Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1561: Energize

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The creatures living in this galaxy have rarely dared to fly over the land where the tree tribes live, except for some who are dizzy or stray into it. Put aside these, the instincts of the creatures Fear, let them list these places of residence as restricted areas.

The place where the tree clan lives is more like a place where creatures die.

Any creatures that appear will be torn to pieces by tree tribesmen in the competition within a very short time, and there will be no scum left.

As adults, the tree tribes have the ability to move between stars. They can not only prey on the planet, but also appear in space.

However, tree tribes generally seldom leave the planet to go into space, mainly because their evolution began in the planet and rooted in the soil. No matter how powerful it is, it likes to be rooted in the ground, which makes it feel comfortable and safe.

Leaving the soil, they can survive, even in space, they can survive for a short period of time. But leaving the planet, that kind of insecurities and insecurities, makes them seldom walk around in space.

No matter how powerful the tree tribe, they still like to stay on the planet, stay in the place where they live, and be with the tribe.

Such characteristics are the reason why organisms can be active in space.

Living creatures that do not have the ability to move in space can only move within the planet. This is one of the food sources of the tree tribes, and of course it is not the most important source of sources. Living creatures are more of a supplementary food.

In these planets, everything seems to be evolving towards hugeness, whether it is living things or plants.

Lu Chuan appeared in the sky above the place where the tree people lived, and was immediately discovered by the tree people. The trees here were undulating, some towering into the clouds, and some were low and hidden in this endless forest.

Without releasing the strong signal, Lu Chuan appeared here more like a creature.

The human body, on this planet, is nothing but a trivial thing, inconspicuous.

For the first time, on a giant tree towering into the clouds, a branch flickered mysteriously, turning into a soft and infinitely stretchable, and rolling towards Luchuan with a speed as fast as lightning.

This kind of speed is indeed fast, and there is no way to dodge it with ordinary creatures.

Lu Chuan also heard the sound of breaking through the air. Obviously, this branch turned into a vine, which almost tore the space.

At such a speed, coupled with its very hard texture, I am afraid that the flesh and blood of the creature can't be blocked at all, and it will definitely pass through it, and then wrap around, pulling the prey toward itself.

If it was just one branch, it was enough. At the same time that this branch shot out, dozens of different branches ejected from the tree people in the area closest to Lu Chuan and drew towards Lu Chuan.

It is conceivable that if the dodge is not timely, these branches will tear off the prey in the air.

From this point of view, it seems that the wisdom of the tree tribe is still primitive, just an instinct to prey on creatures.

The Parasitic Governor said: "It seems to be the case. It is said that in the primitive form of the Tree Clan, they are the same as ordinary trees. They are as if they are dormant. Of course, if they wake up, you will see that the Tree Clan truly Form."

Lu Chuan nodded, but he didn't slow down, and he appeared several kilometers away, avoiding the attacks of these tree people.

The forest composed of hundreds of thousands of tree tribes is almost endless. There are some tree tribes. In their original form, it is a tree several thousand meters high with an astonishing canopy of tens of kilometers. From a human point of view, it must be extremely shocking.

Under this tall tree tribe, there will be thousands of small tree tribes under its canopy, which is equivalent to being protected by them.

The entire settlement of hundreds of thousands of tree tribesmen is so huge that ordinary people can't see the end with naked eyes, and don't know how many kilometers it stretches. However, this planet is also huge, and accommodating these tree people is not a problem.

When Lu Chuan moved here, the tree tribesmen in this area captured Lu Chuan, and countless branches turned into vines and enveloped Lu Chuan.

These methods are nothing but basic operations of the tree tribe.

It is difficult for many creatures to escape under this method.

Lu Chuan reapplied the old technique again. The person flashed and appeared again several kilometers away, making the vines that were attacking him lose their target.

Similarly, when Lu Chuan stopped, he felt Lu Chuan appear in the sky above the tree tribe, countless branches turned into vines, and in the blink of an eye, they had already shot in front of Lu Chuan. This time, Lu Chuan saw it really. These branches were bare, without leaves, and the branches were sharp, seeming to flash with metallic light.

The entire forest didn't seem to be awakened by the existence of Lu Chuan, and every tree tribe was in a state of deep sleep.

In other words, the attacks of these branches are actually a kind of their instinctive reaction, like a degree, once they meet the conditions, they will be activated. The activation condition is that these invading creatures make them sense.

"Tsk tsk, even the dormant Tree Clan people have such a strong offensive power. If they are sober, what will happen?" Lu Chuan marveled at the power of the Tree Clan.

It deserves to be a purely evolutionary civilization, and the individual's strength is far beyond imagination.

Facing these shoots, Lu Chuan didn't rush, even if he stood and let them stab him, he couldn't hurt himself any more.

They have already tested this kind of ability, and of course they need to test something deeper.

Silently, in front of Lu Chuan, a shield similar to a magic shield formed, protecting Lu Chuan inside. In fact, Lu Chuan's body is not something they can hurt, but Lu Chuan can never let them destroy their clothes, right?

The body is fine, but the clothes are ordinary clothes.

With the shield, everything can be solved.

These shoots of shoots turned into vines, breaking through the air, and then hit Lu Chuan heavily. Lu Chuan calculated the violent power, and was slightly surprised, because the assassination power of this vine was very strong, at least tens of tons of impact force, and then concentrated on one point, what is this concept? Even a tank in front of it pierced the heart in minutes.

Of course, this kind of strength is no threat to Lu Chuan's shield.

Just kidding, Lu Chuan's shield is a neutron star's big bang, and it can also withstand it, let alone their attack? Even in the face of high temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees, Lu Chuan can remain unaffected.

Shooting vines blasted over, but returned without success.

This was only the first wave. When these tree tribes found that it didn't work, more and more vines rose into the sky and became densely packed in the sky, all stabbing Lu Chuan.

The tree tribe's instinctive reaction in dormancy, as long as the attack is invalid, as long as the sense is still there, it will mobilize more and more branches.

Like now, countless vines have turned into thousands of shadows.

Lu Chuan stood with his hand in his hand, letting these vines hit his shield. The shield is like glass, without any waves.

It was too simple to wake them up. Lu Chuan watched this wave of branches shrink back, grabbing in the air with his hands, and the invisible sky formed countless spatial sharp blades. At the moment when the third wave of branches shot over, These branches and vines were twisted to pieces.

The tree tribe's extremely hard vines are no different from tofu at this moment.

For a tree, branches are the meaning of hands.

The hand was chopped off, and for the tree tribesmen who were chopped off, they immediately awoke from dormancy.

In this area around Luchuan, trees are emitting light, and then the trees are photochemically transformed into energy forms. The tree moved, just like a human being, its roots deep in the soil, shrinking, but turned into short tree feet.

How to describe them, they are like tree monsters in human games.

Energetic Tree Clan people, the aura presented on their bodies makes people feel depressed. If it were put on the earth, it might be invincible, because their current energy body is not something that human weapons can harm.

This group of awakened tree tribes only had more than a thousand, and they discovered Lu Chuan in the sky.

Some adult tree tribesmen, but the leaves flapped, and then floated into the sky, their bodies exuded a strong cracking energy comparable to the light, only to see the branches and leaves trembling, burst out dazzling light, shooting towards Luchuan Come here.

With this green energy ray, Lu Chuan could sense the violent energy contained in it. If it was hit, the power of this energy would be enough to penetrate or even explode a space battleship.

Lu Chuan frowned The energetic tree tribe is really too strong.

They can destroy a space battleship with a single blow. There are billion trillion tree tribes on this planet, and there are no one in the entire galaxy. Their combat power will be that of every civilization. nightmare.

The power of the energy rays is more than that of the vines just now. I don't know how many times stronger it is. This is the real combat power of the tree tribe.

Of course... Lu Chuan's shield is not vegetarian either. This energy bursts onto Lu Chuan's body with a shield. This energy just caused a violent bang, and it didn't affect Lu Chuan at all.

When this green energy light dissipated, Lu Chuan still stood in the sky with his hands held down.

The Tree Clan people are wise, so they immediately realize that the unknown life in front of them is difficult to deal with. It seemed that it didn't appear to be here by accident, the other party came here on purpose.

The communication of the Shu people, at close range, there is a frequency inside them, and only their communication will know each other.

There was no communication, but Lu Chuan knew that they already knew everything.

When these awakened Tree tribes realized that Lu Chuan was the enemy, a vast sound rang out here, like a signal, and the dormant trees woke up, and then the whole world seemed to be filled with light.

The Tree Clan people who awoke from the dormant state immediately understood everything through their special communication system.

The super giant trees that are as huge as the world tree finally moved. Their status here, among the Tree Clan people, they are the party who formulates the order and rules, and their status is lofty, and they are the upper level of the Tree Clan people.

Then what Lu Chuan saw was the invisible light shining, and the tree tribes were awakening from dormancy.

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