Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1557: Speed ​​outside the law

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Lu Chuan could see all of this. Although he had given control of the body to the governor of the parasitic race, Lu Chuan could still know all this through his eyes and his own mind.

In his mind, the three-dimensional galaxy map is still there, through it, Lu Chuan can even see the death of every dragon race.

In an instant, these dragon races were roasted to death, one by one, like shrimp, red and hot, and then slowly turned into a corpse in the high temperature.

This process is fast and very cruel.

I don't know why, Lu Chuan felt that this assault method was a bit too cruel. There is nothing to kill them, but why use this method?

In his heart, Lu Chuan became more vigilant towards the Parasitic Governor.

Its brutality and cold-blooded treatment of other races, how can it be true to cooperate with itself?

"Will it be too cruel?" Lu Chuan couldn't help but said.

The Parasitic Governor’s answer was very calm: "I understand you humans, so my way of speaking will be humanized. If you use your humans as a proportion, will your humans be soft when they kill pigs? They are the same as food, and you can use them. There are countless ways to process pork, and it will eventually become a delicacy in your mouth. So, have you considered cruelty to pigs?"

"Dragon races are foreign races. In the eyes of your humans, you can compare them to pigs. Different species and levels are different. There is no cruelty. Some are just the results and the methods you play with."

"I can say with certainty that if the dragon people invade and occupy the earth, you humans will be their food, and how to cook is their business, such as frying, steaming, or roasting. Then, they will Is there cruelty? Because, in their eyes, you humans are food."

The words of the Governor of the Parasitic Clan silenced Lu Chuan.

The law of the universe is the law of the dark forest. Every race is a hunter and prey. There is no right or wrong, there are only races. Races and races have different forms of existence. There is no way to say that they are integrated.

Different races, when the other party regards you as food, how can they put your position in the same position as them?

They hunt humans, and human resistance is nothing more than a dangerous prey for them.

It's hard to say that the other party is wrong, the definition is different, the other party is not wrong, they are just food for survival. At that time, if humans cannot resist each other, the entire earth will be their hunting ground, and humans will be their prey.


For many races, what about wisdom is their food.

Lu Chuan thought for a while and said, "Even if they want them to die, you can also use simpler methods, such as refining this planet."

The Parasitic Governor sneered and said: "A hypocritical person will always find some excuses to persuade himself. What is the difference between death on the left and death on the right? The same is death. No matter how decent you are, what is the meaning of it? You need some reasons to comfort yourself to deceive yourself. Hydras, their nausea allows you to refine the planet very simply. This is the kind of self-deception in your heart."

"In the eyes of our parasites, it's just what we want, we only ask about the result, not the process."

"In the universe, life and life have levels. In my eyes, the dragon people are like weeds. Will you have a psychological burden if you burn a bunch of weeds?"

Lu Chuan was a little sluggish. After all, these remarks had a great impact on him.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race is undoubtedly teaching him a lesson, a lesson among the races of the universe. No matter how kind human beings, they will not get the kindness of alien races. Races of different levels can only kill, conquer and food, or be slaves and exploits.

Indeed, if the dragon people were treated as weeds, Lu Chuan would not be burdened.

Humans and plants exist on two levels. In the eyes of humans, plants are not life. Naturally, there is no need to consider what they think.

The Governor of the Parasitic Race did not say any more, but raised his hand and used his supreme magical powers to crush the dragon-human planet to Ling Space. The next moment a burst of energy encircled the fragmented planet and began to refine .

At this moment, those dragon people who were lucky enough to hide in the underground bunker were killed directly.

The move the Governor of the Parasitic Race has just transformed into a planet is nothing but fun. It likes the same way and kills the opponent in the most feared method.

This is an instinct. During its long life, it doesn't know how many times it has done it. Everything is natural.

It doesn't take long to refine a planet.

After a while, a ball of gold, bigger than a basketball, was struck by the governor of the parasitic tribe, and it came to you. It stretched out and held it, but shouted: "Boy, now the control is back to you. See how nervous you look , It makes me want to occupy your body."

The next moment, the Parasitic Governor shrank, and the liquid attached to Lu Chuan automatically retracted into his body.

Lu Chuan re-trained his body, and this feeling made him so comfortable that he would groan and groan. God knows how scary it is to lose control of his body when his consciousness was trapped in his brain just now. thing.

How to describe it, it is like a vegetative person, knowing everything about the outside world, but can't move a single movement, even the eyes can't control, the mouth and so on have all lost contact.

This is what Lu Chuan experienced.

Fortunately, now that the body is back, Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. In his heart, he had already made a decision to kill and no longer give up control. This feeling of helplessness was restrained, he didn’t want to stop. Experience the second time.

After moving for a while, shaking his hand, he took out his gun. Lu Chuan combined the group of Shuo Finance into it. After making the gun more lenient, he reduced it according to the ratio. I have been using it smoothly.

With this group of Shuo Jin, the strength has undoubtedly improved a bit.

The advantage is the continuous improvement in one loss. No governor can make a qualitative leap in his strength in an instant, unless he is parasitic by the parasite like now.

In this world, there is only one parasitic tribe governor, and the other parasites, at the level of the supervising envoy, can't compare with their own.

"Has this Dragon Human Race Governor entered the space of reincarnation?"

Lu Chuan was standing. He was waiting for the appearance of the Governor of the Dragon Race. After all, its home star was destroyed. It knew it, but it did not appear, which made Lu Chuan a little strange.

According to the plan, he won the gold and then killed the opponent.

The Parasite Governor said: "Wait."

Everything is possible, and there is nothing strange about entering the space of reincarnation. But the Governor of the Parasitic Race has heard that if a home star like this is destroyed, even in the reincarnation space, it can be returned without punishment.

In other words, if the other party knows it, even in the reincarnation space, it can be returned in a very short time.

Lu Chuan nodded, standing in this galaxy, squinting.

The planet created by the Parasite Governor is still burning, emitting fiery light, bringing light and heat to this galaxy, at least it has light, not darkness.

This planet, with a life span of at least tens of thousands of years, can emit light and heat. When it comes to its end, it will expand and come to an end.

The parasitic governor had retired, and the liquid was lurking in Lu Chuan again.

Lu Chuan just stood still for a while, and then his eyes widened, staring at a space not far away. This space was distorted and very subtle, but Lu Chuan had already smelled the powerful aura of the Governor.

"It's back." Lu Chuan said in a low voice. The next moment, a huge shield made of Shuo gold appeared automatically in his hand, and he carried it in his hand, connected to his entire arm.

In this way, this huge shield will not be destroyed.

Shuo-gold weapons, at the level of the governor, are actually not very useful. The final decision is the strength of both sides.

Silently, a tall figure appeared. It was wearing a heavy armor. It turned out to be an armor made of an unknown metal and a combination of finance. This is not a simple armor, but with countless high-tech armors, with a sci-fi level appearance.

It wears a huge helmet to protect its entire head.

A closer look reveals that it is almost protected within the armor, and nothing is exposed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

With a violent roar, the Governor of the Dragon Race appeared, and found that his home planet had been destroyed That kind of sadness, let it roar, to vent its inner grief at this moment.

And when it sensed the existence of Lu Chuan, it opened its scarlet eyes and didn't even say a word. It had disappeared in place, and when it appeared in front of Lu Chuan, it slammed out with a fierce punch.

The space seemed to be destroyed at this moment, and the endless power was compressed at one point and hit Lu Chuan's body.

Lu Chuan's reaction was quick, and he carried a huge shield to block its punch.

But the power of this punch, even the planet can burst, one can imagine how terrifying it would be. Lu Chuan was shot out like a cannonball at the speed of light, and then hit a planet heavily. The impact of light-speed matter can be imagined, like the explosion of a tens of billion-ton equivalent nuclear bomb, the huge impact force caused this planet to collapse thousands of kilometers, and it was blasted out of a huge crater.

And Lu Chuan at the center was bombarded more than a hundred kilometers into the planet, which is the bottom of this huge crater.

Before Lu Chuan stood up, the Governor of the Dragon Race was already here, and it trampled down severely.

Lu Chuan was holding up the huge shield in his hand again. He felt something wrong. The speed of this dragon-general governor was so abnormal. It was even more teleportation than teleportation, so fast that he could only use magical powers. Seeing the shadow, I barely dodge.

This foot trampling was carried by Lu Chuan with a huge shield, but Lu Chuan was directly stepped on by the opponent. The terrifying force caused Lu Chuan to wander at the bottom of this huge pit more than a hundred kilometers deep, and now he was bombed into two more. More than a hundred kilometers, it almost blasted into the inner core of the planet.

The force stretches and spreads, and the shock wave formed by the force of this foot continues to spread outward, reaching more than 10,000 kilometers.

A terrifying pit was formed, almost stepping through the planet, and endless magma gushing out of the planet's core.

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