Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1773: Unavoidable

Twenty selected inspectors from the tree clan went out excitedly, and then flew toward the earth.

They didn't use fast speed, but flew slowly.

Of course, this slowness is in their eyes, in the eyes of humans, their speed is very fast.

They are patrol agents, and the Earth and Mars can be reached in an instant by moving their minds within their horizons, but they have not done so. They have to give humans enough time to prepare, so that they have enough time to feel fear and despair.

An alien, they are regarded as a game.

The stern warning alarmed the only space fleet of mankind, the space fleet consisting of ten glorious-class frigates. Since humans have no natural enemies and are trapped in the solar system, this space fleet is just acting.

In addition to the fact that the space fleet is a kind of cargo, on Mars and the Earth, only some land-based guns have been built accordingly, and the number is not very large.

There are no enemies, so that the entire mankind ignores the possible dangers of the universe.

The level of human science and technology has confirmed that there are almost no signs of life within hundreds of light years. Human beings are very safe and unique.

It was this lack of preparation that made them suddenly caught off guard when facing this kind of tree tribe invasion.

The space fleet has always been stationed in space, and the soldiers quickly returned to their positions amid the sound of the alarm, and the frigate was activated. In the command room, the combat personnel looked at the image on the screen and fell into a state of bewilderment.

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If someone had said this to them before and they had to curse, how could the tree be in space and how could it move?

But these trees in front of them not only appear in space, they also move, and they are very fast, much faster than human spaceships. What is even more outrageous is that these trees can easily destroy a scientific research spacecraft with almost no effort.

"What the hell?"

The commander was dumbfounded, and didn't know how to describe his current mood.

Of course, as a commander, his heart is strong, no matter what he faces, his heart will not be shaken, even if there is already a shocking wave in his heart, he will never show it.

"Give the order and the fleet is ready for battle."

The commander's face was serious. He was not excited because he finally had an enemy. War was never a trifle. There was no laughter, and some were just cruel. Especially now, fighting an unknown race, a race beyond human knowledge, is unpredictable.

If you still want to laugh, you should look at what you can see from the screen. The entire space is crowded with this kind of extremely tall trees. I don't know how many billions.

How strong will a race that can rely on itself to forcibly cross space?

Human cognition does not believe that life can survive in the universe. With physical knowledge, only science can conquer the universe. However, these tree-shaped species that have appeared now clearly break human cognition and are more like facing species that are only possible in myths.

How could a race that mobilized hundreds of millions of people come here aggressively?

Talking about visiting humans is even more nonsense.

Take a look at this scientific research spacecraft. What has it done? Is it torn into pieces directly?

As long as you see a tree, but can easily twist a scientific research spacecraft into twists, you know how terrifying this race is.

In my heart, the commander was already cast a shadow.

Anyone who has some ideas knows what the current situation is like. Therefore, the soldiers in the entire fleet were all nervously engaged in preparations. They also realized that their first space war might be the last.


The occurrence of this kind of thing naturally alarmed the president.

The entire government was operating at high speed at this moment. In the command center, the president rushed here for the first time, and from the screen, he saw the picture from the scientific research spacecraft.

"God, how is this possible?"

Everyone who witnessed this scene gave out incredible exclamations, which is too unbelievable. Even though they have always wanted to confirm whether there are aliens in this universe, they also confirm that there will be humans. After the interstellar age, they are also ready to welcome aliens.

The appearance of the tree tribe is somewhat unacceptable to them, because all this is like a monster in a myth, and it does not match the aliens in the human imagination.

In the picture, in addition to the tree tribe, there is also a race composed of stones, which is also boundless.

"Are they trying to capture the earth?"

No one has an answer to this question, but I already feel desperate in my heart.

There are too many tree people and stone people who are boundless, and preliminary calculations are in the hundreds of millions. This is not the point. The point is that they can appear in space, ignoring the dangers of the universe. From this point, we can see how powerful they are.

Being able to use the flesh to appear in the universe is obviously beyond human understanding.

Soon, the picture from the fleet came.

Twenty huge tree tribe people rushed towards the human fleet.

The president immediately connected the communication of the fleet commander: "Your Excellency Commander, find a way to contact them and see what the situation is now?"

It is too risky for humans to start a war rashly without knowing the other party. Before figuring it out, humans can say that they can fight without fighting. From the current video, we can see that these tree tribesmen appear secretly and directly in the solar system.

How did they come here, what their abilities... all humans don't know.

The fleet commander nodded: "Your Excellency, we have been in contact, but the other party has not responded. Your Excellency, I am afraid that you have to plan for the worst and be prepared."

As a soldier, the fleet commander is not afraid of war, but he is worried about what will happen to mankind without preparation.

Human beings are really not ready now, except for the upper layers, the whole earth doesn't know the preparations of the solar system. Ordinary people, as usual, go to work, go shopping, go shopping, and eat, without realizing what happened.

If the fleet can't stop them, then Earth and Mars, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop these aliens.

Humans’ defense against space is simply too small.

Don't think about aliens invading the earth, just like Hollywood blockbusters, humans finally defeated the aliens. Just think about it. When aliens can really break through the periphery of the solar system and appear in front of the earth, their power is far from what humans can deal with today. It is too easy to destroy humans.

The president looked solemn and said: "Your Excellency Commander, mankind is not ready, so I hope you can restrain yourself and you can't fight back if you are not a last resort."

It sounds cowardly, but the president needs to be responsible for all mankind.

What if the other party didn't have malicious intentions, but just passed by?

If human beings provoked a war for no reason, no one can bear this responsibility. A war with an alien race is not a playhouse. A war between alien races will definitely end when one side becomes extinct. It can be said that this responsibility... is very heavy.

The fleet commander nodded, why didn't he understand? He is a soldier, but from the perspective of human interests, he is first and foremost a human.

"Yes, Your Excellency!"

The fleet commander did not turn off communications, but communicated in real time, keeping each other visual. In this way, the president can also see the situation of the entire fleet, as well as the upcoming contact with aliens.

Twenty giant trees flew over. Their speed was too fast. The average distance from the ring of Saturn to Mars where the fleet is stationed was 227 million kilometers, but these giant trees took only tens of minutes to cross. It’s totally unimaginable according to the current human understanding of speed.

Especially these giant trees, they do not rely on spacecraft or the like, but individuals.

This is terrible. Anyone who sees it is pale, and they have realized the gap between them.

If every member of this alien tree tribe is like this, the gap between humans and it will be too great.

The people who Quan knows now have watched the video sent back by the scientific research spacecraft, hundreds of millions of tree people, and countless stone men. If their individuals are so powerful, a sense of despair is suffocating, because humans don't know how to respond.

In fact, in their hearts, there is already a faint anxiety, because the scientific research spacecraft was torn off by a tree clan of the opponent in a moment. Their strength and destruction of the scientific research spacecraft is a not very good signal.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the approaching tree tribe.

The fleet and the tree tribe are almost opposites.

The ten spacecrafts were all prepared to attack, and the missile launching holes were opened, and the human electromagnetic cannons and laser cannons were also charged, locking the twenty tree tribesmen flying in front of them.

The Tree Clan people are too big, each one is several thousand meters high, and the fleet looks a little small in front of any Tree Clan.

The fleet commander also raised his heart to his throat now, asking for dialogue again and again without getting a response. The only good news was that the other party stopped and did not move forward.

Through the glass on the bridge, what you saw was a weird smile from these tree people.


Ten tree clan inspectors started their hands, and their branches suddenly bounced out, and they spanned more than a hundred kilometers and were directly entangled on a battleship.

"Fire, fire..." The fleet commander decisively issued the order to attack. At this point, he could no longer see that these tree tribes were invading, and he didn't deserve to be the commander of this fleet. In fact, he should have opened fire a long time ago, but he dared not make a joke about the fate of mankind, and has always maintained restraint.

Obtained the command of the fleet commander, the soldier in charge of the weapon system immediately pressed the fire button.

The laser cannon gushed out an extremely hot red light, which instantly blasted onto a tree clan inspector who was hundreds of kilometers away.

Not only laser cannons, but electromagnetic cannons...missiles are almost fully fired.

As long as they were able to attack, all the old brains blasted these tree clan inspectors.

Everyone held their breath, because what they want to know most now is whether it's useful.


When the light dissipated, the tree clan inspector turned out to be intact, but it showed a twisted smile, but the branches entwining the battleship suddenly exerted force. With the sour metal cracking sound, the spaceships were directly crushed by the contraction of the branches, and the most advanced technology metal of mankind, directly cracked in the face of this kind of force.

Who could have imagined that these unthreatening branches in the eyes of humans exploded with power that science could not explain?

The ten most advanced space battleships of mankind were destroyed in just one encounter.

There are tens of thousands of soldiers in the entire fleet, and there are no survivors. Because of this kind of squeezing, these space battleships, which are much larger than aircraft carriers, turned into deformed scrap iron. In it, people become meaningless flesh and blood.

"It's over..."

The generals such as the President of the Earth who witnessed all this only felt their eyes black and almost fainted.

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