Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1553: Blast one by one

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No matter how fast it moves, it will still be stained with venom.

Why didn't the parasitic governor dared to single-handedly challenge the Hydra governor? It was not that he could not beat him, but that he had to pay a price. The parasitic governor who has always cherished feathers rarely does this kind of loss-making business.

But this time is different. With Luchuan's increase, it can carry it hard.

These splashes of venom did indeed touch its liquid, causing the black liquid to instantly turn green. The violent venom corroded its liquid, causing the liquid to melt into water.

The Viceroy of the Parasitic Race is not a vegetarian either. Its liquid is churn and it starts to mend.

Lu Chuan sensed the snoring of the Parasitic Governor, and said, "Old monster, can you do it?"

The Governor of the Parasitic Race did not make a sound, but the liquid could be seen repairing, and within a few blinks, it was restored as before. The next moment, its voice came out: "Grandma's, this poison is really overbearing, it almost can't be suppressed."

Parasitic on Lu Chuan's body, its strength has increased by a level more than that, but it has even suppressed the toxicity.


A dark green liquid was discharged out of the body by the Governor of the Parasite Race. It was in space and was not affected by the temperature. It is certain that if any race approaches here in the future, it is definitely a tragedy.

"Boy, there are snacks, I can't carry it many times." The Parasitic Governor said again.

Lu Chuan nodded, not needing to say that the Parasite Governor, he also knew the terrible of this kind of venom, so he didn't dare to care about it at the moment, so he held a shield. Of course, this shield is just a psychological comfort, and has little effect. After all, it is facing the existence of the governor level.

"I want full control." Lu Chuan shouted.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race did not hesitate, it fell into a dormant state, so Lu Chuan completely controlled its power.

This time is the real ability fusion, and there is a qualitative leap in strength.

In an instant, Lu Chuan once again felt that power that surging through the sky was formed in his body, as if every cell could be controlled freely, and the energy induction of this universe was clearer and ready to use.

The governor of the Hydra clan has not yet fully understood what kind of race it is, but now it can no longer control so much. The opponent is the governor, destroying the home planet, it cannot be resurrected because it has no ability to disappear these things. To find the time node.

So, how could it not fall into madness while being sad and angry?

Thinking of the destruction of his home planet, the Governor of the Hydra clan ignored him and wanted to take the opponent.

To deal with a governor, what is needed is a continuous attack, so that the other party cannot use his mind to move away. Once it enters the tracking link, it is very likely that the opponent will escape in the mind movement again and again.

"Never let it escape." The Governor of the Hydra clan with this idea already deceived himself.

The heads of the nine snakes were huge, each spewing venom.

At the same time, it uses its magical powers to completely confine the surrounding space. Not only that, the surrounding space began to collapse, and it used a big move, which is an ultra-dimensional attack.

This area, spanning several light-years vertically and horizontally, is all under the attack of ultra-dimensional.

The terrifying ultra-dimensional strikes turned the universe in this area into fragments. Any object, as long as it is here, is broken into countless fragments, just like when a mirror is broken.

The three-dimensionality is transformed into a plane and then into fragments. This kind of super-dimensional attack has wiped out everything in a few light years.

"Isn't it Super Dimension?"

Lu Chuan's current strength is far more than double that of the other side, and the two sides are no longer on the same level. So at the moment when the Governor of the Hydra clan launched an extra-dimensional strike, Lu Chuan also fought back.

It uses super-dimensionality, and Lu Chuan directly uses dimensionality reduction.

In an instant, the space was violently distorted, and the space that had just been fragmented returned to its original appearance abruptly.

One extra dimension, one dimensionality reduction, happens to bring everything back to the original point.

Governor, within 24 hours, there is only one ability to use dimensions. Now the two sides can be said to have offset this ability to detach from the universe.

Lu Chuan grinned grimly, and the man disappeared and reappeared, already in front of the governor of the Hydra clan, the golden weapon turned into a long sword. Didn't it just suppress itself and imprison space? Now it's your turn to let it taste the taste.

At this moment, the governor of the Hydra clan found that he could no longer move, and a force that he could not resist suppressed it.

The super dimension is offset by the opponent, this kind of fighting method makes it unacceptable, which is really incredible.

The Governor of the Hydra tribe, who realized that it was bad, wanted to escape the first time, and it never wanted to avenge the home star. The current situation is that it is entangled, and it is still unknown whether it can get out of it. The strength of the opponent is beyond one's imagination.

Under Lu Chuan's confinement, the mind of the Governor of the Hydra tribe moved like a dummy, and it didn't work.

Obviously, it seems to be moved away, but here is isolated from space, and the mind has no effect. It does not move, so it is imprisoned in the air.

The governor of the Hydra tribe was taken aback. What kind of power can do this?

The heads of the nine snakes undulated uneasily at this moment, and they spewed a large amount of venom suddenly: "I will fight you hard."

But at this moment, the Shuo Jin long sword in Lu Chuan's hand had become infinitely longer, and was severely cut by Lu Chuan.

Only saw the heads of the nine snakes, three of them were cut off.

A nuclear bomb can't move even a minute of the scale armor, but in front of the gold weapon, it looks like tofu, and the snake's head is instantly cut off.

The blood spurted out, and this blood was also violently poisonous. It turned out that even the space was corroded, causing the space to be distorted, and the violent negative energy in the subspace could be seen.


With a screaming scream, the loss of three heads made the Governor of the Hydra clan furious. The energy fluctuations that erupted from its body repeatedly tried to break through the spatial confinement formed by Lu Chuan.

But Lu Chuan's current strength is more than doubled, and his struggle is futile.

The long sword in Lu Chuan's hand flickered again and again, and in the blink of an eye, he cut off all the nine snake heads of the Hydra clan governor, and let it leave.

The bald body was still twisting, and the snake heads were dead but not stiff. They were opening their mouths and spraying the venom from their fangs, eroding the space indiscriminately.

Lu Chuan bullied himself over, slammed his fist, and exploded one of the snake's heads in this space.

The violent power far surpassed the opponent's strength by a factor of two. No matter how hard its snake head was, it couldn't hold Lu Chuan's punch.

A snake head was beaten up, and the other eight snake heads were floating in space, but there was a look of horror in the eyes. Lu Chuan knew the abilities of the Hydra clan's governor. If he didn't explode these snake heads, even if the heads were separated, it would be reconnected and resurrected in a very short time.

Now that he had settled on the idea of ​​breaking it, how could Lu Chuan stop?

The floating snake heads were constantly being hammered by Lu Chuan.

When the last snake's head was blown out, its body that was still twisting before suddenly lost all its vitality and stood still.

Lu Chuan likes not to leave any hands behind when he does things.

The energy of refining the planet just appeared again, refining the opponent's snake body, and there was no residue left. After losing its life, its body is no longer magical. Lu Chuan's refining is not surprising.

After doing everything, Lu Chuan stopped.

In the next moment, in the void, countless objects spewed out frantically from a gap in the void, not knowing how many large and small they were, covering the space in this area.

From space battleships to small to just some common gadgets, all here.

Especially with dozens of monster corpses as big as a mountain, Lu Chuan confirmed at first glance that this should be the food that the Governor of the Hydra clan put in the storage space. Its storage space cannot be small. Put these monsters. There is no pressure on his corpse, and this meat is enough for it to eat for a long time.

Like space battleships, there are as many as several. At first glance, you can tell that they are top-notch battleships that integrate super science and technology. They have very high technological content and are probably the products of advanced civilization.

Except for these, there are not many things in the other's storage space.

Lu Chuan is most interested in the gold in the storage space. It is not the shape of a weapon, but an exaggerated helmet shape. This is not surprising. The Hydra clan's governor has no arms, and he cannot use weapons. The gold equipment is used for defense to amplify himself.

It may be the reason for rushing back. Before he could wear it, he clashed with himself.

However, even if it uses gold equipment Lu Chuan can easily crush it. It is only a third-level governor, and the combination of himself and the parasitic governor exceeds the fourth-level governor. .

The result of this level of suppression is doomed.

In fact, if the governor of the Hydra clan enters the space of reincarnation, it will not receive news from its home planet. Once it has not rushed back, Lu Chuan cannot wait for it here. Once you enter the space of reincarnation, you may not be able to come out in a hundred years. Just wait for a hundred years here and don't be kidding.

Lu Chuan's initial idea was to take Shuo Jin and leave.

The blame can only be blamed on it just having time, so he hurried back to die.

It can only be said that it died for half of its own reasons...Well, this kind of statement is shameless, but it is dead, Lu Chuan doesn't mind throwing this pot on its head.

The death of a governor brings more benefits than the items in its storage space. For example, it will get one-fifth of its trial points, and more importantly, it will kill a competitor.

Lu Chuan knew that it was possible to kill it, mainly because of the parasite governor, and its liquid blocked the venom, otherwise Lu Chuan was sure that he was really not its opponent when he was poisoned.

The poison of the other party is extremely secretive, and there is no way to dodge it unless you don't fight it.

The body of the governor of this parasitic race is very special.

At the next moment, it may have sensed that Lu Chuan stopped his action. The Parasitic Governor came to life from his dormancy. Looking around here, there were countless items exploded. It immediately knew that the Hydra Governor must be finished. The storage space All the items exploded, and the result is self-evident.

It is also inevitable to think about it. Lu Chuan can be said to be in line with his own and his strength, and use leapfrog power to crush the opponent. This result is not surprising.

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