Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1796: Alliance age

There is a certain weight in the universe of Baxing beads.

On a warm planet like spring, the Governor of the Baxing tribe is standing, on the top of a mountain, overlooking the great scenery here.

The Baxing tribe was originally ranked eleventh, but under the terrifying rule of the human governor, several races have been killed in succession, making the Baxing tribe the seventh place now.

Unfortunately, the Governor of the Baxing tribe happened to defeat a mid-range governor, **** off the opponent's head, and the trial points gained, making the Baxing tribe the fourth and the leader of the second group.

It is not difficult to see from this point that the gap between the various ethnic groups is not as large as imagined.

Maybe after you kill a governor, the trial points you get will make you feel like a broken bamboo, and eventually jump to a height that you can't believe it.

The appearance of the Baxing tribe is somewhat like a human frog, and its head is similar to a frog.

According to human understanding, this is basically like the mythical frog monster in the comics, but after putting on the clothes, it looks a bit like a human behind. On the positive side, you can imagine that the human head becomes a frog.

Of course, the appearance of the Baxing tribe is much stronger than that of a frog, and at least the facial features are more human-like.

The Baxing tribe is a race with science and technology as its civilization, which is very similar to human beings.

Among the ordinary Baxing clan, science and technology are extremely advanced, and they have reached the level of level five civilization. After the Baxing tribe became the Chosen Clan, the patrol envoys of the Baxing tribe from different universes made different civilization promotion, some reached the sixth level, some reached the seventh level, and even a crazy guy, The civilization he was in was promoted to the eighth level, making the Baxing clan a bug-like existence.

In the laws of the universe, civilizations other than the Chosen Clan are not allowed to exceed the sixth level.

In other words, among the Beads of the Baxing tribe, the Baxing tribe is almost the only race that has reached the eighth level of civilization.

In this way, in the eyes of the Baxing people, this world is a primitive civilization that is backward, and their hearts are naturally superior and noble. The other races are all lowly races, incomparable to them.

The ordinary people thought so, but the Baxing people who became the inspectors did not dare to have this idea.

At least in the rankings, more than a dozen races are overwhelming the Baxing tribe.

Take the top three races, they are also the existence they need to look up to.

Becoming the fourth leading race, the Governor of the Bastar tribe naturally has a lot of thoughts in his heart.

For example, looking up at the top three...

If it had been in the past, it would not have this kind of ambition.

Don’t look at the Baxing clan as always being the eleventh, but its reputation is absolutely unknown. The reason is simple. Everyone’s eyes are focused on the front row. Who cares about the race below?

On the entire ranking list, only the top ten is the most dazzling, even if you are the eleventh, you will be ignored.

No one spends too much thought to write down so much information. In the eyes of the world, there is always only one champion.

In the history of mankind, there have been competitions and championships in each event. The audiences are all treasured, but they can't tell who the runner-up is and who is the third runner-up.

Baxing tribe is such a role.

At the eleventh place, it was unremarkable, except for its competitors before and after, it has not been noticed at all.

"Once you became famous, the world knows."

The Governor of the Baxing tribe smiled faintly. It is now fourth, but it is very satisfied. After all, it needs to be gradual at any time. The first step is the fourth, and the next step, is it possible to step into the top three?

No matter how mature the mind is, the governor of the Baxing tribe is still a little overwhelmed. It knows that it cannot do this, but it can't control itself.

"Also, let yourself be proud of it for a while, hahahaha..." The Governor of the Baxing Clan let out a series of laughs, spreading far away here.

The animals in the mountains were all taken aback and fled in this wild and weird joke.

The Governor of the Baxing tribe opened his arms and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Now is just the first step in the Long March. It needs enough patience and time to get a place in the top three. In the first three, there will not be a weak person, each one is stronger than himself.

This is a primitive planet that has all the conditions for the birth of intelligent life. Hundreds of millions of plants and animals grow here, and countless huge guys, like monsters, rule this planet.

The birth of intelligent life in that species is still unknown. It may take hundreds of thousands of years before we can see who it is.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the Governor of the Baxing tribe himself. It is just a visitor here this time.

Perhaps in the future, the intelligent beings here will never know how many cosmic powers have stayed here on the planet where they are located, and every one of them will make the universe shake a few times.

After the Governor of Baxing tribe made his expression serious, he became calm.

After a while, the sky was distorted, and several Baxing clan inspectors appeared. They were wearing the supermaterial armor of the ninth-level civilization. They were extremely powerful and showed their power. The Baxing clan who have come through technological civilization, their favorite is actually super high-tech equipment.

It goes without saying that the super-material battle armor is of course, civilizations below level 7 have completely seen the supernatural equipment in theology.

"Supervisor, they are here."

A Baxing clan inspector reported, and then stood aside.

The next moment, a blue figure appeared in the sky. It took on a human form, but its hair was blue, and its whole body was energized. The other party wore a radiant armor, but almost merged with his own body, moving with energy.

The Storm Clan, a cultivating civilization race, currently ranks sixth.

The person who came was the Governor of the Stormwind tribe, a guy who claimed to be the King of Stormwind, and also an arrogant guy.

The Governor of the Baxing tribe has dealt with the Governor of the Stormwind tribe, knowing that the strength of the other party is also very strong, not a good guy to deal with. Of course, the other party's stinky beauty and arrogance are completely matched with its strength.

The Governor of the Storm Clan held his arms, and when he saw the Governor of the Baxing Clan, he let out a laugh, and did not put the Governor of the Baxing Clan in his eyes.

"Lord of Storm, long time no see." The Governor of the Baxing tribe said hello with a light smile.

The governor of the Stormwind tribe raised his hand, wiped his blue hair, then hugged his arm back, and said, "This governor is doing well, and you don't need to worry about it."

Almost at the same time, not far away, in the distortion of space, there appeared a very enchanting woman, with skin similar to leopard print all over her body, carrying a pair of small devil wings, which are different from devil wings. Exquisite, every texture, every spot is exquisite, when it appears, it hangs up, holding its own arm, but it is holding its giant peak, like a fairy who is not paying for his life.

The enchanting woman just raised her head and glanced up, showing a faint smile, without saying a word.

If you think it is harmless to humans and animals, you are wrong.

Sinking Demon Girl Clan, when you hear this name, you know that this race is unusual. On the ranking list, it is second only to Baxing Clan, ranking fifth, and Sinking Demon King's name shows what kind of strength this enchanting woman possesses. Up.

It can be said that don't look at each other's rankings, but once you start, it is not known who will be the winner among the three.

When the Governor of the Baxing Clan saw the arrival of the Governor of the Sinking Demon Race, it grinned. With the size of its mouth, it seemed that it could swallow the Sinking Demon King in one bite.

"You look really ugly." Shen Lun Demon King said, making the Governor of the Baxing Clan freeze on his face.

"Hahahaha..." The Storm King laughed, almost unable to straighten his waist.

The Governor of the Baxing tribe was a little furious, but still held back it. It knew why the three tribes met this time. It took a deep breath and said: "Okay, let me talk nonsense. You can come, it means you have already Agreed to form an alliance. Naturally, we needn’t say much about what we three races united for.

The sword points to the top three, this is inevitable.

For the existence of the alliance, the first is to prevent other races from occupying their current rankings; the second is to find opportunities to step on the top three.

They may be crazy and arrogant, but they have no way to choose. They can only advance or retreat if they don't advance. Therefore, the establishment of their alliance is actually the top three, replacing them.

When it comes to this one, neither the Storm King nor the Sinking Demon King is joking, and their faces become serious.

This time the alliance is actually an offensive and defensive alliance. The offense is the three clans together, and the defense is the same, regardless of each other.

The Sinking Demon King glanced at the King of Stormwind and said: "This alliance requires solidarity, otherwise it is meaningless. No one can hide private. If one side advances a ranking, it needs to contribute to the other two races, together. Get to the top three positions."

The voice of the Sinking Demon King definitely has the magic power to make people's bones crisp even when they hear it. It sounds good and makes people sink into it.

It is a pity that neither the Storm King nor the Governor of the Bastar tribe was affected.

"Of course." The Governor of the Baxing Clan said in a deep voice, this time the alliance is led by it, and of course it is playing a small abacus in his heart. For example, the Baxing Clan is now fourth, and if it goes further, it will be third... …Maybe the current third metal group will fall back to the fourth, and this relationship will become more complicated.

No matter how you think about it, there are many benefits to yourself.

The Storm King nodded: "No problem, go forward and retreat together."

Forming an alliance is not a difficult thing. If you have a common goal, you can walk together. Otherwise, it would be nothing to do it alone.

The Governor of the Baxing tribe said: "There are only three positions in the top three, so we can unite only our three tribes. This structure is our disadvantage, because the alliance in the back row does not need to stare at the top three, just casually Pulling down the front is victory, so what we have to do now is not the top three, but to kill all the other top ten four guys, so that the strength of the race coming up from the back cannot threaten us."

"On the other hand, at present, we still hold a group to prevent them from sudden blows. It is a defense."

"Unable to act rashly until the strength is not enough to push their status."

Killed the next four races, this kind of fault, although ranked behind them, but the strength is much worse, undoubtedly much safer.

In addition, it is easier to kill the next race than to stab the top three hornet's nests.

As for whether the first three thought this way, they also expected that their tribes were not the prey in the eyes of the first three, but the existence that needed to be killed?

There is no doubt that the age of the alliance has finally arrived, starting from the moment the metal race hugs the human thigh.

Alliances of governors clinging to each other emerged one after another, and alliances and forces of different sizes were wrapped up in this kind of competition. The more the races at the top of the rankings, the more so, they are seeking alliances with each other.

It is foreseeable that the next competition will be a battle between several races and dozens of races.

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