Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 171: G-36

Cape town. [Reading the latest chapters]

Where Lu Chuan lives is a hotel by the sea, built on a cliff by the sea.

Standing here, you can see the bustling Cape Town and the busy port.

Yi Ran, the female gun **** Xia Min, a dozen zombies stood behind Lu Chuan, they were motionless, but they were indifferent to the scenery Lu Chuan admired. When Lu Chuan arrived in Cape Town, Yiran had already booked a hotel here.

Every time I saw Yi Ran, a childlike face*, Lu Chuan always had an urge to see more eyes.

No way, some loli of it, the appearance does not know how many strange things will attract.

I haven't seen each other for a while, the other party hasn't changed, but Lu Chuan always feels that he has given himself a little more freshness.

Among my subordinates, the proportion of female zombies is still relatively large, and all of them are beautiful and beautiful... Well, they are all fairies, and I don’t know whether they can choose zombies or more lucky?

Anyway, it’s better to be seductive than to vomit when you see it, right?

After a few glances, Lu Chuan moved his eyes.

Lu Chuan is also a handsome man. Under this group of "beauties" always dangling in front of his eyes, it is deceptive to say that he has no idea. Fortunately, Lu Chuan's temperament can be tolerated by Lu Chuan.

Faced with zombies, it really takes courage to dare to go.

Their appearance is the credit of the pretender system, if there is no pretender system, they will be exposed.

"I don't know what happened to Ye Lingwei."

The idea that hadn't appeared for a long time made Lu Chuan think of it, but Ye Lingwei.

He sighed slightly. Recently, I was so busy that I didn't know the day. I really didn't think about her again.

"Yi Ran, I need the most detailed information." Lu Chuan looked at Yi Ran, his voice returned to plain.

"Yes, boss." Yi Ran handed a tablet to Lu Chuan.

On the tablet, a document has been opened, which contains all the documents of the target person. Yi Ran is indeed amazing, and was able to obtain these undisclosed information in such a short period of time.

Lu Chuan probably glanced around before closing the information.

You only need to know the location and the person, the others are secondary to Lu Chuan's point of view.


As the most important transit point in Africa and the Middle East, South Africa is naturally complicated.

In this kind of environment, it is too simple to get guns.

A street in Cape Town.

It's not chaotic here, on the contrary it's very bustling.

But here, there are many unknown businesses, such as underground gun shops.

Yiran's magical powers are vast, and he doesn't know where he gets the information, but it marks the guns for sale in several places here. And these guns have everything from cell phones to submachine guns.

Lu Chuan did not come forward, but leaned on the street lamp pole, holding his arms.

Xia Min carried a bag of US dollars, took Luo Dayong and two of them, walked into a bar, and then passed through a corridor to the back alley.

The weapon shop is here, like a warehouse.

There were two black men armed with guns in the alley. They stared at Xia Min.

Xia Min looked cold, and even in his eyes, there was no emotional fluctuation. In his eyes, the threat of the two blacks was equal to zero. As long as it wants, it can solve them in a second.

No language is needed, enter the warehouse.

It was a little black girl who was entertaining Xia Min and they showed a row of white teeth without a trace of fear.

Xia Min threw the money on the counter, then walked to the wall, which was full of weapons.

On the walls, there are everything from pistols to rifles and submachine guns, even grenades of the same type.

Soon, Xia Min set his sights on one of them, the German G-36 assault rifle, which can be said to be the best assault rifle in the world. Anyone who knows the gun knows what position it has in the gun clan.

It is definitely a surprise to see the G-36 assault rifle here.

Xia Min took off the gun, but with a move of his hand, the whole gun turned into a pile of parts.

The top gunner is also a master in assembling firearms.

After disassembling the parts, Xia Min restored the G-36 assault rifle for a few breaths. The guns here are all empty guns, not equipped with magazines.

Regarding Xia Min's actions, the little black girl just blinked her eyes, but she was not surprised.

Her experience, I don't know how many people of all kinds have come here to buy guns, so it's not surprising.

Xia Min didn't speak, but raised the G-36 assault rifle in his hand, compared with a ten sign, which meant there were ten of this rifle.

The little black girl nodded, but shouted outside, in the local South African language.

A few minutes later, two black men came carrying a box and opened it in front of Xia Min. Inside were ten G-36 assault rifles, all new guns. At the same time, on one corner of the box, there are a hundred magazines.

I have to say that the energy of this weapon shop is amazing. This is the standard weapon of the German Wehrmacht, but they got it, and the ten G-36 assault rifles didn't even need to be mobilized, so they just carried it out.

God knows how many weapons will there be here?

Xia Min pointed to money.

The little black girl was not polite, and poured out the money inside, then counted the numbers, took out the money counter, and after the check, she smiled and made an OK gesture.

Luo Dayong raised the box.

This transaction is complete.

For half a million dollars, only ten rifles were bought, one for fifty thousand dollars.

This price is absolutely expensive.

In the international market, like the AK47, you can buy one for hundreds of dollars. In comparison, the price of the G-36 assault rifle is almost a hundred times that of the AK47.

However, AK47 imitations account for more than 90%, while the G-36 assault rifle is different, it can only be flowed out of Germany. Naturally, this price deviation is here, and sometimes you may not be able to buy it if you have money.

Xia Min's expression was still cold, the transaction was completed, and he turned and left.

From beginning to end, the two sides didn't even say a word, like a dumb, more like a silent world.

For the people in the weapon shop, those who can come here are either mercenaries, terrorists, or desperadoes. This type of person may go out with the front foot and be killed on the back foot, which is more like a passer-by.

In Xia Min's eyes,, this is the first time he has visited the weapon shop, and it will be the last time he has visited the weapon shop.

These ten guns are just a basis.

In fact, Xia Min can develop without a gun.

Owning guns is just to make these aliens seem more reasonable. Otherwise, you can get a lot of guns by relying on your immortal body, and you don't need to buy them.

More importantly, buying guns here will leave marks.

The camera in the weapon shop records their appearance.


Xia Min, they won’t care anymore, because in the near future, countless intelligence agencies around the world will definitely know themselves, and they will all have their own information, a kind of secret and inaccessible information, a kind of no birth record, no life record. The information is almost blank.

The only thing that can be recorded may be the appearance of his Chinese people.

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