Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 168: South Africa



In the subway station, everyone was panting.

Don’t look at the dash just now, it’s only two hundred meters or less, but they squeezed every bit of strength away. When their lives were threatened, they tried their best to get here.

"It's not safe yet, come with me."

A light appeared, and Lu Chuan turned on the flashlight.

Not only that, Lu Chuan also stuffed a few flashlights among some of his men and asked them to stand around the crowd.

Outside, there was still a howl of zombies, no one was careless, no matter how tired and no strength, they also clenched their teeth.

Under the flashlight, under the leadership of Lu Chuan, everyone followed Lu Chuan down the track again.

Several flashlights are enough to ensure the light here.

Almost in a place where the survivors could not feel it, at the entrance of the subway station, a group of zombies swarmed in. They seemed to be organized. After all disappeared, the last dozens of them were blocked by a few cars. At the entrance of the subway station, the entrance was sealed.

In this way, if you don't destroy this place, the scattered zombies can't get in.

These hundreds of zombies, they hung far behind the survivors, and did not approach.

The city outside was boiling. Lu Chuan didn't want to let these zombies stay outside. One loss would cost hundreds of thousands. This kind of loss Lu Chuan could not afford.

Especially the goddess guns, the value of each is calculated in tens of millions.

With the survivors in Luchuan, they certainly wouldn't notice the group of zombies behind them. They were nervous and didn't know where the destination was, let alone whether there would be danger.

With the subway route, they now travel under the city.

The street above must be full of zombies.


It took a full day to traverse the entire city.

Coming out of the stronghold in the morning, when it was getting dark, they arrived at the subway station entrance in Bei'an New District.

"Hold on for a while, and it will be here soon. Then there will be hot water, bread, rice... and a good night's sleep." Lu Chuan cheered them up. With their physique, it is not easy to be able to persist until now .

At the entrance of the subway station, Lu Chuan issued another order.

The zombies who had been staying in this area moved quickly after receiving Lu Chuan's instructions.

The impact of the sound on the zombies was calculated by Lu Chuan, and he could figure out where the sound appeared, which would draw away the zombies in this area, allowing himself to take the survivors through here safely.

In fact, it's very simple. When making noises at both ends of the street, the zombies here must be running towards both ends.

Under Lu Chuan's instructions, all zombies were in place.


The 253 zombie grabbed a steel pipe in his hand and stood in front of a Range Rover. He smashed the steel pipe and hit the roof of the car.

Although it was an ordinary zombie, its power still made a loud noise.

A zombie is fine, but when more than a dozen zombies smashed the car like this, the sound produced can be imagined.

There were zombies working on the left and right of the street, and the sound caused caused the zombies who had been staying on the street to react immediately and ran towards the sound source.

The entire section of the road into the new district became empty.

"Come with me." Lu Chuan quickly rushed out of the subway station.

Under the leadership of Lu Chuan, the survivors behind did not hesitate, and they followed suit. On the subway route, they walked dimly and really didn't want to stay underneath. The air was bad, apart from the light of the flashlight, there was no light at all, which made them feel uneasy.

It was finally out of the station now. Looking at the operation diagram on this site, they realized that they had traversed the entire city.

The sky was dark outside, so they couldn't distinguish their surroundings.

Until they entered the factory area, they followed Lu Chuan in a muddle, and finally entered a factory building.

There is no need for Lu Chuan to worry about the resettlement work, everything is left to Zhao Beijiang.


"Boss, everything is done."


Zhou Yanhong waited until Lu Chuan finished his meal before taking a few steps to report.

Lu Chuan nodded and accepted the report.

Buying this villa ultimately cost 130 million yuan.

In other words, it is also a villa in the provincial capital. In this area, this area cannot be said to be expensive. Lu Chuan didn't care about what method he used, he looked at the result. It now appears that Zhou Yanhong has done a good job.

The other is the formalities and air tickets for Lu Chuan to fly to South Africa.

From the point of view of efficiency, Zhou Yanhong is hardworking.


Lu Chuan put down the report, but pulled out a document from his briefcase and said: "Look at this document. The technology listed on it will help me sort it out. I need to know what companies are currently operating in China. Research and develop these technologies."

Of course, this document was given to Lu Chuan by Zhao Beijiang, and most of it was the direction of technological development in the end times.

The end of the world is a branch point of the modern era. Whatever the direction of the end of the era, the modern era will not be worse, and it will continue according to this trend.

Companies that study these technologies are definitely potential stocks.

I don’t know what kind of changes will happen to these companies under my own intervention.

Zhou Yanhong took it over: "Yes, boss."

"Go down, I need to rest."


The next day, Ma Xifeng drove a BMW 740 and led Luchuan towards Handong Airport.

As one of the largest domestic airports, there are more than 100 international routes opened here. Handong Airport is also one of the most prosperous airports in China. The number of take-offs and landings every day is almost uninterrupted, making this airport always busy.

This time when he came out, Lu Chuan didn't bring anyone.

I originally took a few of them with An Tong, but it was fine.

But Lu Chuan thought of his Level 3 genetically enhanced strength, it didn't matter whether he brought them or not. On the contrary, he would be easier to do things alone.

Besides, Zhou Yanhong has already contacted an interpreter and a tour guide in South Africa, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

In fact, African countries are not very peaceful, but South Africa is relatively better. South Africa’s status has made it an open window for Africa and a transit point for the world to learn about Africa.

Many people and things arrived in South Africa first, and then spread to other African countries.

South Africa is still a paradise for arms. Numerous transactions are completed here. A team of mercenaries are active in South Africa. When they receive missions about Africa, they will use South Africa as a transit point to rest and set off here.

The ticket was booked by Zhou Yanhong. For the direct flight to the South African capital, Lu Chuan's worth, there is no need to save money, and the booking is first class.

Airport parking lot.

Ma Xifeng parked the car, then turned off the engine, put the car seat down, and walked directly on it.

Lu Chuan didn't even take any luggage and got out of the car empty-handed.

The identity of Ma Xifeng's zombie made it unnecessary to return, and it stayed here until Lu Chuan returned. It can stay motionless, without rest, without breathing.

Lu Chuan did not care about it either, but passed the security check smoothly, then waited and boarded the plane.



This name is really unfamiliar to the Chinese people, so unfamiliar that I have never heard of it.

But this name is the largest city in South Africa, and it is also a famous international metropolis in the world. Among the domestic flights, the only city to South Africa is Johannesburg.

When it comes to South Africa, the first reaction of players who have played the Great Sail is Cape Town.

In terms of fame, Cape Town is the most famous.

Lu Chuan had thought that the flight to Cape Town would be Cape Town, but he found out that there was no direct domestic flight to Cape Town when he checked the flight. He needed to fly to Johannesburg before connecting to Cape Town.

When Lu Chuan arrived in South Africa, there was no clear geographic requirement. He had to be a transit point.

After leaving the airport, the translators and tour guides who had contacted before had been waiting.

"Welcome, Mr. Lu." The translator is a woman in her early thirties, a Chinese, not very beautiful, but a kind of attractive.

The tour guide is a local in his fifties.

Lu Chuan stretched out his hand and shook the opponent, and said with a smile, "Miss Tang, it's nice to meet you."

Tang Huichun smiled and said, "Mr. Lu, I have arranged a hotel for you. You can take a bath and enjoy the South African cuisine."

Lu Chuan nodded, and then to the tour guide Dlamini.

"Hello Dlamini." Lu Chuan said, he had already read the information of both of them.

South Africa is mainly English, and Lu Chuan's English is barely able to listen to it. If you really want to talk, the tragedy right away will definitely make people wonder what they are talking about.

Dlamini saluted.

Lu Chuan’s physical fitness wasn’t tired at all, but he didn’t want to look too alien, so he said to Tang Huichun, “Just follow the arrangements you said.”

South Africa is the second largest economy in Africa, and as the largest city in South Africa, the prosperity of Johannesburg is no worse than that of Handong City. Of course, when it comes to the size and population of the city, Johannesburg cannot keep up with Handong City.

The hotel arranged by Tang Huichun is the most luxurious hotel in Johannesburg. Since Johannesburg was originally known for its gold production, the most luxurious hotel is definitely magnificent and decorated with gold on the seventieth floor.

Lu Chuan was standing on the balcony, looking at the night shadows of this city. For the first time standing on the land of a foreign country, he felt a little strange and excited.

Tang Huichun lives in the opposite room. Dlamini is a local and does not need to stay in a hotel.

Lu Chuan was relieved of Zhou Yanhong's affairs. Tang Huichun's background was also very simple. A certain mining group arranged to work here and took advantage of this vacation time to receive this private order to earn some pocket money.

What Lu Chuan wanted was just a translation. Naturally, he would not be too picky.

Standing on the stage, Lu Chuan watched for a moment, but with a gesture, he said quietly: "Come on."

Secretly, in front of Lu Chuan, a faint shadow appeared, and then quickly condensed into a tall human form. <() "Super Zombie Factory" only represents the author's view of Yushui. If it is found that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please delete it. It is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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