about his problems.

Sitting on the balcony of the castle, a glass of juice appeared out of thin air. Lu Chuan took it, took a sip, and then sat on the chair, muttering to himself, "Okay, now we should have a good chat. Since we are symbiosis and win-win, there are some things I need to know."

The Governor of the Parasitic Race did not refuse either. It coexisted with Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan now feels a bit interesting.

There is a parasitic governor in his body, and the two actually don't need to speak out, they can communicate in their minds. This feeling is weird and novel.

The only downside is that if the Parasite Governor is not dormant, it will leave his right brain in a cold state, making Lu Chuan feel very uncomfortable, and always remind Lu Chuan of his current situation.

"First of all, we need to combine the two weapons into one," said the Governor of the Parasitic Race.

The next moment, in front of Lu Chuan, an elongated drop-shaped weapon appeared. It was flat, and turned out to be blue.

When it appeared, Lu Chuan could feel the strong golden aura above it.

Lu Chuan was a little surprised. This parasitic governor expected that this scolding weapon is entirely made of pure scolding, and it is 1.5 meters long. This size does not look very good, but when you understand the rareness of scolding, you will It was discovered that this absolutely requires an accumulation of unknown number of years to have this amount.

Sure enough, this parasite governor is not a simple master.

Originally, there was a gap in strength between it and it. Once the Parasite Governor used a gold weapon, Lu Chuan really couldn't fight it, so he could only escape. As I was worried about before, neither the earth nor the biochemical plant is needed.

Lu Chuan nodded, moved his heart, and took out his gold weapon from the storage space.

"Not bad."

When he saw Lu Chuan's golden weapon, the Parasitic Governor gave a compliment.

Lu Chuan represents the rise of mankind, but he is too young, and now he is able to possess a gold weapon of such a scale. Although he can't compare with himself, he is much better than too many governors. He is indeed a parasite he is staring at. body.

Both weapons were made of pure gold, so Lu Chuan held them in his hands and merged them.

Under Lu Chuan's magical powers, these Shugold, which was harder than imagined, were like liquids. When they were put together, they swallowed each other directly, forming a piece of Shugold. In the next moment, according to Lu Chuan's wishes, this Shuo Jin generated a long sword that was tens of meters long.

At this size, Lu Chuan was also a little surprised.

"Shaojin also has an ability. This is between square inches. It can be scaled." The Parasite Governor explained, and he laughed: "You merge them now, and the size I suppressed before will be released, so Only then can there be such a long sword tens of meters long explanation of the Parasitic Governor, makes Lu Chuan wonder why there is a sense of relief. It seems that the Parasitic Governor's strength is really very high. , The amount of gold is far beyond my imagination.

With a move of Lu Chuan's heart, this tens of meters long sword was directly reduced to only about one meter.

However, Lu Chuan just pulled a sword flower, and his hand shook again. It was deformed and soon turned into a large-caliber sci-fi gun, which was held by Lu Chuan.

Through the transformation of ideas, Lu Chuan turned it into an epic super weapon, using advanced civilization star gathering technology.

The parasitic governor doesn’t matter. After all, Lu Chuan is now leading this body. Lu Chuan can play whatever he wants. Whether it’s a hot weapon or a cold weapon, in their hands, the core meaning of Shu Jin is the increase in strength. It's just a prop to suppress.

It generously took out such a large amount of gold for two purposes. One was the symbiotic strength between the Zhuang Dachuan River and it, and the second... sooner or later this body would be its own, and the gold would also be its own, nothing more. The left hand is placed on the right hand.

Lu Chuan held this gun, in his mind, it can be enlarged or reduced, it is definitely the most ideal weapon.

But now it is just an empty shell, and it needs to be installed with the most important core component.

Of course, don’t underestimate it. Lu Chuan can easily hold it and use it. In fact, its weight is absolutely suffocating according to the human concept. The weight of the gold that Lu Chuan is holding now exceeds ten. The giant of 10,000 tons is completely holding a top-level aircraft carrier in hand.

The super density of Shuo Jin is terrifying.

The celestial bodies in the universe, some super neutron stars, the spoon material that humans use for eating exceeds 100 million tons, and human cognition is naturally subverted.

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