Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1761: Learn to be cruel

In the universe, too many galaxies have not been named before by humans.

After controlling the universe, many galaxies have been named. Some use numbers, some use Chinese names, and some use a mixture of English and numbers.

Lu Chuan was not strong enough to unify the characters, mainly because hundreds of millions of inspectors, the earth from different universes, wanted to unify, it was too troublesome. Even if Lu Chuan wanted to unify the characters, it might be possible to unify the earth, but it would be unrealistic to unify the earth of hundreds of millions of inspectors.

Simply name it freely.

Whoever logs in to the system first will name this galaxy. You can name it whatever you want. Lu Chuan can't manage it, and he doesn't want to spend his efforts on these issues.

Like the Oasis Galaxy, it is a product of this naming system.

This galaxy is very far away from the earth and should not be within the range of the observable universe before mankind, so mankind has no record.

Of course, this has no effect.

Under the leadership of this inspector, Lu Chuan and the others arrived in the Oasis Galaxy.

"Boss, this is here." The inspector had anxiety on his face, because he knew his mistakes. If Lu Chuan blames him, he can be wiped out at any time.

Lu Chuan nodded.

The present position is on a deserted planet. Here, you can see a blue planet in the distance. Its water area exceeds 70%. In the outer space of the planet, there are a large number of spacecraft flying, taking this as a point, spreading to the surrounding celestial bodies.

The divine consciousness swept through, and dozens of celestial bodies here became the mining stars of this civilization.

A steady stream of resources was carried back to the planet, providing a superior life for the people of this race.

Looking at these spacecraft, we can see that their technological strength is not weak. However, structurally, they were quite different from the sixth-level civilization that Lu Chuan had seen, because they were still shrinking on this parent star without any obvious expansion.

The expansion on the interstellar is more about collecting minerals and so on.

Lu Chuan raised his brows and swiped his hand on this barren planet. The three-dimensional galaxy map was formed, and then Lu Chuan clicked a few times, and suddenly what was magnified above was everything on this planet. Through this, we use God's perspective to see everything clearly.

Advanced technology, due to the lack of land, the buildings of this civilized race are dominated by skyscrapers, a large number of sea-building, and floating islands...In short, it is to expand the area where they live.

Obviously, they were successful. A highly technological civilization was presented to Lu Chuan.

And the appearance of this civilization...but it is a rabbit-like shape, very cute, and it doesn't look aggressive. In terms of human aesthetics, this is a lovely civilization.

This inspector will make mistakes. In fact, the root cause is here. He has a compassionate heart, because this race is too cute, and he can't do it. So a sixth-level civilization, clearly reaching the sixth level in the data, shows that it has been destroyed.

But the fact is that the other party concealed all this, he did not destroy this civilization.

A sixth-level civilization was concealed, and then in the record, it was destroyed. The consequence is that this civilization will be considered annihilated, and no more inspectors will arrive in this galaxy.

In fact, I don't blame the other party, just because this civilization is so cute, he has compassion as a human being.

If it weren't for the mechanism established by Lu Chuan, there would still be a review mechanism. I am afraid it would be really difficult to find the mistakes he made, which would have neglected a level 6 civilization and grew savagely here.

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

Lu Chuan raised his head and moved his hand, and the three-dimensional galaxy map disappeared. He glanced at the inspector lightly and asked quietly.

The inspector made his face pale, knelt down and looked up at Lu Chuan: "Boss, thought about it."

"What is the consequence?" Lu Chuan asked. He looked at this planet from a distance. It may be limited by the breeding plan. Its development is actually deformed. For example, its population cannot keep up with the development of science and technology. In addition, time has passed. Short, let them have shortcomings in the expansion of the star field, they can only conquer nearby celestial bodies and use them for resource collection.

For example, the establishment of colonial stars, or the transformation of a planet to build their cities, is only in the plan, because the parent star has not yet been truly saturated, and has not been implemented. But give them some more time, I'm afraid they will take this step.

A level 6 civilization, they will use wormholes, and their footprints will go far and far. Therefore, the construction of colonial stars and the establishment of colonial cities on some planets, their technological level, technically speaking, is early It is very mature.

The inspector said: "During the feeding plan, there was no level 6 technology. They used the level 5 technology we gave to break through to level 6. The technological fault will make it take a long, long time for them to complete the promotion of civilization. If left alone, they will eventually be promoted to the seventh level of civilization, causing the collapse of the human universe."

Lu Chuan nodded, it seemed that he still knew the consequences.

Lu Chuan's eyes circled around the inspectors who followed him, and said: "This superintendent has read the information. Almost all of you are not aggressive because of civilizations, or under the influence of aesthetics. Civilized hands-on."

According to what Lu Chuan said, these inspectors all bowed their heads in shame. Their hearts were a little soft, and their hearts were indeed not cruel enough.

"Since you know that if they leave it alone, they are likely to break through to level 7, you should know the severity."

"Perhaps what you are thinking is that it is difficult to break through the seventh level. It may be tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years. For such a long time, letting them go does not affect anything, right?"

"For a seventh-level civilization, the universe will collapse, but it will be human beings."

"You have a sympathy for the alien race, then... when human beings fail in the competition and face being obliterated, who will feel compassion for us? When the obliteration comes, how can it be me and your strength? Can be prevented?"

"Your kindness is actually cruelty to humans and cruelty to yourself."

"Just imagine, your relatives, your friends, your wives and children... all died because of you. I don't know how you feel?"

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"I'm afraid that when the time comes, you don't need to think about it anymore, because human beings have become a symbol and have completely disappeared in the universe."

Lu Chuan stopped and glanced over them, seeing their guilt and shame, more regretful.

Yes, they are kind to these races today, who will be kind to humans tomorrow? There is no kindness between species. Human kindness can exist, but it is definitely not a sixth-level civilization, nor is it a race in a breeding civilization.

The civilizations in the feeding plan have super-technologies. They develop frantically and grow tenfold or a hundredfold faster. If they are not cleaned up, their growth will cost humans a painful price, and even the extinction of humans.

Human kindness can affect civilizations that are not in the breeding plan, or low-level civilizations, because these civilizations have hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years, and it takes millions of years to promote. To humans.

After such a long time, it has no longer affected human beings.

"Sorry boss, I was wrong, please punish you." The inspector shivered all over. He thought of the moment when his wife and children died, and everything was because of his selfishness, his ridiculous kindness and the heart of the Virgin .

He thought about it before, but thought it had little impact, but now he found himself wrong.

The civilization in the breeding plan, their promotion speed, can no longer be described by common sense. Maybe in a blink of an eye, it will be upgraded to level 7 civilization, giving humanity a fierce blow and adding a negative value.

Lu Chuan pointed to the distant planet, and said in a cold voice, "Make up for it and deal with it."

"If you can't do it, this superintendent will deal with you first."

"You don't want the earth you are on to collapse because of your death, you should know how to do it."

Lu Chuan was not a threat. When he reached his position, there was no threat, but a command. They are actually soldiers. Obeying is their bounden duty, and any order needs to be carried out without compromise.

If the other party really can't do it, Lu Chuan won't be soft.

The feeding plan must not make mistakes, let alone leak approval. It is a double-edged sword, and Lu Chuan must ensure that he is in control.

The inspector nodded and stood up without hesitation, and the person had disappeared silently.

Lu Chuan raised his head and looked into the distance. About a few minutes later, this civilized planet in the distant place burst into a dazzling light. It was as if it had been hit by some terrifying force. The entire planet had a big explosion, and the planet Everything went to nothing and became fragments.

Under this kind of power, all technologies are so pale and feeble that they are simply not enough to protect their lives.

Hundreds of millions of lives disappeared in this explosion.

And some spacecraft in the universe, maybe these are the people who survived this civilization.

But the killing was the beginning. This inspector kept flashing, each time it was an explosion of a spaceship. Then came the resource stars, which were also exploded by him, turning them into countless pieces.

After the balance between the celestial bodies was broken, the chain reaction caused this oasis galaxy to sink into hell.

Lu Chuan could feel the violent shaking of the celestial body under his feet. The gravitational force it had received before disappeared, and it suddenly deviated from the orbit that it had not known for hundreds of millions of years, and deviated to the side. For a planet, this is absolutely fatal. This kind of displacement will increase the pulling force on the planet, stretch the planet, and eventually become fragments.

However, Lu Chuan didn't take it seriously. When he reached his strength, all this was just a small scene.

All the inspectors who came with Lu Chuan watched all this in silence.

I don't know how long it took The inspector came back, he was panting, this killing made his eyes blush, and his body exuded a strong killing intent. However, after arriving here, he seemed to wake up from this state and kneeled in front of Lu Chuan again.

"Boss, clean it up."

This time it can be so fast, mainly because the development of this civilization is trapped in this galaxy. If it crosses many galaxies, it will take a lot of time to deal with it.

Lu Chuan nodded: "Get up, go back and receive punishment by yourself."

A power structure, of course, has its reward and punishment mechanism. If he is wrong, he is wrong. Lu Chuan can be light, but it is impossible to get rid of it.

"Yes, boss." The inspector sighed, arched his hand to Lu Chuan, turned his head and disappeared, and returned to Competitive Planet to pick up the punishment.

Lu Chuan’s eyes fell on dozens of inspectors again: "Like him, solve the matter and then go back to receive the punishment. If there is another time, be careful of your heads. Sometimes, don’t think about yourself. Think about it for your loved ones and for humanity."

"It's the boss!"

The inspectors did not dare to be dissatisfied, and left one by one. They need to deal with the mistakes they made. Compared with the so-called lovely civilization and aesthetic civilization, nothing is more important than human civilization.

Lu Chuan stood with his hand holding his hand, looking at this oasis galaxy that was moving towards disorder due to the destruction of the celestial bodies. He asked himself that he was not a cold-blooded and cruel person, but when standing in this position, he must do this. To learn to be ruthless and cold-blooded, to learn to ignore life.

With the entire human race on his shoulders, Lu Chuan couldn't let himself learn this.

"This is a multiple-choice question that does not need to make a choice at all, other races, humans... as long as humans can save, everything can be killed!"

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