Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1753: Star behemoth

What kind of existence is the cosmic flower?

Lu Chuan didn't know, Tishna didn't know, no one knew.

But the strength of the universe flower can be determined.

If the consciousness of the small planet is put in normal times, the universe will take a wave and it can be resolved. But now, the planetary consciousness has invaded into its interior, which is precisely its most vulnerable and unreachable area.

In this way, it gave the water elves a chance.


The cosmic flower can't be caught with one's hands, it is the rarest existence in the universe, and its power is beyond human imagination.

It is simply a joke to measure it with the human power system.


The cosmic flower no longer shrinks, but the hundreds of millions of bead flowers suddenly rose up at this moment, and then the cosmic flower turned frantically, shaking these beads. It had collapsed abruptly a few light years before, and at this moment, the collapse began to spread.

The collapse of the universe is too shocking, it looks like a big hole has appeared in the flat ground.

The expansion speed of the collapse directly exceeded the speed of light.

The speed of light, in the universe, is the highest speed unit, theoretically impossible to surpass it. It is like the extreme point in the rules... But the speed of the collapse of this area now can be several light years in one second, and the speed and time in front of it completely lose their meaning.

The system it uses is no longer within the scope of the rules of this universe, and is an existence outside the rules.

The speed of light is nothing but a definition made by mankind's understanding of the universe and then using his limited physical capabilities. In fact, is this speed the end of the rules of the universe, or is it not the highest among other rules?

No one can figure it out, because all this may be what God wants to show to mankind, or it may be just a rule for the universe.

Beyond the rules?

The current cosmic flower proves the truth that exists outside the rules of the universe.

Waves of energy have caused the magnitude of the collapse that has swept through for dozens of light years. This range is unimaginable by humans, because light needs to fly for decades. What is the concept? But now, it only takes a few seconds for the universe to span such a huge area.

Before the collapse, countless planets, like buildings in an earthquake, were suddenly swallowed by cracks.

Even the big star is swallowed up like a toy.

The Cosmic Flower has actually increased its speed of devouring the universe. It has to swallow hundreds of millions of planets within these tens of light years to enhance its ability and to facilitate the shock of this bug in its body. come out.

Lu Chuan couldn't see this scene, otherwise he would definitely be shocked.

How spectacular is the collapse of dozens of light years?

Hundreds of millions of planets were directly collapsed, then torn apart by the negative electrode into fragments, and then transformed into a special kind of energy.

But the planetary consciousness is not vegetarian either, it frantically devours the energy in the universe flower, and then replenishes itself.

Now, in one second, it has reached the amount of recovery that it has swallowed tens of thousands of planets, which is absolutely an absolute supplement. The water elf also realized that if he gave up this opportunity, he didn't know how long it would take to recover.

What's more, these energies can make it evolve.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn’t planet consciousness playing its life?

The wave after wave of energy can't shake it at all, on the contrary, it keeps getting stronger in the swallowing, recovering itself. And every point of recovery strengthened the possession a little, and the result was that the water spirit became stronger and stronger, while the universe flower became weaker and weaker.

This piece of universe has become a dead place.

Both the water elves and the cosmic flowers are in the final fight, but no one can observe their fights, because their methods are energy methods, which cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Whoever wins will have the last laugh.

A seemingly insipid fight, but it was extremely brutal.

The only thing that can be seen is the struggle of the cosmic flower, which has created a huge energy impact, and the collapse of the universe. Only with these can you intuitively see the severity of this battle.

It seems that it takes a long time, but it's just an instant match.

Suddenly, a group of dazzling light burst from the universe flower body, it let out a scream, ignoring the rules of the universe, penetrated the starry sky, and caused a rumbling burst.

From the sound, it is not difficult to hear the despair and anger.

After a while, Universe Flower's body was stiff.

The water elves were finally ahead of the game, and finally possessed.

A cosmic flower with a size of only a few hundred million kilometers, in the eyes of the water elves, is at best a larger planet. Lightyear stars can be quickly possessed and controlled, not to mention just a cosmic flower of hundreds of millions of kilometers?

Controlled, it means that all of this is the water spirit said.


I only saw the original collapsed place, but there was a huge crack, and the next two figures shot out like arrows.

"Hahahaha..." Lu Chuan made a crazy laugh.

It finally came out. At the moment before death, this dangerous trick was finally the right bet. At the moment of being swallowed, a force sprayed him and Tishna out of the negative space and returned to the restored universe.

Back in the rules of the universe, like a fish returning to the water, why not let Lu Chuan excited?

Tishna also has lingering fears, Lu Chuan will die before her, but she will never escape the fate of death.

At one time, she thought that this time she was doomed to escape, and she was ready to die and let go of all her obsessions.

But at this moment, no matter how cold she was, she also showed a excited smile.

If you can live, who will choose to die?

"It feels good to be able to stand in the universe."

"Almost thought I was dead."

"Human, yes, my instincts are right."

Tishna laughed, her eyes turned to Universe Flower.

However, the current cosmic flower was shrinking sharply and was being swallowed up a little bit.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly. He could feel that the water spirit was recovering quickly. It was only a long time before he came out that the planetary consciousness had been restored to its peak. From this point of view, it is conceivable that the energy contained in the universe flower is even more terrifying from hundreds of millions of planets.

Next, it's actually watching the water wizard's performance.

Lu Chuan and Tishna did not move, but stared at the current changes in the universe flower.

It has been controlled, the cosmic flower can no longer turn over any waves, it is now waiting to be swallowed by the water elves little by little.

The cosmic flower, hundreds of millions of kilometers high, is shrinking with a sharp speed.

About an hour later, the cosmos flower turned out to be only tens of thousands of kilometers high, which is out of proportion to the previous hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Everything seemed to have stopped, the cosmic flower no longer shrank, but the water spirit did not move anymore.

Lu Chuan realized what was the same, and was a little excited.

"It's going to evolve."

"I really look forward to the evolution of planetary consciousness, how strong it will be."

Tishna raised her brows slightly. She naturally knew that Lu Chuan had planetary consciousness. It was something that was also extremely scarce in the universe. However, the man in front of her had gathered countless luck in one body, more like real The chosen one among the chosen ones.

The increase in luck again and again brings the strength of Lu Chuan and the rise of mankind.

Now she is a little grateful for her previous decision, at least to cooperate with humans, which is much better than other species like the tree clan.

But it was a boulder clan or a tree clan, in Tishna's eyes, they would all be alien.

It appears to be two races with humans, but at least in terms of similarity, they are similar. Put together, it can be said that each other is a humanoid species. In terms of aesthetics and senses, the two are naturally similar.

Lu Chuan's strength shouldn't be a bad thing.

The big deal is that human beings will be number one by that time, and Bonewing Clan will be second.

Tishna thought about destroying all of this now, but she knew that Lu Chuan was not much weaker than herself, and she would not take much advantage in fighting. Lu Chuan could survive until the evolution of the water elf was completed, and then she would suffer. Up.

Being an enemy of humans is not a wise choice.


With a loud noise, I saw a light spot appearing in the cosmic flower, and then it turned into a giant starry sky. Without any hesitation, it opened its huge mouth and swallowed the cosmic flower tens of thousands of kilometers in size. Down, smashed it in the mouth and swallowed it.

The cosmic flower swallowed, and its body bloomed with dazzling light, but it flickered a few times and returned to normal.

In the next second, the star behemoth stretched out its huge head and arrived in front of Lu Chuan. Its eyes were the size of the earth, but Lu Chuan was terribly small in front of it.


Lu Chuan smiled, then stretched out his hand.

The distance between each other quickly narrowed, UU read until Lu Chuan's hand touched the forehead of the star beast and touched its skin. At this moment, Lu Chuan was almost like dust in front of the star behemoth.

"Being so big, do you want to go the other way?"

Lu Chuan yelled.

This huge starry sky behemoth can swallow the sun in one bite. It can be seen that it is huge, but in Lu Chuan's reprimand, it is like a punctured balloon, and the air in it suddenly vents.

Almost in the blink of an eye, this terrifying behemoth in the starry sky became only about two meters in size, floating in front of Lu Chuan like a pet.

"Tsk tusk, this is decent." Lu Chuan laughed.

The behemoth in the starry sky is actually the phantom body of the water elves. It has completed its evolution and no longer depends on the planet to live. It breaks away and becomes another existence. It can exist in the universe and enter the sub In the negative world in space.

It can be said that it has swallowed the cosmic flower's ability and evolved into a brand new existence.

Planetary consciousness, as a special existence left by gods in the universe, can become the guardian of the species, but it can also be transformed into a special existence in the universe.

The star beast changed abruptly again, and it turned out to be restored to the appearance of a water elf. It was like a little elf, with a crystal clear blue body, flying around Lu Chuan.

"Boss." The water elf finally spoke, turning a thousand words into the word boss.

Lu Chuan became so proud at this moment, and said, "How is your recovery, can you flatten them with me? His grandmother's, this period of time has really been awkward."

What Lu Chuan refers to here are naturally governors and competitive planets.

The water elf's voice was flat: "The guardian is nothing but scum."

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