Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1604: 3 years

Latest website: The Seventh Fleet involves too many tribesmen, even if it is to be concealed, it is absolutely impossible.

Even if it is the king, it cannot hide it.

After discussing with the presbytery, the decision made was actually a method of using a true lie. That is, there are false in truth, and truth in false.

What was announced to the outside world was that the Seventh Fleet had a conflict with a certain race during its mission.

The commander of the Seventh Fleet was careless and caused the destruction of the entire fleet, and the commander carried this scapegoat. Anyway, the entire fleet has no survivors, so no one knows the truth how they fabricate things. It is impossible for the commander who is carrying the pot to jump out and point out that they are fraudulent.

When the announcement came out, the entire Chimera tribe was in an uproar.

The Seventh Fleet was created by the Chimera with a huge amount of human power. It represents the highest technological achievement of the Chimera. It is high hopes and will bring the Chimera's supreme glory.

But now, just a few years after the formation, the Seventh Fleet has just run-in, but you say the whole army is wiped out?

What is this kidding?

Almost the entire Chimera tribe was caught in an unbelievable uproar. They wanted to break their heads, but they didn't figure out how they would be wiped out.

Their high technology makes it almost impossible for such a thing to happen.

The only explanation is that they will annihilate the Seventh Fleet when encountering a civilization higher than them, and will not give them a chance to escape.

Technology can indeed form a crush sometimes, for example, each generation of warships will form a crushing situation. If it exceeds two generations, almost no need to fight, it will be slapped.

The universe is so big that it is not surprising that there are other civilizations, and it is not surprising that civilizations stronger than them are.

In the third-level civilizations, their reasoning and exploration of the universe is far from comparable to that of human beings. They have also captured too many signals sent by other civilizations, but some are too far away from them, not reachable by current technology.

What the Chimera tribe cleans up is the civilization within this galaxy. They have no rivals here, but what about outside the galaxy?

No upper-level explanation is needed. The Chimera people have already made up for the civilization behind the destruction of the Seventh Fleet on their own, which can be regarded as a lie to the upper-level Chimera.

Of course, on this matter, they dare not express any opinions.

Under this vigorous incident, in contrast, the blockade of youth stars and the cancellation of the program were not so noticeable. Before the destruction of the Seventh Fleet, which is about the survival of the race, these were only trivial things.

Even if someone is a pity, there will be no waves.

After the incident, I am afraid that some people will think of it, and there will be no pressure anymore.

In fact, apart from the upper level, no one knew that the seventh Fleet was thrown out to cover up this seemingly trivial matter.

Regarding the youth star, they intend to hide it temporarily.

This king, who is born to know, seems not eager to appear in front of the public, so there are many things left for them, and they want to think about how to deal with it. Optimistically, the other party will finish the youth star and then become an adult Chimera in the adult star.

If you are not optimistic, the opponent may appear on the Chimera home planet at any time.

With its mysterious and incomparable ability, a fleet was destroyed by it without hesitation. Its strength was beyond recognition and existed like a god. If it really appears on the home planet of Chimera, it doesn't seem to be a problem, let alone strange.

Under the operation of the upper level, the Chimeras are lively, but the truth has been concealed.


Lu Chuan is also happy and leisurely. Since he has experienced growth, he doesn't show much ability in normal times. Instead, he uses his flesh to hunt down the beasts here. He doesn't need to worry about danger, because there is no beast that can hurt him.

The benefit is that Lu Chuan is enjoying life here.

There will be no troubles, and you can manage your time as you like. Sleep when you want to sleep, eat when you want to eat, and if you want to hunt the beasts, you will lead a group of young people to fight the beasts wantonly.

This kind of life is completely brainless, and it can be regarded as relaxing for yourself.

Anyway, Lu Chuan knew that the upper class of the Chimera tribe gave them a hundred guts, and he didn't dare to disturb him anymore, so he could feel relieved and boldly enjoy life here.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, this round of reincarnation was the easiest.

Of course, every reincarnation is not easy, and there will be reasons for it. Experiencing the alien race now means that in the future, one may encounter something related to the alien race, and what he possesses is still uncertain.

The task of reincarnation is equivalent to getting yourself prepared in advance.

Lu Chuan had also guessed, but he didn't have a clue, he didn't think about anything, and enjoyed the current growth first.

When you should know in the future, you will definitely know.

The body of the Chimera is indeed very strong. Lu Chuan can feel the strength of the muscles, which makes the Chimera very explosive. However, in Lu Chuan's reincarnation, this body was naturally mutated, and it was fine to say that King Kong was not bad.

In fact, Lu Chuan stood here to make them bang, and it wouldn't hurt a single chill.

In the face of cosmic-level forces, their so-called energy weapons are actually so small that they will not have any impact on Lu Chuan.

The young people of the Chimera tribe, their growth is very fast, it can be said to be explosive. In Youth Star, they had to eat raw meat for another three years, but Lu Chuan let them eat cooked food in advance, which is very helpful for their growth.

One by one, they have become tall and magnificent, and they are no longer related to the adult Chimera.

They have adapted to group fighting, once they cooperate, it is disastrous for the fierce beasts.

The ever-increasing team became a nightmare for the fierce beasts. Once they met, they were killed. The meat of the fierce beasts is a rare delicacy for the young Chimera people. According to Lu Chuan's instructions, they already know how to cook the meat.

Every battle consumes a lot of physical strength. For young Chimeras, they need a lot of food.

Naturally, the appetite one by one becomes amazing.

Practice makes perfect. In the fights, the young Chimeras grow at an amazing speed, and their fighting skills are becoming more and more sophisticated. When Lu Chuan taught them some fights on the earth, they produced more lethality.

In the face of huge and incomparable beasts, they can kill beasts several times larger than themselves.

According to Lu Chuan's understanding, their actual strength is almost the same as that of an adult Chimera warrior.

These little guys, in terms of age, are less than three years old, which is about two and a half years old.

One by one is two meters seven or eight, you can hardly imagine that this is a two and a half year old Chimera. I have to say that the growth of the Chimera people is a growth that transcends human imagination.

Time passes unconsciously.

The youth star seems to disappear from the eyes of the world. Except for the transportation spacecraft that transports the Chimeras on the baby stars here every day, this planet seems to have been forgotten, and it has never been shown to the Chimeras. Everything in the youth star.

All previous shows were stopped, even if the Chimeras protested.

Except for the shuttle ship, the approach of any ship is not allowed.

The new monitoring center is very secretive, only in charge of the ships passing by, no longer monitoring the youth stars. The order from above is like that, no one knows why.

Only the upper level knew that the reason they didn't dare to monitor the young stars was because they were afraid of making Lu Chuan unhappy.

Now they don't mess up if they can, for fear of stabbing a hornet's nest.

In a flash, two and a half years passed.

For Lu Chuan, he had been on the Youth Star for three years and it was time to leave the Youth Star. Next, you will be transported to the adult star, the last planet on the path of growth.

The adult star needs to stay for five years, and only the immortal Chimera can reach adulthood.

In the past two and a half years, Lu Chuan seems to be doing nothing, but Lu Chuan is constantly looking for the strongest beast to train his combat skills. That's right, it's combat skills...At the level of Lu Chuan, combat skills are the most useful, far more real than weapons.

As long as the combat skills are played well and matched with their own strength, they will have more advantages than other governors.

Lu Chuan has great abilities, but his combat skills have always been poor.

For a long time, Lu Chuan has not been free, and his experience in combat skills is actually not high. When I had a biochemical plant, I relied more on thermal weapons, and it was difficult to have melee combat opportunities. Even so, Lu Chuan didn't dare to take any risks.

Now that he has a chance, how could Lu Chuan miss it?

During the entire three years in Youth Star, there were so many fierce beasts that died in Lu Chuan's hands. Even Lu Chuan didn't know how many he killed. Anyway, he kept moving forward like this for three full years.

When a huge transport spaceship appeared in the sky, Lu Chuan suddenly realized that he had been in Youth Star for three years.

This transport spacecraft is very large. It is obviously different from other transport spacecraft. The huge size brings a huge capacity. From Lu Chuan's perspective, it is not a problem to pretend to be a million Chimeras.

The transport spacecraft slowly landed, and then ran across Lu Chuan and the group of young Chimeras, like a mountain range.

The hatch A group of Chimera warriors in armor appeared. They were divided into two rows and stood. Finally, an officer appeared. It opened the holographic projection and confirmed the number here. With a wave of his hand, he pointed to the huge cabin of the transport spacecraft.

There is no language, but Lu Chuan understands what the other party wants to express.

Lu Chuan issued a long howl. The young Chimera people who were in awe of the transport spacecraft before, all responded to the long roar, and then rushed towards the transport spacecraft, and boarded the transport spacecraft through the hatches.

In three years, the number of young Chimeras in Lu Chuan's hands reached 50,000.

It seems to be a lot, but to the Chimera people on the youth star, it is only a trifle, an insignificant amount.

After 50,000 young Chimeras boarded the transport spacecraft, Lu Chuan was the last to board the spacecraft. He knew that this was a transport spacecraft sent by the upper class and was specially prepared for them, a group of young Chimeras.

After boarding the transport spacecraft, the huge transport spacecraft sprayed huge flames and slowly lifted into the air.

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