Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 156: Zombie with gun

If you hit someone, even if you have a backstage, you still have to wait for someone to call in. This is a fool.

Who knows what your backstage is? I must have caught you before talking.

Suffer a little bit in the police station?

Lu Chuan couldn't do this. Anyway, he got into trouble, so he withdrew first. How to get away for himself is something Kang Yang wants to consider, not himself. Lu Chuan threw this mess to Kang Yang.

With the fight behind him, Lu Chuan was sure that he had beaten Wu Jianlong, and he would have played for nothing.

Lu Chuan walked very smartly. Poor Wu Jianlong was in a mess. Shouldn't he stay and wait for the person he called?

Why did he help Su Yong? Lu Chuan didn't mean it was worth it, it was mainly because of humanity. But if he touched it, he would be punished like this. In Lu Chuan's opinion, it was a bit too much.

Since it's over, it's normal to shoot by yourself.

In fact, Lu Chuan doesn't care whether Kangyang helps him or not. Fighting Wu Jianlong is more of a temptation to find Kangyang and the others. Test yourself to see if they are their own people.

If they help themselves, it means that they have entered their circle. If they don’t help...

They really didn't help, and Lu Chuan had many ways to solve this matter.

With a biochemical plant, Lu Chuan's future will be limitless. They are rich and noble people, but compared with their own future, they are not worth mentioning.

Why doesn't Lu Chuan do something that kills two birds with one stone?


Back to the villa.

Kang Yang’s call arrived immediately: "Lu Chuan, Wu Jianlong was looking for a squad leader of the Public Security Bureau, and asked me to give a call to suppress it. But be careful, this Wu Jianlong is nothing, the key is his back Lao Tzu."

"If his old man made his head for him, it would be a bit difficult for me to hold you, and I will ask the third brother to take the lead."

Lu Chuan smiled lightly: "Okay, I know, I will invite you to dinner next time I have time."

"These are small things." Kang Yang said, and he smiled bitterly: "You really dare to fight even the son of a cadre at the department level, and you don't know how your courage grows."

To be honest, Kang Yang is not in an emergency, so he really dare not do this.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Chuan was leaning on the sofa, closing his eyes and thinking.

After a while, Lu Chuan suddenly opened his eyes, took out his phone, and called Zhou Yanhong's phone: "Housekeeper Zhou, book me a ticket to South Africa."

"Yes, boss." Zhou Yanhong didn't ask much.

Putting down the phone, Lu Chuan went upstairs.

Habitually, Zhang Li and Yang Biao and Ma Xifeng waited on the stairs respectively.



When Lu Chuan arrived, he passed the biochemical factory the first time, and he could see that his capital reached a staggering 15.8 billion.

This money is in the bank, but once Lu Chuan uses it, it can be spent without knowing it. In the banking system, there will be a normal usage record, and there is no problem at all.

Lu Chuan knew about the unpredictable abilities of the biochemical plant, and it was nothing strange.

"Need to speed up the plan."

With the money, Lu Chuan directly smashed 350 million and created a thousand swift zombies.

One thousand, what is the concept?

Looking at the school playground, a thousand people are spread out, it is already very spectacular.

The swift ones, their power is weaker than the rage ones, but they have the agility that Lu Chuan likes the most. In many cases, speed is more useful than strength.

A few hours later, a thousand swifts appeared in the warehouse area.

They formed dozens of teams, standing in front of Lu Chuan in an orderly manner.

"Good luck."

Lu Chuan smiled, because among the thousand swifts, there was a swift with swiftness and perception instinct.

Fast: fast and powerful.

Perception: Has a certain sense of crisis and can make a certain crisis prediction.

"Perceive the bull fork."

This perception is basically the same existence as innate divine power and intelligence, and it is also awesome. Its appearance made this ordinary swift person instantly different.

Lu Chuan moved in his heart, but he was in the debris library, and he quickly turned to the legendary-level marksmanship fragment.

"What if this fragment is strengthened to this zombie?" Lu Chuan touched his chin, according to his plan, a real strongman must appear to be able to support his mission.

In the matter of Wu Jianlong, Lu Chuan could only ask for help.

In case Kang Yang did not agree, would he want to kill or escape from Handong?

Lu Chuan had thought about it before that he needed a force that could influence national decision-making. Now take this opportunity to execute this plan.

Soon Lu Chuan saw this swift, a female swift.

Judging from its appearance, it is an intellectual urban white-collar worker.

The rotten skin couldn't see its life. A white shirt had already become mostly black, a pair of loose trousers only had the waistband, and a pair of underwear became a piece of cloth silk, which really did not protect much.

A black pile of carrion, the appearance is really not very good.

The legs are very long, but under the rot and blackness, God knows if it will be slender by then, or what's going on.

Getting used to the appearance of zombies, Lu Chuan didn't feel much anymore.

"Look for more pieces."

Since this female swift zombie is included in the training plan, it is impossible to simply give her a piece of debris. A zombie with dual instincts like this one is very rare. Once strengthened, it may possess twelve instincts.

Instinct is a person's ability, twelve abilities, how terrifying?

Soon, a very awkward fragment was found by Lu Chuan from the pile of fragments.

Intuition: Has an unimaginable sensitivity to crisis.


In fact, intuition and perception have some imagination, and if they are strengthened together, there will be some overlap, but will this fast person have a stronger crisis-sensitive ability?

An instinct like this is very rare because it is not like a life skill. For example, medical skills, carpenters, driving, etc., these are really incomparable with a piece of intuition.

Lu Chuan wanted an all-rounder, so in the search, he tried his best to be useful to him.

There were not many zombies that died in Lu Chuan's hands, but there were more zombies that died in his hands. Among the tens of thousands of fragments, more than 10% are instinctive.

What Lu Chuan wanted was actually some fragments that he had served as a soldier in his lifetime. Once he had instinct, it was often related to the military.

It took a few hours before Lu Chuan finally found ten fragments with good instincts.

Several orders were issued, and this female swift man appeared in the strengthening workshop.

Pieces of fragments, under Lu Chuan's instructions, merged with this female swift and strengthened it.

In fact, Lu Chuan still has no way of knowing the enhanced attributes, but one thing is certain. Every time the original basic value is increased by 10%, this zombie will become very strong.

Being strong is not about strength and speed, but instinct for it.

A zombie with all kinds of instincts will be many times stronger than a useless zombie.

Ten times of strengthening, only half an hour to complete.

Soon, this zombie appeared in front of Lu Chuan. Ten times of strengthening, it has made a lot of changes. For example, its rotten skin has recovered a lot, and some rotten meat has also been transformed into muscle.

Two eyes that didn't seem to exist before reappeared in its eyelets.

Lu Chuan glanced, and immediately turned his head a little.

Strengthening is to produce a qualitative change in itself, but there is still no change in its clothes. After strengthening, it has recovered in many places, making it look more like a person.

Naturally, it was almost like Chiguo standing in front of Lu Chuan.

In the private parts, there is no longer a mass of rot like before, but a recovery of seven or eight points.

This made Lu Chuan a little embarrassed.

Especially its two long legs, after strengthening, showed very slender. With this pair of legs, I don't know how many people will scream for being able to play for a year.


Lu Chuan let out a sigh of relief, and after overcoming the embarrassment, he stared at the opponent.

In the last days, zombies have all kinds of shapes, but in fact, this kind of exposure is nothing at all. As long as you get used to it, you won't feel anything.

This strengthened swift person, its eyes are soft, unlike other zombies, sharp, hollow, and numb, making people feel endlessly cold.

As long as Lu Chuan locks onto this swift one, he can see the instinct behind it.

Especially with the legendary marksmanship, Lu Chuan didn't look forward to it enough. He also wanted to know how good the legendary marksmanship would be?

"Go, try it."

Lu Chuan gave the order, but through the elevator, he appeared on the third floor of the biochemical factory.

This female swiftlet followed Lu Chuan all the time, and also reached the third floor.

Lu Chuan didn't stop, but walked through the dusty stairs and stood directly on the tenth floor. The tenth floor was full of rotten wooden boards, and a lot of rusty steel bars were thrown here.

Skeletons can still be seen in some places. It should be that someone died here during the end of the world. Under the wind and sun, there is only one skeleton left here.

Lu Chuan walked to the edge of the tenth floor. The roof was not inverted yet, and there was a roof made of steel bars everywhere.

From here, you can see the street below.

After a visual inspection, the distance was about 150 meters, not too far away.


Lu Chuan issued an order and took out a Type 03 automatic rifle from his storage space.

The Type 03 automatic rifle is not like it, but if necessary, it can be used as a single shot. The effective range is between 400-500 meters at In other words, the distance from here to the street is about 150 meters, which is completely within the effective distance of Type 03.

This 03 type automatic rifle is not equipped with an optical sight, so it is a fruit gun.


Lu Chuan threw the gun away, and the female swift zombie picked it up.

The instinctive fragments played a role, making it very automatically copied into the hand. Naturally, with the safety of the gun, when holding this 03 automatic rifle, there is a natural feeling.

Coupled with its body shape and its slender thighs, I have to say that it is full of beauty.

"Just ahead, 170 meters away, I need you to perform a headshot." Lu Chuan issued a more precise instruction.


This female swift zombie didn't hesitate for a while, she just grabbed her gun and put her face close to the gun, aimed at a target in the distance, and then shot.

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