Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1729: Prestigious

The only thing Lu Chuan was in charge of was breaking their boat poles.

The rest is left to the gunners.

In the face of such a high hit rate, it is like a **** help. The gunners yelled, each of them was so excited that their muscles were trembling. This state has increased their rate of fire and hits, and it has a terrifying effect.

The pirate ships that exchanged fire with the Sea King were utterly blinded. The deck and the ship’s sides were riddled with shells like squally storms. I don’t know how many pirates were bombarded by shells and became incomplete. The solid bullet fell on the deck, and the flying sawdust was also a big kill, causing many pirates to howl.

Fortunately, it was just skin trauma. The unlucky ones were miserable. Some were shot with wood chips and covered in blood, some were penetrated by wood chips, and some hurt their eyes.

Lost power and a large number of pirates, sailors and gunners, they are almost beaten in this ocean.

The entire pirate fleet is oncoming, although they adjusted at a certain distance, let the side of the ship meet the Sea King.

But soon they discovered a phenomenon that made them desperate. The artillery of both sides could hit each other's distance, but how could they fire more than a hundred artillery in a single salvo, but in all likelihood, they flew, only a few. The gun hit the huge hull of the opponent, which is simply unimaginable.

When the other party opened fire, only saw the sawdust splashing in the area. I don't know how many people died, and the hull was constantly shattered, leaving huge holes.

If it is only one or two rounds, no effect can be seen, but after a few rounds, the pirates found the problem.

The Neptune’s huge hull has only a few scars, but in contrast to them, in addition to the few ships that have been staggered before, there are almost eight of them in the Qihong Neptune, but the result is that they are scarred, as if they experienced a A fierce naval battle.

What's so special... They clearly faced only an armed merchant ship.

All the pirates widened their eyes, and could hardly believe what they saw.


Only hearing this sound, the extremely tall main pole was hit, and then it collapsed. Several pirates who had no time to dodge were hit directly and fell to the ground without a sound. On the deck, there was a few more blood and red. Infiltrating.

Which one is this?

The pirates are now desperate in their hearts, and at the same time panic, because this Sea King is too evil, and every warship was interrupted by its main pole, even the auxiliary pole, making the ship completely lose power.

In this era of sailing, without the main and auxiliary poles, it means that there is no power and can only be beaten.

No matter how big their hearts were, they panicked at this moment.

"No, they are demons."

Some weak-minded pirates have screamed like madness, and they collapsed. They are pirates who kill without blinking, but now the cruelty has been crushed, finally showing a cowardly side.

Yes, only the devil can do this, can be so secretive.

Since ancient times, they have never seen such a mysterious ship. An armed merchant ship with not strong firepower, dare to challenge a pirate fleet of twelve warships. The difference in firepower between each other is ten times, which is an invincible ratio. .

But now, they saw this miracle.

"Brothers, aim again and beat them hard."

"After this battle, everyone will be famous all over the world, because you have created an uncreated war debt that cannot be copied."

The first officer yelled, his face flushed with excitement. He didn't expect that when he was old, he would be lucky enough to participate in a miraculous battle. This is the Flame Skull Pirate Group, with a fierce reputation, but I didn't expect to be planted on the Sea King today.

What is the concept of defeating and capturing an entire pirate fleet with an armed merchant ship? I am afraid that at that time, each of them will be recorded in history, and the name will change the world.

This pirate fleet has almost been interrupted by the main and auxiliary poles, and there is nowhere to escape.

In all, the reason for such a miracle was created by Lu Chuan alone.

The incredible artillery art, almost 100% hit rate, such a long distance, such a small target, but Lu Chuan was able to hit every time. This kind of strength can no longer be explained by luck and artillery, it is more like theology, like divine assistance.

If not, the old general really doesn't know how to describe it.

Now he has a fanatical worship of Lu Chuan, and I am afraid that Lu Chuan's artillery skills, ancient and modern, are truly divine skills, which no one can match.

The gunners were so excited that their eyes were red, and there was no need for the veteran general to say more, they knew how to do it. In your life, how many times can there be such exciting battles? They are making history, and since then, they will be famous all over the world.

With this resume, even if they are no longer on the Sea King, they will be at the level of a gunner on any ship they want.

Of course, given the level of gunner to them now, they will not leave the Sea King.

The result of the gunners' excitement and madness is that these pirate ships have been baptized once again, and they have been battered.

When the flagship of the pirate fleet appeared in front of the Neptune, the other pirate ships basically lost their combat effectiveness. As the flagship of the Flame Skull Pirate Group, it is also the most powerful ship in the Pirate Group. It turned out to be a first-class sailing battleship that has just been eliminated.

The powerful firepower is far from comparable to that of the Neptunus Armed Merchant Ship.

In normal logic, this sailing battleship can completely hit the Sea King. The sailing battleship that has just been eliminated, its performance is far from that of the Neptune, and its firepower alone is more than twice that of the Neptune.

The gunners who had just boiled with enthusiasm, all their hearts trembled when they saw this warship that was stronger than the Sea King, even if they were fanatical now, they couldn't help but become nervous.

Lu Chuan narrowed his eyes, got to the gun position first, checked the distance visually, and said calmly, "Ignite."

When the gunner next to him heard Lu Chuan's words, he awakened from his dream and directly lit the line of fire.

Lu Chuan pressed his hand on the artillery and adjusted its direction almost when the artillery was about to fire. Amid the violent explosion, a burst of gunpowder appeared, and the gunners coughed, but the next moment, they cheered wildly.

It was another shot. The main pole of this pirate's flagship was directly smashed into the lower part, almost cutting off most of it. This kind of trauma caused the already strenuous main pole to break and collapsed with a click.

"Come again?"

One by one, the pirates stared at the collapsed main pole in a daze, looking like hell.

Originally thinking about a fight, but now they find that this is not realistic at all.

The opponent is like a **** possessed. Looking at their entire fleet, all the main shots have been interrupted. It is beyond imagination and it is too mysterious. At this time, given them a hundred guts, they didn't dare to fight the Sea King again.

What made them desperate was that the five poles of the sail battleship were interrupted amid the rumbling of the opponent.

"Devil, they are demons."

No one mentioned the courage, because they were not facing people, but God-like beings.


This place belongs to the Black Hawk Empire. There was such a fierce naval battle here. When the Black Hawk Empire's naval fleet received the information and rushed over, they imagined it was useless, because it would definitely be looted and lost money. It turned out.

Something happened to them, and it was the big family of the Star Empire, which involved diplomacy, and they had to come.


Looking at the scene before him, the commander of the Seventh Fleet of the Black Hawk Empire couldn’t believe his eyes. The famous Flame Skeleton Pirates had stopped on the sea, and the shafts of the ship were interrupted and lost. The opportunity to struggle.

In fact, these warships didn't even have the idea of ​​fleeing, because they were already afraid and desperate.

Therefore, what the Grand Duke saw was the Sea King cruising in the distance, staring at the dozen or so ravaged pirate ships.

The scene before him completely subverted the Duke's cognition.

With the appearance of the Black Hawk Imperial Navy, Mela and the others could finally breathe a sigh of relief, and naturally the Sea King leaned forward. After receiving the boat, Mela was invited by the Grand Duke for the first time. What the Grand Duke eagerly wanted to understand was naturally this battle.

The immobile pirate ship was like a chicken. The Black Hawk Imperial Navy soon sent soldiers to board the ship to capture these pirates one by one.

The ferocious pirates rarely did not resist. It definitely made these soldiers couldn't believe that they all planned to die, but they didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

Especially when boarding the flagship, there were the most ferocious and elite pirates here, but the resistance was not fierce. Only some diehards resisted, and then they were sifted by firearms. The head of the famous flame skull pirate group is like a discouraged ball.

When Mela returned to the Sea King, he announced the decision to reward the Grand Duke of the Black Hawk They will get half of the wealth of the pirate ship, and the Black Hawk Empire will give them other rewards, including the Black Hawk Empire. The difficult-to-obtain trade certificate, with it, means that in all ports of the Black Hawk Empire, they have the power to reduce taxes by 20%.

Hearing this news, the sailors cheered, as if welcoming a hero.

To be sure, with this trade certificate with a 20% tax exemption, coupled with the sturdy record of this battle, the appeal of the Sea King is so strong, I don't know how many merchant ships will desperately want to join.

The next thing to deal with was handed over to the Navy of the Black Hawk Empire.

Gather the merchant ships, and then amid the carnival of sailors and merchants on the merchant ships, the Sea King once again headed towards the destination. The loss of the Sea King is not great, that is, the hull is damaged, which does not affect the navigation. And these injuries are more like feats, making everyone triumphant.

"Captain, I suggest that these damages should not be repaired." Someone suggested, and it was agreed.

Mela waved his hand: "No problem, let the world see our merits."

At this moment, Mela was actually emotional, so he quickly pulled Lu Chuan into the captain's room. No matter what other people think, Mela has found such an awesome lover, she is not afraid of what other people say, dare to hate and dare to love is originally her character.

As a result, Lu Chuan enjoyed another delicious meal like a storm.

A few days later, the Neptune brought the caravan into the port of the destination, which directly detonated the madness of countless people throughout the port, and flocked to the pier desperately, just to witness the Neptune, because they had known about the Neptune Mei a little earlier. La sturdy and incomparable can be called a miracle-like record.

It was the governor of the port who rushed to the pier as soon as possible to greet the Sea King.

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