Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1610: despair

Latest website: At this time, a look of despair appeared on the faces of every Chimera.

A Simon civilization battleship, in their salvo, was not destroyed, and now it is a second one. This kind of battleship is so powerful that it is suffocating. One has driven them crazy, and now there is a second one, how to fight it?

Even if they were warlike, they felt a kind of fear.

When the enemy is invincible, even the most confident Chimeras will collapse and become timid.

The second Simon civilization battleship emerged. It was too late for the Chimeras to want a salvo. The charging of the main gun could not be completed in a few seconds. It took a few minutes to complete the charging.

And this time, the Simon civilization warship that emerged can completely open the energy shield.

The difference in level, when the energy shield is turned on, it is almost impossible for the Chimeras to harm the warship, because they can't even break the shield of the Simon civilization warship, so there is no way to talk about destroying the Simon civilization warship. .

During the charging process, not only the second Simon civilization warship opened and completed the energy shield, but the first ship also completed the energy shield.

Two huge and incomparable Simon civilization battleships lay in this space, and the deterrence they brought was too great. The size of tens of thousands of kilometers was no different from a planet. Appearing in the form of a battleship is even more shocking than seeing such a planet.

After the energy shield was opened, the two warships, like water droplets, showed dense openings in their original smooth performance, and millions of barrels were stretched out. There was light in an instant.

"It's over."

The supreme commander closed his eyes in pain, surpassing the civilizations of the hierarchy, how can they defend against their power?

From the moment the salvo results, it knows that this is an unequal race and civilization war, more like a massacre. The Chimeras don’t look at possessing tens of thousands of warships, but these are meaningless in the face of civilizations beyond their ranks.

How to describe it, it's like they appear in front of some low-level primitive civilization, they are invincible.

A Chimera wearing armor can sweep their millions of armies, and a flying machine can destroy civilization.

When human beings leap from cold weapons to hot weapons, the massacre of cold weapons by hot weapons is the effect of levels. When Europe invaded Africa, all the local tribes were slaughtered one after another. In the face of these remote thermal weapons, the swords they held by the primitive tribes lost their meaning.

When a tribe is slaughtered, it will not even cause a European soldier to be killed or wounded. A real massacre, a zero-damage massacre.

And now, the Chimera people are facing this kind of massacre.

Even more frightening is that behind the two battleships of Simon civilization, the speed vortex still did not disappear. Obviously, the opponent sent not only two battleships, but a real fleet, consisting of at least three to five battleships. Composed fleet.

And this is just a test of Simon civilization.

It's just a test, and it's such a strength. If the real fleet arrives, what should it be?

The Chimeras are not a dish in the eyes of others at all, but a poor worm, a civilization that was insignificant in the growth of the Simon civilization. Like this kind of civilization, the Simon civilization will be easily erased, making the Chimeras a history in the universe.

As the highest commander, it's impossible not to be insightful, and that's why it despairs.

Most of the main battleships of the Chimeras are here. If there is any accident, the Chimeras are just their dishes, waiting for destruction.

A battleship of this size, its main gun can destroy the planet with one shot. It is too simple to destroy a civilization. According to their speed and power, within half a month, it is enough to make the Chimera completely disappear. Up.

The warships of Simon civilization did not use the main guns, but only activated the secondary guns, but this was enough.

"Report to Wang and send back the image here."

This was the last command of the Supreme Commander. Next, it closed its mouth tightly and stared at the millions of rays of light that burst out in the distance. In the blink of an eye, this light has already arrived.

I believe that Wang will know what to do when he sees these images. In any case, he needs to leave something for the Chimera people.

In fact, as early as when the Simon civilization was discovered, it had already made the worst plans. For example, dozens of ecological spaceships in the fire project were built for escape. This is the fire of the Chimera people.

Even if the planet here is destroyed, with these ecological spaceships, the Chimeras will rise again in this universe.

Any race or civilization will have this kind of preparation when it affects the survival of the race.

These images of it actually tell Wang that it is time to execute the Tinder plan and escape these ecological spaceships.

At this moment, the Simon battleship locked all the Chimera warships, and then a salvo came out as well.

The volley of the two Simon battleships was so great that it even surpassed the volley of the 10,000 main battleships of the entire Chimera tribe.

It should be said that the two are not comparable, because the second gun of the Simon battleship can shatter the main battleship shield of the Chimera tribe with the hits of dozens of guns, and the firepower that follows tears the battleship apart. The steel shell turned the battleship into scrap iron.

In this salvo, the main battleships of the Chimera tribe exploded continuously and turned into fragments.

As the Chimeras thought, this was really a massacre. Their battleships, in front of Simon civilization, are just like toys, fragile and not challenging at all.

This also means that this front fleet of the Simon civilization will become an executioner and will directly execute the elimination plan to completely eliminate the Chimeras, without the need for the following fleet to come.

The distance of hundreds of light years is within the scope of civilization for the civilization level of Simon civilization.

Since they are within the scope of civilization, they do not allow other civilizations to exist and consume resources within this scope.

Resources are indispensable for the growth and development of a civilization.

It seems that the universe is huge and endless resources, but there are some star domains where civilizations, some resources are still very scarce, and they are necessary resources for civilization promotion.

Naturally, they do not want other civilizations to squander these resources, but find ways to be controlled by them.

The best control method is to erase other civilizations in this star field.

This is the law of the dark forest, a cruel civilization war triggered by resources. In order to develop and obliterate other civilizations, a civilization will not be soft at all.

The continuous explosion of battleships turned tens of thousands of Chimera battleships into scrap.

The land-based energy cannon deployed on the planet is also in the clearing range.

In the speed vortex, three more Simon civilization battleships rushed out, a fleet consisting of a total of five battleships, for the Chimeras, it was desperate. With just two ships, they can no longer afford to resist. Now there are five ships. They don't even have the heart to resist.

In fact, the Chimera warships had stopped resisting, and even the main guns after the recharge were completed did not fire.

Under the attack of the Simon civilization battleship, the battleships continued to become fragments, covering the star field.

Billions of Chimeras, along with these warships, disappeared in this star field and became victims. With such intensive firepower, the speed of the assault ship no longer became the advantage. In the charge, it was continuously hit, and the void became fragments.

The assault ship pursues speed. It has no protection. As long as it is hit, it will basically be blown up by the volley. The tens of thousands of Chimera soldiers inside will also become fragments and be bombarded. .

The overwhelming massacre forced the remaining Chimera warships to evacuate. The order they received was to save themselves.

But this is not easy, they were too concentrated to get close for a salvo.

How could their escape be comparable to the speed of the energy cannon of Simon civilization? This kind of sub-light speed weapon can hit the front within one second, without giving them a chance to escape.

The supreme commander and other generals, all finishing their armors, using a kind of military neatness, stood on the bridge, staring at the dazzling fireworks here, until the battleship they were on was also destroyed.


In the palace.

Wang trembled all over, it shivered, looking at the image in the holographic projection, a massacre, making it aware of the end of the Chimera tribe. The level of this Simon civilization exceeds their calculations.

"Wang, they should be civilizations between the fifth and sixth levels."

The result is desperate.

The Chimera people are only a third-level civilization, and the crossing with the other side is more than two levels higher.

The upward gap between the two levels is really the gap between elephants and ants, and it is not comparable. No wonder it was a massacre, the gap between them is really unimaginable, and people can't give birth to a trace of resistance.

Wang was silent, then raised his head: "I will execute the fire seed plan immediately, and we must hurry up before they arrive, and let the ecological spacecraft go far enough."


An elder responded. It activated the virtual screen on his wrist. After a few virtual clicks, the command to execute the Tinder plan was communicated. The next thing will naturally be completed by the following people. It depends on whether you can escape. Good luck.

Wang nodded, with a fierce light in its eyes, and said: "Open this image to the entire Chimera people. We Chimera people must die even if we die. Let them know by what hand they died. Rather than dying aggrieved in ignorance."

The battleships of Simon Their main guns are capable of blasting the planet of the Chimera tribe into debris from a distant place, without knowing how to die.

Change to other races, maybe they will choose to let the people die in this kind of ignorance and happiness.

However, the Chimera people have different personalities. In their view, death in vigor is the result they want most, but they think it is a shame instead of knowing it. Just like why they are combative, even if they die, they have to fight with their opponents to the end, courage to face death?

It seems strange to other races, but in the eyes of the Chimera people, it is the right approach.

Rather, they have the right to know.

As a result, what was presented to the hundreds of billions of Chimera people was the scene of their fleet being slaughtered, as well as the appearance of super battleships of Simon civilization. This silenced the Chimera people. No matter how brave and combative they were, they had to admit the strength of the Simon civilization in the face of battleships and strength of this level.

A breath of despair spread in the hearts of the Chimeras, and the entire Chimeras society fell into terrible silence.

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