Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1581: Scary race

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In theory, the better the mother is, the better the inheritance of the next generation will be, and the starting point will be higher than other people, and the growth will be faster.

The mother of Lu Chuan's reincarnation is obviously not in the category of excellence, it should be very ordinary.

There is not much inheritance of combat skills, and there are few other skills, and more is a inheritance of common sense. As a result, Lu Chuan's combat skills, if he were his predecessor, would definitely be an ordinary tribe, it would be difficult to grow to the upper level.


Through these genetic common sense, Lu Chuan knew the name of the race in his reincarnation, the Chimera, a dominant race that rules this planet, and its technological level has reached level 3.

Technology is one, but what they admire most is the power of individuals, respecting individual strength.

Through the enhancement of generation after generation, their individual strength is so strong, it is not an exaggeration to say that a Chimera tribe, after being equipped with armor, is enough to sweep a human division.

It looks exaggerated, but in fact it is not exaggerated.

Their armors under Level 3 technology are not only light, but more importantly, they have super defensive power. Even if they are hit by tank armor-piercing projectiles, it is difficult to penetrate the armor. The so-called impact force will be absorbed by a large part, and the remaining power Chimera can be carried down by their own individuals.

A tough individual, coupled with the technological content of the armor, and the large number of micro-weapons equipped on the armor, slaughtered soldiers, just like cutting vegetables.

Don’t underestimate these armors. There is a small core energy device inside, which can provide energy beyond imagination. The armor is equipped with several laser transmitters. It is easy to use. Sweep with lasers, so many soldiers come. The cut portion.

Aside from the laser transmitter, with such a huge energy supply, its energy cannon is definitely a metamorphosis, and a tank will be scrapped as soon as it is shot down.

Imagine that it won't be killed, penetrated, won't hurt by shock... What's so strange about sweeping a division?

Powerful individuals make them like indefatigable monsters with inexhaustible power. Armor has an exoskeleton device, even more powerful, they can easily throw a car tens of meters away.

What Lu Chuan thinks, this Chimera tribe is completely an enhanced version of the predator.

"This Chimera tribe is too powerful. According to their evolutionary method, they will grow very quickly." Lu Chuan lamented that with the abnormal ability of genetic memory, they did not need to learn, and they gained the knowledge of their mothers. In the evolution of generations, their technology will continue to improve, and their individuals will continue to grow stronger...

After a race has civilization, it will have its own language and writing.

What is born to know?

Now that Lu Chuan has inherited the inheritance, knowledge continues to flow out of his head, including the language and characters of the Chimera, all printed in his head and become a part of himself.

As a result, Lu Chuan understood what the above adult tribe said.

And Lu Chuan was also digesting some of the inherited knowledge he had acquired, to understand the terrible aspects of this race and the **** rise of this civilization.

Everyone in the Chimera tribe is a powerful warrior, and all the people fight.

Not only that, the Chimeras are also a very aggressive race, they are born to conquer other races. By conquering other races and absorbing their essence, you can become stronger.

The history of the Chimera is a history of conquest.

In the inherited knowledge, Lu Chuan knew that the Chimera tribe was born more than ten million years ago. They were originally just a kind of carnivorous creatures on this planet. They have developed wisdom in the long river of evolution and have begun to stand out. Become the best on the planet.

The peculiar way of inheritance and the growth of strong individuals have allowed them to create a civilization that combines civilization, technology and individuals.

Constantly becoming stronger and evolving, this kind of inheritance method allowed them to rise rapidly, and finally turned this planet into a planet under their rule. They conquered all life and became the overlord.

With the advancement of technology, individuals became stronger, and they began to conquer the stars.

The surrounding planets have been conquered by them. In the history of more than a thousand years since the birth of civilization, they have conquered dozens of planets, and the Chimeras have spread all over these dozens of planets.

Fighting, competition... is the core of the Chimera tribe. They are strong and combative. They regard fighting as their highest belief. They believe that death in battle is the highest glory, and death is nothing but a contribution to the gods.

Chimeras are born to fight. The strongest of the entire race is the king, and the strongest is their king.

The growth of a Chimera tribe has grown up by fighting various fierce beasts since childhood.

When every group of Chimera is born, they will be sent to the planet that matches them, allowing them to fend for themselves. The first stage is to live among the young stars. After the assessment is over two years later, there will be spacecraft to receive them among the young stars of the second stage. They need to survive for three years here.

The third stage, the adult star, needs to survive for five years here.

After a total of ten years, this is the growth of a Chimera, and a qualified Chimera has been cultivated in ten years.

Only a Chimera who has lived for ten years will become an adult, and then formally accept the armor of the Chimera and become a Chimera fighter. Then, they will be assigned to different planets to conquer these planets. LeTV

The Chimeras are very productive, but in the cruel environment, only one-tenth of the Chimeras can live to adulthood for ten years.

Don't look at the thousands of young Chimera people here. In fact, only a few hundred are really grown-ups.

In this kind of environment, it is not only necessary to fight against the fierce beasts, but also to fight against the tribe. The whole process is actually killing, whether it is the same race or other fierce beasts, encountering is killing each other.

In the Chimera's dictionary, there is no such word, only war.

It is conceivable that the probability of one in ten is already high. According to Lu Chuan's understanding, there may be thousands of real adults, but not a hundred. The elimination rate is amazing.

The system of the Chimeras is absolutely cruel. Under this elimination rate, every adult Chimera is a powerful fighter. They are proficient in all fighting skills and have a cruel personality. They will not show any mercy once they shoot. .

This is true for the people of their own tribe, and it can be seen how they can be soft when facing other races.

Any race, as long as it is targeted by the Chimeras, it is not surprising that it is extinct.

"This is a terrifying race." Lu Chuan was dumbfounded. Under this set of mechanisms, a race was completely turned into a brutal race. They are as powerful as forests. If any race is targeted by them, it will be greeted by them. Cruel hunting.

An adult Chimera will continue to strengthen himself and make himself stronger in the years to come.

Whether it is a male Chimera or a mother Chimera, they are the best fighters.

When they reach a certain age, the Chimeras will also form their own families, but their fertility is in the form of eggs. After the eggs are laid, they will be sent to specific places for unified management.

Chimeras have a special way to find their parents, so there is no need to worry about getting confused.

The strange race was able to raise the civilization level to level three, which was definitely beyond Lu Chuan's expectation. According to Lu Chuan's classification of the Chimera people, they can be divided into monsters, and they are not worthy of civilization.

It can only be said that the universe is all-encompassing, races and civilizations challenge Lu Chuan's cognition.

The dignified governor, who is in charge of the billion trillion cosmos, may not be omniscient and omnipotent.

How should I put it, Lu Chuan only participated in the world created by God after it had been in operation for tens of billions of years. Lu Chuan had no way of knowing what was born in these tens of billions of years.

Genetic memory made Lu Chuan know that he had everything right after he broke out of his shell.

Not only knowledge, but also fighting skills and so on. Next, what Lu Chuan needs is to survive the ten years before becoming an adult, become a surviving tribe, and become a Chimera warrior. In this process, constantly strengthen yourself.

Of course, this is just the route of ordinary Chimera people, and it doesn't make much sense to Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan is a Samsara. He has the strength of his fourth-level governor. If Lu Chuan is willing, he can challenge the strongest Chimera people now, and then take a step into the sky with a young body and become the king of the Chimera people.

No matter how strong the Chimera people are, it is insignificant in Lu Chuan's is no different from ants.


Lu Chuan didn't plan to do this, because he needed to grow up and then take his time. The genetic memory of the current self is more just some fighting skills, not all of the Chimera people.

After the lecture was completed, thousands of Chimera children began to walk in order to a spaceship that had been parked outside.

There is no need to learn, with genetic memory, Chimera children will be able to do it in one step, and they are facing the cruelest elimination just after they are born. They will be sent to the infant star as soon as possible to accept the cruel survival challenge.

They will use their bodies as weapons, facing the attacks of the ferocious monsters here, but also the attacks of their own people.

The entire Baby Star will have surveillance presence, monitoring all the Chimera children's every move and recording them.

This spacecraft is not like a human spacecraft. It is a huge disk with a huge space inside. Chimera children have entered here for thousands of years, still feeling empty.

The spacecraft took off and flew towards the infant star.

The Baby Star is a planet conquered by the Chimeras in the early days. After positioning, the Chimeras are like gods, raising countless ferocious beasts here, transforming it into one of the growth stars of the Chimeras.

From being born to accepting all this, it only takes a few hours. Even the parents cannot see each other. If they are killed accidentally, they will disappear into this world without seeing their parents.

In fact, they will never see their parents until they reach adulthood.

Nine out of ten children of the Chimera ethnic group will never see their parents, because they can't even survive three stages.

The cruelty of the Chimera people can be seen in general.

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