Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 162: Slave market

The slave market in the stronghold is definitely famous.

As long as you have gold and food, here you are the God who rules the destiny of countless people.

In the stronghold, it is a deformed small society.

The composition here is completely chaotic, and the social structure is also chaotic. Human desires, as well as human ambitions, were released here, making this place a complete purgatory.

Chu Bin and Wu Jiang were completely happy and painful.

Happy because they each carry a bag of 100 jin of rice on their shoulders. In these last days, milk is a mother, and a hundred catties of rice is enough to attract madness.

Pain... they are just ordinary people, how can they bear it? What's more, the rice will soon cease to be his own, because Lu Chuan is here to consume it.

Before the end of the world, it is hard for anyone to believe that rice can also be currency?

It is estimated that anyone who says this will be laughed out of.

But now, it is an ironclad fact that rice is used as a currency.

There is food, you can use it as gold, and the purchasing power is amazing.

Lu Chuan was walking in front, with a Type 03 automatic rifle slung on his back, and a bulging bag hung around his waist. People with a discerning eye would realize that there were magazines inside.

Chu Bin and Wu Jiang followed Lu Chuan with the rice, gritted their teeth to prevent them from being far behind Lu Chuan.

Once this kind of combination appeared in the slave market, it immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The slave market was transformed from an old vegetable market, but it used to be closed for chickens and ducks, but now the cages are full of people. These people were unkempt and staring at the outside numbly. Most of them are sitting on the edge of the cage, closing their eyes and being indifferent to the outside world.

More, people are still bruised and bruised.

For a modern person to turn him into a slave, he absolutely needs to go through a desperate experience before he can yield in will.

The terrible experience of this period can be imagined.

In this process, there are beatings and various penalties.

Under this kind of punishment, it has been years and months, and even the strongest people can't bear it, and they will eventually yield. This is a torture process of will, but also a process of letting a person give up all dignity.

After countless torture, they were finally treated as goods and placed on the shelf of the cage.

For this type of people, their will has dissipated and their hearts have been severely traumatized. It is difficult to get out of this kind of shadow. Throughout their lives, they may obey their masters and work diligently for their masters until they die.

The slave market is very deserted, mainly restricted by food.

It is easy to buy a slave, but it is difficult if you have to feed him. You need a job to earn more for you to give him, let him work like a cow, in order to earn profitable food.

Generally speaking, the idea of ​​buying slaves is to go to the plantations in the wild.

Use the lives of slaves to fill in and let the crops grow.

As long as you are lucky and have a good harvest, these slave payments are nothing at all.

In this stronghold, the biggest role of slaves lies in this aspect, in planting.

In the deserted market, Lu Chuan showed up with two people carrying food. For the people here, it was undoubtedly the arrival of the God of Fortune. How could they not focus all their eyes on Lu Chuan.

Now the cold is approaching, the crops have been harvested, there is nothing to work, it is the time when the slaves are least useful. Many slave owners are worried. After all, these slaves cannot be sold, but they consume food.

Seeing someone appear, everyone craned their necks.

"Hahaha, boss, hello hello."

The moment Lu Chuan appeared, a fat man rushed to Lu Chuan like a ghost.

In these last days, it is really rare to see someone who can still be so fat.

Seeing Lu Chuan's eyes fall on him, the fat man laughed instead and explained: "This is entirely genetic. With my physique, even drinking boiled water will make you fat. It's hard to control it."

Some people were unhappy when they saw this fat man preemptively.

Who can play this business, who is not a ruthless character?

A soft-hearted person can't do this, and only the cruel method of torturing slaves is not something like Lu Chuan can play. Only cruel people, people who kill people without blinking, people who eat meat beside dead bodies without changing their faces, etc., can they dare to be slave owners.

It can be said that the hands of each of them are stained with blood.

"Boss, what kind of slave do you need? You report the number, and I will find it for you immediately."

"This little boss, I have a few very strong young men here, I promise you your satisfaction."

"Boss, boss, don't believe them, what I have is the best."

"It's not that I'm bragging, but I am the one who speaks the best in the entire stronghold."

These slave owners, one by one, were not fuel-efficient lamps, all around, ignoring this fat man, all boasting about how good their slaves are.

It seems that in their mouths, people are not people, but a business.

In fact, before coming, Lu Chuan couldn't get through his heart. After all, he couldn't rescue them.

But deep down, if you don’t save yourself, who can save them?

In your own hands, you still have to worry about food and security? All of these are not a problem. I can give them enough food and drink, and relying on the wealth in my hands, no matter how many people there are, it's just a trivial matter.

The consumption speed of their meals is definitely not as fast as their own money.

I have to say Slave owners are sinful, but the slaves they train are just like tools, mechanically completing what you ask them to do.

From Lu Chuan's perspective, these people are no different from zombies.

Now I can buy a batch by myself.

Anyway, these slaves were eventually taken away from the stronghold and brought to the factory in Bei'an New District to become workers inside. That's good, at least they won't have any objections when managed.

If you take it out without bringing it back, you can be sentenced to death, and the whole army will be wiped out again.

Lu Chuan hugged his arms, watching the self-promotion of these slave owners.

When they all stopped and looked at him, Lu Chuan released his arms, pointed his fingers at Chu Bin and Wu Jiang, and said, "Honesty I brought it, and it's still white rice. I don't care. How many of you are, I just want the result, pick the best, don’t waste each other’s time."


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